This is probably the last stats update before the end! I'll have a final one later, of course. We'll end in 1836, or if there are big wars going on after they finish. That's the plan right now, at least.
1444 &
country introductions
1502 &
country updates
1602 &
country updates
1707 &
country updates
The Holy Roman Empire is dissolved
All of the following stats are Cafites-only.
Development (total value of provinces - colonies contribute 50%)
- 3138 (+1207) - hobbers
- 2747 (+984) - Revolutionary Solius
- 2153 (+243) - RedSky
- 1990 (+586) - Eboue
- 1675 (-52) - BootsyCollins
- 1564 (+835) - P-Nut
- 1492 (-557) - Organic Potatoes
- 1368 (+330) - Abizzz
- 1348 (+98) - BD
- 1169 (+312) - altodevil
Prestige (sort of a "current status" value, goes from -100 to 100) <-- You get a huge prestige malus if the revolution has spread to your provinces and you haven't embraced it or crushed it. You guys are some un-prestigious folks right now.
- 89 - Revolutionary Solius
- 63 - BD
- 46 - Samid
- 16 - AnotherLondonManc
- 5 - Abizzz
- 4 - hobbers
- 1 - Shakesey
- 0 - RedSky
- -5 - V.O
- -22 - P-Nut
- -22 - altodevil
Power Projection (how much you've bullied (war, insults, embargo, etc) rival countries.)
- 100 - P-Nut
- 86 - hobbers
- 83 - altodevil
- 77 - Abizzz
- 68 - Revolutionary Solius
- 54 - Eboue
- 48 - AnotherLondonManc
- 47 - PSV
- 27 - Samid
- 24 - Organic Potatoes
Total Army size (with colonies) <-- There have been many big wars lately, so the armies and navies of many are reduced
- 540 000 (+143k) - hobbers
- 466 000 (+80k) - RedSky
- 465 000 (+135k) - Eboue
- 376 000 (+48k) - Revolutionary Solius
- 346 000 (-150k) - Organic Potatoes
- 329 000 (+205k) - P-Nut
- 226 000 (-68k) - Abizzz
- 220 000 (-7k) - Samid
- 219 000 (+9k) - AnotherLondonManc
- 216 000 (+53k) - altodevil
Total Navy Size (with colonies)
- 370 (+118) - hobbers
- 266 (+13) - AnotherLondonManc
- 364 (+170) - Revolutionary Solius
- 263 (+71) - altodevil
- 251 (+64) - Eboue
- 113 (+64) - P-Nut
- 105 (+5) - BootsyCollins
- 97 (-115) - adexkola
- 77 (+15) - Samid
- 62 (-40) - BD
Total monthly income (trade from the New World is flowing to Europe, and a lot of it is ending up in the English Channel trade node (which is an end-node by the design of the game, meaning it doesn't flow anywhere from it).
@altodevil happens to have a very strong hold on trade in that trade node, and so is making more in trade than anyone, by far)
- 1312 (+740) - hobbers
- 802 (+401) - Revolutionary Solius
- 706 (+261) - altodevil
- 632 (+230) - Eboue
- 383 (+113) - Abizzz
- 377 (+149) - P-Nut
- 324 (+21) - AnotherLondonManc
- 283 (+6) - Samid
- 274 (+33) - PSV
- 265 (+59) - Salt Bailly
Ideas (these are basically upgrades you can take that come in Administrative, Diplomatic and Military, using the currency generated (generally) by the skills of your ruler. They're one way of measuring how well you're doing that doesn't necessarily relate directly to your number of provinces or the size of your armies. If you're conquering a lot you'll probably use a lot of
Administrative power on making the new provinces
cores, so maybe won't have as much to spend on new ideas)
Everyone is at 56 (max for the tech level), except:
55 - Wing Attack Plan R
54 - Igor Drefljak, Abizzz
53 - OrganicPotatoes
52 - BootsyCollins, adexkola
51 - Walrus
50 - Shakesey
Most developed province You use
Monarch Power to develop these. It gets more expensive to increase the higher it is.
- 71 (+6) - Kraków (PSV)
- 71 (+3) - Lublin (Samid)
- 68 (-) - Cambrésis (Eboue)
- 68 (+4) - Auvergne (RedSky)
- 67 (+6) - Derby (altodevil)
- 67 (+4) - Ayrshire (Organic Potatoes)
- 66 (+5) - Cagliari (AnotherLondonManc)
- 66 (+1) - Hainaut (Eboue)
- 65 (+4) - Namur (Eboue)
- 65 (+9) - Leipzig (Abizzz)
Army losses (battles + attrition) <- NOT including colonies
- 5 298 000 - Solius
- 5 061 000 - hobbers
- 3 622 000 - Abizzz
- 3 237 000 - Eboue
- 3 028 000 - BootsyCollins
- 2 611 000 - AnotherLondonManc
- 2 605 000 - adexkola
- 2 484 000 - BD
- 2 383 000 - P-Nut
- 1 899 000 - Wing Attack Plan R
Naval losses <- NOT including colonies
- 462 - Revolutionary Solius
- 443 - Organic Potatoes
- 348 - Eboue
- 328 - altodevil
- 297 - adexkola
- 291 - AnotherLondonManc
- 290 - BD
- 272 - RedSky
- 208 - Wing Attack Plan R
- 196 - BootsyCollins
Religions (changes in bold)
Catholic: Organic Potatoes, BD,
Revolutionary Solius, altodevil, Samid, VeevaVee, Eboue, Igor Drefljak, AnotherLondonManc, BootsyCollins
Protestant: PSV, Andycoleno9, adexkola,
Reformed: V.O., Abizzz
Sunni: Wing Attack Plan R, Walrus, Shakesey,
Revolutionary SilentWitness
Orthodox: hobbers, Salt Bailly, P-Nut
Religious Map of Europe (click to expand)
Beyond Europe (click!)
The World
Players no longer with us (10)
- Stobzilla
- Grib
- Denis79
- Dan x3
- Vidyoyo x2
- Dr. Dwayne
- Welsh Wonder
- Crackers
- KirkDuyt
- Tiber