2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Trump is now ahead in Ohio and has narrowed the gap considerably in other states.


It always amazed me how the media appears so concerned about the rift in the Republican party. I watched a bunch of MSNBC, CNN and FoxNews last night and listening to the pundits, you’d think Trump’s campaign was on life support. This fixation with ‘big name’ Republican figures doesn't make any sense. If Trump had been dependent on the support of Romney, Kristol, Sasse, Ryan, Lindsey Graham and other pundits and donors, he never would have gotten 10 million primary votes.

Trump basically steamrolled 16 rivals in the primaries including the entire well-funded establishment bloc and defied conventional wisdom in the process. He didn’t spend much and his message clearly resonated with the Republican voters. Now he’s doomed if Romney doesn’t back him? :lol:
It always amazed me how the media appears so concerned about the rift in the Republican party. I watched a bunch of MSNBC, CNN and FoxNews last night and listening to the pundits, you’d think Trump’s campaign was on life support. This fixation with ‘big name’ Republican figures doesn't make any sense. If Trump had been dependent on the support of Romney, Kristol, Sasse, Ryan, Lindsey Graham and other pundits and donors, he never would have gotten 10 million primary votes.

Trump basically steamrolled 16 rivals in the primaries including the entire well-funded establishment bloc and defied conventional wisdom in the process. He didn’t spend much and his message clearly resonated with the Republican voters. Now he’s doomed if Romney doesn’t back him? :lol:

That's because a majority of prominent pundits are made up by old farts like Krauthammer, Gergen, Blitzer etc who aren't able to process the asymmetrical nature of social media. Trump is not an issues candidate, he is a protest candidate, and if Hillary is able to tap into that sentiment she will dilute his entire campaign. If she attempts to run a traditional establishment campaign, she will get schlonged in November.
Kinda funny even thought Bernie won last night, you wouldnt know that from looking at CNN's page today.
When Hillary wins its like HILLARY CRUSHES SANDERS.
Kinda funny even thought Bernie won last night, you wouldnt know that from looking at CNN's page today.
When Hillary wins its like HILLARY CRUSHES SANDERS.

He won a small, virtually all-white state. Shocking news.
Kinda funny even thought Bernie won last night, you wouldnt know that from looking at CNN's page today.
When Hillary wins its like HILLARY CRUSHES SANDERS.

That's because you're biased and mad that CNN don't cover the story like you'ld like them to, instead of properly.Its obvious why he isn't getting top billing - because even when he wins, he barely gains ground on Hillary, and with time running out he isn't going to catch her - or to spell it out - Hillary has pretty much already won based on her insurmountable lead.
That's because you're biased and mad that CNN don't cover the story like you'ld like them to, instead of properly.Its obvious why he isn't getting top billing - because even when he wins, he barely gains ground on Hillary, and with time running out he isn't going to catch her - or to spell it out - Hillary has pretty much already won based on her insurmountable lead.

I might be biased, but im not mad. We already have universal health care, maybe its you that should be mad.
I might be biased, but im not mad. We already have universal health care, maybe its you that should be mad.

I'm not mad at all, just a bit bemused at some of the remote sentiment from outside the US about issues that relate to people inside the US.
It's West Virginia ffs :lol: 41% of primary voters there voted against Obama being renominated in 2012!

Another interesting side-story - Nebraska is holding a primary for the Dems today which doesn't decide delegates, the caucus that Bernie won a couple of months back was the binding one. Bernie won the caucus 57-43, whereas Hillary is winning the primary currently by 60-40 with 10% reporting.

That's because Bernie benefits from more young, devoted followers who are willing to go to caucuses and spend the stupid amount of time it takes to complete the process. He's won something like ten caucuses to Hillary's two. He moans about the undemocratic closed primaries, but he's benefited from far more undemocratic caucuses throughout the country.
I'm not mad at all, just a bit bemused at some of the remote sentiment from outside the US about issues that relate to people inside the US.
We're allowed to care about your poor people too/lots of us have friends in America. Not sure why you find it strange for us to be opinionated on your life chances.
I'm not mad at all, just a bit bemused at some of the remote sentiment from outside the US about issues that relate to people inside the US.

You've made that abundantly clear and I have as well, I care about my friends and family that live in the States.

You think because I dont live there my opinion doesnt matter as much as yours does and you are entitled to that opinion.
We're allowed to care about your poor people too/lots of us have friends in America. Not sure why you find it strange for us to be opinionated on your life chances.

Strange as in, I could care less who other Democratic states elect as their leaders. Some people outside the US talk as if they are US citizens who would be perversely affected if Candidate A or B get elected.
You've made that abundantly clear and I have as well, I care about my friends and family that lives in the States.

You think because I dont live there my opinion doesnt matter as much as yours does and you are entitled to that opinion.

I didn't say your opinion didn't matter - just that it's a bit strange how anyone outside the US talks about the US elections as if they were US citizens who are affected by who gets elected. Come to think of it, its really fecking bizarre.
I didn't say your opinion didn't matter - just that it's a bit strange how anyone outside the US talks about the US elections as if they were US citizens who are affected by who gets elected. Come to think of it, its really fecking bizarre.

No it isn't, the POTUS affects everybody.
Strange as in, I could care less who other Democratic states elect as their leaders. Some people outside the US talk as if they are US citizens who would be perversely affected if Candidate A or B get elected.
I think you're being a bit cliched 'insular American' in that. I think most politically minded sorts from other countries care who is elected in other countries - especially ones they feel a close connection to. Most of us feel a pretty close connection to America.
No it isn't, the POTUS affects everybody.
Also, that. It's the 'leader of the free world', at the end of the day. So, whilst I do feel we have every right to care about your healthcare system, it isn't just internal policy that your decision effects.
I think you're being a bit cliched 'insular American' in that. I think most politically minded sorts from other countries care who is elected in other countries - especially ones they feel a close connection to. Most of us feel a pretty close connection to America.

