2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Not remotely the same, Hillary actually had the more liberal voting record of the two back in 08.

Hillary is significantly changed since '08...now she is attacking other democrats on their stances on health care and now she wants more gun control too. She says whatever her focus groups tells her too. She is the female Mitt Romney.
No it isn't, they got lucky with Europe destroying itself, allowing them to take advantage of what remained. And then that the USSR went bankrupt first. And it doesn't remain the land of opportunity, standards of living are on a downward trend and their middle class is becoming ever-smaller. The unrestricted market capitalism is a recent phenomenon and is the single biggest reason America is slowly going down the shitter.

None of that is true.

That is definitely true. The unrestricted market is a huge reason for the disparity between the rich and poor in our country. When accounting for inflation your average American is not making much, if any, more than they were decades ago while those that own the companies the average American works for receive much greater pay compared to previos generations of the bourgeois in this country.
Hillary is significantly changed since '08...now she is attacking other democrats on their stances on health care and now she wants more gun control too. She says whatever her focus groups tells her too. She is the female Mitt Romney.
You're annoyed that she wants more gun control?
You're annoyed that she wants more gun control?

I don't think her stance on healthcare has changed all that much either, Bernie himself recounted that when he pitched single payer in 94, before Hillarycare, she pretty much told him that it'd be impossible even then. She's changed tack on many things, gun control definitely one of them, but not healthcare, childhood education and women rights.
Christ, that really says it all about the Republicans. I wouldn't want Trump in charge of my cat, let alone the United States.
He killed the last one he looked after. The proof is on the top of his head.
I disagree with that. The same thing was said about Obama in '08.
Im not saying it wouldn't be difficult, but Bernie definitely has a shot.

Obama was a one off - Bernie is nothing like him, has little crossover appeal, is not as photogenic (it matters), and is far more to the left. In essence, they are light years apart.
I'm not sure where you are going with this. 18 of 21 on his team were on the W or HW Bush teams.

There's a difference between HW and Dubya in terms of their foreign policy philosophies. HW was far more pragmatic and focused on coalition building, where as Dubya fell prey to the advice of Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Cheney. They can't be branded in the same category (although i can see why some lazy feckers out there will try because of the common name). There is the Scowcroft camp for HW and the Cheney/Rumsfeld camp for Dubya. Jeb is more in the Scowcroft camp imo.
There's a difference between HW and Dubya in terms of their foreign policy philosophies. HW was far more pragmatic and focused on coalition building, where as Dubya fell prey to the advice of Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Cheney. They can't be branded in the same category (although i can see why some lazy feckers out there will try because of the common name). There is the Scowcroft camp for HW and the Cheney/Rumsfeld camp for Dubya. Jeb is more in the Scowcroft camp imo.

To me the last name is irrelevant. It is all about him surrounding himself with the same people who will have a major influence in decisions. He has Wolfowitz on his team, I believe, along with 16 others from the W foreign policy team. He has far fewer from the HW team. As for his thoughts on Cheney:
Cheney, Jeb added, "served my brother well as vice president, and he served my dad extraordinarily well as secretary of defense. We have to get beyond, I think, this feeling that somehow 1991 is the same as 2001."
To me the last name is irrelevant. It is all about him surrounding himself with the same people who will have a major influence in decisions. He has Wolfowitz on his team, I believe, along with 16 others from the W foreign policy team. He has far fewer from the HW team. As for his thoughts on Cheney:
Cheney, Jeb added, "served my brother well as vice president, and he served my dad extraordinarily well as secretary of defense. We have to get beyond, I think, this feeling that somehow 1991 is the same as 2001."

He's obviously not going to dis the likes of Cheney and Wolfowitz. The broader point is he is far more pragmatic than his brother and in line with his Dad, especially on domestic policy.
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Obama was a one off - Bernie is nothing like him, has little crossover appeal, is not as photogenic (it matters), and is far more to the left. In essence, they are light years apart.

I actually think it would be way easier for Bernie because he isn't black.
IMO Obama faced massive hindrances to anything he proposed because of the color of his skin.
I actually think it would be way easier for Bernie because he isn't black.
IMO Obama faced massive hindrances to anything he proposed because of the color of his skin.

