2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The sane people are the ones who recognize that effective governance takes place through cooperation, not pie in the sky policies that are so far from what the other side might consider plausible that it will only reinforce, not alleviate the gridlock.

You do realize that many Sanders supporters are very aware that some of his policies will not have a chance at being fully implemented right? No sane person thinks every single Sanders policy will be immediately implemented, that isn't reasonable or realistic but even a compromise that moves current policy in that direction would be a victory.
Yes, back when he was vaguely irrelevant as the easily ignored Independent Senator from Vermont. None of his current platform positions are remotely acceptable to the Republicans and vice versa, so there is zero chance of that happening if he were President.

you are addressing the republican party, not its voters who are in clear rebellion against the establishment. Jeb Bush :lol:...and the others. now they are hoping on Cruz???
You do realize that many Sanders supporters are very aware that some of his policies will not have a chance at being fully implemented right? No sane person thinks every single Sanders policy will be immediately implemented, that isn't reasonable or realistic but even a compromise that moves current policy in that direction would be a victory.

Sanders himself has said this.
The sane people are the ones who recognize that effective governance takes place through cooperation, not pie in the sky policies that are so far from what the other side might consider plausible that it will only reinforce, not alleviate the gridlock.

The subtle shunting of the left-right parameters over the past few decades has made it so that business as usual will have horrendous consequences... and in fact already have. There's a reason why a lot of people on both sides are sick of business as usual.
You do realize that many Sanders supporters are very aware that some of his policies will not have a chance at being fully implemented right? No sane person thinks every single Sanders policy will be immediately implemented, that isn't reasonable or realistic but even a compromise that moves current policy in that direction would be a victory.

The only impact Sanders will have will be to get Hillary to consider some of his positions in her platform. That's about it.
The subtle shunting of the left-right parameters over the past few decades has made it so that business as usual will have horrendous consequences... and in fact already have. There's a reason why a lot of people on both sides are sick of business as usual.

Quiet you lobotomized kool aid drinker!
The only impact Sanders will have will be to get Hillary to consider some of his positions in her platform. That's about it.

That may very well be the case but that doesn't delegitmize the opinion of those that believe Sanders is the best candidate for various reasons.
Yes, back when he was vaguely irrelevant as the easily ignored Independent Senator from Vermont. None of his current platform positions are remotely acceptable to the Republicans and vice versa, so there is zero chance of that happening if he were President.

Are Hillary's current policy positions in the same campaign acceptable to the republicans ?

I mean if they all were there is kinda no need for the democrat party anyway.

Not a expert on this and i don't have a horse in this race, but won't Sanders presidency be more likely to get the democrats enthused in getting a longer presidential coattail bounce than a Hillary win ? Sorta similar to Obama 08.

Quiet you lobotomized kool aid drinker!

Its neither - I've driven cross country at least 10 times and it completely changed my perception about the country to where its inescapable that nothing will get done unless centrist politicians who know how to cooperate with one another are elected, as opposed to the lobotomized kool aid drinkers who support the likes of Cruz, Trump, or Sanders.

Doesn't he live in the midwest? Just because you've taken some roadtrips doesn't mean you know shit about thingsa anymore than anybody else. I spent 4 months driving the length and breadth but it doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about either.

Don't you live in LA? Pretty funny you lecturing him on being in the 'real America'.
Sorry mate, you lack the required authenticity.

I think what Raoul is saying people want different things to what we are talking about here.

The truth is we all want the same things, except we have been conditioned...falsely to accept gross untruths.

That is what is so sad. This truly is the greatest country on earth and can offer so much of the American dream to each of its citizen.

But people like Hillary and Bush ..just as examples have kept so many in perpetual poverty.

There its nothing noble about being a centrist when all it means is status quo.
I think what Raoul is saying people want different things to what we are talking about here.

The truth is we all want the same things, except we have been conditioned...falsely to accept gross untruths.

That is what is so sad. This truly is the greatest country on earth and can offer so much of the American dream to each of its citizen.

But people like Hillary and Bush ..just as examples have kept so many in perpetual poverty.

There its nothing noble about being a centrist when all it means is status quo.

Tis true, we all want a job, good roads, low crime, etc.

The divisiveness is killing this country and libs talking about dumb fecker rednecks is just as bad, I suppose as rural folk moaning about faggy college-educated city nancy-boys.
Doesn't he live in the midwest? Just because you've taken some roadtrips doesn't mean you know shit about thingsa anymore than anybody else. I spent 4 months driving the length and breadth but it doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about either.

Don't you live in LA? Pretty funny you lecturing him on being in the 'real America'.

No I don't live in LA - but I have in the past. Also lived in about 10 other states. The point about driving cross country and living on the left, middle, and right of the country is it actually exposes you to the diversity of the people, which doesn't happen if you're always local to one location or just watch the news. Once you see the stark contrast of cultural backgrounds, you begin to understand that there is no dogmatic, one sized fits all solution to what Americans want, which is why you need centrist politicians who are flexible enough to cooperate with one another and not people who are so far from the political middle that the other side will spend their entire time obstructing rather than cooperating, and in the process waste entire 2 and 4 year political cycles.
Are Hillary's current policy positions in the same campaign acceptable to the republicans ?

