2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Nah, Trump as the Republican candidate :drool:
He is already behind by double digits in swing states to both Sanders and Clinton. Carson is up vs both, but will decline similarly once he gets more of the spotlight. Carson of course has the advantage of demographics and of not being an obvious asshole.

I don't buy the national numbers since they are trying to ask people who may or may not vote next year about candidates who may or may not face one another. The state numbers are far more legitimate imo.
I don't buy the national numbers since they are trying to ask people who may or may not vote next year about candidates who may or may not face one another. The state numbers are far more legitimate imo.

I agree, but Trump is behind in both individual states and nationally, Carson is up in both.
It's depressing to see the party of Lincoln bent on making America a theocracy.

He was one of my idols growing up.

The only similarity between the Republican party that Lincoln was a member of and the Republican Party of today is the name. The original Republicans contained a coalition including progressives/abolitionists and in terms of the political spectrum would more resemble today's Democratic party.
A bit depressing watching them squirm over each other for air time. Jeb Bush has once again squandered his chance to step out and Rubio and Cruz are making the most gains. Trump and Carson are pretty quiet.
The Republican debates never fail to entertain. Trump had a really poor night and actually got some very audible boos. I think this is finally the beginning of the end for him. Kasich looks totally lost and can't imagine he'll be hanging around much longer.
He did do better, especially compared to some of his prior debates. But his stance on military spending is never going to go over well in a room full of Republicans. Rubio predictably got most of the applause when they clashed on the military.

He stayed true to his libertarian roots instead of towing the party line like in previous debates. That's a start. His whole appeal is his uniqueness.
Does anyone understand the Carson psychology exam story?

As in, how does his own version of the story work? He stayed to do an exam because the original was destroyed, and won a prize for honesty? Wut?
I watched the debate yesterday and for me a few candidates don't have any chance.

in: Trump, Fiorina, Bush, Rubio and Cruz
out: the rest

Trump - The emigrant issue is an issue with him, we cant just ship all the illegals out of the country, if he changes his tone in expelling only the criminals, giving a few months to let the illegals to be able to legalize (but they wouldn't have welfare benefits for awhile). Buddy we can't trust Putin.

Fiorina - I like her she would be a good president
Bush - he was ok
Rubio - the winner yesterday for me I have no idea why they show Trump in first place
Cruz - after Rubio he had a good debate

I realized Rubio and Cruz have big ears.

Russia - They could boost the Republicans to win the elections next year.

Ben Carson - really a nice man and I see him as another Jimmy Carter, too nice to be president.
Cruz wants to eliminate the IRS? Is he running to be Americas last president? It's actually insane.
Just for that I'm voting for him :devil: , but what he was trying to say if we have a flat rate then we can eliminate 99% of the personnel from IRS. People need to understand rich people don't want a flat rate if the loopholes are eliminated, I think was Fiorina who said a CEO pays less in taxes than a secretary because the loopholes.
Just for that I'm voting for him :devil: , but what he was trying to say if we have a flat rate then we can eliminate 99% of the personnel from IRS. People need to understand rich people don't want a flat rate if the loopholes are eliminated, I think was Fiorina who said a CEO pays less in taxes than a secretary because the loopholes.

I guess it depends who you define as rich - billionaires, millionaires, people who earn over $100k
Either way it seems to suggest that as on thise stats the lowest paid 85% of Americans make up about 21% of the tax revenue they would either be experiencing a big tax increase or a dramatic cut in services under a flat tax system... there are certainly not many developed countries with good infrastructure and amenities I can think of that operate a flat tax system.

I guess it depends who you define as rich - billionaires, millionaires, people who earn over $100k
Either way it seems to suggest that as on thise stats the lowest paid 85% of Americans make up about 21% of the tax revenue they would either be experiencing a big tax increase or a dramatic cut in services under a flat tax system... there are certainly not many developed countries with good infrastructure and amenities I can think of that operate a flat tax system.
The plot is misleading. It needs to be % of salary rather than % total tax collected.
I watched the debate yesterday and for me a few candidates don't have any chance.

in: Trump, Fiorina, Bush, Rubio and Cruz
out: the rest

Trump - The emigrant issue is an issue with him, we cant just ship all the illegals out of the country, if he changes his tone in expelling only the criminals, giving a few months to let the illegals to be able to legalize (but they wouldn't have welfare benefits for awhile). Buddy we can't trust Putin.

