Donald Trump - GUILTY!

Can't wait to see the dancing.
Republicans are still in the 2nd of 5 stages of grief. They've moved from denial into anger, and have dipped their toes in the "bargaining" stage, trying to gin up support from all Republicans in Congress and state legislatures to bring charges against Democrats as a threat - in the sad hope that somehow Trump will be let off the hook.

The same 30-35% of the Republican base who loves Trump more than the idea of a constitutional democracy will probably love him even more. Swing voters approve of the conviction and are abandoning him. He will win 100% of the crazies, but will lose by 5 or 6 points.

Among Trump voters, 6% said they would not support him if he were convicted.

The election is a long ways off, in terms of how many alarming headlines will appear before November, and the polls are notoriously error-prone, but this is good news for Democrats/democracy. I expect the July 11th sentencing to be a real barnburner of an event.
Republicans are still in the 2nd of 5 stages of grief. They've moved from denial into anger, and have dipped their toes in the "bargaining" stage, trying to gin up support from all Republicans in Congress and state legislatures to bring charges against Democrats as a threat - in the sad hope that somehow Trump will be let off the hook.

The same 30-35% of the Republican base who loves Trump more than the idea of a constitutional democracy will probably love him even more. Swing voters approve of the conviction and are abandoning him. He will win 100% of the crazies, but will lose by 5 or 6 points.

The bolded part is a fantastic summary of politics today, not only in the US but in most of the democratic world. It feels like every couple of years we need all of the sane people voting correctly so we can barely avoid the insane from getting into power.
The bolded part is a fantastic summary of politics today, not only in the US but in most of the democratic world. It feels like every couple of years we need all of the sane people voting correctly so we can barely avoid the insane from getting into power.
It's still scary/depressing that about 1/3 of the voters support an absolute shitshow. I know from hearing relatives in Georgia say it that the main issue *used* to be ending abortion and that's why they voted Republican, but now what keeps them in the Trump camp? He's such a loathsome individual.
Billionaires always do that dance where they clap then dance. As if the clap is necessary.
Happened to Bill Gates too.
Guess this can go in here.

Imagine how terrible a deal this will be with Ric Grenell involved. Behind paywall, but the broad strokes are viewable...


His lawyers are so bad. The reason Necheles didn’t sign it is because it’s a suicide pact and she’s a tiny bit sharper than the rest of them. In it they say there was never a valid reason for the gag order in the first place and they warn the judge that he won’t want to be seen violating “the President’s” first amendment rights. It’s hopefully going to be taken into account come sentencing.

How can his supporters not see through him? He's literally the easiest person to read. No wonder he doesn't play poker.

That aside. Yup, he's absolutely fecking definitely in the Epstein files.

How can his supporters not see through him? He's literally the easiest person to read. No wonder he doesn't play poker.

That aside. Yup, he's absolutely fecking definitely in the Epstein files.

TBF I would rather keep those files ala J Edger. Imagine the leverage you would have!
This could be interesting...

Dr. Phil recently did the rounds on some of the big podcasts where he just peddled all the right wing talking points from what I could gather, so I think he'll just be quite sycophantic towards Trump.

Seems like one of those transparent conscious decisions to reignite his career / fame.
Dr. Phil recently did the rounds on some of the big podcasts where he just peddled all the right wing talking points from what I could gather, so I think he'll just be quite sycophantic towards Trump.

Seems like one of those transparent conscious decisions to reignite his career / fame.
Yeah, the right wing circuit has become a bit of a last chance saloon for a lot of these flailing or desperate personalities. Explains why the likes of the Russell Brand and Lawrence Fox have doubled down in recent years, and its unsurprising that a hack like Dr Phil is attempting to channel that same grift.
News that is better than bad:

Americans didn’t buy into Trump’s claims of victimization that before the verdict. And they don’t afterward, either. In fact, more clearly think Manhattan got it right. An ABC News/Ipsos poll showed Americans think the verdict was correct, 50 percent to 27 percent. An Economist/YouGov poll pegged that split at 50-38. A Quinnipiac University poll in Georgia shows voters there agreed with the verdict, 50-44. And a New York Times/Siena pollthat re-contacted voters from a previous poll showed they approved of the verdict, 46-33.
News that is better than bad:

Americans didn’t buy into Trump’s claims of victimization that before the verdict. And they don’t afterward, either. In fact, more clearly think Manhattan got it right. An ABC News/Ipsos poll showed Americans think the verdict was correct, 50 percent to 27 percent. An Economist/YouGov poll pegged that split at 50-38. A Quinnipiac University poll in Georgia shows voters there agreed with the verdict, 50-44. And a New York Times/Siena pollthat re-contacted voters from a previous poll showed they approved of the verdict, 46-33.

Because everybody, including trump voters knows that he is a piece of shit that is capable of that and much worse. But MAGAloons couldny care les if he pushes his racism, excepcionalism, tribialism, conservatism and redneck unicorns
This is amazing.

Didn’t Kelly-Anne Conway or someone similar claim that when he was president he spent a lot of his time watching shark attack shows on Discovery?