Club Sale | It’s done!

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What the f is going on? It's been more than 5 months I believe and yet here we are. FFS Glazers.
It's not a shocker that everytime there has been some very big publicised incidents, the Glazers respond with Spin PR to look favourable whilst also trolling.

The share scheme was a reaction and PR opportunity that never happened.

The Old Trafford Riot, again another PR opportunity re improving the stadium, sporting director, selling the club, new investment, zero of which has happened and all it does is just stall and give the Glazers time because I am convinced, they are holding out for streaming rights which will eventually come and will be worth billions and make the club even more financially viable down the line.

The Glazers know full well how to strip a company of everything and let it rot from.the inside whilst still maintain bare minimum success.

The have done in in America for decades and was a huge red flag when they were on verge of buying the club originally.
How long realistically before prospective owners decide it's not worth it anymore? There's no way this could be completed before the start of the season or even the end of the transfer window at this stage. That means next season could end up being thrown away if we start poorly. Realistically there are other clubs like Spurs, Liverpool or West Ham that could make more sense for various reasons. Trying to put myself in a buyer's shoes, this sort of deal seems to make less and less sense with each passing week. The Glazer children have never proven themselves to be competent businessmen either, they just inherited their wealth from their father.
How long realistically before prospective owners decide it's not worth it anymore? There's no way this could be completed before the start of the season or even the end of the transfer window at this stage. That means next season could end up being thrown away if we start poorly. Realistically there are other clubs like Spurs, Liverpool or West Ham that could make more sense for various reasons. Trying to put myself in a buyer's shoes, this sort of deal seems to make less and less sense with each passing week. The Glazer children have never proven themselves to be competent businessmen either, they just inherited their wealth from their father.

if you are willing to drop £6 billion you are not bothered about a single season, perfect world they would want it all done.

Be more a major grievance then anyone leaving the table.
How long realistically before prospective owners decide it's not worth it anymore? There's no way this could be completed before the start of the season or even the end of the transfer window at this stage. That means next season could end up being thrown away if we start poorly. Realistically there are other clubs like Spurs, Liverpool or West Ham that could make more sense for various reasons. Trying to put myself in a buyer's shoes, this sort of deal seems to make less and less sense with each passing week. The Glazer children have never proven themselves to be competent businessmen either, they just inherited their wealth from their father.
Ages is my guess. They’re committing to buying a multi-billion global corporation and one of the most popular clubs in the most popular sport in the world.

While you and I might be emotionally invested in the football side of it and transfer windows might be very important to us, there is no way they are currently stressing over completing it before it’s too late with this transfer window.

Whoever is buying it will be committing to a long term investment and their plans will only start when they have completed the purchase. They’re not going to be stressing over whether it completes quick enough to hijack the Caceido transfer anyway.
How the feck is this still going on? Honestly like Groundhog Day at this point. I cannot remember the last time this club did anything that actually went smoothly.. we have to be one of/if not the most poorly run club in the world.
How the feck is this still going on? Honestly like Groundhog Day at this point. I cannot remember the last time this club did anything that actually went smoothly.. we have to be one of/if not the most poorly run club in the world.

This isn’t really anything to do with the way the club is run though. The sale happens outside of the realm of control the club has. It doesn’t make it any less frustrating of course.
Anyone else just completely emotionally detached from all this now? Just want the season to start now.
I was detached before. Now I'm getting angry. These feckers are hurting the club. If it's true that neither bidders have heard much, it's so unprofessional it's disgraceful. Raine doesn't come out of this looking good either. Club is in limbo.
I'm fecking pissed to be honest and I'm sure Ten Hag probably is.
I was detached before. Now I'm getting angry. These feckers are hurting the club. If it's true that neither bidders have heard much, it's so unprofessional it's disgraceful. Raine doesn't come out of this looking good either. Club is in limbo.
I'm fecking pissed to be honest and I'm sure Ten Hag probably is.

I actually see Ten Hag getting the sack. He mentioned a few times before the end of the season about needing better players, he put it out there publicly. Now we are 2 weeks from the start of pre season and no change - he will definitely be speaking about it in public again. Not sure if the Glazers will allow it.
Anyone else just completely emotionally detached from all this now? Just want the season to start now.

