Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?

Gibson always had the ability to be at least a good solid squad player for us. He just needed to get more involved and improve his positioning.

When you get down to 6th choice central midfielder (or any other position), you can't expect someone who can come in and be considered a strength in the team. The key is that they also can't be a weakness. The problem is that Gibson often is a weakness as he just drifts around and rarely gets involved, leaving us liable to getting over-run in the middle of the field. He's shown multiple times that he's certainly capable of better than that, so he just has to be more consistent about it. If he can do so, he can be a fantastic squad player for us.

Whether he'll ever be more than just a squad player, who knows.
Indeed but I don't see how if people didn't rate him on Tuesday that he's suddenly disproved the doubters on the Wednesday.

He gets far too much stick than is fair or palatable but I think we can read too much into just one game. I agree with you that he has had a couple of good performances this season. I think when he does under-perform, the hysterical reaction to it, makes him seem like a worse asset than he actually is.

Tbh, I don't think anyone is reading too much into one performance. What we are saying though is give credit where it is due, especially after the lad has been taken to the cleaners at every given opportunity.
I dislike this idea that a player is 'redeemed' in the basis of one performance as much as I hate it when a player is condemned off the back of not much more.

Gibson has been harshly treated by a section of fans who have simply been, for lack of a better word, disrespectful. A great performance or a shit performance vs Schalke doesn't change that.

His passing looked very good on Wednesday though and perhaps we are now seeing signs as to why Sir Alex persists with bringing him in every so often.

Wouldn't agree with that at all. If we're talking about the Twitter folks then sure, that wasn't good. I don't think they're representative though.

But the supportes have generally been good with him and regardless, are more than entitled to express their displeasure if a player isn't doing his job.
Fergie obviously rates him enough to start him in a CL Semi, which is good enough for me. The hot and cold performances will probably improve over time, although probably not fast enough for the instant gratification spastics on here.
Wouldn't agree with that at all. If we're talking about the Twitter folks then sure, that wasn't good. I don't think they're representative though.

But the supportes have generally been good with him and regardless, are more than entitled to express their displeasure if a player isn't doing his job.

Mmmm... It's not just on twitter though.

I might be imagining it but wasn't there a very mixed response when his name was called out before the game on Wednesday night? Definitely got cheered a lot less loudly than anyone else and I'm fairly sure I also heard some boos/groans.

I noticed it because I was thinking about the twitter stuff and was wondering if he'd get a louder cheer than usual as a response.

Be interested to hear if anyone who was at the game noticed this?

Failing that, any of ye downloaders got video from that moment in the coverage?
The thing with Gibson is, he needs to be selected in certain types of games. He seems to play well in open, end to end games by counter attacking playing box-to-box.

In tight games which requires great technical ability and experience, he lets the team down.

I think he will gain the experience in time, and could develop his game like Fletcher once did, to take his game to another level. We have time with Gibson, he is happy to work hard to get in the team, he is young and will improve.

He will only get better with every year, look at Fletcher, a late developer and now he is one of our most important players.
Mmmm... It's not just on twitter though.

I might be imagining it but wasn't there a very mixed response when his name was called out before the game on Wednesday night? Definitely got cheered a lot less loudly than anyone else and I'm fairly sure I also heard some boos/groans.

I noticed it because I was thinking about the twitter stuff and was wondering if he'd get a louder cheer than usual as a response.

Be interested to hear if anyone who was at the game noticed this?

Failing that, any of ye downloaders got video from that moment in the coverage?

Again, if there were boos I don't think that's necessarily representative of the supporters at large. Groans? I think they have a right to be disappointed if a player they don't believe is good enough is selected. Obviously it's better if he's completely supported and all the rest but I don't take issue with supporters who don't go nuts for a player they don't rate at all.
Again, if there were boos I don't think that's necessarily representative of the supporters at large. Groans? I think they have a right to be disappointed if a player they don't believe is good enough is selected. Obviously it's better if he's completely supported and all the rest but I don't take issue with supporters who don't go nuts for a player they don't rate at all.

