2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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is trump now ahead in all the polls for the states that vote on the 15th?

its going to be a precession from here if thats the case as surely kaish and rubio will duck out... and ted cruz is simply unelectable in many of the states left to vote.

I think its time to start wondering who his running mate will be rather than if he will get the nomination
It cant be much fun being Marco Rubio right now. How many times can one man be kicked in the bollocks and still keep getting up and going back for more?

It's a beautiful story of hardship, will and redemption though...just like his Dad. His Dad was a Cuban peasant or something who came to America and became a success, did you hear this by any chance?
It's a beautiful story of hardship, will and redemption though...just like his Dad. His Dad was a Cuban peasant or something who came to America and became a success, did you hear this by any chance?
ummmm....what about his mom? Don't think I've ever heard him mention his mom....
is trump now ahead in all the polls for the states that vote on the 15th?

its going to be a precession from here if thats the case as surely kaish and rubio will duck out... and ted cruz is simply unelectable in many of the states left to vote.

I think its time to start wondering who his running mate will be rather than if he will get the nomination

Cruz beats Trump by the widest margin in a hypothetical 1v1 match up out of all 3. He is also the one who to date has actually been most successful again Trump.

I don't think it's a forgone conclusion.
Surely he would have to go for someone to keep the Tea Party onside? Cruz or Palin or someone like that?

Cruz - you've heard them have a go at each other, right? No way in hell will Cruz be No.2 to anyone, let alone Trump.

Kasich - now there's a possibility...he's been Mr. Nice Guy with everyone and in his folksy way could be an important player. BTW, Kasich is a douchebag too, just really nice about it.

Cruz - you've heard them have a go at each other, right? No way in hell will Cruz be No.2 to anyone, let alone Trump.

Kasich - now there's a possibility...he's been Mr. Nice Guy with everyone and in his folksy way could be an important player. BTW, Kasich is a douchebag too, just really nice about it.
But doesnt he need someone fairly anti establishment? Isnt that his whole appeal? Doesnt it undermine his appeal with his current base if he starts going all politiciany, appointing a sensible, experienced running mate (I dont know if that describes Kasich, I know nothing about him other than the establishment would have been willing to rally behind him if he had been the "establishment candidate" who had emerged from the pack instead of Rubio, as hoped)?

I dont know what the dynamic is. Maybe all that doesnt matter as much once he has secured the nomination and then its all about winning over the party base.
But doesnt he need someone fairly anti establishment? Isnt that his whole appeal? Doesnt it undermine his appeal with his current base if he starts going all politiciany, appointing a sensible, experienced running mate (I dont know if that describes Kasich, I know nothing about him other than the establishment would have been willing to rally behind him if he had been the "establishment candidate" who had emerged from the pack instead of Rubio, as hoped)?

I dont know what the dynamic is. Maybe all that doesnt matter as much once he has secured the nomination and then its all about winning over the party base.

I have no idea what the dynamic is this year, and am suspicious of anyone who says they do... I'm just watching in shock, trying to be ready for even more bizarre developments.
Cruz beats Trump by the widest margin in a hypothetical 1v1 match up out of all 3. He is also the one who to date has actually been most successful again Trump.

I don't think it's a forgone conclusion.
The popular vote doesn't mean anything, though - delegate counts do. Cruz's problem is that the race is moving away from the South, where he gets most of his support. Trump, Kasich and Rubio should do better from now on (although it's probably too late for the latter two).

I don't think it's a foregone conclusion either, only because Trump has proved he's not invincible. I think the last debate showed that Trump can be pinned and wounded, but you have to wonder whether either Cruz or Rubio used up all their ammunition in one go. I also think that Trump will be more aggressive in the next few debates as he's been rather subdued in the last few, letting the others take each other out - that's not going to happen now.

Surely he would have to go for someone to keep the Tea Party onside? Cruz or Palin or someone like that?

Overall, Trump's weakest demographics are ethnic minorities and women, so his ideal VP candidate will be someone who appeals to both. The Tea Party as a whole would prefer Trump over Clinton or Sanders anyway, so there's no real need to fight for their votes.

