2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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My daughter is a Sanders supporter. Only laughs when he speaks.

Gun issue has been a disaster for Sanders. He also looks unnecessarily belligerent in the last couple of minutes.
Hillary with pro Israel approach again. She probably thinks she doesn't need to radically change tactics here as she's leading, or she's being consistent as an Israeli ally.
Hillary getting quite petulant and flustered at times. Also hiding behind Obama as usual and blaming him for stuff at the same time, and coming across very arrogant and dismissive a lot of the time.
Lot to like about Bernie here. Why doesn't he stress about the differences between Netanyahu and Obama? Hillary always parrots that she's continuing the legacy of Obama and he was treated like shit by Netanyahu.
The Palestinian issue is really all about core audiences. Establishment Dems tend to swing more into the Israeli lane and Progressives are more inclined to question Israel policy and talk about Palestinian rights.
Hillary with pro Israel approach again. She probably thinks she doesn't need to radically change tactics here as she's leading, or she's being consistent as an Israeli ally.
It's New York, she's not going to change tack there of all places.
You know what? I'd like to see Trump and Sanders both run as independents vs GOP/Democratic establishment choices.

That would make an exciting race.
Why the hell does he keep pushing this "deep South" line? It's awful and of no benefit to him, other than seeming to dismiss large amounts of black voters. Stick with the independents angle.
I'd say Bernie edged it tonight.

Did he? How bad was Clinton?

I won't claim to have followed this election closely or listened to all the debates, but I caught the last part of the debate this morning (India time) and Sanders replies sounded more like rhetoric rather than anything based on any concrete plans. The part I caught was when they were asked about Universal healthcare and free college tuition. The only thing Sanders came up with was, "The other rich countries are doing it, so we can do it too". Which is fine in theory but life doesn't work in theory. When Clinton challenged his claim by citing a study by some economist about another $15tn deficit that his plans would likely cause, his reply was to dismiss the study offhand.

What is the point of having these debates if you cannot divulge on your plans, at least succinctly. Without that, it's just another speech at an election rally.
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Did he? How bad was Clinton?

I won't claim to have followed this election closely or listened to all the debates, but I caught the last part of the debate this morning (India time) and Sanders replies sounded more like rhetoric rather than anything based on any concrete plans. The part I caught was when they were asked about Universal healthcare and free college tuition. The only thing Sanders came up with was, "The other rich countries are doing it, so we can do it too". Which is fine in theory but life doesn't work in theory. When Clinton challenged his claim by citing a study by some economist about another $15tn deficit that his plans would likely cause, his reply was to dismiss the study offhand.

What is the point of having these debates if you cannot divulge on your plans, at least succinctly. Without that, it's just another speech at an election rally.
As he should have done.
Just off work. Read the summary of the debate and it seems both did a piss poor job, Clinton more so because her team should've prepped her for Sanders's attacks, which were all predictable.

She's going to have to up her game for the general, only 3 debates there.
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