Westminster Politics

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How do cretins like Lee Anderson get public office? He’s such a rancid cnut.

It's funny because if a public figure called Lee Anderson a knobhead, he and his colleagues would be out in force acting like it was incredibly rude and unprofessional.

It's always amazing how these twats can be scum of the earth 99% of the time, and then suddenly have morals and etiquette when they're the target of offense.

How do cretins like Lee Anderson get public office? He’s such a rancid cnut.

Perhaps I'm being too kind but I just assume these prats are trying to gain public recognition. All they want is to be talked about so that they can get a job on the likes of GB News. Lee Anderson in recent months has constantly been in the news for this and that and he's probably best ignored entirely.
Perhaps I'm being too kind but I just assume these prats are trying to gain public recognition. All they want is to be talked about so that they can get a job on the likes of GB News. Lee Anderson in recent months has constantly been in the news for this and that and he's probably best ignored entirely.
He already has a job on GB News. Despite being an MP that said MPs don’t need second jobs.
Is there any other country where the press and government have such a destructive relationship?
Sunak was at a party hosted by The Spectator this week and it got me thinking. What other country does this happen?
Is there any other country where the press and government have such a destructive relationship?
Sunak was at a party hosted by The Spectator this week and it got me thinking. What other country does this happen?

Probably most of them tbh. We just used to have a veneer of respectability when it came to our internal politics which has now been utterly destroyed by the Tories.
Is there any other country where the press and government have such a destructive relationship?
Sunak was at a party hosted by The Spectator this week and it got me thinking. What other country does this happen?
Perhaps. But I’ve not seen see their government as beholden to the press like our’s. Look at how many government officials, ministers and MPs are former press officers or journalists, it’s crazy. It seems to be a unique British phenomenon.
Is there any other country where the press and government have such a destructive relationship?
Sunak was at a party hosted by The Spectator this week and it got me thinking. What other country does this happen?

Some guy founded a slavishly loyal, and totally hateful, news channel, and then was nominated to the (upper house) of parliament by the ruling party. It's basically Radio Rwanda in terms of hate, this article has some of the milder things they've said.

Perhaps. But I’ve not seen see their government as beholden to the press like our’s. Look at how many government officials, ministers and MPs are former press officers or journalists, it’s crazy. It seems to be a unique British phenomenon.

Ya that's a different - in India all channels follow the ruling party/central government, not the other way around.
Ya that's a different - in India all channels follow the ruling party/central government, not the other way around.
Yeah. That’s the thing. In most countries, the government has some sort of control or influence on the media. Here, it’s upside down. Media barons choose the government and control it.
The people of Litchfield have a lot to fecking answer for.

The beautiful side show of large swathes of the UK finally realising who their constituency MP’s are, ahead of a general election is quite the show.

So many people that blindly tick a party box with no concept of who they were voting in at a local level was always astonishing.

With a limp dick or empty suit on the ballot next time, I think we’ll see lots of principled votes from many who have recently woken up to the ghoul that’s in their constituency seat, and a dramatic reduction in dumb vote casting.

These are all distractions at this point. In the same interview he started the narrative about why it would be unfair to give public sector workers a "fair" pay rise this year and they're going to ignore the same pay review body they've hidden behind in the past to feck us over.
I'm not massively clued up on politics or the day to day goings on, but I'd like to know what the expectation is for the next election? I'm in my mid 30s and the country feels like its literally fallen to bits under the Tories. This is the worst I've ever known it and its terrifying to think of what will be left for the next generations.

Is everyone else in agreement that it feels like the last however many years have just been absolutely shite? One thing after another with these cnuts in charge. I've just been skimming through the last 10 or 15 pages of this thread and when you see and hear them getting torn apart by journalists or other MPs, almost on a daily basis, it really hammers home how amateur hour it has got in UK politics.
15 years. A few short of Thatcher/Major combined. With not a single policy worth mentioning, or positive effect to society, macro trends or not, over that time period. It's been the worst government in British history. I'd like to see contendors. How the feck they managed 15 years is itself a condemnation of British politics. Miliband/Cameron was the British ballot, centrist, 10 years after it had failed in the Bush/Kerry 2004 election (giving way to Obama/Palin dichotomies, and then to Trump). The post-economic-crash landscape was not reacted to, at all, by the British establishment except by Brown, if you really think about it. Quantitative Easing is Brown's Government's response. Austerity, entirely, and above and beyond all other nations I know of with comparable exposure (liabilities in that crisis, European), Scottish indepdenence, Brexit, and the complete shafting of every public institution via selling off and underfunding over that period and then citing austerity (tighten the belt - post office, which made golden lane tory contractors a killing, because it was a profit making business, sold well below its value in first few offerings, in the first place) at every turn.

