2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I kind of want Trump to win the nomination after all this crap. You can't try to put a man down like that.
The question on fundraising/spending is interesting at this point. I agree that he's got every right to continue to the convention, I just question the point a little - if you consider that he outspent Hillary by 2-1 in New York and still got soundly beaten, you wonder if all those dollars donated in good faith could be better placed elsewhere rather than pursuing the mirage of his nomination.

Imagine instead that he switched his focus to furthering his political revolution by actually funding/campaigning for downballot Democrats/Indies that he can identify with. Given the most potent argument against his candidacy remains "you'll never get any of this passed", surely it should be his number one priority to address that? Rather than attacking the presumptive nominee of his adopted party and turning yet more of his supporters against her. It's very possible that someone standing on an evolved/broader version of Bernie's platform could be the nominee in a few cycles, but you need the people to be in Congress first.

Him going to the convention helps Hillary, assuming she will be the nominee. Here is how.
She adopts some if not all of his policies, thus unifying the Democratic party.

Bernie raising her hand may bring some into the fold but not all. Many will stay away. (This will not help the down ballot either)Some will vote Trump out of anger.

She could lose this election. That is a realty.
Him going to the convention helps Hillary, assuming she will be the nominee. Here is how.
She adopts some if not all of his policies, thus unifying the Democratic party.

Bernie raising her hand may bring some into the fold but not all. Many will stay away. (This will not help the down ballot either)Some will vote Trump out of anger.

She could lose this election. That is a realty.
How on Earth is it justified to ask for that when she'll have beaten him by a very large amount? 3m votes+, 300 pledged delegates+? Bernie isn't the kingmaker here, he's lost. If he wants to heighten Trump's chances of winning he can do that on his conscience.
I agree he is all of the above, but it appears that his voters aren't really put off by this sort of thing.

Trump has his fanbase/voter base who are not put off by anything. If he wants to be the nominee, he needs up to 50% of the Republican votes, who will be put off by this sort of thing.
How on Earth is it justified to ask for that when she'll have beaten him by a very large amount? 3m votes+, 300 pledged delegates+? Bernie isn't the kingmaker here, he's lost. If he wants to heighten Trump's chances of winning he can do that on his conscience.

To win the election??


What you don't understand is people who voted/vote for Bernie do so because they believe in his policies. They are not his followers.

Elections are about what candidates offer. Its that simple.
How on Earth is it justified to ask for that when she'll have beaten him by a very large amount? 3m votes+, 300 pledged delegates+? Bernie isn't the kingmaker here, he's lost. If he wants to heighten Trump's chances of winning he can do that on his conscience.

I think you are fighting a lost cause here. The amount of times Red Dreams has pivoted back to 'Trump may win the election' at the smallest of excuses are more than LvG playing players out of position.
To win the election??


What you don't understand is people who voted/vote for Bernie do so because they believe in his policies. They are not his followers.

Elections are about what candidates offer. Its that simple.
Yeah, and millions more people voted for Hillary's policies. Not sure in what logic you'd abandon the more popular programme the loser's.
Yeah, and millions more people voted for Hillary's policies. Not sure in what logic you'd abandon the more popular programme the loser's.

You are not addressing the reality.

This is not a horse race.

Sure she could win the election sticking to her guns. But she may not.

If her goal is to unify the party, she will need to concede that a significant amount of people chose an independent candidate over her.
You are not addressing the reality.

This is not a horse race.

Sure she could win the election sticking to her guns. But she may not.

If her goal is to unify the party, she will need to concede that a significant amount of people chose an independent candidate over her.
The sheer irony.

Why is it just up to her to unify the party? Why doesn't the guy who lost have to contribute to it? Maybe he should concede that a majority of people chose an establishment, moderate candidate over him and do his best to prevent a xenophobic narcissist becoming the executive of the country. I'm quite convinced that, unlike some of his supporters, Bernie can't stand the idea of a Trump presidency and is ashamed of those that can, so will do the right thing.
The sheer irony.

