Gaming 1836 - The Europa Universalis 4 Experiment (Hands-off) - Map & stats in second post - Final Map and Stats update - Timelapse video

@AnotherLondonManc got rid of those pesky royals.

About time! Change has been sorely needed. And he looks like a competent, aggressive leader too (I assume the scores are out of 5).

The ALM people demand retaliation. And they will have it!

Edit: And his name is doge! Get ready to get memed on. ALM to the moon!
Your leader

I'm blue abedee abedie...

What does it mean?
@Eboue looked at the big war, said "oh, this is still going, huh?" and promptly decided to expedite matters by joining the losing side. Wait, that doesn't work. Whatever. That's what he did.

@AnotherLondonManc is still getting screwed, but if he can avoid peacing out of the war (peacing everyone out since he's the war leader), the balance of power in Europe might have shifted.

1747 - Map and Stats
1444 & country introductions
1502 & country updates
1602 & country updates
1707 & country updates



The Holy Roman Empire is dissolved


All of the following stats are Cafites-only.

Development (total value of provinces - colonies contribute 50%)
  1. 2049 (+50) - Organic Potatoes
  2. 1931 (+764) - hobbers
  3. 1910 (+191) - RedSky
  4. 1765 (+182) - Revolutionary Solius
  5. 1727 (+371) - BootsyCollins
  6. 1645 (+239) - adexkola
  7. 1404 (+532) - Eboue
  8. 1318 (+4) - AnotherLondonManc
  9. 1317 (+302) - Wing Attack Plan R
  10. 1250 (+260) - BD
Prestige (sort of a "current status" value, goes from -100 to 100)
  1. 99 - Samid
  2. 98 - Wing Attack Plan R
  3. 92 - Eboue
  4. 71 - Salt Bailly
  5. 62 - altodevil
  6. 51 - BD
  7. 48 - Tiber
  8. 47 - Andycoleno9
  9. 44 - Revolutionary Solius
  10. 28 - Abizzz
Power Projection (how much you've bullied (war, insults, embargo, etc) rival countries.)
  1. 100 - Eboue
  2. 100 - P-Nut
  3. 96 - BootsyCollins
  4. 79 - hobbers
  5. 71 - Revolutionary Solius
  6. 51 - Organic Potatoes
  7. 50 - AnotherLondonManc
  8. 44 - adexkola
  9. 40 - BD
  10. 39 - Abizzz
  11. 39 - altodevil
Total Army size (with colonies)
  1. 496 000 (+39k) - Organic Potatoes
  2. 397 000 (+88k) - hobbers
  3. 386 000 (+50k) - RedSky
  4. 333 000 (+31k) - adexkola
  5. 330 000 (+189k) - Eboue
  6. 328 000 (+67k) - Revolutionary Solius
  7. 294 000 (+131k) - Abizzz
  8. 227 000 (+111k) - Samid
  9. 210 000 (+24k) - AnotherLondonManc
  10. 198 000 (+59k) - Wing Attack Plan R
Total Navy Size (with colonies)
  1. 502 (+117) - Organic Potatoes
  2. 252 (+80) - hobbers
  3. 252 (+68) - AnotherLondonManc
  4. 219 (+37) - RedSky (half of this is the very disgruntled colony of Floride)
  5. 212 (+74) - adexkola
  6. 194 (-104) - Revolutionary Solius
  7. 192 (+33) - altodevil
  8. 187 (+103) - Eboue
  9. 155 (+41) - Wing Attack Plan R
  10. 102 (+28) - BD
Total monthly income (trade from the New World is flowing to Europe, and a lot of it is ending up in the English Channel trade node (which is an end-node by the design of the game, meaning it doesn't flow anywhere from it). @altodevil happens to have a very strong hold on trade in that trade node, and so is making more in trade than anyone, by far)
  1. 572 (+226) - hobbers
  2. 445 (+39) - altodevil
  3. 402 (+213) - Eboue
  4. 401 (-49) - Revolutionary Solius
  5. 303 (+41) - AnotherLondonManc
  6. 277 (+62) - Samid
  7. 270 (+67) - Abizzz
  8. 241 (+56) - PSV
  9. 228 (+85) - P-Nut
  10. 228 (-81) - Wing Attack Plan R

Ideas (these are basically upgrades you can take that come in Administrative, Diplomatic and Military, using the currency generated (generally) by the skills of your ruler. They're one way of measuring how well you're doing that doesn't necessarily relate directly to your number of provinces or the size of your armies. If you're conquering a lot you'll probably use a lot of Administrative power on making the new provinces cores, so maybe won't have as much to spend on new ideas)

Everyone is at 49 (max for the tech level), except:

