If not Bruno, who should be captain?

Who should be team captain?

  • De Gea

    Votes: 23 3.1%
  • Fernandes

    Votes: 177 23.9%
  • Casemiro

    Votes: 264 35.6%
  • Varane

    Votes: 149 20.1%
  • Martinez

    Votes: 129 17.4%

  • Total voters


matchday malcontent
Mar 4, 2017
I think that Bruno is a very good captain and he deserves to be captain next year. He is the leader despite his antics.

If not him then De Gea. I know that most of you don't think like me but imo, Ole did great injustice to De Gea by choosing as captains two players who just signed for the club instead longest serving team member.
Also, Dave is one of the players who is hugely respected and loved among players (many inside stories and rumours confirmed that).
I know that its not ideal when gk is a captain but he deserves that.

the gafferjs

New Member
Aug 29, 2014
Please elaborate a bit more.
It has been already said but he cannot speak much English so it is totally pointless. Also he does not need an armband to lead. This myth that some expert fans come up with that being a great player automatically makes you a great captain is tiresome. The same who think being a great player means you will then be a great coach or manager etc

Real Name

Full Member
Oct 21, 2020
It has been already said but he cannot speak much English so it is totally pointless. Also he does not need an armband to lead. This myth that some expert fans come up with that being a great player automatically makes you a great captain is tiresome. The same who think being a great player means you will then be a great coach or manager etc
In Casemiro cause its not just cause he's a great player obviously but he definitely is captain material cause of his leadrship qualities and so on.


Evens winner of 'Odds or Evens 2022/2023'
Aug 31, 2015
I’d say Varane. The 1 player that stopped some players walking straight off the pitch at Anfield. He made them go over to clap the supporters.

IFC 1905

New Member
Aug 24, 2014
Buenos Aires, ARG
Martinez should be and will be captain in the future, for sure. Casemiro is a good shout but he doesn't seem as talkative as Lisandro.

Bruno is the worst captain a team could have. Varane seems too quiet for a captain.


Full Member
Oct 7, 2015
Probably been previously said, but I think this is an extremely poor thread for RedCafe. Not sure who benefits from such tattle.

Bruno is our captain, and needs to learn the extent and impact of what he did, and sometimes, does.

And after Sunday's debacle, he will be told. Of this I have little doubt. I think this could make him a better player, for club and country. Stop flapping Bruno, and set that example. Lead us to top four, with a trophy and celebrate that.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2016
I think Varane has the demeanour and personality to be captain and he carries himself like a proper world class player. Bruno’s constant whinging, complaining and now play acting is highly irritating and should not reflect what we want from a United captain. I like players with an edge and I don’t mind anger especially in moments like Sunday but I’d rather see a physical tackle to make a point rather than diving to get a foul.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2010
I've changed my mind three times in under a minute which is a great sign!
Settled on Martinez over Casemiro based on grasp of English. Casemiro would have it for me if language wasn't a factor that might be important communicating with officials.

Gator Nate

Full Member
Jan 15, 2019
Orlando, FL
Casemiro as Captain is a horrific shout same as Martinez. Just because you are the best on the team does not mean you automatically should be Captain, anyone with any sort of football knowledge will know that the qualities to be a Captain are different from that of being a quality player

Sadly there isn’t a captain amongst any of the favoured 11.The hated Maguire and Mct are probably closest to it but they won’t be around much longer.
100% accurate. Fact is, for all the talent we've brought in, we still haven't brought in a vocal leader with captain qualities and starter talent.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
Voted for Martinez but in truth this is a question only the manager can answer as he is the one that gets the feel of the dressing room. It must be someone that the players both respect and has a very good atitude to the game. So maybe Casemiro now that I think about it.