I'm not suggesting anyone go nuts but audible groans/boos when a young player is trusted to start a high-profile game is not very cool. Especially when he's recently taken a kicking in the press.

(cue an indignant post from Ralphie88 about the bare-faced cheek of armchair fans criticising people at the game)
Again, if there were boos I don't think that's necessarily representative of the supporters at large. Groans? I think they have a right to be disappointed if a player they don't believe is good enough is selected. Obviously it's better if he's completely supported and all the rest but I don't take issue with supporters who don't go nuts for a player they don't rate at all.

Not going nuts for a player is understandable, but I don't feel a supporters 'right' to boo a player just because they personally feel it's justified should be defended. When it comes down to it, what does it achieve? Ok, maybe if a player is just being lazy or unfocused on the game a little displeasure being shown may shame them into action, but I feel in most cases it's just as likely to make the situation worse. Especially when we're talking about relatively inexperienced players such as Gibson, old Fletcher etc.
Not going nuts for a player is understandable, but I don't feel a supporters 'right' to boo a player just because they personally feel it's justified should be defended. When it comes down to it, what does it achieve? Ok, maybe if a player is just being lazy or unfocused on the game a little displeasure being shown may shame them into action, but I feel in most cases it's just as likely to make the situation worse. Especially when we're talking about relatively inexperienced players such as Gibson, old Fletcher etc.

I think I've addressed that. I don't think the boos were representative, nor, in an ideal world, should they be. I think the groans or less enthusiastic cheering are more representative of the matchgoing supporters' views on Gibson.

I'm not defending any part of it nor saying it achieves anything, simply saying that if a supporter pays their money in they are entitled to express their support how they wish, within reason (personally I wouldn't boo a United player, but that's just me). If some people expressed that in terms of being disappointed that Gibson was starting then so be it. It's perfectly natural. You're standing beside a mate as the team is read out and hear a name you aren't enthused by you're as likely as not to turn to your mate and say something along those lines.
I am a firm believer of giving all the players support to win a game, unconditionally. It really can make a difference. You go abroad and see average teams in the CL get amazing support, no matter which players are in the team, and it gives them all such a lift.... We need that sometimes
Going back to an early point (its on another page so can't be bothered to go back and click 'quote', so I apologise), it isn't just twitter where he gets stick

Gibson slating seems to be generally the 'norm' with, if not the majority, then a sizable portion of United fans who I associate with and also view the opinions of online.

Twitter is an irrelevance as the disrespect shown towards the player, predates Twitter by a long, long way.
I think I've addressed that. I don't think the boos were representative, nor, in an ideal world, should they be. I think the groans or less enthusiastic cheering are more representative of the matchgoing supporters' views on Gibson.

I'm not defending any part of it nor saying it achieves anything, simply saying that if a supporter pays their money in they are entitled to express their support how they wish, within reason (personally I wouldn't boo a United player, but that's just me). If some people expressed that in terms of being disappointed that Gibson was starting then so be it. It's perfectly natural. You're standing beside a mate as the team is read out and hear a name you aren't enthused by you're as likely as not to turn to your mate and say something along those lines.

Well that's fair enough, but it's the booing that's made with the intention of being heard by the player in question that annoys me, rather than a general undecided hubbub when their name is read out at the start of the game.

And true enough, if a supporter pays their money there's not really anything to stop them booing whoever they want, or shouting nonsensical ramblings about fruit, or even reading some of the more melancholy passages from War and Peace in a little known ethiopian dialect. But why don't they use that energy to show some vocal support for the players they do like instead? You'd never know, it might actually have a positive effect.

(that last question is rhetorical, by the way)
"Every young player that comes to the club gets ingrained with the fabric of it," said Ferguson. "It is a first medal for Chris Smalling, Darron Gibson and Javier Hernández. That is a wonderful experience for them. They are the future."

