2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Isn't the Muslim population in the states around the 1% mark?
Certainly makes more sense electorally to focus his bile there rather than revisit his build a wall message

He will definitely keep talking about Muslims, it's just he won't be able to stop being asked about the wall as that is a big election promise of his.
What are people's thoughts on Trump love for authoritarian regimes and the fact that his campaign manager Paul Manifort has been advising these dictators for a long time. I imagine both of them are sitting right now in a gold guilded office that has not been paid for reading the hacked DNC communications they received from Russia.
Megyn Kelly is basically a watered down Ann Coulter. And not even ballsy.

War on Christmas, radical Islam, personal responsibility, identity politics... She's just as bad as Hannity, but everyone is afraid of being labeled a sexist, so precious few ever call her out on it, late night comics aside.
Don't forget that Santa Clause is white. I love telling faux news fools how much of the company is owned by the Saudi Royal family. In the words of someone who will never be looked upon favorably on faux because of his yellow skin, "the ironing is delicious".
What are people's thoughts on Trump love for authoritarian regimes and the fact that his campaign manager Paul Manifort has been advising these dictators for a long time. I imagine both of them are sitting right now in a gold guilded office that has not been paid for reading the hacked DNC communications they received from Russia.

And we know why the Dem campaign can be hacked so easily :p
Don't forget that Santa Clause is white. I love telling faux news fools how much of the company is owned by the Saudi Royal family. In the words of someone who will never be looked upon favorably on faux because of his yellow skin, "the ironing is delicious".

It's his fault he didn't get orange. Then he'd be taken seriously.
He will definitely keep talking about Muslims, it's just he won't be able to stop being asked about the wall as that is a big election promise of his.
I would love for someone to ask him randomly in a debate or something if he knows how many Muslims are in the United States. Odds on if he would actually know the answer?
Is he really? It took him two hours to come up with this, and it's pretty lame and unoriginal as it is. By then, the fact that his ass had been burned to a crisp on his favorite tool of communication was all over the internet.

This isn't really a case of him being that good at Twitter as opposed to no one really going after him on it yet. I mean, look at Elizabeth Warren. She's only done that to him a few times and has already got under his doughy orange skin big time. Imagine if as VP candidate she went full attack dog on him. He'd spend all the time he should be campaigning trying to come up with ways to online replies. :lol:
What a way to elect someone to the highest office on the globe, their use of social media. For a long long time I thought his Twitter account was a dummy be some satirist then I realized it was him, shocked to say the least.
I've never seen an American presidential campaign where the vice-presidential picks, however ballyhooed when they were chosen, didn't fade into the wallpaper as November approached. The exception, I suppose, being Sarah Palin; but that was a conscious decision of the liberal media, who thought a negative campaign focused on her was the best way to put Obama in the White House.
Sarah Palin, Liberal Media, Negative Campaign, Bullshit. How about the fact that the McCain train decided to pick a pair of tits to beat the black man but forgot to vet said pair of tits and it turned out she was a dumbfeck with nothing between her ears, a snake oil salesman and frankly a bad parent. I call her a pair of tits not to be sexist, it's just that is all that's good about her and she hasn't turned around yet.
Sarah Palin, Liberal Media, Negative Campaign, Bullshit. How about the fact that the McCain train decided to pick a pair of tits to beat the black man but forgot to vet said pair of tits and it turned out she was a dumbfeck with nothing between her ears, a snake oil salesman and frankly a bad parent. I call her a pair of tits not to be sexist, it's just that is all that's good about her and she hasn't turned around yet.

You'd have thought they would have used the lesson of Mondale picking Ferraro years before as an example of picking someone just because they are a woman and then expecting women to flock to vote for them not quite being a solid game plan.
You'd have thought they would have used the lesson of Mondale picking Ferraro years before as an example of picking someone just because they are a woman and then expecting women to flock to vote for them not quite being a solid game plan.
You're talking about a political party that on almost the 100 year anniversary of it winning the Civil War decided to nominate a segregationist for its candidate. History is not its strong suit.
What a way to elect someone to the highest office on the globe, their use of social media. For a long long time I thought his Twitter account was a dummy be some satirist then I realized it was him, shocked to say the least.