Between the Saudi spending spree, Qatarization of football and these grubby clowns leeching the life out of the club, I've completely tuned out. I mostly visit redcafe to keep tabs on the non-football forums every now and then.
I actually see Ten Hag getting the sack. He mentioned a few times before the end of the season about needing better players, he put it out there publicly. Now we are 2 weeks from the start of pre season and no change - he will definitely be speaking about it in public again. Not sure if the Glazers will allow it.
They won't sack him but I can imagine a scenario where he goes into the season handicapped, gets a string of bad results and the new owners, who have no allegiance to him have no qualms about getting rid.
I actually see Ten Hag getting the sack. He mentioned a few times before the end of the season about needing better players, he put it out there publicly. Now we are 2 weeks from the start of pre season and no change - he will definitely be speaking about it in public again. Not sure if the Glazers will allow it.

I’m not sure about him getting the sack but I could definitely see him walking.
If the takeover isn’t completed in the next couple of weeks, we can write next season off.

Even if Jim and Joel Glazer take over the season will likely have started before its completed at this point anyway
Anyone else just completely emotionally detached from all this now? Just want the season to start now.
For me it's soul-sucking. I've been in complete denial about how serious the downsides of the offers are for months and I was hoping for at least a short hopeful period right now, but leeches had to take even that away.
Can't make my own thread but, i m very curious to see if we have any employees of united on this forum (pretty sure we will)?
I'd love to know what there personal opinions are on about whats going on what it must be like to work for the club at the moment? Surely it must be an awful place to work, knowing an entire global fan base just wants this sale to go through and hate and despise pretty much everything the club puts out?
If the takeover isn’t completed in the next couple of weeks, we can write next season off.

It won't be completed in the next couple of weeks!!

They've still not named the preferred bidder. An optimistic best case scenario now is that it's completed in September or October.
Wonder how big the meltdown will be if Arsenal end up with Rice,Havertz,Timber and Harry Kane before we ever get a conclusion to this debacle
Sick of it all at this stage. The fans, who are the heartbeat of this club have been treated appallingly by the current owners. Completely left out of the loop as has been the norm over the last 2 decades. How did the FA and even the government allow that takeover? Why are the FA allowing that family to run a national institutuion into the ground? Why are they allowing this farce to carry on?Some people are complaining about "state ownership" but how could any owner possibly be worse than the Glazer family????
Sick of it all at this stage. The fans, who are the heartbeat of this club have been treated appallingly by the current owners. Completely left out of the loop as has been the norm over the last 2 decades. How did the FA and even the government allow that takeover? Why are the FA allowing that family to run a national institutuion into the ground? Why are they allowing this farce to carry on?Some people are complaining about "state ownership" but how could any owner possibly be worse than the Glazer family????
It won't be completed in the next couple of weeks!!

They've still not named the preferred bidder. An optimistic best case scenario now is that it's completed in September or October.
For the record all the reports have been incredibly deceptive with their wording, both parties are being ready for the final sale, we had two preferred bidders for 6 weeks, they, the Glazers through Raine did this deliberately so if one went wrong they had a fallback scenario.


Scenario A - They Choose SJR but he was not able to get all the money promised in the time span allowed and the Minority Hedge Funds then decided to veto the purchase through legal court cases, they could revert to SJ bid

Scenario B - They choose SJ and the Qatar’s bid 5th and final bid but then there are issues with FA and EPL fit and proper directors test, they could revert back to SJR

This is the reality of the whole fiasco, had they given one party exclusivity the other party would have pulled out. As hard as it is to believe we are actually in the End Game, too many leaks recently, too much volatility in the share price. I do however agree nothing official and signed off is happening to September at the earliest.
Sick of it all at this stage. The fans, who are the heartbeat of this club have been treated appallingly by the current owners. Completely left out of the loop as has been the norm over the last 2 decades. How did the FA and even the government allow that takeover? Why are the FA allowing that family to run a national institutuion into the ground? Why are they allowing this farce to carry on?Some people are complaining about "state ownership" but how could any owner possibly be worse than the Glazer family????

The Fa and EPL, they love the fact that United are suffering which will be all the more wonderful for us to gloat when we no longer suffer, just hold on it will happen just going to be a little longer now pal
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