Obama faced his hindrances after he was elected President. He enjoyed quite a privileged ride on his way there, with the likes of Oprah and Ted Kennedy among others, endorsing him early.
Obama faced his hindrances after he was elected President. He enjoyed quite a privileged ride on his way there, with the likes of Oprah and Ted Kennedy among others, endorsing him early.

I believe the GOP met on his inauguration night and vowed to do "whatever it took" to make him a one term president.
I think his ride to get there wasn't bad because people were so sick of Bush and the GOP in general.

2 terms of Bush had the US on the precipice of complete economic ruin.
Thank you gentlemen!
You're criticising her for becoming more liberal on gun control after 8 years in which mass shootings have increased in number, and more skeptical on healthcare reform after Obama had 8 years of acrimony due to his relatively minor proposals. If you think she flip flops on issues, fine, but at least pick some examples that don't have perfectly common sense reasons for doing so. Would she get criticised as a chameleon if she'd adopted a Sanders-esque programme but retained a lot of financial power and establishment support, retaining a good shot at the Presidency? I personally doubt it, at least not by the same people. It's just an easy line of attack by people that prefer another candidate.
You're criticising her for becoming more liberal on gun control after 8 years in which mass shootings have increased in number, and more skeptical on healthcare reform after Obama had 8 years of acrimony due to his relatively minor proposals. If you think she flip flops on issues, fine, but at least pick some examples that don't have perfectly common sense reasons for doing so. Would she get criticised as a chameleon if she'd adopted a Sanders-esque programme but retained a lot of financial power and establishment support, retaining a good shot at the Presidency? I personally doubt it, at least not by the same people. It's just an easy line of attack by people that prefer another candidate.

If the GOP nominate someone electable i.e. Rubio, I think Clinton would lose.

Hillary Clinton:

  • Takes millions in speaking fees from Wall Street while pretending to speak for the little people

  • Says she doesn't know what Bernie Sanders means by "the establishment", says she's not a part of it

  • Transmitted classified intelligence over unsecured channels...

  • ... then joked during a press conference about wiping her server clean "with a cloth or something"

  • ... and laughs off everything she doesn't want to talk about in general

  • ... including when she was asked by a reporter whether she would release the transcript from her paid speeches at Goldman Sachs

  • Offered a Vermont newspapers off the record anti-Sanders tips

  • Lies about her opponent's health care program

  • Is said, by an ex Wall Street trader with 20 years of experience, to have turned the Democratic Party "from a party against Wall Street to a party of Wall Street"

  • Sends her daughter to lie about her opponent's health care program

  • ... and to speak to NYC fundraisers hosted by Wall Street bankers, where attendees can "pay $2700 for a picture" with her

  • Voted for the invasion of Iraq

  • Voted for the PATRIOT Act

  • Voted for the 2006 re authorization of the PATRIOT Act

  • Questions her older opponent's health while she was hospitalized for a concussion and a blood clot 3 years ago

  • Voted for the 2001 Bankruptcy Legislation which would have made it harder for struggling Americans to declare bankruptcy, after expressing her opposition to the bill when she was First Lady

  • Believed that marriage was defined as between a man and woman and reversed her position only in 2013 when it became politically convenient

  • Received millions in shady donations for her foundation while she was Secretary of State...

  • ... the same foundation whose donors got weapons deals when she was Secretary of State

  • Makes her fans wait hours for a five-minute speech...

  • ... while she gives closed doors fundraisers for rich donors

  • Is the first presidential candidate in History to be under investigation by the FBI during a campaign

  • Has received close to $100,000 in donations from the defense industry, more than any other candidate

  • Led a legislative campaign against video games in 2005, by pushing for the Family Entertainment Protection Act, which would have criminalized the sale of games rated "Mature" or "Adults Only" to minors, arguing that "violent video games are stealing the innocence of our children"
  • Doesn't support clemency for Edward Snowden

  • Wants a "Manhattan Project" to break encryption and force tech companies to plant backdoors in their products
  • Defended the repeal of Glass-Steagall, and dismissed reinstating it

  • Supports the TPP

  • Opposes a carbon tax

  • Took donations from federally registered lobbyists or PACs for private prison companies until October 2015

  • Opposes decriminalizing marijuana, and, despite naming the pharmaceutical industry as one of her greatest "enemies", has received more money from drug companies than any other candidate this cycle

This post was taken from reddit.
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Hillary Clinton:

  • Takes millions in speaking fees from Wall Street while pretending to speak for the little people

  • Says she doesn't know what Bernie Sanders means by "the establishment", says she's not a part of it

  • Transmitted classified intelligence over unsecured channels...

