Music Sam Smith (Singer)


Full Member
Jan 5, 2019
The Arena of the Unwell
Of course she’s Irish :rolleyes:
She's clearly been radicalised over there. That's all conservative christian yank talk. I think you'd be laughed out of it in most of places here for seriously using the word 'demonic' in that context.

On the piers tweet I thought fisherthem was quite sweet and funny during a light-hearted interview. Do those claiming that Sam is attention-seeking over using that word not see that it's the likes of Piers Morgan who's amplified that portion of the interview with his tweet? I doubt it would have come to your attention otherwise. This is the first I'm seeing of it for example.

sizzling sausages

Thinks TBP is a soft tagline whore
Jun 9, 2013
To be clear, it's not the pronoun use that I have an issue with - I honestly couldn't give a crap - it's the fact that even suggesting you might have a different view on this topic than those that feel very strongly about it opens you up to being told you are basically a horrible human being, evil, etc. I don't think that does those who feel strongly about the issue any favors at all and is more likely to turn those with no real strong opinions on the topic against you.
Because if you have a different view on this topic doesn't that basically tell us that you don't think people deserve to be able to identify as whatever they like? I wouldn't call someone evil for that but it's not a good look.


I'm so gorgeous they want to put me under arrest!
Jan 17, 2008
A never-nude? I thought he just liked cut-offs.
Can't tell if they're a brilliant troll or just thick as pigshit with the fisherthem line.
The fisherthem line seemed like top quality trolling. Got a complicit snigger out of me anyway, and I've never felt anything other than mild annoyance towards Sam Smith prior to that. They've went up in my estimation.


I pity the poor fool who stinks like I do!
Apr 15, 2015
It was clearly tongue in cheek. He’s just desperately unfunny and lacks charisma. It’s a bit sad really.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
The fisherthem line seemed like top quality trolling. Got a complicit snigger out of me anyway, and I've never felt anything other than mild annoyance towards Sam Smith prior to that. They've went up in my estimation.
They went up*


They've gone up*


Geriatric lover and empath
Sep 2, 2010
MK Dons
Piers can feck off. What were they supposed to say? Fisherperson? Fisherindividual?

Worth pointing out that one of the hosts said "fisherman" and Sam didn't fly off the handle like a melodramatic twat like a certain Mr Morgan has done every day of his miserable life.

You know what, there is no middle ground and feck off if anyone thinks there should be. Address someone the way they want to be addressed. It's none of their business and doesn't put them out in any tangible way to do it, so feck the feck off if anyone has a problem with it.
Gotta love how people get too excited for ridiculous things, easy there Mr Pigeon, it's not end of the world :lol:

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Gotta love how people get too excited for ridiculous things, easy there Mr Pigeon, it's not end of the world :lol:
I've had my dinner now so I've calmed down a wee bit. fecking love spaghetti hoops with kippers.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
Northern Ireland
Tottenham Hotspur
Because if you have a different view on this topic doesn't that basically tell us that you don't think people deserve to be able to identify as whatever they like? I wouldn't call someone evil for that but it's not a good look.
I believe that people can identify anyway they want. I honestly don't care about it either way. So your assumption that anyone with a different view from you automatically thinks that way is not correct. I think that's perhaps part of the issue I have with all this. People jumping to very negative assumptions as the default reaction to a different opinion being expressed isn't a good look as you put it.

sizzling sausages

Thinks TBP is a soft tagline whore
Jun 9, 2013
I believe that people can identify anyway they want. I honestly don't care about it either way. So your assumption that anyone with a different view from you automatically thinks that way is not correct. I think that's perhaps part of the issue I have with all this. People jumping to very negative assumptions as the default reaction to a different opinion being expressed isn't a good look as you put it.
I purposely said someone instead of you as I didn't know what your views were. And if you do believe that people can identify anyway they want then how do we have different views?