No kidding. I hope Republicans are proud of themselves. They're about to nominate a 70 year old Twitter troll for president.:wenger:
@Spock nice post, please keep posting like that, it will help me sleep better at night (I say that posting at fecking 6:36am and having not slept again)

Seriously, it helps have some facts like that because all I am reading all over the internet it Trumps growing support. I don't know if the far right and NRA crew were out in force today, but all my usual outlets, Twitter and youtube follows are being slammed by pro gun nuts and right wing loons.

I just worry that more attacks like Orlando could push the vote towards Trump. It disgusts me that he (and many other right wingers) are jumping on the bandwagon. It was only last week Trump was mocking the Bathroom law and deriding it for him to come out yesterday in support of the LGBT community. He is also yet again slamming Muslims when the shooter was born in New York, the same place as Trump, so what, is Trump going to ban New Yorkers now? He's also saying he's siding with one minority community while at the same time persecuting another one, it's pathetic and disgusting. I just hope people see through it.

I'm completely and gutted by Trump Nation.

Let me tell you about a conversation I've been having with a retired attorney where I live in California, whom I previously knew to be too far to the right for my taste but was (note the word "was") a reasonable guy. Like me, he opposed the Iraq War at the time we went in and largely for the same reason -- Saddam was not the guy who was behind 9/11 and had no known designs on attacking US interests.

But no, he's all in for Trump. :wenger:

This attorney agrees with Trump that Judge Curiel suffers from an inherent conflict of interest in judging Trump by virtue of the fact that he is a Mexican-American. This notion is so absurd and outrageous on its face that it boggles the mind that an attorney, practicing or retired, could agree with it. I shouldn't have done this, but I had to ask whether he agrees with Chief Justice Taney's opinion in the Dred Scott decision.

I live in a bubble in California, a state which Trump has no chance of carrying and which likely knock quite a few Republicans out of office. And the few Republicans who will survive will do so by disavowing Trump. There are a tiny few who represent pro-Trump districts, but they are few and they are irrelevant. As for what happens in Florida and Ohio we shall see, but there is zero path whatsoever for Trump without both of those states. The safe bet is to bet that Hillary wins Florida and if that's the case then Trump has a giant fork sticking out of his back. The only way for Trump offset the very likely loss of Florida is to sweep Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania and that's a very tall order. There just aren't enough Klansmen on those three states to offset his woeful showing with women and minorities. And if Hillary can somehow get millenials to turn out in big numbers in battleground states, she'll get up to 330 electoral votes and maybe take the Senate back for the Dems.
No kidding. I hope Republicans are proud of themselves. They're about to nominate a 70 year old Twitter troll for president.:wenger:
If the Dems can get the same turnout for the midterm as well as the presidential it may force the republicans to run some smart hate free candidates, there must be some out there somewhere.
I think Trump could win West Virginia and Ohio, but hopefully Pennsylvania won't be voting for him.

Clinton wins DC by a landslide and no more Primaries.

You meant Virginia? WV is solid red.

I don't think he'll win any swing state apart from NC. HRC will carry Obama 2012 states and Arizona, with an outside shot at GA and Utah.
Sorry, Virginia.

I think it'll be closer than that and Trump will win the Rust belt states.

Clinton's up 9 and 12 points respectively in the two latest national polls. There's not a cat's chance in hell he wins Rust Belt swings with that sort of number.

Listen to Glenn Thrush (politico)'s latest podcast with Cruz's campaign manager. Her ground operation gives her 2.5-5.5 pts edge on him, and Priorities USA+her campaign already reserved 100m+ worth of ads in the 9 battleground states. He's going to get murdered.
Clinton's up 9 and 12 points respectively in the two latest national polls. There's not a cat's chance in hell he wins Rust Belt swings with that sort of number.

Listen to Glenn Thrush (politico)'s latest podcast with Cruz's campaign manager. Her ground operation gives her 2.5-5.5 pts edge on him, and Priorities USA+her campaign already reserved 100m+ worth of ads in the 9 battleground states. He's going to get murdered.