48: SilentWitness, VeevaVee
47: Andycoleno9, hobbers, Abizzz,
46: Wing Attack Plan R, Igor Drefljak, BD
45: Revolutionary Solius
44: Walrus
41: Shakesey

Most developed province You use Monarch Power to develop these. It gets more expensive to increase the higher it is.
  1. 68 (+4) - Cambrésis (Eboue)
  2. 68 (+7) - Lublin (Samid)
  3. 65 (+15) - Kraków (PSV)
  4. 65 (+7) - Hainaut (Eboue)
  5. 64 (+4) - Auvergne (RedSky)
  6. 63 (+4) - Ayrshire (Organic Potatoes)
  7. 61 (+3) Cagliari (AnotherLondonManc
  8. 61 (+3) Noamn (SilentWitness)
  9. 61 (+1) Derby (altodevil)
  10. 61 (+5) Asturias (Revolutionary Solius)
  11. 61 (+7) Metz (SilentWitness)
Army losses (battles + attrition) <- NOT including colonies
  1. 3 624 000 - Solius
  2. 2 337 000 - hobbers
  3. 2 040 000 - adexkola
  4. 1 856 000 - Abizzz
  5. 1 802 000 - AnotherLondonManc
  6. 1 746 000 - BootsyCollins
  7. 1 718 000 - BD
  8. 1 444 000 - Eboue
  9. 1 344 000 - P-Nut
  10. 1 269 000 - Wing Attack Plan R
Naval losses <- NOT including colonies
  1. 347 - Revolutionary Solius
  2. 288 - Organic Potatoes
  3. 229 - altodevil
  4. 221 - adexkola
  5. 185 - Eboue
  6. 171 - RedSky
  7. 156 - VeevaVee
  8. 134 - Igor Drefljak
  9. 126 - P-Nut
  10. 103 - Walrus
Religions (changes in bold)

Catholic: Organic Potatoes, BD, Revolutionary Solius, altodevil, Samid, VeevaVee, KirkDuyt, Eboue, Igor Drefljak, AnotherLondonManc, BootsyCollins
Protestant: PSV, Andycoleno9, adexkola,
Reformed: V.O., Abizzz, SilentWitness
Sunni: Wing Attack Plan R, Walrus, Shakesey
Orthodox: hobbers, Salt Bailly, Tiber, P-Nut

Religious Map of Europe (click to expand)


Beyond Europe (click!)



The World


Players no longer with us (9)
  • Stobzilla
  • Grib
  • Denis79
  • Dan x3
  • Vidyoyo x2
  • Dr. Dwayne
  • Welsh Wonder
  • Crackers
  • KirkDuyt
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I tried putting some more space after the ranking numbers, to avoid it being numbers on numbers on numbers, but the formatting just ignored the double spaces I put in. How very rude.
Don't worry, he found a new war for you guys. Actually he's heavily incentivized to fight wars as a revolutionary republic. They have a revolutionary zeal mechanic, which gives good bonuses if kept high, but it declines when at peace. To war!

The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many.
Yep that's definitely possible. With western tech? Probably wouldn't need to give colonists, since I think we could maybe fill up most of the Americas. Maybe leave some room for someone who actually wants to explore.

My view would be native tech and colonists; the caftards must come together to repel the white man, or stay divided and die!

Or with Western tech, whatever.
My view would be native tech and colonists; the caftards must come together to repel the white man, or stay divided and die!

Or with Western tech, whatever.

Maybe even add Revolutionary Solius in Spain as the endgame raidboss!
This happened so quickly I didn't even have time to introduce it happening. Now it's happened. In the 1707 update my prediction for @adexkola was that his lack of proper allies would come to haunt him. It's just haunted the shit out of him, as @Eboue, @Abizzz and @BootsyCollins (i.e. all his neighbours) have ganged up on him. Eboue came the best out of it, and he's currently having a bit of a meteoric rise. Compare the picture with Europe in the last update.

Also, this VERY BAD thing is happening for @Organic Potatoes. All three of his remaining (after Brazil skipped town) Latin American colonies have declared a joint independence war (West Indies, La Plata, Peru). And you'll never guess who instigated the whole thing. It starts with Revolutionary and ends with @Solius. This time he's decided to make very sure, so he's bringing along @RedSky. And @BD. And @altodevil.

That also means @altodevil finally has the chance to push OP out of Great Britain if he wants to.

I think we're seeing the spectacular fall of a colonial empire. OP is very much playing the historical role of the Spanish Empire here. Oh yeah, and it's very very bad for @AnotherLondonManc, but that hardly needs saying at this point.

If Latin America decolonises it's primed for recolonising. Get em boys