2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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There are no words.................. well there are plenty actually, just none I can use on RedCafe.
One can only hope that he gets so bitter that he launches a 3rd party bid to spite the Republican party should he lose the nomination.
Oh Jeb...

Yet there are signs Mr. Bush may still have some work to do to finish in the top tier here. Speaking to a crowd at the Hanover Inn near the Vermont border during his final stop of the day, Mr. Bush finished a fiery riff about protecting the country as commander in chief — “I won’t be out here blowharding, talking a big game without backing it up,” he said — and was met with total silence.

“Please clap,” he said, sounding defeated.

The crowd laughed — and then, finally, clapped.


“Please clap,” he said

:lol: This whole campaign season is the best satire since Moyes & Woodward tried to sign Herrera.
Bernie has asked for a raw vote count in Iowa, which makes sense as some of these caucuses were decided on a coin toss. Ridiculous.

Firstly they should just dispense with these old ridiculoius ways to decide and just simply vote.

Though I will get a first real taste of caucusing on Super Tuesday.
Jeb! reminds me of when Ted Kennedy was asked why he wanted to be President and couldn't answer. Jeb! is doing it because it's in the family just like Ted did.
I bet Rubio is pissing himself laughing at those two buffoons. He will happily sit back and let Cruz and Trump have at it while he slithers around gathering up all the votes they shed with their antics. Trump not showing up to the debate was a huge factor in him losing so many votes, especially with the undecided voters who would have wanted to see him before making their mind up. With an estimated 25-35% undecided until the final day or so, that was a lot of votes to lose, or for Cruz and Rubio to gain, which they did.

This was the problem for Trump - he was pretty consistent in all three demographics, but didn't stand out in any. Whereas Rubio (Urban) and Cruz (Rural) did.
The war of words continues -

“Reality has hit the reality star,” Cruz campaign spokesman Rick Tyler responded in a statement. “Since Iowa, no one is talking about Donald Trump. That’s why he’s popping off on Twitter. There are Twitter addiction therapy groups, and he should check in with his local chapter.”
Not the best source or article, but I was reading about LvG when this popped up.


Have to laugh at "TrumperTantrum" :lol:

It also says this....

The tycoon went on to accuse the Cruz campaign of sending mailers to "thousands" of Iowa voters that were designed to look like "voter violation" certificates.

Mr Trump tweeted: "The Voter Violation certificate gave poor marks to the unsuspecting voter (grade of F) and told them to clear it up by voting for Cruz. Fraud."

Anyone know what that is about? I knew that someone in Cruz's team had (allegedly) told someone at CNN that Carson was pulling out of the race and they then broadcast it as a "breaking news" alert. I presumed that's what Trump was alluding to with the stealing and fraud jibes, I hadn't heard about the mailing scandal too.

Jeb severely lacks media training. His posture, his clothes, the way he speaks, none of that projects confidence. This is all on him as a candidate.

Crazy as it sounds, W would be cruising if he runs with the current pack.
There must be some other context to that "please clap", it's just so horrifically awful otherwise :lol:
That Bush video doesn't seem too bad. It's more of a cause of the audience thinking that he's going to continue speaking rather than being bored.

Although the poster that said that he lacks media skills is completely right - if he knew how to speak better then he would have slowed himself and got louder towards the end to indicate he's finishing a point and to also have a more powerful ending. Instead he looks like a slouching, bland middle aged man.
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