Westminster Politics

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Farce aside, literacy campaigns of that type and debates around taxation, for rich people will have to pay more, it's that simple (but nuanced), are required.
I very much doubt anything from Liz Truss will conclude that rich people will pay more.
I very much doubt anything from Liz Truss will conclude that rich people will pay more.

Yes, I doubt the Tufton Street puppet is advocating progressive taxation. It will be more trickle down economic theory of the type that was so well received last September.
Portugal is a pretty young democracy and we feck up loads of times, but following the news in this thread, all the corruption from top to bottom in government, there's no way such a government would still be standing and that party would have absolutely no chance in the next elections. Are the british just numb to all of this?
The media are complicit and the public, for the most part, are easy to manipulate.
I bet its the same as his current phone. Who changes it when they get a new phone?

I'd have said I dropped it, it was broken beyond repair so I took a drill to it and threw it away.
With my works computer, I have to change the password every couple of months. I'm sure the government have higher security than that. Saying that I'm not saying I believe BoJo. He can't open his mouth without lying.
The IT crowd at number 10 seem to have his code any away. He seems like the type who would need IT to change his code for him.
Doncha just hate those greedy doctors and teachers...

Liz Truss paid £15,770 an hour for second jobs - as outside earnings of MPs revealed

This is what really annoys me about these cnuts the most. They're literally disgraced individuals. BoJo misled parliament, lied continuously through lockdown, missed the deadline for handing his Whatsapps over...he's as scummy as scummy can be, yet they're given such lucrative and cushy jobs rather than being blacklisted. Why aren't pricks like BoJo and Truss cancelled for actually committing crimes (or in Truss' case, for being one of the most incompetent and economically damaging leaders we've ever had)? Which cnuts and corps are paying these pricks for their time?

Which cnuts and corps are paying these pricks for their time?
The ones who pay them to get into office in the first place or, failing that, the ones they give advantageous deals to when in office. Most of them being the answer. Golden handshakes. Look at Blair, Clinton, Obama, or whomever. These people, politicians, are worth hundreds of millions. That's out of office dealing from within office access to certain business arrangements. Blair tens of millions; Clinton et al, hundreds; Obama, hundreds. Right. That's how "politics" works these days.

cnut. I hope he gets charged £1m every time he phones his GP.
Smuggy cnut. What pisses me off is he says this stuff with such smuggy cnut arrogance as if there’s not thousands of other ways to raise this money without borrowing but of course he wouldn’t wanna upset his mates and likeminded fellas by you know, increasing tax for the wealthiest, increasing tax on cnuting buy to rent hoarders or limiting his smuggy cnut mps expenses.
Smuggy cnut. What pisses me off is he says this stuff with such smuggy cnut arrogance as if there’s not thousands of other ways to raise this money without borrowing but of course he wouldn’t wanna upset his mates and likeminded fellas by you know, increasing tax for the wealthiest, increasing tax on cnuting buy to rent hoarders or limiting his smuggy cnut mps expenses.

So is he saying that the public sector pay deals will cost £1bn.
Of course not.
So the remaining cost will come out of cuts in public services.
In other words Austerity.
To put it into context immigrants already pay nearly 1,000 pounds per year for the immigration health surcharge. 99.9% of them will never use the NHS. The hostile nature of this country to immigrants makes my blood boil and brings back bad memories.
Smuggy cnut. What pisses me off is he says this stuff with such smuggy cnut arrogance as if there’s not thousands of other ways to raise this money without borrowing but of course he wouldn’t wanna upset his mates and likeminded fellas by you know, increasing tax for the wealthiest, increasing tax on cnuting buy to rent hoarders or limiting his smuggy cnut mps expenses.

More to the point, they're pretending not just that migrant workers are bad, but that having migrant workers with no money and poor access to healthcare is a good thing. Shockingly enough, having poor, sick workers and consumers is not good for the productivity of the economy.

And sick people in your community is bad for everybody's health, not just the sick person. It's like we didn't just live through a fecking pandemic the way these depraved cnuts talk. I would gladly piss on all their graves.
So is he saying that the public sector pay deals will cost £1bn.
Of course not.
So the remaining cost will come out of cuts in public services.
In other words Austerity.

Without question. This method is also reliant on the sustainability of migrants still wanting to come to the U.K. and being willing to pay these likely rising astronomical fees.

More to the point, they're pretending not just that migrant workers are bad, but that having migrant workers with no money and poor access to healthcare is a good thing. Shockingly enough, having poor, sick workers and consumers is not good for the productivity of the economy.

