1502 - Map and stats
Europe 1472
Europe in 1502 (Click for a bigger one - you can also open/download all the maps so far (1444, 1472, 1502) and easily compare)
adexkola is the Holy Roman Emperor
All of the following stats are Cafites-only.
Development (total value of provinces)
Europe in 1502 (Click for a bigger one - you can also open/download all the maps so far (1444, 1472, 1502) and easily compare)
adexkola is the Holy Roman Emperor
All of the following stats are Cafites-only.
Development (total value of provinces)
- Hobbers: 423
- Wing Attack Plan R: 405
- AnotherLondonManc: 354
- RedSky: 341
- Walrus: 338
- Shakesey: 335
- Solius: 332
- Eboue: 304
- Tiber: 303
- adexkola: 296
- AnotherLondonManc: 99
- Wing Attack Plan R: 51
- Salt Bailly: 48
- adexkola: 47
- PSV: 41
- BD: 41
- hobbers: 40
- RedSky: 38
- Solius: 36
- V.O.: 32
- Shakesey: 63
- Hobbers: 62
- Organic Potatoes: 59
- Andocoleno9: 52
- AnotherLondonManc: 49
- Solius: 40
- Salt Bailly: 38
- RedSky: 36
- Igor Drefljak: 33
- Abizzz: 33
- Solius: 55 000
- Wing Attack Plan R: 47 000
- Adexkola: 44 431
- AnotherLondonManc: 38 000
- Abizzz: 37 914
- Eboue: 37 000
- hobbers: 35 000
- BD: 32 000
- V.O.: 31 101
- Organic Potatoes: 30 984
- AnotherLondonManc: 52
- Igor Drefljak: 43
- BD: 40
- Organic Potaties: 34
- VeevaVee: 33
- hobbers: 33
- Wing Attack Plan R: 30
- altodevil: 30
- Welsh Wonder: 29
- KirkDuyt: 28
- Solius: 91
- AnotherLondonManc: 66
- BD: 51
- hobbers: 46
- Organic Potatoes: 44
- Igor Drefljak: 44
- Welsh Wonder: 43
- V.O.: 42
- Wing Attack Plan R: 39
- KirkDuyt: 39
- Organic Potatoes: 14
- Vidyoyo: 14
- altodevil: 14
- SilentWitness: 13
- KirkDuyt: 13
- Abizzz: 13
- VeevaVee: 12
- Crackers: 12
- BD: 12
- Andycoleno9: 11
- AnotherLondonManc: 11
- Eboue: 11
- P-Nut: 11
- Welsh Wonder: 11
- Solius: 11
- Paris (Eboue): 33
- Roma (VeevaVee): 33
- Henegouwn (SilentWitness): 33
- Qahirah (Wing Attack Plan R: 31
- Ayrshire (Organic Potatoes): 31
- Auvergne (RedSky): 29
- Firenze (AnotherLondonManc): 28
- Aachen (adexkola): 27
- Moskva (Salt Bailly): 27
- Krakow (PSV): 27
- Metz (SilentWitness): 27
- Venezia (P-Nut): 27
- Genova (AnotherLondonManc): 27
- Stobzilla
- Grib