  • ... then joked during a press conference about wiping her server clean "with a cloth or something"

  • ... and laughs off everything she doesn't want to talk about in general

  • ... including when she was asked by a reporter whether she would release the transcript from her paid speeches at Goldman Sachs

  • Offered a Vermont newspapers off the record anti-Sanders tips

  • Lies about her opponent's health care program

  • Is said, by an ex Wall Street trader with 20 years of experience, to have turned the Democratic Party "from a party against Wall Street to a party of Wall Street"

  • Sends her daughter to lie about her opponent's health care program

  • ... and to speak to NYC fundraisers hosted by Wall Street bankers, where attendees can "pay $2700 for a picture" with her

  • Voted for the invasion of Iraq

  • Voted for the PATRIOT Act

  • Voted for the 2006 re authorization of the PATRIOT Act

  • Questions her older opponent's health while she was hospitalized for a concussion and a blood clot 3 years ago

  • Voted for the 2001 Bankruptcy Legislation which would have made it harder for struggling Americans to declare bankruptcy, after expressing her opposition to the bill when she was First Lady

  • Believed that marriage was defined as between a man and woman and reversed her position only in 2013 when it became politically convenient

  • Received millions in shady donations for her foundation while she was Secretary of State...

  • ... the same foundation whose donors got weapons deals when she was Secretary of State

  • Makes her fans wait hours for a five-minute speech...

  • ... while she gives closed doors fundraisers for rich donors

  • Is the first presidential candidate in History to be under investigation by the FBI during a campaign

  • Has received close to $100,000 in donations from the defense industry, more than any other candidate

  • Led a legislative campaign against video games in 2005, by pushing for the Family Entertainment Protection Act, which would have criminalized the sale of games rated "Mature" or "Adults Only" to minors, arguing that "violent video games are stealing the innocence of our children"
  • Doesn't support clemency for Edward Snowden

  • Wants a "Manhattan Project" to break encryption and force tech companies to plant backdoors in their products
  • Defended the repeal of Glass-Steagall, and dismissed reinstating it

  • Supports the TPP

  • Opposes a carbon tax

  • Took donations from federally registered lobbyists or PACs for private prison companies until October 2015

  • Opposes decriminalizing marijuana, and, despite naming the pharmaceutical industry as one of her greatest "enemies", has received more money from drug companies than any other candidate this cycle
You could at least cite the reddit post -
You could at least cite the reddit post -

Yes, that wasn't my post, but it encompasses everything I wanted to say.
Dont worry Ubik....I'll add an amendment at the bottom so folks here will know it was not written by me.

Odd you have nothing to say about the actual content of the post.
Yes, that wasn't my post, but it encompasses everything I wanted to say.
Dont worry Ubik....I'll add an amendment at the bottom so folks here will know it was not written by me.

Odd you have nothing to say about the actual content of the post.
I was more just looking at the sources that are helpfully provided on the original post. Many of them bear fairly tenuous links to the bullet points they are said to source. I'd recommend you read them and come to your own conclusions.
Speaking strictly between Bernie and Obama. Sanders looks like some random Communist bureaucrat from the 70s.

Oh please, stop with this generic right wing speak. He looks nothing like a random communist bureaucrat. He´s more of a throwback to liberal new deal democrats from back when, when the US had fantastic economic growth, an unheard of middle class, great salaries and not such income disparities, civil rights movements, and the emphasis was on the US as a whole and not the Reagan era greed is good credo and individual propaganda. Not to mention, respectable statesman with dignity, not so beholden to corporate and special interests.
Oh please, stop with this generic right wing speak. He looks nothing like a random communist bureaucrat. He´s more of a throwback to liberal new deal democrats from back when, when the US had fantastic economic growth, an unheard of middle class, great salaries and not such income disparities, civil rights movements, and the emphasis was on the US as a whole and not the Reagan era greed is good credo and individual propaganda. Not to mention, respectable statesman with dignity, not so beholden to corporate and special interests.

Sounds great. Would you rather live then?

