Club Sale | It’s done!

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Jeez and you were so optimistic not long ago,will admit my belief has waned too

Yeah Croads, I was confident but there’s just this creeping feeling that they’re up to something and are orchestrating a more complex deal (i.e Rat’s deal).

If they want a proper, all out sale, with the lack of bidders - basically just ONE bidder who’s after a proper sale, I think it will be announced by July 1st, I think if it drags past then, they’re staying and are arranging some kind of stupid deal with Pratcliffe where he basically finances their mess and becomes the face of the club with those two turds loitering around in the boardroom shadows.

It’s got them written all over it. They can never do anything properly, or fully.

Selling the club is beyond them imo. They suckle on it like sickly babies and have gotten too used to doing so to cut the apron strings and make a clean sale imo.

Hope I’m wrong, for the club’s sake.
Yeah Croads, I was confident but there’s just this creeping feeling that they’re up to something and are orchestrating a more complex deal (i.e Rat’s deal).

If they want a proper, all out sale, with the lack of bidders - basically just ONE bidder who’s after a proper sale, I think it will be announced by July 1st, I think if it drags past then, they’re staying and are arranging some kind of stupid deal with Pratcliffe where he basically finances their mess and becomes the face of the club with those two turds loitering around in the boardroom shadows.

It’s got them written all over it. They can never do anything properly, or fully.

Selling the club is beyond them imo. They suckle on it like sickly babies and have gotten too used to doing so to cut the apron strings and make a clean sale imo.

Hope I’m wrong, for the club’s sake.
i have to say, im with you there. i just cannot see them letting go. I think someone else here has said they are protracting this to punish the fans who have been abusing them for years. It's a kinda ''up yours'' to the fans. the Club I love is being held to ransom by a couple of wannabe wise guys.

"#Man Utd Takeover, Largest holder Lindsell Train continues to raise it's holding in #Man Utd, I spoke with @Stretford_End12 last week,
said he should speak with LT discuss the legal battle Glazers will get from Class A holders. Transfer of ownership Lawsuit #SHEIKHJASSIM only path"

"#Man Utd Cayman Islands law gives the right to challenge deals and to receive “fair value” for their shares as determined by a judge.
The Cayman courts in October ruled in favour of minority shareholders in a take-private case that lawyers at Loeb Smith called a landmark decision."
You have imagine that shareholders will be asking about the takeover at the AGM or at least the club have to have an update on it. You can’t keep shareholders in the dark forever.
Manchester United still has £725+ Million in gross debt.

If you support INEOS or any other buyout bid that 1. Keeps the Glazers here and or 2. Doesn't clear the club debt, then you're anti-Manchester United. It's that simple.
Has to be an update at the Shareholders meeting. They can't treat them like this and get away with it. Nobody knows where they stand.

things are starting to boil over now. The anger.
When the Glazers took over, they basically handed full power to Fergie & Gill - they didn't need to do much apart from approve transfer budgets. Fergie had more power and freedom than he'd ever had before as he used to have to answer to the board of directors.

The problems came when Fergie & Gill retired and Joel Glazer become involved in day to day running of the club via Woodward.

Sad, but true. Gill leaving was a death blow.
Just a prolonged episode of the Glazer failure, they sat back put the incompetent Woodward in charge as a reward for organising a cash free purchase. Sat back and watched the terrible decisions he made in appointments and recruitment and wages. Now they are content to suck the club dry so that the most decent manager we have had since Fergie can watch his endeavours shrink as they waste time for a few dollars more.

Has there been a worse example of ownership , I don’t know enough about Blackpool for instance, at such a major club. They seem awful and uncaring , and incompetent other than counting cash.Please fornicate elsewhere and let the club move on.
Manchester United still has £725+ Million in gross debt.

If you support INEOS or any other buyout bid that 1. Keeps the Glazers here and or 2. Doesn't clear the club debt, then you're anti-Manchester United. It's that simple.
Amen to this. Fully agree.
Yeah Croads, I was confident but there’s just this creeping feeling that they’re up to something and are orchestrating a more complex deal (i.e Rat’s deal).

If they want a proper, all out sale, with the lack of bidders - basically just ONE bidder who’s after a proper sale, I think it will be announced by July 1st, I think if it drags past then, they’re staying and are arranging some kind of stupid deal with Pratcliffe where he basically finances their mess and becomes the face of the club with those two turds loitering around in the boardroom shadows.

It’s got them written all over it. They can never do anything properly, or fully.

Selling the club is beyond them imo. They suckle on it like sickly babies and have gotten too used to doing so to cut the apron strings and make a clean sale imo.

Hope I’m wrong, for the club’s sake.

feck sake.

Go on, tell us all why Ratcliffe is going to spunk 6bn on financing the Glazers and is essentially just a figurehead while they continue.

Would be incredibly stupid for anybody, Ratcliffe may be many things, stupid isn't one.
Yeah Croads, I was confident but there’s just this creeping feeling that they’re up to something and are orchestrating a more complex deal (i.e Rat’s deal).

If they want a proper, all out sale, with the lack of bidders - basically just ONE bidder who’s after a proper sale, I think it will be announced by July 1st, I think if it drags past then, they’re staying and are arranging some kind of stupid deal with Pratcliffe where he basically finances their mess and becomes the face of the club with those two turds loitering around in the boardroom shadows.

It’s got them written all over it. They can never do anything properly, or fully.

Selling the club is beyond them imo. They suckle on it like sickly babies and have gotten too used to doing so to cut the apron strings and make a clean sale imo.

Hope I’m wrong, for the club’s sake.

Will say by July 3 as we both know this club never announces big news on a weekend. There is also the fact that it's Eid which will delay things again on the Qatar side. I completely agree it's hard not to feel they are staying if we hear nothing by then
They were basically running things long before he died as well, almost from the very beginning of the nightmare. For all his many, many, many faults, old Malc was at least somewhat competent as a businessman if nothing else. His children, well the two ghools charged with running United are anything but.

Is it a coincidence though that our debt was at its lowest in 2014 (£342m), the steadily rose after he died?
I’m sure one is coming, I have no idea how this shit works but my main point is that many posters on here claim stuff as fact, they put stuff down on here like they know more than anyone else and that if you even begin to question their claim you’re thick as shit and this thread is particularly bad for it.

Anyway crack on
Manchester United still has £725+ Million in gross debt.

If you support INEOS or any other buyout bid that 1. Keeps the Glazers here and or 2. Doesn't clear the club debt, then you're anti-Manchester United. It's that simple.

From my point of view the Jedi are Evil.
When all the fans realise that the Glazers are only selling at £6bn, that’s when the euphoria will soon be cancelled out by sheer disbelief !

It's genuinely sickening.

I believe Malcolm would have got a grip of Woodward burning all his money. The children have no concept of loss

Because it's not their money Woodward was wasting.

A bit like a very popular TV show.

Is it called cnuts?
I’m sure one is coming, I have no idea how this shit works but my main point is that many posters on here claim stuff as fact, they put stuff down on here like they know more than anyone else and that if you even begin to question their claim you’re thick as shit and this thread is particularly bad for it.

Anyway crack on

Is this an issue of:

A) Death of expertise?
b) is this the case of the inability to differentiate opinions from facts?
C) or both?
I don't follow the thread just would like to ask any chance this mess could be over soon?
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