2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Sanders notches the highest overall favorability among registered voters, with 48% viewing him positively vs. 45% unfavorably. That's a steep drop since last month, when 60% of registered voters overall had a positive take on the Vermont senator. Sanders has seen his ratings slip among registered Democrats and Republicans during that time, and independents' impressions of him are now evenly divided.



Yes, favourability.

From your own link: Sanders notches the highest overall favorability among registered voters

In an election when no other candidate crosses 0. It's amazing to quote this as a black mark when looking at her score.
At the same time, I noticed a sudden profusion of Hillary vs Trump H2H polls in this thread of late...Surely no one is daring to suggest they may ever in any sense be predictors?

Yes, favourability.

From your own link: Sanders notches the highest overall favorability among registered voters

In an election when no other candidate crosses 0. It's amazing to quote this as a black mark when looking at her score.
At the same time, I noticed a sudden profusion of Hillary vs Trump H2H polls in this thread of late...Surely no one is daring to suggest they may ever in any sense be predictors?

There's been no downward slide, even a small uptick in her fav. number in months now, while Sanders's steadily went down, even without any attack ad from the GOP or intense negative media coverage. This is what I've been saying essentially: it couldn't get any worse for her barring an indictment, not so much for him.

Data is data, it's up to you how you choose to interpret them.
If you look at where the polls were in key states in April 2008, the "head-to-heads aren't predictive" argument looks a lot more persuasive than its opposite. But Trump polls are still fun to look at for general mirth purposes.
Head to heads mean more as time goes on. Comparing who would win between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton back in August obviously means less than comparing Hillary with Trump today or in June.
That's the funny thing...Republicans - pundits, talk show/radio cnuts, tea party, establishment all froth at the mouth at the mere mention of Reagan...yet, Reagan would have been hounded out as a soft cock by the GOP today.


Reminds me about religion nowadays. What would Jesus think of the religion he once founded.
An interesting interview with the Chair of Republicans Overseas UK:


It begins at 40:00 or thereabouts.

Jan Halper-Hayes expects there to be resignations among RO officials in the event of a Trump nomination, and hints at the formation of a new political party in the near future (says plans are already in the works).
An interesting interview with the Chair of Republicans Overseas UK:


It begins at 40:00 or thereabouts.

Jan Halper-Hayes expects there to be resignations among RO officials in the event of a Trump nomination, and hints at the formation of a new political party in the near future (says plans are already in the works).

It's been a duopoly since 1869. Best of luck to em, really.

Why is there a furor over Trump alone? Cruz is just as bad.
Because Cruz is a conservative...so, while he is a disagreeable prick, his republican bona fides are not in question.

Trump is a lot of things...but a republican? Not by a long shot. So, it's no surprise, they're irate with him and are having a hard time accepting him.
That's the funny thing...Republicans - pundits, talk show/radio cnuts, tea party, establishment all froth at the mouth at the mere mention of Reagan...yet, Reagan would have been hounded out as a soft cock by the GOP today.


As crazy as it might sound, Hillary is the closest thing to Reagan in this election. If you look at her policies, and look at his, there are a lot of similarities.
These two simply aren't Republicans by today's standards.....

I think Reagan is responsible for that. He is the one most chiefly responsible for politically mobilizing the evangelical right, and it is the evangelical right that has been pushing the center point of the GOP further and further right. To the point that today, Democrats can happily sit as far right as Reagan was, and still look like socialists.

I think this election cycle is going to blow the GOP up. I think after this cycle you will see a re-alignment within the GOP or whatever comes out of the GOP where it distances itself from the evangelicals and the tea party types and leaves them to the fringe, much like the Green party is to the democrats. They will come back to center, and pickup a lot of those old progressive conservatives that have bolstered the Democrats for the last 10-20 years that are mortified by the really right wingers in the party that have been driving party policy to a large extent.

Either way, it should be interesting.
Trump, "I have 7 million on Twitter and 7 million on Facebook and 2 million on Instagram, so that's like 16 million people who follow me"

FFS! :lol: Such a moron.
Surprised this isn't being reported by the media given the mess after Arizona. Just goes to show how ridiculous the caucuses are.


TL,DR: Bernie Sanders projected to win Nevada 19-16 after some shenanigans at Clark County Convention, where he lost by 10 points back in Feb.

Omnishambles. She should highlight this, the democratic voice of her voters is being silenced.

A day before the convention, the state party (which has endorsed her pretty unanimously) gave very confusingly worded directions to delegates (it looked like you didn't have to attend if you had indicated you were sure of you candidate, but that was true only for 1 day) , and there was a ton of stuff on the Sanders subreddit about that. Maybe that's why more Sanders people got in.

Caucuses - and delegates - are not very democratic. It should be an all-primary system, and either the winner is decided by total vote counts or states are weighted by some combination of population, turnout, percent registered Dems, and proportion of Dems in statewide office.

Are the republicans so desperate to show they have woman on board. If so surely they can do better than Palin

Are the republicans so desperate to show they have woman on board. If so surely they can do better than Palin

That was posted about 10 minutes after she finished speaking, it's hilarious though. The most inane, incoherent, nonsensical, rambling, babbling shite she has ever come out with, and that's saying something. I think you would be hard pressed to find many other female politicians who would endorse Trump, let alone follow him round and speak at his events for him.
Caucuses - and delegates - are not very democratic. It should be an all-primary system, and either the winner is decided by total vote counts or states are weighted by some combination of population, turnout, percent registered Dems, and proportion of Dems in statewide office.

No foul play from either sides in this case, just as it was in AZ, but this system is just ridiculous. People had troubles voting to begin with due to the format and then there are 2-3 more round of caucuses with extremely confusing procedures? But hey-ho, caucuses bring more money to the states holding them so they are here to stay.
She's a massive troll. Moreso a performer than an analyst, who generates click bait to sell her various books.
Honestly who writes the speeches for Sarah Palin? I think even a 3rd grader could write more coherent speeches than what she does.
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