Technology happened, productivity in certain activities skyrocketed. The rest of the world happened too, it was always unlikely the US would keep the GDP per capita advantage it had in the 50s and 60s, because both institutions and technology are replicable.

So now there are no more "good jobs" making couches, shoes, t-shirts, lightbulbs, basic metalwork, and all sorts of basic stuff that a basic educated worker from Latin America, Africa or Asia can just as easily do. And trying there to be would just push the economy into what has always happened to non-open economies that stimulate demand: inflation and productivity stagnation, which means wages stop growing in real terms. It happened in the US in the 70s, happened in Brazil and Mexico in the 80s.
Hillary Clinton:

  • Takes millions in speaking fees from Wall Street while pretending to speak for the little people

  • Says she doesn't know what Bernie Sanders means by "the establishment", says she's not a part of it

  • Transmitted classified intelligence over unsecured channels...

  • ... then joked during a press conference about wiping her server clean "with a cloth or something"

  • ... and laughs off everything she doesn't want to talk about in general

  • ... including when she was asked by a reporter whether she would release the transcript from her paid speeches at Goldman Sachs

  • Offered a Vermont newspapers off the record anti-Sanders tips

  • Lies about her opponent's health care program

  • Is said, by an ex Wall Street trader with 20 years of experience, to have turned the Democratic Party "from a party against Wall Street to a party of Wall Street"

  • Sends her daughter to lie about her opponent's health care program

  • ... and to speak to NYC fundraisers hosted by Wall Street bankers, where attendees can "pay $2700 for a picture" with her

  • Voted for the invasion of Iraq

  • Voted for the PATRIOT Act

  • Voted for the 2006 re authorization of the PATRIOT Act

  • Questions her older opponent's health while she was hospitalized for a concussion and a blood clot 3 years ago

  • Voted for the 2001 Bankruptcy Legislation which would have made it harder for struggling Americans to declare bankruptcy, after expressing her opposition to the bill when she was First Lady

  • Believed that marriage was defined as between a man and woman and reversed her position only in 2013 when it became politically convenient

  • Received millions in shady donations for her foundation while she was Secretary of State...

  • ... the same foundation whose donors got weapons deals when she was Secretary of State

  • Makes her fans wait hours for a five-minute speech...

  • ... while she gives closed doors fundraisers for rich donors

  • Is the first presidential candidate in History to be under investigation by the FBI during a campaign

  • Has received close to $100,000 in donations from the defense industry, more than any other candidate

  • Led a legislative campaign against video games in 2005, by pushing for the Family Entertainment Protection Act, which would have criminalized the sale of games rated "Mature" or "Adults Only" to minors, arguing that "violent video games are stealing the innocence of our children"
  • Doesn't support clemency for Edward Snowden

  • Wants a "Manhattan Project" to break encryption and force tech companies to plant backdoors in their products
  • Defended the repeal of Glass-Steagall, and dismissed reinstating it

  • Supports the TPP

  • Opposes a carbon tax

  • Took donations from federally registered lobbyists or PACs for private prison companies until October 2015

  • Opposes decriminalizing marijuana, and, despite naming the pharmaceutical industry as one of her greatest "enemies", has received more money from drug companies than any other candidate this cycle

This post was taken from reddit.

They are clutching at straws or else Bernie has got them hypnotized with his free everything for everyone babble.
They are clutching at straws or else Bernie has got them hypnotized with his free everything for everyone babble.
Funny thing with that is that one great real example of her flip-flopping for short term popularity is the TPP deal, which she supported for a long time before coming out against it recently. But that list has her supporting it purely to make her look bad to fellow Berners, and I can say with confidence it's a deliberate misrepresentation because the sources on the original reddit post both link to a story talking about the flip-flop. Heh!
Sounds great. Would you rather live then?

Technology happened, productivity in certain activities skyrocketed. The rest of the world happened too, it was always unlikely the US would keep the GDP per capita advantage it had in the 50s and 60s, because both institutions and technology are replicable.

So now there are no more "good jobs" making couches, shoes, t-shirts, lightbulbs, basic metalwork, and all sorts of basic stuff that a basic educated worker from Latin America, Africa or Asia can just as easily do. And trying there to be would just push the economy into what has always happened to non-open economies that stimulate demand: inflation and productivity stagnation, which means wages stop growing in real terms. It happened in the US in the 70s, happened in Brazil and Mexico in the 80s.

