2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Did he? How bad was Clinton?

I won't claim to have followed this election closely or listened to all the debates, but I caught the last part of the debate this morning (India time) and Sanders replies sounded more like rhetoric rather than anything based on any concrete plans. The part I caught was when they were asked about Universal healthcare and free college tuition. The only thing Sanders came up with was, "The other rich countries are doing it, so we can do it too". Which is fine in theory but life doesn't work in theory. When Clinton challenged his claim by citing a study by some economist about another $15tn deficit that his plans would likely cause, his reply was to dismiss the study offhand.

What is the point of having these debates if you cannot divulge on your plans, at least succinctly. Without that, it's just another speech at an election rally.

I think Bernie has two weakness and they explaining his policies in detail in quickfire situations like this, and being to nice to Hillary when he should attack her more.

If you listen to him in more casual settings or read his website it goes into some detail of how he will implement and how he will pay for each of his policies.
He should have gone all out and attacked her more.

I had attack lines in my mind on how to attack her on the Iraq war, flip flopping history of hers on trade deals, same sex marriage, criminal justice system, connections to Wall Street, her lack of judgement but he was just not saying it!
Enjoying the hour long Cruz CNBC interview where he is currently spending considerable time denying climate change.
Campaigns as a continuation of Obama but willing to throw him under the bus.
if you saw Kaisch talking to Matthews all the thoughts of him being reasonable goes out the window. he wants to send troops to go after ISIS.

yeah lets get bogged down in another war.

Why does nobody ask what happens after ISIS is defeated?

Obama could destroy ISIS in a month if he wanted to but he is smart enough to know that it will only pop up again in another form two years down the road after we have left.

I don't understand why all foreign policy discussions seem to be minimized to 'let's kick ISIS' ass' with no thought to the aftermath.
Why does nobody ask what happens after ISIS is defeated?

Obama could destroy ISIS in a month if he wanted to but he is smart enough to know that it will only pop up again in another form two years down the road after we have left.

I don't understand why all foreign policy discussions seem to be minimized to 'let's kick ISIS' ass' with no thought to the aftermath.


This is an 'idea'. You cannot fight an 'idea'.
Why does nobody ask what happens after ISIS is defeated?

Obama could destroy ISIS in a month if he wanted to but he is smart enough to know that it will only pop up again in another form two years down the road after we have left.

I don't understand why all foreign policy discussions seem to be minimized to 'let's kick ISIS' ass' with no thought to the aftermath.

People are stupid and Impulsive and wants things done here and now without much consideration for the long term.

I think a lot of people also struggle with the idea that sometimes doing nothing is actually preferable to doing something (which is the wrong thing).

Also, I still don't understand how Cruz would be a viable candidate in a general election. Surely the Dems would just run attack ad after attack ad with videos of some of the stuff he's previously said as well as what most Republicans have said about him, even in support....
Reuters/Ipsos has it Bernie 49, Hillary 48 amongst registered Dems, Bernie winning 47-42 when Dem leaning independents are included and he's winning by 16 points amongst Independents.


His campaign, as suggested on here, is obviously falling apart.

Yowza. Still all too little, too late though. I'd even imagine some of these polls are now skewed by people knowing he's not going to win and saying they would vote for him because the pressure is off. The Arsenal of political supporters, if you will.

March 24–25, 2008 Barack Obama 45%, Hillary Clinton 45%, Other 1%, None 1%, Undecided 8%
March 28 – April 2, 2008 Barack Obama 46%, Hillary Clinton 43%, Other 3%, No Opinion 8%
April 10–13, 2008 Barack Obama 51%, Hillary Clinton 41%, Other 1%, Neither 2%, No Opinion 5%
April 16–17, 2008 Barack Obama 54%, Hillary Clinton 35%, Undecided/Other 11%

Cherry-picking totally, I realise, but interesting to look at it. Hillary should surely have been pulling away in a similar fashion by now, but she isn't.
March 24–25, 2008 Barack Obama 45%, Hillary Clinton 45%, Other 1%, None 1%, Undecided 8%
March 28 – April 2, 2008 Barack Obama 46%, Hillary Clinton 43%, Other 3%, No Opinion 8%
April 10–13, 2008 Barack Obama 51%, Hillary Clinton 41%, Other 1%, Neither 2%, No Opinion 5%
April 16–17, 2008 Barack Obama 54%, Hillary Clinton 35%, Undecided/Other 11%

Cherry-picking totally, I realise, but interesting to look at it. Hillary should surely have been pulling away in a similar fashion by now, but she isn't.

I think there might be buyer remorse at play, currently, but even when it was blatantly obvious she was going to lose, there were still polls that have her above, when the stories about her campaign's infighting were plastered on the front pages every other day.

The only polls that matter now are states with primary still to be held.
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