The Best Movie Trilogies

Yes, if you liked Cube, I think you will like this. It's a much better film, and nothing like it whatsoever, but I'm sure you will like it.
I don't know - I'm a massive fan of the old trilogy and would always favour them over the prequels or any remake.

But I also have a real soft spot for the original Star Trek and feared the remake would be a traversty - then was really surprised. As long as they were considered as different entities rather than one being a replacement I think it could be pretty good.

And eps 7-9 should be the Thrawn trilogy btw

I've thought both the old films and the new one are shit, the only watchable non-TV star trek was Wrath of Kahn.
I don't know - I'm a massive fan of the old trilogy and would always favour them over the prequels or any remake.

But I also have a real soft spot for the original Star Trek and feared the remake would be a traversty - then was really surprised. As long as they were considered as different entities rather than one being a replacement I think it could be pretty good.

And eps 7-9 should be the Thrawn trilogy btw

Rogue Squadron would make a much better series of movies imo
I can't believe no one else has agreed with me on Infernal Affairs. Hasn't anyone seen them?
I can't believe no one else has agreed with me on Infernal Affairs. Hasn't anyone seen them?

My second favourite trilogy of all times behind LOTR.

The first is probably my favourite film to come out of East Asia... maybe even possibly my favourite gangster film. I love absolutely everything about it. The 2nd is great, but pales in comparison to the first I think, as I don't believe the story is strong enough. I actually prefer the 3rd to the 2nd, though again, it's still not as good as the 1st!
I agree with the third being better than the second but I liked the story in number 2 and it was a smart to make it a prequel. Gave the main characters more depth.
Nope, the sypnosis on IMDB doesn't reveal much... I'm guessing that's the point though. Worth a watch?

Yes. Well thought out film. Low budget, though not much needed. Could almost be a play really.
The Dark Knight trilogy definitely goes on this list. My favorite trilogy as of today.
Agreed, the debate on which Star Wars trilogy is superior and once and for all the greatest trilogy of them all will rage on forever.
Or we could just all agree it's cheesy rubbish for 70s kids. I think we should. It'd be cathartic.
Star Wars shouldn't even be considered as films, they are right bastards. Maybe history will be kind on us and opt to forget it.
I cannot see anything beat Star Wars and Lord of the Rings for me. And Mockney too. I know he will agree
Lord of the rings for me, I still don't get all this hype for Star Wars.
Well, by next year I will technically be able to say 'Trailer Park Boys', as their third film is coming out, and just one of those films is probably better than any trilogy mentioned so far.
I think I liked Sympathy the most too. The ending of Oldboy grates on me the more I think about it. Mr Vengeance lets it down though IMO.
Interesting thread.

Anyway, LOTR would be up there for me. I saw some people saying they thought it had a weak ending but I thought the third more than held up to the other two. I've seen the extended edition though which goes into a lot more detail so I probably wouldn't enjoy seeing them as much without watching that.

Star Wars was good but I don't think I'd have it as the best of all-time to be honest. Great films but all the special effects being the first of their kind were largely what had it held so highly when they first came out.

Toy Story is worth a shout as well. The good thing about them is there's no doubt at all that they gave us three top quality movies.
Meh, give me two classics and a shitty third over 3 good to great films anyday. Terminator and Godfather win then.

I just replace third films with True Lies and Apocalypse Now instead -_-

I also think Bourne is every bit as good as Batman all in all. Both killed the 'third' curse anyway.
I also think Bourne is every bit as good as Batman all in all. Both killed the 'third' curse anyway.

Bourne Ultimatum is quite possibly my favourite of the Bourne films... though I do love the first two. It's just a consistantly brilliant trilogy for my money.
The Bourne Trilogy is good but I remember seeing something somewhere that pointed out some absolutely massive plotholes which I'd struggle to disagree with. It was a very good trilogy but I wouldn't have it over Nolan's Batman trilogy at all.
I also think Bourne is every bit as good as Batman all in all. Both killed the 'third' curse anyway.

I liked pretty much the first movie, though I was disappointed with the second. The third one was good too.

A good trilogy, but IMO not in the rank of best ever trilogies.
For most of LOTR I was either bored or swearing at Legolas under my breath. I still don't think I've ever made it all the way through Return of the King.

I think pretty much every trilogy ever made has been mentioned so I'll have to pick something that isn't really a trilogy. Or movies even. The first three Wallace and Gromit shorts, I say. Feathers McGraw is the best villain ever too.
For all this talk of the LOTRilogy........Jackson wants to make The Hobbit a trilogy, that's right book thats like 1/6th of the size might up being just as long as the theatrical version of LOTR once it's complete and all it's extended versions out, as well all know Jackson loves them extended versions.
For all this talk of the LOTRilogy........Jackson wants to make The Hobbit a trilogy, that's right book thats like 1/6th of the size might up being just as long as the theatrical version of LOTR once it's complete and all it's extended versions out, as well all know Jackson loves them extended versions.

It's just going to be done in two films now. Jackson suggested the idea of a 3rd but it got knocked back last time I heard, which is probably a good thing.

The Hobbit will be interesting in that way though. Often films have to cut out chunks of the book to make it a coherent movie, but because this one for the most part only follows the story of Bilbo, there's a chance that we'll see stuff not in the book itself being added in. Something that's not done too often.
I consider LOTR to be much like Star Wars. They're generation defining event movies, but fall down (for me at least) when watched later. Though I can't fault Jackson for the way they're made. None of them are 'weak' instalments within their own genre/universe.

I agree with Zen that the Bourne films are a good compact trilogy, but I often have trouble telling them apart. They're essentially the same film in different settings. Also there's a 4th coming out. I don't know how that impacts the trilogy rule though since it doesn't have Damon in it. But from the trailer I saw before TDKR, it's very much a direct continuation.
I consider LOTR to be much like Star Wars. They're generation defining event movies, but fall down (for me at least) when watched later.

I agree with Zen that the Bourne films are a good compact trilogy, but I often have trouble telling them apart. They're essentially the same film in different settings. Also there's a 4th coming out. I don't know how that impacts the trilogy rule though since it doesn't have Damon in it. But from the trailer I saw before TDKR, it's very much a direct continuation.

It's not got Damon and isn't been directed by Greengrass or Liman... thus I would say it is an extension to the cannon rather then a continuation. I still imagine the 3 Bourne films will stand alone as a trilogy in the view of most.
Its got a lot of the same cast in it though, and the amount of time the trailer spends mentioning or showing mug shots of Damon implies they're certainly trying to paint it as. Though I suppose any instalment to a successful franchise will do the same.
True, I suppose it will depend on how good the movie is. If it's shit, you can imagine people will put distance between it and the first 3 Bourne films... much like with Die Hard 4.