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
Northern Ireland
Tottenham Hotspur
I purposely said someone instead of you as I didn't know what your views were. And if you do believe that people can identify anyway they want then how do we have different views?
We have different views I would assume on whether other people should be forced, coerced or made to feel like crap if they don't address someone with the pronoun that person prefers. I'm not sure if I would agree with that.

sizzling sausages

Thinks TBP is a soft tagline whore
Jun 9, 2013
We have different views I would assume on whether other people should be forced, coerced or made to feel like crap if they don't address someone with the pronoun that person prefers. I'm not sure if I would agree with that.
Why not? I'm not asking this in bad faith to try catch you out or anything here, I'm genuinely curious.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
Northern Ireland
Tottenham Hotspur
Why not? I'm not asking this in bad faith to try catch you out or anything here, I'm genuinely curious.
I believe people have the right to be whatever they want to be however I also believe that people also have the right to not be forced to call someone by a certain pronoun if they don't agree with it or find it challenging. Now this doesn't mean I personally would actively use a pronoun in an attempt to upset someone who believed they should be addressed in another way but I also think we shouldn't necessarily be that worried about hurting people's feelings, or at least not treat it as seriously as we would if someone physically hurt someone else. Everyone is different and not everyone agrees on everything and that's ok. People get upset and disagree about what other people say sometimes and that's ok too, it's all just part of life. Having a healthy debate about issues does sometimes mean being willing to get upset and angry and hearing things we don't agree with but as long as it's done in a safe and understanding way then I think it's fine.

An internet forum is one of the worst places to try and do this of course because text can be misinterpreted and you miss a lot of the inflection and understanding that can be conveyed in a face to face conversation which leads sometimes to jumping to conclusions or only hearing part of what's being said due to the context being unclear.

I hope I'm explaining myself ok here. I'm really trying hard not to piss people off but I also feel that it's important to hear different views without getting attacked.

sizzling sausages

Thinks TBP is a soft tagline whore
Jun 9, 2013
I believe people have the right to be whatever they want to be however I also believe that people also have the right to not be forced to call someone by a certain pronoun if they don't agree with it or find it challenging. Now this doesn't mean I personally would actively use a pronoun in an attempt to upset someone who believed they should be addressed in another way but I also think we shouldn't necessarily be that worried about hurting people's feelings, or at least not treat it as seriously as we would if someone physically hurt someone else. Everyone is different and not everyone agrees on everything and that's ok. People get upset and disagree about what other people say sometimes and that's ok too, it's all just part of life. Having a healthy debate about issues does sometimes mean being willing to get upset and angry and hearing things we don't agree with but as long as it's done in a safe and understanding way then I think it's fine.

An internet forum is one of the worst places to try and do this of course because text can be misinterpreted and you miss a lot of the inflection and understanding that can be conveyed in a face to face conversation which leads sometimes to jumping to conclusions or only hearing part of what's being said due to the context being unclear.

I hope I'm explaining myself ok here. I'm really trying hard not to piss people off but I also feel that it's important to hear different views without getting attacked.
Good post. We definitely view things differently but you've explained yourself well here.


Full Member
Aug 20, 2014
I believe people have the right to be whatever they want to be however I also believe that people also have the right to not be forced to call someone by a certain pronoun if they don't agree with it or find it challenging. Now this doesn't mean I personally would actively use a pronoun in an attempt to upset someone who believed they should be addressed in another way but I also think we shouldn't necessarily be that worried about hurting people's feelings, or at least not treat it as seriously as we would if someone physically hurt someone else. Everyone is different and not everyone agrees on everything and that's ok. People get upset and disagree about what other people say sometimes and that's ok too, it's all just part of life. Having a healthy debate about issues does sometimes mean being willing to get upset and angry and hearing things we don't agree with but as long as it's done in a safe and understanding way then I think it's fine.

An internet forum is one of the worst places to try and do this of course because text can be misinterpreted and you miss a lot of the inflection and understanding that can be conveyed in a face to face conversation which leads sometimes to jumping to conclusions or only hearing part of what's being said due to the context being unclear.

I hope I'm explaining myself ok here. I'm really trying hard not to piss people off but I also feel that it's important to hear different views without getting attacked.
Nah, that's bollocks, tbf, and I struggle to think how a debate in good faith have can be had with people who feel like this. There's simply nothing to agree or disagree with, and if someone finds it challenging to respectfully address others the way they'd like to be addressed then that person is a cnut. There's not much more to it, really.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
Northern Ireland
Tottenham Hotspur
Nah, that's bollocks, tbf, and I struggle to think how a debate in good faith have can be had with people who feel like this. There's simply nothing to agree or disagree with, and if someone finds it challenging to respectfully address others the way they'd like to be addressed then that person is a cnut. There's not much more to it, really.
The key part of this you perhaps didn't pick up on is the 'forced' part. I'm not saying people shouldn't try and address people in whatever way is suitable, they probably should, what I'm saying is that they shouldn't be forced to do so if they don't want to. I think that's more important than possibly hurting someone else's feelings. You may disagree with that and that's ok.


