Television The Traitors (BBC) | Series 3 now airing. If you watch episodes on the iPlayer that haven't aired on the BBC television, put discussion in spoilers

Frankie was way way too passive, and is letting emotions and her friendship with Charlotte get the better of her

Charlotte's sobbing could cook her goose though

They need to vote both out at this point as others have said

If Charlotte gets out of this she deserves to win. She'd planned what she was going to say you can tell

I don't think it's emotion. For her she had to carefully weigh up how to handle it. She's in a crap situation. Whereas for Charlotte there's really only one approach at this point.
If Charlotte gets out of this, you'd be hard pressed to find a worst set of faithfuls probably ever. So she probably will.
It was piss poor from Charlotte in my opinion. She should have told Frankie that if she tells them then they're both gone, to wait until the last 3 and then we'll battle it out.
It was piss poor from Charlotte in my opinion. She should have told Frankie that if she tells them then they're both gone, to wait until the last 3 and then we'll battle it out.
Frankie was always going to tell everyone, it’s an amazing power to have.
Surely now that they’ve disagreed you just vote both of them out if you’re the other three? Frankie should have agreed Charlotte as faithful.
Why does there have to be one traitor left? They've got rid of 5. I swear to god if this just ends with Leanne and one other winning, this will be awful.
There’s 15 minutes of the show left so we know they’re not going to split the money.
If I'm Leanne or Jake i oust at least Frankie to be safe, possibly even Alexander (even though I want him to win)

Worst case you banish another faithful and get more money yourself

Alexander possibly cooked his goose at the table

It's so much harder those leaving don't say what they are

I think Charlotte would have easily won if not for the seer
How has Leanne ended up in the power position here? Cements it as the worst season for me.
Jakes gonna get shafted, bullshit he was the only one half decent.