I have pocket casts, so I'm always listening to Podcasts haha. I did hear that and read the article as well. That point wise edge is him predicting based on his experience. Somehow, it makes me uneasy that it will be a blowout for Clinton, as much as I'd like that to happen.
Tbh, I had money on Clinton in a landslide, so might be more optimistic than deserved here :nervous:

No mention of Gingrich wanting to recreate HUAAC yet?
The comb-overed Cheeto just accused American soldiers of embezzling money during the Iraq War. This just keeps getting better and better.:lol:
Drumpf is now down by 12 against Hillary in today's Bloomberg poll. Another bad week and hopefully the GOP rats will abandon ship.
Big news. Obama totally has his narcissistic number too and I entirely expect him to make Trump lose it at some point during the campaign.
It is indeed. I'm hoping Sanders can not only help defeat Trump, but can also inject some of his progressive platform into the Democrat party's platform going forward.

As I said on the Orlando thread, Obama's speech calling Trump out was awesome. I'm hoping to see more of that out of him as November approaches.
Liz, Obama, Biden will be used to trash talk Trump while Clinton will try to remain presidential.

I think more than the Sanders support, using Obama at the right moments on the campaign trial will be vital. He is still very popular amongst the base and he's an outstanding speaker.

He's really the coolest and most inspirational politician in the last 20 years if not more.
The Sanders - Clinton meeting was interesting. She is obviously not going to sack Wasserman-Schulz, get rid of super delegates, and go to a 15/hr minimum wage.
Liz, Obama, Biden will be used to trash talk Trump while Clinton will try to remain presidential.

Surely they are going to have a ball. Obama and Biden are particularly good at taking people apart and making them look stupid and I can imagine them rubbing their hands in glee at the thought, while Liz seems to have plenty of righteous indignation fire to burn him with.
Liz, Obama, Biden will be used to trash talk Trump while Clinton will try to remain presidential.

I think more than the Sanders support, using Obama at the right moments on the campaign trial will be vital. He is still very popular amongst the base and he's an outstanding speaker.

He's really the coolest and most inspirational politician in the last 20 years if not more.

Obama should do all of Hillary's campaign speeches, and she just stands there and smiles.
The Sanders - Clinton meeting was interesting. She is obviously not going to sack Wasserman-Schulz, get rid of super delegates, and go to a 15/hr minimum wage.
Hopefully she's at least get off to a good start and at least sack DWS. That woman is toxic to the party.
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Hopefully she's at least get off to a good start and sack DWS. That woman is toxic to the party.

Her term expires in 2018. It's nothing but petty revenge from the Sanders campaign, including pouring money to Tim Canova to challenge her, whose seat is as safe as can be.

Also conspicuously missing from his demands was abolishing the caucuses. Really doesn't help the 'making process more democratic' argument. A cynic could even say all of his proposals smooth out the path for an insurgent outsider to primary HRC next cycle.
Her term expires in 2018. It's nothing but petty revenge from the Sanders campaign, including pouring money to Tim Canova to challenge her, whose seat is as safe as can be.

Also conspicuously missing from his demands was abolishing the caucuses. Really doesn't help the 'making process more democratic' argument. A cynic could even say all of his proposals smooth out the path for an insurgent outsider to primary HRC next cycle.

She's shit and deserves to be sacked.

Also, losing the Caucuses would be moot if Sanders demand for allowing everyone to vote in primaries irrespective of party affiliation were adopted.
She's shit and deserves to be sacked.

Also, losing the Caucuses would be moot if Sanders demand for allowing everyone to vote in primaries irrespective of party affiliation were adopted.

No party with any self preservation streak would uniformly open their selection process to outsiders, ratfecking aside. Registering voters as Dems is inherently necessary to their functions, including but not limited to canvassing, donating and supporting down ballot tickets. What would stop people from voting once every four years for their candidate of choice, then disappear if there's no effort required to vote for said candidate? And open voting doesn't change the farcical arcane aspects of caucuses, which goes against the most basic element of democracy, secret ballot.

Ditto about DWS. I won't shed a tear if she goes, but it's a futile fight. Her seat is safe, Barry O endorsed her, and her term as chair ends in two years.
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