Sir Alex Ferguson, 14 May 2011

Our leader obviously thinks he has a very bright future ahead. Thats good enough for me.
Our leader obviously thinks he has a very bright future ahead. Thats good enough for me.

Its good enough for me as well. That performance Gibbo put in against Schalke was him showing us that he can do it. Overall the lad had quite a good season, stepping in & doing the job for us while players were out injured or had to be rested. He played a part in the number 19, no two ways about that.
There's seems to be no doubt at all that Darren will get at least one more season to prove himself. I'm glad anyway, because for all the poor performances we've seen over the years, I think we've seen enough potential to keep with him for now. Also again I think I have to bow to SAF's vastly superior football knowledge.
Its good enough for me as well. That performance Gibbo put in against Schalke was him showing us that he can do it. Overall the lad had quite a good season, stepping in & doing the job for us while players were out injured or had to be rested. He played a part in the number 19, no two ways about that.

I actually think he did better in 09-10, scoring quite a few rockets incuding the one against Bayern. This season I thought he waned a bit tbh, apart from that delicious lob against Soton, he seemed to have even lost his trademark thunderbolts.

But having said that, I still think he has the potential & ability to play for United, as a squad player to say at least. Glad he'd eventualy found his form in the CL semi. Hope he carries on from it.
what are people expecting from Gibson?

He´s never gonna be a first choice starter,he will always (at least for us) be a second string back-up who will come in and do a decent job, and as i´ve said before, we need players like that,every team does, but lets not get carried away with his abilities eh?
yeah despite what we all think it seems that gibson will be here next season. If fergie thinks hes good enough who are we to argue.

Suppose he deserves a chance, and he has shown glimmers of improvement latley.....
what are people expecting from Gibson?

He´s never gonna be a first choice starter,he will always (at least for us) be a second string back-up who will come in and do a decent job, and as i´ve said before, we need players like that,every team does, but lets not get carried away with his abilities eh?

Who's getting carried away?!
He's building up experience. He's got big games behind him now. He's never likely to be first choice at any big club and I guess he has a choice whether he wants to drop down to his 'level' and get regular football at Stoke or wherever, or stay at United and becoming a squad player. if he stays, all that experience he's been gaining will be to our advantage.

Just look at players like Brown, O'Shea and others who we can call upon when needs be (although O'Shea is something of a first choice recently) who have a shitful of European match experience. Gibson will be in that position soon and we'll be grateful that we'll have someone like that to step in from time to time when the need arises.
There's seems to be no doubt at all that Darren will get at least one more season to prove himself. I'm glad anyway, because for all the poor performances we've seen over the years, I think we've seen enough potential to keep with him for now. Also again I think I have to bow to SAF's vastly superior football knowledge.

I'm still not so sure. I am not particularly against him getting another year, but i don't really go along with claims he has had a good season or shown enough potential.

I'm not even questioning SAF really, only saying that i have noticed he seems to lacks significantly more attributes than he actually possesses.He is a decent passer and has a good shot, but he lacks pace, mobility, versatility, does not have a particularly good touch and has an annoying tendency to give away silly free kicks.

When we consider he made his debut back in 2005 i really don't look at him as improving significantly in the last couple of years, despite plenty of opportunities to stake a claim in a persistently struggling midfield.

If we contrast his impact compared to Smalling, Hernandez and the Da Silvas, i really cannot see what all the fuss is about to be honest.

He looks a decent player but nothing more imo. Hope i'm wrong, i do not want him to fail, but i'm yet to be convinced by him i'm afraid.
He had some good games in a 3 man midfield when his lack of work ethic and movement isn't found out. Unfortunately for him United play a 2 man centre midfield in maybe 70%-75% of the games so his chances to play will continue to be limited. He's 24 this year, it's up to him I guess if he wants to play on a regular basis or continue to be be a part player at United.
There is alot if ignorance and misunderstanding of how things work at Manchester United when it comes to Gibson.

