The Best Movie Trilogies

Toy Story, Star Wars (original trilogy) and LOTR.

Godfather trilogy would be up there but I really can't get into the 3rd film. As a stand-alone it would be a good film but when put next to the other two there is no comparison and the 3rd one turns out to be very disappointing.
I actually shouldn't even call what Plinkett/Red Light Media does as a 'review'. Its so much more then that, and the first two reviews are actually far more entertaining than the movies themselves

The horrible acting, the terrible plots, the love story, the overuse of special effects (so much so that everything looks so perfect that it actually looks fake), the terrible writing; none of this is excusable simply because they got two or three scenes right in the III movie

I know you say you don't like reviews, but those reviews are necessary viewing for any Star Wars fan, even the casual ones like myself (and I assume most people)

Oh, I forgot to mention that Lucas is a greedy, fat, lazy business man

I have watched all 6 many time and yes the new 3 are rubbish with plenty of plot holes.
I will watch the reviews.
Agreed about Lucas.
I'll give Scream a shout given its not been mentioned and another one is coming. As with most trilogy's, I enjoyed the first two immensely

Back to the Future is probably my favourite because that's what I grew up with, Back to the Future II was the first VHS I was ever bought

Class wise the Godfather wins this hands down, and I think its a bit overblown how supposedly poor the latter film was, but I guess it is judged against two of the greatest films of all time. It'd stand up as a very good memorable film on its own, and there are some epic scenes from the entire trilogy many recall today that its responsible for
LOTR and Star Wars originals without a doubt

I often think Alien 3 gets unfair opinions. Sure it not great but it is passable. The 1st 2 are classics so that is right up there too (I pretend the 4th does not exist)

Chris Nolan's has a good chance to make his Batman movies one the best trilogies. But we shall see.

Godfather is obviously right up there too. But I have yet to sit through the 3rd one all the way yet.

Mad Max could be another good shout?

And I cannot believe noone has mentioned MVP: Most Valuable Primate :mad:
Yeah, I loved those movies as a kid

I think a part of my childhood died when I saw this though:

Agreed the most appalling crap ever seen in a film , has to be the most unreal thing ever in a film.
Even worse than Steven Segal running thought the exploding train and then jumping on a rope ladder on to a helicopter in Under Siege 2.
I prefer the prequel Star Wars trilogy to the original, due to there before far more in the way of plot development.


Oh yeah Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of darkness (do these count as a trilogy? probably not but meh).

Damn straight that's a trilogy. And a fine one at that.

Also the "Trzy Kolory" (3 Colors) movies, "Red", "White", and "Blue". Superb movies.
Actually considering we're talking about trilogies I'd like to recommend the Red Letter Media reviews of Star Wars Episode I, II, and III for consideration.

I wonder what those guys could do with a bit of money. I know they have already released a movie (I have not seen it, don't really plan on it either), but the reviewer/writer (same person?) seems to have a pretty substantial knowledge about movies and movie making.

It would be interesting to see these guys make a real, full length picture with a bit of Hollywood money. I wonder if reviews are just their thing (ie Ebert made a couple of terrible films), or if they could make a fantastic film.

It would probably either be a sci-fi thriller, or, like the movie they released, a classic horror flick
I wonder what those guys could do with a bit of money. I know they have already released a movie (I have not seen it, don't really plan on it either), but the reviewer/writer (same person?) seems to have a pretty substantial knowledge about movies and movie making.

It would be interesting to see these guys make a real, full length picture with a bit of Hollywood money. I wonder if reviews are just their thing (ie Ebert made a couple of terrible films), or if they could make a fantastic film.

It would probably either be a sci-fi thriller, or, like the movie they released, a classic horror flick

Whether he can make a good film is one thing, but from some of the articles I've read (most notably this one) he at least understands the process. It seems what he's most upset about is "lazy" filmmaking and specifically lazy writing. And you can see how practically everything he's pointed out in his reviews is an example of horrifically lazy writing.

His words:

What irks me more than any of that stuff is just sloppy writing. Stuff like weak character motivations, lapses in common sense and bad logic to advance the movie’s plot. The Star Wars prequels are the best examples of this where you’re mesmerized by all the visuals and excitement on screen, but if you really stop and listen you’ll realize that almost every line and every action makes no sense and is just there to get to the next special effects scene.