Full Member
Aug 20, 2014
The key part of this you perhaps didn't pick up on is the 'forced' part. I'm not saying people shouldn't try and address people in whatever way is suitable, they probably should, what I'm saying is that they shouldn't be forced to do so if they don't want to. I think that's more important than possibly hurting someone else's feelings. You may disagree with that and that's ok.
The only reason to not "want" to do it is bigotry though, and bigotry is not a mitigating circumstance in not following the most basic forms of politeness and respect.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
Northern Ireland
Tottenham Hotspur
The only reason to not "want" to do it is bigotry though, and bigotry is not a mitigating circumstance in not following the most basic forms of politeness and respect.
That's irrelevant though really I think. People are still free to say stuff you and others may view as bigotry. You may not like it and you may react to it but I still don't think that justifies believing that people should be forced to use terms they don't agree with even if you view them not using them as bigotry. Being polite or respectful is great and it should be encouraged but it's not something we would expect or want people to be forced to do. Life doesn't work that way even if we think it should.


Full Member
Aug 20, 2014
That's irrelevant though really I think. People are still free to say stuff you and others may view as bigotry. You may not like it and you may react to it but I still don't think that justifies believing that people should be forced to use terms they don't agree with even if you view them not using them as bigotry. Being polite or respectful is great and it should be encouraged but it's not something we would expect or want people to be forced to do. Life doesn't work that way even if we think it should.

What a terribly sad thing to believe. Anyway, yeah, if you think like that there's absolutely nothing at all we can agree on about this. Let's move on.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
That's irrelevant though really I think. People are still free to say stuff you and others may view as bigotry. You may not like it and you may react to it but I still don't think that justifies believing that people should be forced to use terms they don't agree with even if you view them not using them as bigotry. Being polite or respectful is great and it should be encouraged but it's not something we would expect or want people to be forced to do. Life doesn't work that way even if we think it should.
Is anyone actually being forced? You keep using that term but I'm not entirely sure that actually happens.
It's not a one way street either way. You're defending the idea that people should be allowed to continue spouting ignorant ideas that actually attack a person's idea of who they are over people in society trying to encourage these people to make a small change that can have a great positive affect on others.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
Northern Ireland
Tottenham Hotspur
Is anyone actually being forced? You keep using that term but I'm not entirely sure that actually happens.
It's not a one way street either way. You're defending the idea that people should be allowed to continue spouting ignorant ideas that actually attack a person's idea of who they are over people in society trying to encourage these people to make a small change that can have a great positive affect on others.
I think that you could certainly take it that some people feel it should be seen as compulsory if you look at some posts in here but mainly on social media. Not everyone of course but some are so aggressive at anyone daring to go against what they believe it's not a hop, Skipp or a jump to assume they would be in favour of it being required.

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
I think that you could certainly take it that some people feel it should be seen as compulsory if you look at some posts in here but mainly on social media. Not everyone of course but some are so aggressive at anyone daring to go against what they believe it's not a hop, Skipp or a jump to assume they would be in favour of it being required.
So thats a no then.

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
It’s always the same rubbish which is anti trans people can say whatever they want but trans people can’t complain or push back at all, because something something free speech.

If someone wants to deliberately use the wrong pronouns then fine but also accept that others have the right and are going to call that person a cnut.

It’s very simple.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
Northern Ireland
Tottenham Hotspur
It’s always the same rubbish which is anti trans people can say whatever they want but trans people can’t complain or push back at all, because something something free speech.

If someone wants to deliberately use the wrong pronouns then fine but also accept that others have the right and are going to call that person a cnut.

It’s very simple.
I've no problem with that at all. That's not what I'm saying.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
I’m disappointed that we all aren’t outraged at the poor fishermen who have been callously misgendered.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
I think that you could certainly take it that some people feel it should be seen as compulsory if you look at some posts in here but mainly on social media. Not everyone of course but some are so aggressive at anyone daring to go against what they believe it's not a hop, Skipp or a jump to assume they would be in favour of it being required.
So you see some people on the Internet who might want it to be a legal requirement? I see plenty of people who, judging by them very clearly deliberately mis-gendering non-binary and transgender people, would definitely not want that.


Full Member
Sep 24, 2013
Not Moskva
When using “they” in this context, do you use the third person singular verb or third person plural? Or do you capitalise “They”? is it like the use of sie/Sie in German?

Fair play to Sam Smith anyway for earning loads of publicity for mediocre music by basically recycling a Bowie controversy from 1973 without the looks or a fraction of the talent.