Why is it just up to her to unify the party? Why doesn't the guy who lost have to contribute to it? Maybe he should concede that a majority of people chose an establishment, moderate candidate over him and do his best to prevent a xenophobic narcissist becoming the executive of the country. I'm quite convinced that, unlike some of his supporters, Bernie can't stand the idea of a Trump presidency and is ashamed of those that can, so will do the right thing.

You don't get it Ubik.
Yes, it will. Anti Trump movement is because he's childish and he's a bit of a dick.
And as the Don would tell you he's not a bit of a dick... Oh no he has no problems there... In fact he is a massive dick... Huge in fact just huge like the wall will be and who is paying for it... Yes that's right the rapists... And we are gonna make murica so great again I tell you... Just great.... USA USA USA... so when lyin fish fingers says a bit of a dick just remember.
And presumably you still think Trump wants progressive taxation.

honestly I do not know.

I know he has been far from revealing about what he really wants to do. Remember he is running in a Republican primary.

As Raoul has pointed out and I tend to agree to a point...He is not your run of the mill republican. He is at worst a North Eastern Republican.

And my leg pulling aside, I would not be voting for him, because I do not know the type of Supreme Court judge he will nominate.

But the fact I'm so reluctant to vote for Hillary is a testament of how damaged a candidate I believe she is.

Whether you agree or not is irrelevant.
The sheer irony.

Why is it just up to her to unify the party? Why doesn't the guy who lost have to contribute to it? Maybe he should concede that a majority of people chose an establishment, moderate candidate over him and do his best to prevent a xenophobic narcissist becoming the executive of the country. I'm quite convinced that, unlike some of his supporters, Bernie can't stand the idea of a Trump presidency and is ashamed of those that can, so will do the right thing.

He's already said he will prefer Hillary to Trump.
But I don't think many voters if his will follow his lead if she shows no sign of change in platform.

For Wall Street, it's 2 people with negative rhetoric but actions that contradict it (like Trump's tax plan).
For poor Americans, it's someone who might defend them from a GOP Congress or throw them under the bus (like with her husband's social security proposals) vs someone couldn't care less.
For the rest of the world, it's the certainty of an invasion or two vs the uncertainty of a insecure lunatic with nukes.
For feminists, it's the chance to see history being made vs the chance to see a century of gains symbolically reversed.
On campaign finance, it's 2 people with similar rhetoric but 1 person who has mastered the system.
For civil liberties, it's the devil and the deep blue sea.

As for me, I'll be negatively affected by the xenophobia of Trump's candidacy, but if Hillary manages a budget deal, I'll be scared for my career (which is obviously screwed if Trump gets in)
Don't worry folks...Bernie will come around and endorse her, but not until he ratchets up the pressure a bit more so he can buy himself a bit of leverage at the convention.
Don't worry folks...Bernie will come around and endorse her, but not until he ratchets up the pressure a bit more so he can buy himself a bit of leverage at the convention.

Bernie has said he will endorse her if she agree to the Medicare For All platform.

Whether he stand by that or not I don't know. But it is not up to him how his voters will vote in the GE.
Bernie has said he will endorse her if she agree to the Medicare For All platform.

Whether he stand by that or not I don't know. But it is not up to him how his voters will vote in the GE.

Ha. That wont work. She is pro-Obama care and won't agree to anything that destabilizes it.
What's going on here?

@fishfingers15 the CT primary tomorrow is closed right?

Yea, closed Primary, but not as bad as NY. You can register till April 21, and if you are doing it in person, you can actually register till 25th April (today noon)

Hopefully, that works out for Bernie supporters who are registering late.
It's also disingenious to write that the current polls are a rejection of his policies in favour of centrism.
A lot of polling has shown that she is favour because of "commander-in-chief"-ness/experience, winnability, and name recognition. Going policy-by-policy, he wins among the US public and thus the Dems too.
Him going to the convention helps Hillary, assuming she will be the nominee. Here is how.
She adopts some if not all of his policies, thus unifying the Democratic party.

Bernie raising her hand may bring some into the fold but not all. Many will stay away. (This will not help the down ballot either)Some will vote Trump out of anger.

She could lose this election. That is a realty.

Agree with most of this. Also, it puts her on TV, otherwise the media would be completely focused on GOP.

However, she is not losing this against Trump in a million years.
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