A lot of the stuff he pointed out is actually fairly simple and straightforward. It's stuff we'd notice and point and laugh about for the average shitty movie, but might get lost in a movie distracted with busy special-effects sequences. It's all stuff that if you take a week or so to read over the script and take a red pen to it and proofread like you learned to do in your English classes, you'd be able to find a lot of simple things wrong and fix. But the films seem so poorly written it's as if the first draft was the only draft and nobody cared enough to make sure it actually was a story instead of a special effects extravaganza intermingled with nonsensical plot segments. It's just a half-assed product that made a ridiculous amount of money. Clearly that's what made him upset, but I think it does touch on some underlying feelings a lot of fans may have had but probably couldn't quite put their finger on, so that's why the reviews are so well received and relateable. Like you mentioned the reviews resonate with viewers a hell of a lot more than the movies ever did.
Agreed the most appalling crap ever seen in a film , has to be the most unreal thing ever in a film.
Even worse than Steven Segal running thought the exploding train and then jumping on a rope ladder on to a helicopter in Under Siege 2.

It is not even the most ridiculous thing in Indiana Jones movies.
Def agree that Back to the Future and Toy Story are right up there.

Also think the Bourne Trilogy is excellent, and also remarkably consistent quality-wise
Star Wars 4-6 and Back to the Future are the undisputed best

The LOTR book was an outstanding trilogy so the credit must really go to Tolkein, but lucky the the film was made so well

I also like the first 3 Shrek films and first 3 Indiana Jones (I know there's a 4th in each case)....also the Bourne Trilogy

I wonder what are the worst trilogy is? The Matrix has a case
Star Wars is the most overrated thing in the history of things. An average sci fi geekfest made by a man with absolutely no idea how to write anything, where the best one was directed by someone else, and elevated to grandiose status on the back of it's groundbreaking effects, referential iconic imagery and obsessive fandom.
The first one is a B-movie soap opera. If it was made now people would laugh at it.

That said of course I can't argue with it's original trilogy's place in popular culture, which is almost unsurpassed. But personally I think Indiana Jones is the best thing Lucas has ever come up with - even though the 2nd and 4th were quite shit - most probably because he didn't write any of it.
But it was made in the 70s so whats your point?

Its one of the best films ever made, just because Lucas directed it doesn't change that.
Star Wars is the most overrated thing in the history of things. An average sci fi geekfest made by a man with absolutely no idea how to write anything, where the best one was directed by someone else, and elevated to grandiose status on the back of it's groundbreaking effects, referential iconic imagery and obsessive fandom.

DiE YOU cnut!!!!!!!!!
But it was made in the 70s so whats your point?

2001 was made in 1968? The Godfather in 1972? What's your point?

Its one of the best films ever made, just because Lucas directed it doesn't change that.

No it isn't. This is my point. It's one of the most overrated things in the history of things. The acting is mostly rubbish aside form Ford, the dialogue is cheesy hokum...How can that be 'one of the best films ever made'?...It's soapy cheese.

Obsessive geeky fandom has raised it's status to welll above what it actually deserves as a movie.

Explain to me how it's a "one of the best films ever made" without relying on it's effects?

DiE YOU cnut!!!!!!!!!

See? Obsessive. Get a fecking grip. It's panto, complete with Space gerbils with tea towels on their heads.
Yeah the actings shit apart from Ford, what do Peter Cushing and Alec Guiness know about acting eh.

You're talking shit like always.
Yeah the actings shit apart from Ford, what do Peter Cushing and Alec Guiness know about acting eh.

Phoned in hammy performances from top actors at the end of their careers who couldn't give a flying space feck. Guiness was embarrassed by the whole thing.

"What I didn't tell Lucas was that I just couldn't go on speaking those bloody awful, banal lines. I'd had enough of the mumbo jumbo."

He went on to say that he "shriveled up" every time Star Wars was mentioned to him


You're talking shit like always.

Look, they're good entertainment. I'd never deny that. Star Wars is a huge part of pop culture and I'm sure great fun for all the family...But my point is i "shrivel up" whenever anyone seriously mentions them as "the greatest films of all time" or even anywhere near...That's a fecking insult to great films with great writing and performances. With nuance and deep emotional impact. I love Jurassic Park, hugely so. It was a seminal childhood film. But is it one of the greatest films of all time? feck no. It's just a really fun film with cool dinosaur moments...Star Wars is that, in space, without dinosaurs. That's all, they're good, and with some great iconic moments, but obsessive fandom has elevated them to a status of quality they don't quite deserve.