So many post above bang on about whether he would be happy being 'a squad player' at United, when will you realise that Manchester United does not have a first team, thats is SAF who invented the entire notion of 'rotation' and thats is because of players like Park, O'Shea and Fletcher that we have been successful these past few years. John OShea is anything but a squad player .... he's played 70+ CL games FFS!

A key part of our squad unity and team spirit comes from the fact that we must always have home grown players in the mix. These are boys that the club knows inside out, have invested a huge amount of emotional capital in and whom the club has a long term development plan in. Gibson is obviously one of them.

The last thing worth noting is that not all footballers develop at the same rate and at the same age and the Premiership is full of late bloomers who only made thier mark after the age of 25. Steve Bruce, Eric Cantona, Dwight Yorke are just a few of our own, Ian Wright, Petit, Bould from Arsenal and there are so many others. Im sure the club has seen enough in Gibson to believe that there remains significant potential within which he can grow into and so make major contributions.

That twitter abuse was shameful. Support him because thats our role as supporters and let the worlds best ever manager decide whether he is worthy of our support.
When I first saw him a few seasons ago I though he'd be an effective stand-in for Michael Carrick.

Since then though his progress has slowed to the extent that he actually slows our general play down.

I hope that he picks up his progress again. I don't expect him to be good as Carrick. But if his one-touch passing can improve he'll be well on the way.
The last thing worth noting is that not all footballers develop at the same rate and at the same age and the Premiership is full of late bloomers who only made thier mark after the age of 25. Steve Bruce, Eric Cantona, Dwight Yorke are just a few of our own, Ian Wright, Petit, Bould from Arsenal and there are so many others. Im sure the club has seen enough in Gibson to believe that there remains significant potential within which he can grow into and so make major contributions.

How are you defining making their mark exactly? By enjoying success at a big club i presume.

Well Cantona had already made his mark way before he moved to Utd, Ian Wright didn't take up pro football till he was 23 and within 3 years was one of the best strikers in the league. Steve Bruce was captain of Norwich and a well established player before moving to Utd, as was Bould at Stoke before going to Arsenal.

Yorke was a very good player for a decade at Villa before moving to Utd, so i don't see your point, these guys had already made it as pro footballers who simply went on to better and bigger things. You have made it sound like they did absolutely feck all till they came on your radar.

That would be like when we signed Sheringham and then when he won trophies with us, claiming he didn't make his mark until he was 33. Absolute bollocks mate.

Gibson's situation is nothing whatsoever like any of those players and even if there were it would have no bearing. The bottom line is we have a player who has done very little despite playing first team football since 2005. Read into that what you will but those are the facts i'm afraid.

That twitter abuse was shameful. Support him because thats our role as supporters and let the worlds best ever manager decide whether he is worthy of our support.

Well said. It was shameful and if like one of the other poster's implied that there may have been boo's for him in whatever match it was, then that is shameful too.

I might not rate him as highly as some, but i would never boo any player who pulls on a Utd shirt and gives his best, whether i personally rate his ability or not.
Ben Hibbs tweeting about a rumour linking him to Sunderland.

Personally I hope we keep him for at least 1 more year.
I think if we're bringing in a couple of midfielders (assuming Rodwell + creative CM) then he should go now. For himself.

He's come out really strongly in the Irish media a few times and said that he wants to go no-where and really wants to stay here and fight for his place. He's certainly improving of late, and if he puts in a few more performances like the one Vs Shalke he will get plenty of chances this year.
I would like him to stay, he has his detractors, but, I feel that he showed signs of improvement towards the end of the season. Good squad player.

Just wish he could build up some confidence and start enjoying his football.
We've sold better players...its really up to the club. We have to do something and there's no point being sentimental. So i'll side with Sir Alex and we'll see what happens over the summer.
I remember the same things being said about Darren Fletcher.

Aye, this 'look at Fletcher' argument is all well and good but he's one example. There are dozens of others who've been in and around the squad only to be proven not to be good enough.