Universal Credit. Benefit Street normalized. Home Secretaries habitually tagging along for photo opportunities with police force targeting migrants and drug addicts. The erection of a fascist-welcoming apparatus in the absence, post-Corbyn, of any actual socialist threat. It's worse, socially, than Germany was in the 1920s (not after NAZI party, but before it). Germany had a legitimate civil war scenario between the genuine socialists, Luxemberg, 10s, etc., who they killed, the centrist Kaizer-light (whatever his name was that came after), and then that group which Hitler and the Brown Shirts later turned into the Nazis during the late 20s (and most notably in the early 30s as they gained legitimacy). The struggle, not to use Hitler's term, 20s Germany, did exist (it just wasn't Hitler's mad attempt at pretending he was the centre of it).

People say it's an overreaction to cite totalitarianism/fascism, but it's not. Early 20s Germany, when it rebounds, is somewhat liberal, etc., no support for far right parties, at all (zero, you have to go to the 30s for that swing) was forged in a climate of post-actual-War and pre-worse-depression than the 2008 crisis.

Morally bankrupt, fiscally bankrupt, ethically non-existent, and, barring gay marriage, which was a trend across Europe (but give them that), nothing worth remembering. Worthless people doing damaging things. 15 years.Moving the UK closer to a failed US model of complete social farce, after the US, itself, has, via the orthodoxy of the Dem/GOP (not fringe/Trump of that GOP side) pivoted from it. A complete joke. Imagine, then, blaming Corbyn for Brexit (a Tory backbench, poxy gentlemen's club, economic agenda). And getting the media, totalitarian creep, plus some people, to go along with it. These are spoofers. Chancers with Etonian accents.

Thatcher studied a specific form of economic agenda which I don't agree with but she and her cabinet weren't a bunch of complete fecking idiots playing schoolboy games.

The Olympics, a Blair-Brown legacy iirc, that bid, and gay marriage. Then the slow demise of everything good about the UK. The worst government of all time.

Starmer knows he has the election won by default. He's doing as much as he can to alienate the labour base, knowing they'll either stay home or vote for the cnut with gritted teeth, whilst peeling off middle and right(ish) Tories with every single statement he makes. But what is the ethos of the labour manifesto? Buzzwords, Thick of It policies, and more of the same minus a veneer. The country has gone to absolute shit. It has potential but there is no vision there and what vision there is lacks complete substance in terms of how to implement it.
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I'm not massively clued up on politics or the day to day goings on, but I'd like to know what the expectation is for the next election? I'm in my mid 30s and the country feels like its literally fallen to bits under the Tories. This is the worst I've ever known it and its terrifying to think of what will be left for the next generations.

Is everyone else in agreement that it feels like the last however many years have just been absolutely shite? One thing after another with these cnuts in charge. I've just been skimming through the last 10 or 15 pages of this thread and when you see and hear them getting torn apart by journalists or other MPs, almost on a daily basis, it really hammers home how amateur hour it has got in UK politics.
I think there is a very dangerous combination of arrogance and complacency in this country. People have been so comfortable for so long and just assume that we have reached a standard of society which it’s not possible to regress from.

The reason this country is comfortable and prosperous is because we valued the infrastructure it was built on. NHS, Education etc and they are being purposely sabotaged so capitalists can pillage them. We have an incredibly malicious government right now which is beholden to right wing think tanks who are essentially run by disaster capitalists. Everything bad that is happening right now is by design because one man’s loss is another man’s profit and they are doing all they can to make sure the public lose as much as possible.
I'm not massively clued up on politics or the day to day goings on, but I'd like to know what the expectation is for the next election? I'm in my mid 30s and the country feels like its literally fallen to bits under the Tories. This is the worst I've ever known it and its terrifying to think of what will be left for the next generations.

Is everyone else in agreement that it feels like the last however many years have just been absolutely shite? One thing after another with these cnuts in charge. I've just been skimming through the last 10 or 15 pages of this thread and when you see and hear them getting torn apart by journalists or other MPs, almost on a daily basis, it really hammers home how amateur hour it has got in UK politics.
They've just pillaged the country for cash and wealth. That's the game, enrich themselves and their mates, reduce our liberties to protest and leave the country an absolute state.
I think there is a very dangerous combination of arrogance and complacency in this country. People have been so comfortable for so long and just assume that we have reached a standard of society which it’s not possible to regress from.

The reason this country is comfortable and prosperous is because we valued the infrastructure it was built on. NHS, Education etc and they are being purposely sabotaged so capitalists can pillage them. We have an incredibly malicious government right now which is beholden to right wing think tanks who are essentially run by disaster capitalists. Everything bad that is happening right now is by design because one man’s loss is another man’s profit and they are doing all they can to make sure the public lose as much as possible.

I agree. My wife works for the NHS and I work with schools, colleges etc as a consultant on their buildings and maintenance. I can see in both cases how bad it has got - the NHS are struggling like mad to get enough staff to cover the amount of patients, budget cuts causing all sorts of issues. These doctors and especially nurses, in my opinion, are criminally underpaid - and these days they're now having to pay for their degree to get into a profession that is not worth it financially. These latest pay rises that nurses received are just beyond a joke. If they grafted like they do in any other profession, building relationships with clients etc as they do patients, some of these people would be highly successful. The NHS is honestly teetering on the edge, the stories I hear are frightening and I think if the general public knew exactly how bad it was, there would be more urgency to stand up to the government and do something about it. Once it has gone then we are all screwed, because I couldn't imagine trying to fund private healthcare for my family, on top of what we are already dealing with.