For example people in this thread bypassing the Godfather entirely and saying "well, it's Star Wars, undoubtedly"....Come on now
Guinness' phoned in hammy performance got him a best supporting actor nomination. Lucas got nominations for best screenplay and best director and the film was nominated for best film, as well as winning 6 other oscars.

Its a wonderful film and theres a reason why it endures over 30 years later, its timeless and appeals to all ages.
Well that settles it then...Nothing's ever been nominated for an Academy Award undeservedly or on hype. We could all trawl through the Oscars lists and pick out films that were nominated of their time, or I could just bring this up whenever you disagree with any award nominations....Plus 6 wins in mostly technical catagories is hardly an authoritative stamp on "one of the greatest films of all time!"..there are countless films with that kind of record. Inception has been nominated in the same film/screenwriting catagories this year. It's still not one of the greatest of all time, and I doubt you'd claim it was as good as or better than Star Wars. But if it wins best picture or screenplay, then clearly, you'll have to claim it is.

Guinness' phoned in hammy performance got him a best supporting actor nomination. Lucas got nominations for best screenplay and best director and the film was nominated for best film

All of which it lost, quite rightly. And Guinness' nomination was a nod to his career (as often happens in the Oscars) ..I'd rather trust Guinness' own opinion..

as well as winning 6 other oscars.

Jurassic Park won 3, and was also a higher grosser. Greatest film of ALL TIME!!!

Its a wonderful film and theres a reason why it endures over 30 years later, its timeless and appeals to all ages.

If you think so, good for you. I'm not denying they were fun, family films..Personally I think something like Wall-E is far superior in that regard, but I don't hear anyone claiming that's amongst the greatest films ever made, which is often trotted out about Star Wars.

Also, I'm not so sure it does 'endure' over 30 years later to be honest. Most of it's most obsessive fans are likely of the age to have seen it when they were kids, and I don't think young kids today will watch it when they reach their teens/early adulthood and think "wow this is brilliant" in the way they can the Godfather or something that's actually well written. Again, I think it endures more through it's obsessive fandom and iconic status than it does through it's quality. Which is just above average at best..IMO. I watched it at about 19 and thought "meh, this is quite fun, but also quite silly, I don't really care what's going on at all.

But hey, horses for courses. It's just my opinion chumpos.

*Interesting fact. The Turning Point starring Shirley McClaine received 11 nominations that year. Better film?
Nicolas Cage won an oscar for best actor, Nicolas fecking Cage.

Anyway, i like the Star Wars Trilogy but personally i think the Lord of the Rings and Back to the Future are better overall.

What hasn't helped the original three is the constant tinkering with them over the years.
Anyone who can achieve this stat...

The Phantom Menace = $924,317,558 a genius to me. Like I could add up the other 99 worst films of all-time that come behind it, and they wouldn't have made half that together.

Nicolas Cage won an oscar for best actor, Nicolas fecking Cage.

Nic Cage is a great man, you take a hike.
Anyway, i like the Star Wars Trilogy but personally i think the Lord of the Rings and Back to the Future are better overall..

Lord of The Rings right (my God I'm really not doing myself any favours by gunning after the two biggest geek franchises...on the internet!) is one of those things that makes me see the reasons for Star Wars' supposed "enduring" appeal...

When I first saw them I was blown away. Wow! In a cinema they're amazing, the effects, the laid on thick dramatic monologues...Awesome. Except every time I've seen them since, I've liked them less and less. Picked more and more holes in the story, more and more problems with the acting and generally come to the conclusion they're alright, but without the hour long fight sequences, a little, if not incredibly bland.

Yet as with Star Wars, people of the generation who saw them released fecking loved them, and became obsessive about them. The similarity is typified IMO by that scene in Clerks II where Kevin Smith (through his characters) rants against this "new trilogy" and how it's not the real one, only Star Wars can be that, and all these rings fans are blinded gimps..

Except that's exactly the thing. They're all blinded gimps. That was just one slightly over obsessive fan from one generation ranting at some other slightly over obsessive fans from another, and failing to see it's exactly the same thing. Neither are all that jazz really. They're "event" films that wowed the people of their time, but which - as actual films - aren't really all that deserving of a place at the grand table of story telling to anyone but their devotees.

Back to The Future though, are really good films on a level I (personally) respect more... story/acting/dialogue/caring about the characters etc etc.

But hey, power to them, I couldn't have made either. It's just my (not so) humble e-opinion.. I now await a bararge of insults :D