Fiorina - I like her she would be a good president
Bush - he was ok
Rubio - the winner yesterday for me I have no idea why they show Trump in first place
Cruz - after Rubio he had a good debate

I realized Rubio and Cruz have big ears.

Russia - They could boost the Republicans to win the elections next year.

Ben Carson - really a nice man and I see him as another Jimmy Carter, too nice to be president.
I keep hearing he is a nice man. What makes him nice other than having a soft voice and speaking slowly?
For once I'm almost agreeing with @barros. The tax system is so broken and the IRS is near failure due to being terribly underfunded and understaffed to do what congress et al has mandated. Not the fault of IRS, sqaurely lands on the shoulders of politicians. The code has to be simplified massively so at least 90% of the population don't need an accountant or purchase software. That way the IRS can be downsized dramatically.

I guess it depends who you define as rich - billionaires, millionaires, people who earn over $100k
Either way it seems to suggest that as on thise stats the lowest paid 85% of Americans make up about 21% of the tax revenue they would either be experiencing a big tax increase or a dramatic cut in services under a flat tax system... there are certainly not many developed countries with good infrastructure and amenities I can think of that operate a flat tax system.

You see people making over 250k work for companies and they can't hide how much they make but a CEO can use a credit card from his company to buy everything he wants (tax deductible for his company) and have a salary of 100k plus any dividends from his shares.
Fiorina would be a good president


Cons really do have cognitive dissonance. 8 Benghazi Committees and they couldn't come up with anything on Clinton, whereas Fiorina looked straight into the camera and lied to millions of people and got away Scot free.

Good president, yeah. Ask HP how that worked out for them.
I'm pretty sure it'll be Rubio in the end. Think he's their best bet as well.
You see people making over 250k work for companies and they can't hide how much they make but a CEO can use a credit card from his company to buy everything he wants (tax deductible for his company) and have a salary of 100k plus any dividends from his shares.
yeah you see I am a CEO (well MD same difference) so I do know these things - I also know that when my company accounts are audited by shareholders every year how diligently their accountants rip through things as well and I woudn't like to try and explain a family holiday on the company credit card away as a business trip
I'm Republican and I double your lols if you change the name from Fiorina to Hilary.

I don't care if you are Republican - she is a horrible candidate.

Her claim to success is her business acumen - except, she has none.

Ted Cruz is a snake oil salesman and evil to boot (His father the good Pastor Rafael Cruz might be the devil), but he'll make a MUCH better president than Fiorina.

Fiorina ffs
About the CEO's who get paid $1 a year? (but they will have gains from dividends from their stock) Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison for example?
even if a flat rate of income tax is introduced then it wont touch the dividends as that is not income taxable anyway - you would need to change the law on taxation of dividends to do that... of course that would also involve all the pension funds etc invested in big companies having their income taxed as well but baby and bathwater and all that
Does anyone understand the Carson psychology exam story?

As in, how does his own version of the story work? He stayed to do an exam because the original was destroyed, and won a prize for honesty? Wut?
Thought this video did a good job of showing just how odd Carson lies are(And maybe the reason for them)
even if a flat rate of income tax is introduced then it wont touch the dividends as that is not income taxable anyway - you would need to change the law on taxation of dividends to do that... of course that would also involve all the pension funds etc invested in big companies having their income taxed as well but baby and bathwater and all that


"The IRS's tables show that the top 400 taxpayers had an average tax rate of 18%. But more than half, or 221, had average effective tax rates between 10% and 20%, while 37 had an average rate of less than 10%.

In 2010, the top rate on wages was 35%, while the top rate on long-term capital gains and many dividends was 15%. Those rates, and their deductions, could have helped to lower the average rate paid by the 400, says Mr. Williams."
I watched the debate yesterday and for me a few candidates don't have any chance.

in: Trump, Fiorina, Bush, Rubio and Cruz
out: the rest

Trump - The emigrant issue is an issue with him, we cant just ship all the illegals out of the country, if he changes his tone in expelling only the criminals, giving a few months to let the illegals to be able to legalize (but they wouldn't have welfare benefits for awhile). Buddy we can't trust Putin.

Fiorina - I like her she would be a good president
Bush - he was ok
Rubio - the winner yesterday for me I have no idea why they show Trump in first place
Cruz - after Rubio he had a good debate

I realized Rubio and Cruz have big ears.

Russia - They could boost the Republicans to win the elections next year.

Ben Carson - really a nice man and I see him as another Jimmy Carter, too nice to be president.

Is this real life?
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