2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Exactly, so how will Drumpf deal with that? He surely wont put that much of his own money up, and many say he could actually afford to anyway, but that's beside the point really.

Rumours are he's not even a billionaire, so it'll potentially be a huge struggle for him if true.
Rumours are he's not even a billionaire, so it'll potentially be a huge struggle for him if true.

Yeah, I've seen a few documentaries lately, and read more than a dozen articles about him and his wealth. The interviews with some of the guys who work for FORBES are the most interesting regarding his wealth. One said he could have Drumpf brought up on stalker charges because he contacts them so much for months before the list is compiled. :lol: Estimates about his wealth vary from anywhere between a few hundred million to $2.5 billion. I couldn't find anywhere that said he was worth more than that. He said repeatedly during the recent debate he was worth over $10 billion, yet only a month or so ago it was $8 Billion, he must have done well on the stock market in the last couple of weeks.
Yeah, I've seen a few documentaries lately, and read more than a dozen articles about him and his wealth. The interviews with some of the guys who work for FORBES are the most interesting regarding his wealth. One said he could have Drumpf brought up on stalker charges because he contacts them so much for months before the list is compiled. :lol: Estimates about his wealth vary from anywhere between a few hundred million to $2.5 billion. I couldn't find anywhere that said he was worth more than that. He said repeatedly during the recent debate he was worth over $10 billion, yet only a month or so ago it was $8 Billion, he must have done well on the stock market in the last couple of weeks.

He puts a variable worth on his brand name. For instance, he could say, TRUMP (TM) alone is worth 4 billion to make up the difference.
He's off again. He's a tweeting machine.

Plus a few more about Rubio and all the negative ads being aired about him. The anti=Trump machine must be moving rapidly up through the gears. I'm wondering exactly how bad are the ads?
Yeah, I've seen a few documentaries lately, and read more than a dozen articles about him and his wealth. The interviews with some of the guys who work for FORBES are the most interesting regarding his wealth. One said he could have Drumpf brought up on stalker charges because he contacts them so much for months before the list is compiled. :lol: Estimates about his wealth vary from anywhere between a few hundred million to $2.5 billion. I couldn't find anywhere that said he was worth more than that. He said repeatedly during the recent debate he was worth over $10 billion, yet only a month or so ago it was $8 Billion, he must have done well on the stock market in the last couple of weeks.
The thing is his supporters talks about his wealth as a good thing, when was it that someone mega rich is a good guy who represents middle to low class people?
The thing is his supporters talks about his wealth as a good thing, when was it that someone mega rich is a good guy who represents middle to low class people?
He's a winner and will make them all winners, as well. Very American.
Oh man

How nuts is it possible to be? Is self-awareness dead?

Brushing over the fact that the Democrats lost the south in the 60's and they became the NeoCons base of the 70's- 80's with Rumsfeld and Co which as they've now aged are backbone of the Tea Party movement who guess what, is why we have the likes of Trump and Cruz as front runners. It's all just a little bit of history repeating.
Brushing over the fact that the Democrats lost the south in the 60's and they became the NeoCons base of the 70's- 80's with Rumsfeld and Co which as they've now aged are backbone of the Tea Party movement who guess what, is why we have the likes of Trump and Cruz as front runners. It's all just a little bit of history repeating.

Not sure what you´re talking about saying the democrats became the neocons base with Rumsfeld and co. Donald Rumsfield worked for Nixon and was secretary of defense under Ford in the mid 70s, and then again for Bush in 2001. He has nothing to do with the democrats. He and his neocons are and always have been Republicans.

The democrats lost the south principally from supporting civil rights and taking a more liberal turn, and a huge chunk of their southern base became Republicans because of this. Nixon and Reagan exploited this with the southern strategy to recruit more more whites (especially working class) by exploiting their fears of minorities, immigration, and the evils of liberal-progressive-secular social positions and the spectre of "socialism." That is why the right has gone so far right, creating douchebags like Cruz and Trump and the Tea Party. They´ve almost taken on a "southern" personality. They are reaping what´s been sowed for many years. It´s a fecking embarrassment.
He's off again. He's a tweeting machine.

Plus a few more about Rubio and all the negative ads being aired about him. The anti=Trump machine must be moving rapidly up through the gears. I'm wondering exactly how bad are the ads?