Bizarre as well are these immigrants not even born in the US, whose parents aren´t from the US, and no history in the US, eventually come off believing they´re more American than born and bred Americans who´s families have been there for yonks.

Believe me, I have loads of them in the Colombian side of my family. Bizarre creatures. Vintage "American," ha ha.
I think after the catastrophe that was Dubya and his impact on the world, I think it's fair enough that outside people take an interest in what goes in on the US elections.
I didn't say your opinion didn't matter - just that it's a bit strange how anyone outside the US talks about the US elections as if they were US citizens who are affected by who gets elected. Come to think of it, its really fecking bizarre.

No it isn't, the POTUS affects everybody.

Also, that. It's the 'leader of the free world', at the end of the day. So, whilst I do feel we have every right to care about your healthcare system, it isn't just internal policy that your decision effects.

What the US does affects the world, financially especially.
My family lost money when Enron collapsed as well as during the housing market crisis....and you seriously find it strange when people outside of the US have a vested interest in what goes on there?

C'mon Raoul.
Strange as in, I could care less who other Democratic states elect as their leaders. Some people outside the US talk as if they are US citizens who would be perversely affected if Candidate A or B get elected.

couldn't couldn't couldn't
It's also a bit rich for a yank on a Manc board to accuse others of being plastics.

I don't equate football and politics in the same category. The former is little more than a glorified hobby, whereas the latter actually affects the day to day aspects of every part of life from finances to employment to civil rights. Therefore the comparison is myopic.
We're allowed to care about your poor people too/lots of us have friends in America. Not sure why you find it strange for us to be opinionated on your life chances.

No one said you're not allowed to care - but the way some on here follow Sanders around, criticizing Hillary like hormonal, jilted lovers at every opportunity is pretty fecking creepy.
Bizarre as well are these immigrants not even born in the US, whose parents aren´t from the US, and no history in the US, eventually come off believing they´re more American than born and bred Americans who´s families have been there for yonks.

Believe me, I have loads of them in the Colombian side of my family. Bizarre creatures. Vintage "American," ha ha.

What difference does it make in that they're still citizens and as such have the same rights. That's of course light years apart from random people in Uzbekistan who think Bernie is so cool and Hillary is evil and disingenuous.
No one said you're not allowed to care - but the way some on here follow Sanders around, criticizing HIllary like hormona, jilted lovers at every opportunity is pretty fecking creepy.

They want to know if they can still rely on the US to protect them without having to spend a dime of their own. They're a bunch of freeloaders ;)
What the US does affects the world, financially especially.
My family lost money when Enron collapsed as well as during the housing market crisis....and you seriously find it strange when people outside of the US have a vested interest in what goes on there?

C'mon Raoul.

That's actually a great answer, well done. In truth there are only two legitimate answers - the first is one you just cited - the global economy is interdependent and the US as the world's biggest economy is frequently a proxy for global growth. If someone like Trump comes in and fecks it up, it will have a ripple effect across the world. The second is related to interventionism and terrorism - for obvious reasons, if the US intervenes without a coherent plan on what to do after, you have knock on effects that affect other nations.
No one said you're not allowed to care - but the way some on here follow Sanders around, criticizing HIllary like hormona, jilted lovers at every opportunity is pretty fecking creepy.
I think you're just being silly now and sounding overly defensive of your preferred candidate, in the same way you're accusing others of being obsessive about the treatment of theirs.

We'll warm to Hillary when her vs. Trump really gets going.
I think you're just being silly now and sounding overly defensive of your preferred candidate, in the same way you're accusing others of being obsessive about the treatment of theirs.

We'll warm to Hillary when her vs. Trump really gets going.

I'm actually undecided on who I'm voting for in a few days and don't have a dog in the fight, other than obvious fact that I wont be voting for Drumpf.
Thank god there's no true american/plastic american test :lol:.

If there was, it would surely begin with those who are in America and actually contributing something to its economy and those who are doing sweet feck all more than self-righteous pontificating about the US elections from behind a keyboard in Mauritius etc. ;)
What difference does it make in that they're still citizens and as such have the same rights. That's of course light years apart from random people in Uzbekistan who think Bernie is so cool and Hillary is evil and disingenuous.

Of course we all have the same rights, but not the same history, family, feeling, insight and cultural identity. As an actual born and bred American, I find quite a few on here have great if not better insight than many "Americans" looking in from the outside and should not be dismissed or belittled cause their opinions piss you off or you disagree with them. America is such an insular and propagandized country it is very healthy and insightful to step outside and look in.

I find most people here from outside the US and much more educated than the average American. I mean, look at the Trump support
I don't equate football and politics in the same category. The former is little more than a glorified hobby, whereas the latter actually affects the day to day aspects of every part of life from finances to employment to civil rights. Therefore the comparison is myopic.

It wasn't more than a flippant remark. Don't take it to heart, old boy.
Of course we all have the same rights, but not the same history, family, feeling, insight and cultural identity. As an actual born and bred American, I find quite a few on here have great if not better insight than many "Americans" looking in from the outside and should not be dismissed or belittled cause their opinions piss you off or you disagree with them. America is such an insular and propagandized country it is very healthy and insightful to step outside and look in.

I find most people here from outside the US and much more educated than the average American.

No one is dismissing anything - what i'm doing is looking for the correct answers as to why someone who lives in some distant country would be so vested in a particular candidate in a far away place, when they clearly don't live there, don't pay taxes there, and are otherwise not affected by the candidates policy positions. Ravi was the first person in this thread who actually answered correctly, which I respect.
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