Gaming 1836 - The Europa Universalis 4 Experiment (Hands-off) - Map & stats in second post - Final Map and Stats update - Timelapse video

Is there tech leakage like CK2 - i.e will me being close to the Ayrshire (aka Athens of the North) be beneficial to my territories?
Is there tech leakage like CK2 - i.e will me being close to the Ayrshire (aka Athens of the North) be beneficial to my territories?

Not related to particular provinces, but yes if you have neighbours who are ahead of you technologically, your tech will be cheaper. You might benefit from Ayrshire if it's much quicker to get an Institution (we should get Colonialism soon, for example), as development plays a part in that. And institutions usually spread quicker if neighbouring provinces already have it.
Seems like I've got loads of ideas and a decent amount of money, but I'm doing piss all with it. Hopefully I'm just a defensive powerhouse and we'll be batting away swathes of these leaches later.
Also a bully: @Eboue

Congratulations on your new capital @KirkDuyt. You can stop pretending Den Haag is really the Dutch capital and embrace Amsterdam once and for all.


I dont understand did I win or did he
@nimic still struggling with the importance of prestige. I've dropped from 99 to 42. Has something gone very wrong in my empire, or nothing to be concerned about?
@nimic still struggling with the importance of prestige. I've dropped from 99 to 42. Has something gone very wrong in my empire, or nothing to be concerned about?
It comes mostly from winning battles and winning wars. Bigger prestige gets you some benefits.
When you are at peace and doing nothing, prestige slightly goes down every month.
In a big and long war you can build prestige on 100. I guess you did that and then your ruler decided to chill and go whoring with my ruler
@nimic still struggling with the importance of prestige. I've dropped from 99 to 42. Has something gone very wrong in my empire, or nothing to be concerned about?

Yeah basically what Andy said. 42 isn't bad, you're not going to stay at 99 at this stage of the game unless you're crushing everything. It trends towards 0 by default.
What’s the end game? A specific year? Or when the whole world is a veeva eutopia?
Why haven't we taken crackers yet, Solius and RS? What's the holdup?
When are me and @Shakesey getting it on? Feel like I've missed an opportunity somewhat with his massive army expansion.

Would be a good fight! I've got to at least give it a go for almost full control of the Mediterranean
When are me and @Shakesey getting it on? Feel like I've missed an opportunity somewhat with his massive army expansion.

Would be a good fight! I've got to at least give it a go for almost full control of the Mediterranean

We should get together and take down WAPR.
I'm a parasite and I love it. Colonialism gives me a chance at new life elsewhere that isn't right next to the most dominant civ
If @Solius wants to end @Crackers, he'll now have to go through Organic Potatoes.


@Solius saw this and shrugged. I think @Shakesey may regret sending 60k men into Africa. He's about to be very invaded.

@Crackers might be the next to go, but I've said that six or seven times already. I think the more pressing question is if @RedSky will actually get anything out of it for once.