Has anyone pointed out to Drumpf that as POTUS he wouldn't be able to carry a smart phone and thus wouldn't be able to tweet all the time? He'd pull out of the race, surely?
Has anyone pointed out to Drumpf that as POTUS he wouldn't be able to carry a smart phone and thus wouldn't be able to tweet all the time? He'd pull out of the race, surely?
The POTUS cant have phones? That cant be right.
Has anyone pointed out to Drumpf that as POTUS he wouldn't be able to carry a smart phone and thus wouldn't be able to tweet all the time? He'd pull out of the race, surely?
He'll just have one of his aides run his twitter account. I'm pretty sure Obama has an official twitter account of his own doesn't he?
It's an important discussion to be had but Sanders isn't capable of advancing it due to his politics and the certainty that there would be complete gridlock in Washington if he ever came to power. This makes his entire campaign rather pointless. Change will come organically and over a period of time as social norms change, not by way of Sanders attempting to force it on a country that is still mulling which direction to go in.

FDR,JFK,MLK,Johnson.....Social security, Voting Rights Act,Medicare.
Can't carry a smart phone, Obama mentioned it on that Bear Grylls thing he did.

Yeah, you're right he did! He said about having to catch up because he will be 8 years behind, and his kids bamboozle him with their phone wizardry and shit. I really enjoyed that episode to be honest, although it was extremely cheesy (as expected) but it was a really enjoyable watch.

Has anyone pointed out to Drumpf that as POTUS he wouldn't be able to carry a smart phone and thus wouldn't be able to tweet all the time? He'd pull out of the race, surely?

To be fair, the President of the United States shouldn't really be getting in to online cat fights and be tweeting the sort of shit that he has anyway. In fact, they are all guilty of it, Cruz and Rubio have both tweeted insults to Drumpf as well. You would hope the leader of your country would be above that sort of shit really, wouldn't you? Although I would pay money to see big Dave trolling Nigel Farage on Twitter, or see Corbyn offer Boris, Dave and Nige out for a fight. :lol:
Not sure what you´re talking about saying the democrats became the neocons base with Rumsfeld and co. Donald Rumsfield worked for Nixon and was secretary of defense under Ford in the mid 70s, and then again for Bush in 2001. He has nothing to do with the democrats. He and his neocons are and always have been Republicans.

The democrats lost the south principally from supporting civil rights and taking a more liberal turn, and a huge chunk of their southern base became Republicans because of this. Nixon and Reagan exploited this with the southern strategy to recruit more more whites (especially working class) by exploiting their fears of minorities, immigration, and the evils of liberal-progressive-secular social positions and the spectre of "socialism." That is why the right has gone so far right, creating douchebags like Cruz and Trump and the Tea Party. They´ve almost taken on a "southern" personality. They are reaping what´s been sowed for many years. It´s a fecking embarrassment.
Neoconservatism (commonly shortened to neocon) is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among Democrats who became disenchanted with the party's domestic and especially foreign policy. Many of its adherents became politically famous during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the administrations of George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[1] Prominent neoconservatives in the Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Robert Kagan and Paul Bremer. Senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, while not identifying as neoconservatives, listened closely to neoconservative advisers regarding foreign policy, especially the defense of Israel and the promotion of democracy in the Middle East. Neoconservatives continue to have influence in the Obama White House, and neoconservative ideology has continued as a factor in American foreign policy
Rumsfeld and Chaney were huge players especially in securing funds from the neocon base. They also married together the southern evangelical religious right to the NeoCons to help with financing and voter base. That southern religious right is what we're now seeing at play.
Interesting interview of author Les Leopold on the rise of the deregulated financial markets, "financial strip-mining" the corporate culture of raising stock and the manipulation of stock prices by companies buying back their own shares.

Good reading and really explains why I see a difference when I moved to this country in 89 and today, that's why I'm against the wall street, against outsourcing (caused by wall street). Having Romania behind us doesn't help Obama with 8 years in power, after all they are all the same.
Interesting interview of author Les Leopold on the rise of the deregulated financial markets, "financial strip-mining" the corporate culture of raising stock and the manipulation of stock prices by companies buying back their own shares.


This is the Glazers and the club too right? His financial strip mining sounds exactly like what they did. "The car pays back the loan"...
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