Tom Cato

Godt nyttår!
Jan 3, 2019
Still Bruno because:

1. He is always fit
2. He has the right attitude (last night was an anomaly)
3. He is one of our best players
4. He speaks English
5. He has been at the club for longer than all his "competitors" (except for DDG)
6. It pisses off the worst posters on RedCafe

Not every captain can be Keane.
Bruno has a terrible attitude when the team is playing poorly. He gives up on plays, he throws his arms out at teammates and he becomes incredibly sulky. It only became a talking point because of the gravity of the loss and the situation with the linesman. Its not just against Liverpool, he does it all the time.

I agree with 1,3,4 and 5 though, but the second point is just not true. Bruno is a winner, but he is terrible at handling losses.

The club captain needs to speak English, that much is obvious. I would prefer an option that everyone has respect for just by looking at them. Send Casemiro to English classes.

Strootman's Finger

New Member
Jun 24, 2013
Bruno, he's been a fantastic captain. And shocked how many people are throwing him under the bus because of Neville's stupid comment.

the gafferjs

New Member
Aug 29, 2014
Bruno, he's been a fantastic captain. And shocked how many people are throwing him under the bus because of Neville's stupid comment.
I was always against him as Captain personally, great player but he is not a positive role model as a Captain. Take the responsibility off him and be interesting to see if there is a positive uptick in his overall performances, I reckon there would be.

Scandi Red

Hates Music.
Sep 25, 2022
Bruno has a terrible attitude when the team is playing poorly. He gives up on plays, he throws his arms out at teammates and he becomes incredibly sulky. It only became a talking point because of the gravity of the loss and the situation with the linesman. Its not just against Liverpool, he does it all the time.
I disagree. Yelling at your team mates when they make a mistake is fine. Looking visibly frustrated when things aren't going your way is fine as long as you keep running and working hard.

Sunday was the first time I've seen him completely give up or push a linesman. He clearly crossed a new line.


Full Member
Jun 19, 2013
I like Bruno a lot.. and not just because of the Liverpool game but he just seems to moan and dive too much for my liking to be captain.

Varane is my vote.. great with the fans, has won everything and seemed a leader with France. Eventually passed onto Martinez once Varane leaves and has been here a few years.


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
I disagree. Yelling at your team mates when they make a mistake is fine. Looking visibly frustrated when things aren't going your way is fine as long as you keep running and working hard.

Sunday was the first time I've seen him completely give up or push a linesman. He clearly crossed a new line.
His body language and attitude was equally dreadful in most of the drubbings over the last 2 years. Except he wasn't captain in most of them, and he had Maguire/Ronaldo/McFred taking the lions share of the flack for shit body language and mentally crumbling.

Scandi Red

Hates Music.
Sep 25, 2022
His body language and attitude was equally dreadful in most of the drubbings over the last 2 years. Except he wasn't captain in most of them, and he had Maguire/Ronaldo/McFred taking the lions share of the flack for shit body language and mentally crumbling.
A part of becoming an adult is learning that people express their frustration very differently. With some people you just need a single glance at their face to know exactly how they feel. What matters is their next action. As long as Bruno doesn't stop trying, he can sulk as much as he likes. I'd much rather have that than someone who retreats into their shell or quietly shuts down.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2016
How has he been a “fantastic captain” ?
Agreed, people throwing around the term fantastic far too easily. Bruno has been an upgrade on Maguire but that’s not saying much. I’ve only seen two fantastic captains in my life supporting United- Robson and Keane.

Tom Cato

Godt nyttår!
Jan 3, 2019
A part of becoming an adult is learning that people express their frustration very differently. With some people you just need a single glance at their face to know exactly how they feel. What matters is their next action. As long as Bruno doesn't stop trying, he can sulk as much as he likes. I'd much rather have that than someone who retreats into their shell or quietly shuts down.
The issue with that is that your demeanour impacts your teammates. There is a reason why Keane is remembered as the best captain of this era. Bruno is a better player, but Keane was a better leader.

Bruno cant lead by example if he is only going to be someone to rally around when we are winning. You want someone that commands the respect of everyone.

