2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Bill is an arrogant prick but he sure is entertaining :lol:

The comments provide some comic relief as well.

Bernie didn't mention the Pope in terms of the invitation (I'm invited by the Vatican to speak at the Vatican.) After which he praised the Pope.

Speaking of incompetent campaigning:

I guess he forgot his wife 'evolved' her position and apologised.

I'll reply to the long post tomorrow...

The Vatican as in the official government didn't invite him, they've moved to distance themselves from the invitation. Based on the initial posts in this thread, people believed that he was invited officially and will meet the Pope. I wonder how that came to be.

Bill Clinton can have his foot in mouth moment, but that exchange was beautiful. His wife will gain more votes than she loses from stuff like that. Hardly incompetent.

A small anecdote, I came to my great-aunt house today and she mentioned that it's shameful what's going on in the race with Trump's rise. Kinda surprised as she is always apathetic to politics. The Donald sure did his damage, even if he doesn't get the nomination.
I've driven all over the states twice and both coasts north to south, is my opinion worth more than all of yours? :lol:

How much you have travelled across the country or where you have lived has nothing whatsover to do with these discussions.

"show me the money"

Its our government, our taxes. Who are they working for.

Certianly not for the ordinary family.
The Vatican as in the official government didn't invite him, they've moved to distance themselves from the invitation. Based on the initial posts in this thread, people believed that he was invited officially and will meet the Pope. I wonder how that came to be.

Bill Clinton can have his foot in mouth moment, but that exchange was beautiful. His wife will gain more votes than she loses from stuff like that. Hardly incompetent.

He said he got invited to speak at The Vatican, which is true. He's never said he's going to sit down with the Pope, nothing came out from his campaign that he was going to sit down with The Pope. You, and NYDN are spinning this as Bernie Sanders randomly decided to announce it the other day and forced The Vaticans hand. Not really going to be a disaster for him, he's speaking now either way, the fact he's speaking at the Vatican gives him a huge platform.

As for Bill Clinton think you are underestimating the amount of backlash he's getting over this. Some may applaud him for standing up against protesters, but the language he has used has upset a lot of people, just go look on social media. The other issue for him is that his Welfare Reforms and Crime Bill and the negatives around it are being brought up and analysed in the MSM. Where Bill Clinton is going to cause trouble for Hillary, is that he's trying to support her, whilst also trying to defend his legacy, but the two don't go together.
Yeah, from polls Kasich beats Clinton, but regardless, they will lose if they have a Republican civil war, with Trump either running as independent or saying to his voters to not vote or even vote Hillary.

The problem with his logic is he cites Rubio as being Tea Party endorsed, which is nonsense. Both Cruz and Rubio rode the Tea Party wave into office but then pretty much transitioned to either the establishment (Rubio) and main stream conservatism (Cruz). And besides, the Tea Party types would never endorse Kasich as President, since he's basically as centrist as it gets.
wrong conclusion.

they big up family values..and are no different to other predators.

The problem is with Hastert not the political party that he happened to belong to. Its a pretty pathetic attempt to score cheap points off a serious issue.
The Clinton camp want Trump. But he is the one they should fear.

I remember him saying at one of the debates. This is the new Republican party. The media did not big that up because it served them to spin him as a loud mouth loon.

He can win.
There's obviously a reasonable debate to be had on the refugee crisis and the number of migrants that America should accept, but check out what Trump just tweeted.


That's an amazing picture in so many ways. There isn't even the pretense that the refugees may be dangerous infiltrators. Or that they aren't fleeing incredibly difficult conditions. There's just straight up "Saudi Arabia has plenty of room for you."

Imagine being an ignorant, hateful little shit like Trump or his supporters.
The problem is with Hastert not the political party that he happened to belong to. Its a pretty pathetic attempt to score cheap points off a serious issue.

Not really. An argument can be made that the sexual repression of religion leads to more incidents like this. Priests molesting boys etc. It's repubs who tend to be christian and boast about that, not dems.
The problem is with Hastert not the political party that he happened to belong to. Its a pretty pathetic attempt to score cheap points off a serious issue.

nothing cheap about it. I was shocked to read this.

This guy was the Speaker of the House and 2nd in line to the Presidency. He represented that party and as Speaker the entire house.
Not really. An argument can be made that the sexual repression of religion leads to more incidences like this. Priests molesting boys etc. It's repubs who tend to be christian and boast about that, not dems.

Sure, i would probably agree with that. But there's a massive gulf between sexual repression and political parties. It just sounds like petty point scoring.
nothing cheap about it. I was shocked to read this.

This guy was the Speaker of the House and 2nd in line to the Presidency. He represented that party and as Speaker the entire house.

His actions were those of a demented human though, not a political party. It just shows how much we're scraping the bottom of the barrel these days with this sort of thing.
There's obviously a reasonable debate to be had on the refugee crisis and the number of migrants that America should accept, but check out what Trump just tweeted.


That's an amazing picture in so many ways. There isn't even the pretense that the refugees may be dangerous infiltrators. Or that they aren't fleeing incredibly difficult conditions. There's just straight up "Saudi Arabia has plenty of room for you."

Imagine being an ignorant, hateful little shit like Trump or his supporters.

He's carving out quite a protectionist/non-interventionist policy cocoon for himself. Non-intervention in the middle east (spare a bit of ISIS carpet bombing here and there), forcing Euro states to pay more for NATO, building a wall on the southern border etc. The image above is just an attempt to reinforce his Tea Party cred before the next round of primaries.
His actions were those of a demented human though, not a political party. It just shows how much we're scraping the bottom of the barrel these days with this sort of thing.

the point being made is the kin Republican party should shut up about being the paragon of virtue.

of course he has problems and is seriously sick.

Just like that back and forth about who is fecking more outside of marriage.