And sick people in your community is bad for everybody's health, not just the sick person. It's like we didn't just live through a fecking pandemic the way these depraved cnuts talk. I would gladly piss on all their graves.
Count me in on that too…

It’s a win win situation for them isn’t it. Ultimately whatever happens migrants will suffer. Whether it’s paying through the nose, not having the healthcare or just downright keeping them from migrating into the U.K.
The ones who pay them to get into office in the first place or, failing that, the ones they give advantageous deals to when in office. Most of them being the answer. Golden handshakes. Look at Blair, Clinton, Obama, or whomever. These people, politicians, are worth hundreds of millions. That's out of office dealing from within office access to certain business arrangements. Blair tens of millions; Clinton et al, hundreds; Obama, hundreds. Right. That's how "politics" works these days.
Or Cameron, Trump, Osborne, Sunak or Johnson, right?
@Sweet Square

Just got a newsletter through from the local (Tory) MP and I am struck by a few things;

*the entire colour scheme is green and red. No blue (the traditional conservative colour) anywhere on the thing.
*it doesn’t actually mention the Conservative Party at all.
*several of the points inside talk about things like championing animal welfare, planting trees and recycling (my constituency is between Lib Dem’s and Tories)

essentially if I didn’t know what party he represents, and aside from one tiny little “Conservatives” logo in the corner on the back page, you would think this was someone running as an independent or green.

Its really fascinating to me that from a branding perspective, they clearly seem to have actually realised just how toxic the Tory brand is, and how deeply unpopular they are, so they are now trying to completely disassociate themselves with the Conservative brand and image.



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Just got a newsletter through from the local (Tory) MP and I am struck by a few things;

*the entire colour scheme is green and red. No blue (the traditional conservative colour) anywhere on the thing.
*it doesn’t actually mention the Conservative Party at all.
*several of the points inside talk about things like championing animal welfare, planting trees and recycling (my constituency is between Lib Dem’s and Tories)

essentially if I didn’t know what party he represents, and aside from one tiny little “Conservatives” logo in the corner on the back page, you would think this was someone running as an independent or green.

Its really fascinating to me that from a branding perspective, they clearly seem to have actually realised just how toxic the Tory brand is, and how deeply unpopular they are, so they are now trying to completely disassociate themselves with the Conservative brand and image.



We received similar during the recent elections, but it wasn't an official one, it was made privately for the Tory representatives according to the small print. Didn't have the words 'conservative/s' or 'tory' anywhere. It was blue though.
Just got a newsletter through from the local (Tory) MP and I am struck by a few things;

*the entire colour scheme is green and red. No blue (the traditional conservative colour) anywhere on the thing.
*it doesn’t actually mention the Conservative Party at all.
*several of the points inside talk about things like championing animal welfare, planting trees and recycling (my constituency is between Lib Dem’s and Tories)

essentially if I didn’t know what party he represents, and aside from one tiny little “Conservatives” logo in the corner on the back page, you would think this was someone running as an independent or green.

Its really fascinating to me that from a branding perspective, they clearly seem to have actually realised just how toxic the Tory brand is, and how deeply unpopular they are, so they are now trying to completely disassociate themselves with the Conservative brand and image.



Sneaky feckers
Just got a newsletter through from the local (Tory) MP and I am struck by a few things;

*the entire colour scheme is green and red. No blue (the traditional conservative colour) anywhere on the thing.
*it doesn’t actually mention the Conservative Party at all.
*several of the points inside talk about things like championing animal welfare, planting trees and recycling (my constituency is between Lib Dem’s and Tories)

essentially if I didn’t know what party he represents, and aside from one tiny little “Conservatives” logo in the corner on the back page, you would think this was someone running as an independent or green.

Its really fascinating to me that from a branding perspective, they clearly seem to have actually realised just how toxic the Tory brand is, and how deeply unpopular they are, so they are now trying to completely disassociate themselves with the Conservative brand and image.



This is quite common in my part of the US, I don't think I've seen any election leaflets that mention which party they represent, which is kind of odd because in election season TV ads are constant and they mostly make it clear what the other party and their failings are
This is quite common in my part of the US, I don't think I've seen any election leaflets that mention which party they represent, which is kind of odd because in election season TV ads are constant and they mostly make it clear what the other party and their failings are
Leaflets are about written name recognition and policy, TV ads seems to be more about attacking the opposition party and linking the opponent candidate to them
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