It's the same with schools. Budget cuts have left schools in such a bad state. We are often working on shoestring budgets with schools, trying to keep them going. Give it 5 or 10 more years and they'll be left with schools that are no longer feasible to maintain and will simply need replacing. It's clear that they want to push academies as they have much more money and tend to waste it like it grows on trees. The whole system is fecked.

With regards to inflation though, could somebody explain how we have come to where we are? I read that interest rates were at 0.1% only a few years ago, and now we're at 5%. Mortgage payments are sky rocketing, in some cases they are doubling. Where does this end? It feels like half the nation will be living on the streets if they don't sort this out.
They've just pillaged the country for cash and wealth. That's the game, enrich themselves and their mates, reduce our liberties to protest and leave the country an absolute state.

It's mental. And yet the British public largely stay quiet whilst we get shafted. It honestly feels to me that there needs to be a serious backlash from the public to feck off these cretins and push some sort of reform with politics. It shocks me how they can just be allowed to get away with what they do, and if they get pulled up on any of it they're almost laughing as if it's a joke. They don't give a shit. One day the shit will hit the fan and people will take to the streets, but knowing how we grin and sit by, it will probably all be too late.
It's mental. And yet the British public largely stay quiet whilst we get shafted. It honestly feels to me that there needs to be a serious backlash from the public to feck off these cretins and push some sort of reform with politics. It shocks me how they can just be allowed to get away with what they do, and if they get pulled up on any of it they're almost laughing as if it's a joke. They don't give a shit. One day the shit will hit the fan and people will take to the streets, but knowing how we grin and sit by, it will probably all be too late.
Because we blame anyone but ourselves; single mothers, sharia courts, migrants, Romanians, the "establishment", saboteur lawyers. Anything other than admitting we are the issue.
The only thing that might shake up the status quo is PR. Which is why there is no prospect of PR. Ever.
This is the worst I've ever known it and its terrifying to think of what will be left for the next generations.

This worsening situation for governments tends to happen when they run out of steam, sometimes its fast and furious like we've seen recently with Liz Truss, sometimes slow and painfully, e.g. when a party has a large majority (like the Tories now) despite how poor they may have been, they can start 'shuffling the deck' and changing leaders/PM's right up to the next GE, without any recourse to the general public, only their own party members.

It's the way we do things, and apart from a 'blip' caused by Tony Blair's 'New Labour', the Tories are the recent (50 years or so) 'past masters' at it, because for them it's 'self first, self last and if anything over self again' and to be honest they make no bones about it either.

Labour have the ideals but very few of them really resonate with the general public, because most people believe (on past experience ...Blair the exception) that when they get in power their majorities are so low they merely have a struggle to remain in power, let alone do anything significant and long lasting (not since the Education Act and NHS Act post WW2). Its just possible that although Starmer is making more enemies than friends on the left, he may pick up enough disaffected Tories and left leaning Lib-Dems votes to arrive in Westminster with a good working majority.. then we may see something!
Scotland will be the 'ace-in-the-hole' if Labour can 'wrestle' enough seats from the disaffected in the SNP and Tory parties north of the border.

As for future generations, as always they will have to pick up any mess left by the previous generations, much is made of the 'Boomers', but they had to struggle within a post war Britain which 'won the war' but effectively lost the peace, and the next generation will have to live with a desperate fight against climate change... unfortunately whoever you vote for it doesn't really give you any guarantees, even if your side wins!
Boris Johnson won't hand over his phone because he's 'forgotten his password'. They are fecking laughing at us.

Imagine if there were a British intelligence apparatus that provided high-profile figures with certain kinds of phone-equipment and knew how to bypass individual passwords. It's farce. The British Intel services are on those phones when MPs/PMs or high-profile, and, in general, dragnet style, on all those phones regardless. Anti-other-state intrusion if nothing else.

tl;dr there isn't any excuse as to why this or that data goes missing when it is actively known that the intel apparatus, at behest of government, supplies certain kinds of services which both ensure anti-intrusion from foreign actors and can recover, in more ways than any of us care to dream, all data in any given phone. Including ones which have been smashed to pieces.

(apple provides backdoor access to the US/British intel state as we all know so that's a crock of shit, too).

Pity the man, O'Brien, suitable name, is an apparatchik within the newly incestuous public/private British media landscape. Never any substance, just periodical self-aggrandizing and Howard Beale (one step from Bill O'Reilly back in the day) typed "mad as hell". Jeremy Kyle with liberal inflections. Accurate.
Farce aside, literacy campaigns of that type and debates around taxation, for rich people will have to pay more, it's that simple (but nuanced), are required.
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