They have Lyin' Ted who talks so much about life and God. Do you think he really understands the scriptures, assuming he understands the core teachings of Christ? Or more likely Trump has got him pegged perfect.
How much you have travelled across the country or where you have lived has nothing whatsover to do with these discussions.

"show me the money"

Its our government, our taxes. Who are they working for.

Certianly not for the ordinary family.

I am making fun of it all. And because I've done thousands and thousands of miles hard drivin' around the country, I must be right.
the point being made is the kin Republican party should shut up about being the paragon of virtue.

of course he has problems and is seriously sick.

Just like that back and forth about who is fecking more outside of marriage.

They have Lyin' Ted who talks so much about life and God. Do you think he really understands the scriptures, assuming he understands the core teachings of Christ? Or more likely Trump has got him pegged perfect.

The two issues are light years apart. Republicans being self-righteous paragons of religious purity have nothing to do with Dennis Hastert, a human before he is an American, and an American before he is a Republican; being a sexual predator.
The two issues are light years apart. Republicans being self-righteous paragons of religious purity have nothing to do with Dennis Hastert, a human before he is an American, and an American before he is a Republican; being a sexual predator.

I wouldn't go so far as to say repubs are Americans before being republican.
I am making fun of it all. And because I've done thousands and thousands of miles hard drivin' around the country, I must be right.

I understand that.

Its good to travel and know your country. I want to see more of this great country after I retire.

What I was saying is no matter where you come from, our government is screwing us. They do Not represnt ordinary people and their hopes.
The two issues are light years apart. Republicans being self-righteous paragons of religious purity have nothing to do with Dennis Hastert, a human before he is an American, and an American before he is a Republican; being a sexual predator.

That party highlights the conditions of being 'American' God and Country and other bullshit.

He who lives by the sword must die by it.
That party highlights the conditions of being 'American' God and Country and other bullshit.

He who lives by the sword must die by it.

He was clearly a sick guy, but it had nothing to do with his political affiliation, the mere suggestion of which is also a bit sickening.
He was clearly a sick guy, but it had nothing to do with his political affiliation, the mere suggestion of which is also a bit sickening.

no one is denying that he was sick.

It will stop being fair game when any party or politician stops bring up people's personal issues. Unfortunately That is one of the main agenda's of that party. Abortion for one.LGBT.
There's obviously a reasonable debate to be had on the refugee crisis and the number of migrants that America should accept, but check out what Trump just tweeted.


That's an amazing picture in so many ways. There isn't even the pretense that the refugees may be dangerous infiltrators. Or that they aren't fleeing incredibly difficult conditions. There's just straight up "Saudi Arabia has plenty of room for you."

Imagine being an ignorant, hateful little shit like Trump or his supporters.

That picture is awful for so many reasons. He is clearly saying "feck them back off to a danger zone" They are being flicked back towards the graves an the fires. Also the smug look on his face is sickening! Surely he can't think this resonates well with the majority? Such a feckin eejit.
That picture is awful for so many reasons. He is clearly saying "feck them back off to a danger zone" They are being flicked back towards the graves an the fires. Also the smug look on his face is sickening! Surely he can't think this resonates well with the majority? Such a feckin eejit.

From reading about it on twitter, it seems this was done as a satirical cartoon and he retweeted it at face value :O :D
no one is denying that he was sick.

It will stop being fair game when any party or politician stops bring up people's personal issues. Unfortunately That is one of the main agenda's of that party. Abortion for one.LGBT.

You're politicizing a psychiatric disorder to score points. Pretty disgusting really.
No I don't live in LA - but I have in the past. Also lived in about 10 other states. The point about driving cross country and living on the left, middle, and right of the country is it actually exposes you to the diversity of the people, which doesn't happen if you're always local to one location or just watch the news. Once you see the stark contrast of cultural backgrounds, you begin to understand that there is no dogmatic, one sized fits all solution to what Americans want, which is why you need centrist politicians who are flexible enough to cooperate with one another and not people who are so far from the political middle that the other side will spend their entire time obstructing rather than cooperating, and in the process waste entire 2 and 4 year political cycles.

For all the good it did you. Reading back through this thread you´ve been constantly way off the mark in your supposed insight into America and its politics.

You´d been banging away for months and months how Trump would implode, how he´d peaked back in September and it was all downhill from there. Wrong wrong wrong.

You assured us Bernie Sanders didn´t have a snowball´s chance in hell, in fact, that he had about as much chance as Ben Carson. LOL!

You stated at the end of the day the Republican candidate would probably be Bush. Double lol.

Ted Cruz would have no chance

That Jim Web was going to give Hills a run for her money. Jim who???

That they might resurrect that old white dinosaur Evan Bayh for VP. What???

The fact that Sanders´ and Trump´s success has been the most most profound, insightful, and powerful statement of America and its politics today shows how you totally missed the boat on that one and demonstrates a true lack of understanding.

Maybe you need to live in some more states, or take another road trip, or get a new car (or get out of the car) or something, to get get a more accurate focus on America. You´ve been constantly proven wrong. Reality has caught up to your so called "insight." Your finger was certainly not on the pulse of a real America. It´s particularly rich you calling us Sanders supporters lobotomised cool aid drinkers.
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BOOM! Ouch! :lol:

From reading about it on twitter, it seems this was done as a satirical cartoon and he retweeted it at face value :O :D

He's clearly got issues and he just doesn't think before he speaks or tweets or retweets, because he is a moron. Newt had a good point the other night, now I haven't got a lot of time for squeaky voiced Newt, but he was bang on when he said "Trump should go to bed early and put Twitter down" He went on to say if he was his campaign manager he wouldn't let him anywhere near a laptop or phone and tell him to keep well clear of any social network and he should get more sleep :lol:
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