I mean if they all were there is kinda no need for the democrat party anyway.

Not a expert on this and i don't have a horse in this race, but won't Sanders presidency be more likely to get the democrats enthused in getting a longer presidential coattail bounce than a Hillary win ? Sorta similar to Obama 08.

Sanders hasn't even done any fundraising for Democrat candidates yet, so I certainly wouldn't count on it.
No I don't live in LA - but I have in the past. Also lived in about 10 other states. The point about driving cross country and living on the left, middle, and right of the country is it actually exposes you to the diversity of the people, which doesn't happen if you're always local to one location or just watch the news. Once you see the stark contrast of cultural backgrounds, you begin to understand that there is no dogmatic, one sized fits all solution to what Americans want, which is why you need centrist politicians who are flexible enough to cooperate with one another and not people who are so far from the political middle that the other side will spend their entire time obstructing rather than cooperating, and in the process waste entire 2 and 4 year political cycles.

Well unless you know exactly what his life experience is then I don't think you should be telling him what he doesn't know.
So let me get this right @Raoul. You believe that people should be less dogmatic and more flexible with regards to their ideology but then you assert that Hillary Clinton is the only viable candidate and those that support other candidates are lobotomized kool aid drinkers? My irony detector is going crazy, maybe it's broken.
So let me get this right @Raoul. You believe that people should be less dogmatic and more flexible with regards to their ideology but then you assert that Hillary Clinton is the only viable candidate and those that support other candidates are lobotomized kool aid drinkers? My irony detector is going crazy, maybe it's broken.

Clearly the lobotomized sheep comment has struck a cord.

But yeah, there are only two normal candidates standing - Clinton and Kasich, as in they are the only two who if elected are personally and politically flexible enough to where the other side may be able to work with them. It certainly wouldn't happen under Cruz, Trump, or Sanders because too many opposition members consider their political platforms sufficiently dangerous to where they will be more incentivized to obstruct them for political gain than cooperate with them.
Clearly the lobotomized sheep comment has struck a cord.

But yeah, there are only two normal candidates standing - Clinton and Kasich, as in they are the only two who if elected are personally and politically flexible enough to where the other side may be able to work with them. It certainly wouldn't happen under Cruz, Trump, or Sanders because too many opposition members consider their political platforms sufficiently dangerous to where they will be more incentivized to obstruct them for political gain than cooperate with them.

:lol: good try but my skin is far too thick for any of your little quips to leave a mark.

So you think people need to be flexible and open but anyone that believes something that doesn't align with your world view is an idiot? Got it.
:lol: good try but my skin is far too thick for any of your little quips to leave a mark.

So you think people need to be flexible and open but anyone that believes something that doesn't align with your world view is an idiot? Got it.

They aren't in any way related. Dogmatically following a particular politician and parroting their talking points is a completely different issue than believing that cooperation is an essential prerequisite to effective governance.
They aren't in any way related. Dogmatically following a particular politician and parroting their talking points is completely different issue than believing that cooperation is an essential prerequisite to effective governance.

You are assuming that Sanders supporters are dogmatic and that only Clinton supporters and Clinton herself realize that cooperation is paramount to effective governance. Which of course is completely wrong.
You are assuming that Sanders supporters are dogmatic and that only Clinton supporters and Clinton herself realize that cooperation is paramount to effective governance. Which of course is completely wrong.

No, I think Clinton supporters are dogmatic as well. I'm talking about the actual candidates though based on their policy positions and how the opposition would receive them. Anyone who isn't drinking the koolaid knows that Bernie's positions are all dead on arrival, whereas Hillary's offer a bit more latitude for compromise. This is after all Bill Clinton's wife, and you can bet that Bill will be helping her out and doing a bit of behind the scenes Congressional lobbying to grease the skids.
The Boss cancels a gig in North Carolina http://m.brucespringsteen.net/

How's the recovery coming along?

Just taking it a day at a time mate. Feel like shit today, had a bad one to be honest, but been a bit better overall this week I think. Managed to get out for a couple of short walks and had a couple of days where I felt almost normal. Just getting bored as feck now. I really want my driving licence back, and feeling a bit imprisoned a lot of the time. Just got to take it easy though, it's not going to be quick. Can't complain though really, just lucky as feck to be alive. :D
I genuinely can't understand the hate from the left for this woman.

I think when you flip flop on some many positions, outright spread lies about your opponent and the suspicious behaviour with her foundation when she was USSoS... You are going to come across as conniving.

Personally i am surprised Hillary is as popular as she is. Then again Bernie, imho, has made a mistake on not highlighting some of Clintons past behaviour and comments because the MSM is not going to bring them up.
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