2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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She's a massive troll. Moreso a performer than an analyst, who generates click bait to sell her various books.
Yea she's essentially the US Katie Hopkins, only dialed up to 12 in typical US fashion.

She's a horrible person.
Honestly who writes the speeches for Sarah Palin?

I think it's evidently clear that she freestyles and doesn't have anyone write anything for her. She may write a bit herself, but I sincerely doubt anyone else other than herself has any input at all.
Honestly who writes the speeches for Sarah Palin? I think even a 3rd grader could write more coherent speeches than what she does.

She usually wings it, always has. Her style isn't well suited for teleprompters anyway since her audience (or at least those who like listening to her) prefer non scripted speeches.
She usually wings it, always has.

How mavericky. Good on her for rejecting establishment shyster tricks like preparation, knowledge, sense etc etc. She's truly one of us (estimated worth $12m).
Yup, the lady's not for lernin' learnin'.
Trump's Hotels just got hit with a massive data breach. Probably anonymous trying to make a point.
She usually wings it, always has. Her style isn't well suited for teleprompters anyway since her audience (or at least those who like listening to her) prefer non scripted speeches.

Her speeches are plenty scripted

Unsurprisingly, Wlezien and Erikson found that as the campaign goes on, the polls start looking more like the eventual outcome.

But they also found that the rate of this improvement isn't linear. There are some volatile periods of the campaign in which the polls' predictive value surges quite quickly. And there are other, more stagnant periods in which the polls might change, but those changes don't tend to have any lasting impact.

One of those volatile and consequential phases is the one we're in right now. The authors found that around 300 days before the election (mid-January), general election polls are essentially meaningless — their predictive value is close to zero. But by the time we get to mid-April of the election year, polls explain about half the variance in the eventual vote split. And mid-April polls have correctly "called" the winner in about two-thirds of the cases since 1952.

Trump's Hotels just got hit with a massive data breach. Probably anonymous trying to make a point.
So stealing guests credit card info makes what point? Other than perhaps to show they can, but at this point we all pretty much know data breaches can happen.

Shitty for the people who have to deal with their information being stolen
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She usually wings it, always has. Her style isn't well suited for teleprompters anyway since her audience (or at least those who like listening to her) prefer non scripted speeches.

I think she has got worse -- trying so hard to repeat and fit-in the old favourite lines from her campaigning days of 8 years ago. That's why her 'speeches' nowadays make no sense.

Reminds of a one-hit wonder singer from the 70s -- who will always have her medley of unknown contemporary songs that would always include that one hit of the past.
Trump's Hotels just got hit with a massive data breach. Probably anonymous trying to make a point.

I think Trump is an absolute retard, but Anonymous is even worse.

How many times have they declared war on ISIS now? It's a bunch of fat neck beard reddit life failures sitting around circle jerking each other off with stupid hats and stupid masks pretending they are relevant other than as a joke.
Trump seems to have the emotional range of a Power Rangers villain and the social skills of a teenage Minotaur. He looks like a pumpkin having a nervous breakdown, talks like the words are being fired out of his mouth by a tennis ball launcher and has the general manner of an arrogant televangelist suspected of murder by Columbo.

With almost infinite resources, the closest the Republicans have got to producing a popular candidate is Ted Cruz: a cross between a permanently disappointed sitcom vampire and the high school yearbook photo of every serial killer of the modern era.

So stealing guests credit card info makes what point? Other than perhaps to show they can, but at this point we all pretty much know data breaches can happen.

Shitty for the people who have to deal with their information being stolen
Serves them right for staying at his hotels and funding his stupidity.

No, not really.
I think Trump is an absolute retard, but Anonymous is even worse.

How many times have they declared war on ISIS now? It's a bunch of fat neck beard reddit life failures sitting around circle jerking each other off with stupid hats and stupid masks pretending they are relevant other than as a joke.

Sounds like Anonymous aren't that relevant. Trump could actually do some damage if elected, which in my mind makes him worse.
Isn't there a rule where you can't be eligible for the nomination unless you have won a minimum of 8 states? I'm sure I heard that on CNN or FOX recently. Or is just winning delegates in 8 states?

Last I heard it was created back in 2008 (I think) to keep that cretin Ron Paul and his conspiratard supporters out of the GE.
Just watched Reagan / Bush 1980 debate. They sound like Democrats compared to todays Republicans.
Reagan even said about illegal immigration from Mexico " why build walls when we should have workers come in- work- pay taxes- and go back and forth over the border as they please"
Unbelievable difference to Trump.

Interesting. I never hear of this from hate talk radio hacks and Fox dickheads about their Saint Reagan, only that a wall is the right thing to do, or booting them out and enforcing rules on certain types not allowed to enter legally (let alone legally). Yet their Saint Reagan believed in humanity (well, except when running guns, firing federal employees, vetoing FAIR, etc.).
Surely Roger Stone can be found guilty of inciting a riot if a riot does indeed occur. Or any single incident like assault, destruction of property, murder, etc. Speaking, who the feck is Roger Stone?
Palin's speeches are like that famous A.L.F episode:

The convention will be epic. The Cruz marriage with the establishment vs the Faux coalition of Trump and the Tea Party. There will definitely be riots out there if the Twitter narratives that are building are anything to go by.
This just in from our RAWK correspondent:

The new, surprisingly-reported-in-some-realish-news-sources rumor is that Cruz is in the black book of a dead DC madam.
With the standard safety warning that Bernie won Missouri and Illinois per the early exits, so could change by a few % either way yet.

I don't think it's in the work. He wins independents by 30 points and loses out narrowly on registered Dems in the nearest polls. Per NBC's exit polls, 74% of voters are Dems. That's anything from a 7-10% win.
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