That could be Bruno for all I know, the guys in the dressing room might want him as their captain. My opinion is just based on what I see on the TV.

Scandi Red

Hates Music.
Sep 25, 2022
The issue with that is that your demeanour impacts your teammates.
Professional football players probably have thicker skin than most people. The world of sports is quite different. I'd hate to have a colleague like Bruno, but I'm not a professional footballer. I'd also hate to be in a space where a marginal drop in quality or an untimely injury could see me get thrown out the door at the first possible chance. That would be way too competitive for a softy like me.

Like I said, your next action matters more. Bruno may look like he's mentally finished, but he's obviously not when he goes on a lung-busting run immediately after despite having played more football than anyone else in the team. That's a leader.

Would I prefer more stoicism? Of course. But you can't always have everything you want in a captain. I never claimed that Bruno was ideal. I do think he's the best option right now, though.


Full Member
May 7, 2016
The issue with that is that your demeanour impacts your teammates. There is a reason why Keane is remembered as the best captain of this era. Bruno is a better player, but Keane was a better leader.

Bruno cant lead by example if he is only going to be someone to rally around when we are winning. You want someone that commands the respect of everyone.

That could be Bruno for all I know, the guys in the dressing room might want him as their captain. My opinion is just based on what I see on the TV.
Bruno better player than Keane , I know Fernandes is seriously overrated on this forum by some but this is just bonkers .


Takes pleasure in other people's pain
Jul 4, 2012
The issue with that is that your demeanour impacts your teammates. There is a reason why Keane is remembered as the best captain of this era. Bruno is a better player, but Keane was a better leader.

Bruno cant lead by example if he is only going to be someone to rally around when we are winning. You want someone that commands the respect of everyone.

That could be Bruno for all I know, the guys in the dressing room might want him as their captain. My opinion is just based on what I see on the TV.
Bruno is not a better player than Keane ffs.

Lemon Moon

New Member
Dec 10, 2020
We have leaders all over the pitch, who wears the armband isn't something that is overly important. All of them shrank in the Liverpool game and that's what needs to be addressed by everyone internally in their own minds so they don't let the team down again.


$10mil and I fecked it up!
Mar 20, 2012
up north
Bruno has always been far too emotional for the role.

He is a leader within the squad, but when the chips are down he has proven you can't rely on him to drag you through a massive game often enough.

The biggest problem at the club is leadership. It has been a secondary thought for about 5 to 6 years now. The last permanent captain appointment was a joke and before that there was no real feeling that anyone was being blood through to pick up the role.

I'm not convinced anyone in the squad is positioned correctly to be the go to on-field leader but Casemiro is absolutely the closest thing we have if the language barrier is diminishing.

glasgow 21

New Member
Apr 27, 2022
Calm down folks its over. Rashford look below par from minute one. Klopp decided to go down our wings and both r and l backs didnt cope with it. When Caseimro was of it, It was a perfect storm yesterday on a side that was throwing everything at games every 3 days. Let the storm pass and reset. The only thing I am worried about is we still have player from other managers who happy threw previous "under the bus " and the leaks seem still to be a problem. Regarding the leaks I have been down that road before and it is easily sorted but the result will be that person/player is sacked/transfer listed or in extreme circumstances thrown under the bus.


Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history
Varane or Casemiro and nobody else is close in terms of leadership qualities. I don't know what languages they speak but I guess maybe Varane speaks more so he probably edges it.


Anti Scottish and Preoccupied with Donkeys.
Aug 5, 2006
I'm not anti Scottish, I just wanted Moyes out.
The issue with that is that your demeanour impacts your teammates. There is a reason why Keane is remembered as the best captain of this era. Bruno is a better player, but Keane was a better leader.

Bruno cant lead by example if he is only going to be someone to rally around when we are winning. You want someone that commands the respect of everyone.

That could be Bruno for all I know, the guys in the dressing room might want him as their captain. My opinion is just based on what I see on the TV.
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