Personally, I think Kasich is more realistic than Cruz or Palin, but I think Trump will go for a woman. Trump-Cruz has too much bad blood and would be the most unpopular ticket in a while (ever)? Palin would energise the base, but Trump doesn't need that - her endorsement should be enough.
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Nixon barely gave a shit about domestic stuff. He relished the foreign policy and just left domestic up to others.....probably why he ended up getting into all that trouble.

Nixon had more domestic policy succeses than he is given credit for.
Clinton being the almost certain Democrat nominee means the Republicans need to choose someone who can beat her. Cruz is not that person as he will not appeal to anyone outside his own party. It's almost over for Rubio and Kasich. Trump is a wild card and their best chance. A Trump presidency is a good outcome for them, whatever people like the Romster say, especially if they also keep control of congress. Unless the primary takes an unexpected turn towards Cruz they will start coalescing around Trump quite soon, taking the classic tribalistic football fans' view that "he may be a xxxx but he's our xxxx".
Nixon had more domestic policy succeses than he is given credit for.

I'm not saying he didn't, just that his focus and energy was on foreign policy especially after the big landslide win. He was incredibly popular abroad even while he was being forced out at home.
I'm not saying he didn't, just that his focus and energy was on foreign policy especially after the big landslide win. He was incredibly popular abroad even while he was being forced out at home.

For sure he was a lot more foreign policy oriented, but he didn't totally ignore domestic issues.
I'd say he is the gust of wind that spreads the embers of hatred of others that have been there for a while.
More like a big greasy kebab with chili sauce that rips through your guts, cleaning you out but destroying the toilet and leaving you exhausted and just fancying a nice salad as you recover.
Admirable attempt at being poetic, DOTA. But Grinner wins this one!
Something interesting in the Florida GE matchups in this poll (scroll right down to the bottom, final three pages) - http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2016/images/03/09/relfl1florida.pdf

Topline numbers of Hillary vs the 3 main Repubs are - Clinton beats Trump by 7 but loses to Rubio by 4 and Cruz by 1. Reason for the swing against Trump - he loses 10% of the registered Repub vote compared to the others, and she wins "moderate" voters against him by 20%, compared to +8% against Cruz and +5% against Rubio.

Still way too far out to be taking the head-to-heads terribly seriously, but worth knowing as it matches with exit polls and other state polls showing Trump being unusually unpopular within the party. (By comparison Hillary hardly loses any of Dem vote, also matching with other data showing her to be a satisfactory choice for most Dems.)
care to elaborate what you believe his domestic policy successes were?

The Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Mammal Marine Protection Act.

The millions of dollars allocated for his war on cancer. The creation of national cancer centers.

Title IX in 1972, preventing gender bias at colleges and universities receiving federal aid, opening the door for women in collegiate sports.

The 26th Amendment, extending the right to vote to 18-20 year olds, lowering the voter age from 21.

Nixon also ended the policy of forced assimilation of American Indians, returned sacred lands, and became the first American President to give them the right to tribal self-determination.

Like I said earlier there is no doubt he was foreign policy orientated and had many successes in that area, and while there are many other presidents who where more interested in domestic issues than Nixon and had greater success, FDR and LBJ come to mind, you cann't discount Nixon's efforts domestically.
The Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Mammal Marine Protection Act.

The millions of dollars allocated for his war on cancer. The creation of national cancer centers.

Title IX in 1972, preventing gender bias at colleges and universities receiving federal aid, opening the door for women in collegiate sports.

The 26th Amendment, extending the right to vote to 18-20 year olds, lowering the voter age from 21.

Nixon also ended the policy of forced assimilation of American Indians, returned sacred lands, and became the first American President to give them the right to tribal self-determination.

Like I said earlier there is no doubt he was foreign policy orientated and had many successes in that area, and while there are many other presidents who where more interested in domestic issues than Nixon and had greater success, FDR and LBJ come to mind, you cann't discount Nixon's efforts domestically.

yup. I like the EPA the most. mind you I think the agency has been watered down under Republican administrations.

I remember reading somewhere that Ted Kennedy and Nixon almost agreed on a Health care bill but it fell through. Ted Kennedy felt that was one of his biggest mistakes (not taking up the offer of Nixon).
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