Mesut Ozil SHOCKING transformation

Looks like he’s been working harder post his retirement from football :lol:
Didn't Wenger once say that Ozil basically didn't train at all between matches? During one of his best patches of form, no less.
As a woman I want to say that's not attractive

Was expecting the opposite though :lol:
You’d have to gain a fair few lbs of fat to grow that much muscle and then cut your calories for a couple of months. So really you’ve only got 8-9 months in the gym gaining muscle. He’s probably in the best position of anyone to have a go at it but still, no chance
Must be because you're not attractive enough to pull these kind of beef mountains so see them as a threat. Or something
Probably :lol:

Edit: you may have been serious
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women liking muscles has gotta be partly evolutionary biology

and it also shows that someone is healthy and motivated to stay in shape

makes sense to me, anyway

but I don't have muscles so wtf would I know!
Bear in mind that’s some very flattering lighting with all the shadows and also with a pump. I look like that the morning after a night on the town, in bright light, and I’ve barely worked out in a year. He’d be the smallest guy in most commercial gyms. There’s nothing impressive there. Not for a footballer.
women liking muscles has gotta be partly evolutionary biology

and it also shows that someone is healthy and motivated to stay in shape

makes sense to me, anyway

but I don't have muscles so wtf would I know!

I do like muscles but this is too extreme imo
Must be because you're not attractive enough to pull these kind of beef mountains so see them as a threat. Or something
"If a woman isn't attracted to men who look like me, it can only be because she's not hot enough for men who look like me"

- Men Who Definitely Don't Have Any Personality Issues.
Everyone saying steroids. Yeah he is in great shape, but he was always a top level footballer, so was already in good shape. His body is in great shape now but its not an unobtainable body, he is rich as feck, can pay for the best trainers, best personal chefs etc.

It's not like he was big, flabby and out of shape a year ago when he started. Enough free time, money, hard work and discipline while having a good base to start, anyone on this forum could get in that kind of shape.

Yeah he started with a low body fat and probably did a gradual bulk. It’s not impossible and regular compound lifts can do wonders even in a years time when you start with a good base level.

With respects to you guys, Greg Doucette, former pro bodybuilder, has weight in on this already and even he doesn't believe he's natty from his growth in a one year period.

Look at his capped side delts. From slim and toned to that? Please. His androgen receptors have been firing all year round to make that happen. Look how dry he is. He somehow lost even more fat than he ever has whilst playing professional football and at the same time built more muscle than someone who went on a dirty bulk? Not likely. I am someone who has, what you'd deem, above average muscle building genetics and low body fat. For me to put on signficant muscle in one year I have to bulk and cut in mini-cycles. Ozil has been lean as shit the entire year he's packing on lbs.

This ain't some "If you eat right, if you train right". If it was, Greg Doucette would be laboring your points.

With respects to you guys, Greg Doucette, former pro bodybuilder, has weight in on this already and even he doesn't believe he's natty from his growth in a one year period.

Look at his capped side delts. From slim and toned to that? Please. His androgen receptors have been firing all year round to make that happen. Look how dry he is. He somehow lost even more fat than he ever has whilst playing professional football and at the same time built more muscle than someone who went on a dirty bulk? Not likely. See below.

I mean he's obviously juicing. He was really skinny as a pro-athlete, and now looks like a cartoon character a year after retirement :lol:
2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.

uh, you'd be surprised actually how often is the opposite.

several women I know openly mock Ronaldo and simply found him silly yet they are beauties. obviously, maybe it's just Ronnie they laugh at, but still :lol:

both me and my sister are regulars in gym for the last 16 years, but there's being fit in your usual way, and then there are these "transformations".

her husband is an ex regional kayaking champion and he never looked anything like this even though it was obvious he was working out.

this isn't simply being fit or in good shape.
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it. your world.....i would prefer to die.
uh, you'd be surprised actually how often is the opposite.

several women I know openly mock Ronaldo and simply found him silly yet they are beauties. obviously, maybe it's just Ronnie they laugh at, but still :lol:

both me and my sister are regulars in gym for the last 16 years, but there's being fit in your usual way, and then there are these "transformations".

her husband is an ex regional kayaking champion and he never looked anything like this even though it was obvious he was working out.

this isn't simply being fit or in good shape.
Yep, this!
Nice transformation from Erdogan’s small size miserable dog to Erdogan’s medium size miserable dog. Keep up the good work Mesut
Well done to Ozil, it just shows what you can do with loads of free time to train every day, money to hire personal trainers and a chef etc.

Oh and take a shitload of steroids.
Nothing about this roided-up, dehydrated to hell and back look is the least bit attractive. Granted, it's not at the level of abominations that show up at Mr. Universe and similar competitions, but he sure seems to try to get there given where he got this quickly. Same goes for their female counterparts, of course.
There's fit, and there's whatever this crap is.
According to a lot of studies it's more or less impossible to put on more then 8-10 kilo of muscle naturally during a year. And that is at the maximum with all the best genetics and nutrition and sleep etc. And often at an age where the body still is in its peak, around 20-25 years of age.

This is of course something else. I would never judge anyone without proof, but...

Since he is retired I guess he is free to do whatever he wants with his body :)
It is just boring and easy for people who have not trained properly or ate properly to spout steroids at anyone that is ripped and in really good shape, Fair enough if he was enormous, but he is not.

I entered the thread expecting a Ryan Hall transformation from skinny long distance runner to borderline wrestler, but Ozil, whilst undoubtedly muscular, doesn't look insanely so. Love the thread experts adamant it can't be done in the year or more he's taken. Bearing in mind he can probably train, rest, eat like a pro, with nutrionists, personal trainers, all the best equipment etc.
How does one obtain juice? In my 15 years of going to the gym I've never once been approached nor do I know who to ask :(
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.
What if I'm in terrible shape and like it?
Ozil is definitely on some sort of TRT. I actually think Fernando Torres' physique looks much better, even though he is likely on something too.
Everyone saying steroids. Yeah he is in great shape, but he was always a top level footballer, so was already in good shape. His body is in great shape now but its not an unobtainable body, he is rich as feck, can pay for the best trainers, best personal chefs etc.

It's not like he was big, flabby and out of shape a year ago when he started. Enough free time, money, hard work and discipline while having a good base to start, anyone on this forum could get in that kind of shape.

This is, very obviously, a case of eat clen tren hard. The fact that he's juicing doesn't take away from the fact that he's put in a lot of hard work, but if you think that's a natural progression over a year or two then you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.

It's sad that I know you're not some teenager who will grow out of this mindset.
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You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.
Option 3: the other poster isn't insecure.
Didn't Wenger once say that Ozil basically didn't train at all between matches? During one of his best patches of form, no less.
This is what I find odd. Not only did I think he didn’t train, I was under the impression he was a smoker, and almost anti-training.

Steroids or not, that takes a lot of work… something I thought he was opposed to on principle.

Steroids this and steroids that, it makes me laugh how that's the default comment on posts like this all over the internet. You guys act like if you take steroids, you just need to go to sleep, and you'll wake up with muscles. The level of work you still have to put in is insane. Stop reducing it to merely steroids.
Steroids this and steroids that, it makes me laugh how that's the default comment on posts like this all over the internet. You guys act like if you take steroids, you just need to go to sleep, and you'll wake up with muscles. The level of work you still have to put in is insane. Stop reducing it to merely steroids.
You use steroids, we get it.
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.
Harsh way to put it, but there’s truth to this.