It could still use some of its considerable wealth on other things than tax breaks and loopholes for the rich and for business, the war machine, and it could get its hands dirty and do some overdue regulatory work in terms of, say, giving the EPA actual legs, and sorting out the mess of a health care system that is ridiculously expensive by any standard, and which has some of the worst outcomes in the western world. I'm not talking for the richest of the rich, I mean for average folk. It's also the main reason for personal bankruptcies, and I can see why when a mom giving birth will be looking at a minimum of $10,000 just for the luxury of having professional oversee one of the scariest normal life experiences that I could imagine, medically speaking.

It could also stop the grotesque moral cherade with things like sex ed and abortion. Democrats are clear on where they stand, but the powers that are actually running things in the US are doing some horrendous back door shenanigans to make even birth control hard to procure in certain areas, let alone getting an abortion. First find a doctor to prescribe, then you also have to find a pharmacist to fill the prescription, and even THEY can object. That's fecking legal, for a pharmacist to refuse to fill out a prescription for birth control. And with regards to sex ed, anybody who'd care to look at the stats on this will know that it's one of the best moves towards stopping abortions. It's so deranged the way they reason on this.

There's something fiercely fecked up with the political system and how it's been going, and I think it's out of place on the OECD on a number of important markers, and I really think Bernie's revolution is the last hope for the US in the near future. There's a slow decline with the current system, and a movement that cheers a Hillary election and stops at that is not going to see any significant change to counter this slide.

I'd LOVE to be slammed on this after her first term. I'd absolutely love to be wrong on this. Sorry if I've offended any Americans with this unsolicited rant ;P
The main problem with right wing arguments is they do not accept that the economy thrives when ordinary people have good living wages. Trickle down economics is just good propoganda. Simply teh progressive rates of taxation at the top must go up. Tax loopholes closed. The tax burden on lower incomes must be reduced.
The main problem with right wing arguments is they do not accept that the economy thrives when ordinary people have good living wages. Trickle down economics is just good propoganda. Simply teh progressive rates of taxation at the top must go up. Tax loopholes closed. The tax burden on lower incomes must be reduced.

You want to legalize eating babies as well?
It could still use some of its considerable wealth on other things than tax breaks and loopholes for the rich and for business, the war machine, and it could get its hands dirty and do some overdue regulatory work in terms of, say, giving the EPA actual legs, and sorting out the mess of a health care system that is ridiculously expensive by any standard, and which has some of the worst outcomes in the western world. I'm not talking for the richest of the rich, I mean for average folk. It's also the main reason for personal bankruptcies, and I can see why when a mom giving birth will be looking at a minimum of $10,000 just for the luxury of having professional oversee one of the scariest normal life experiences that I could imagine, medically speaking.

It could also stop the grotesque moral cherade with things like sex ed and abortion. Democrats are clear on where they stand, but the powers that are actually running things in the US are doing some horrendous back door shenanigans to make even birth control hard to procure in certain areas, let alone getting an abortion. First find a doctor to prescribe, then you also have to find a pharmacist to fill the prescription, and even THEY can object. That's fecking legal, for a pharmacist to refuse to fill out a prescription for birth control. And with regards to sex ed, anybody who'd care to look at the stats on this will know that it's one of the best moves towards stopping abortions. It's so deranged the way they reason on this.

There's something fiercely fecked up with the political system and how it's been going, and I think it's out of place on the OECD on a number of important markers, and I really think Bernie's revolution is the last hope for the US in the near future. There's a slow decline with the current system, and a movement that cheers a Hillary election and stops at that is not going to see any significant change to counter this slide.

I'd LOVE to be slammed on this after her first term. I'd absolutely love to be wrong on this. Sorry if I've offended any Americans with this unsolicited rant ;P

Bernie does spell out in some detail how he is paying for the expenses he proposes.
They are clutching at straws or else Bernie has got them hypnotized with his free everything for everyone babble.
Sorry that you feel it is babble but health care should be free and free tertiary education is a noble idea.
I believe Bernie has explained how he plans to pay for such services.

The GOP has outlined nothing to substance. The things they babble about are repealing the ACA, denying climate change and trying to ban abortion for the millionth time.
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