Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
Have you gone crazy??
Considering how much they have been shafted by their nuclear disarment treaty, its almost like they are owed one. It would also stop Putin waving his atomic dick around.


Full Member
Feb 9, 2021
Hannover 96

Why isn't (unless I've just not seen it reported) Russia knocking out all the critical infrastructure in Ukraine at this point. Power plants, water treatment facilities, TV/Radio masts?

Is it a case Putin still thinks he'll take so much land that he needs to keep all that functioning so the country can essentially prosper as an extension of Russia?
More likely it's just a lack of capability. Russia doesn't have enough cruise missiles etc to perform all the necessary strikes. They already use S300/S400 air defence in ground attack mode and the recent uptick in attacks was also powered by loitering munitions bought from Iran (this could become a bigger problem, depending on Iran's capabilities and willingness to help Russia).


New Member
Nov 3, 2021

Why isn't (unless I've just not seen it reported) Russia knocking out all the critical infrastructure in Ukraine at this point. Power plants, water treatment facilities, TV/Radio masts?

Is it a case Putin still thinks he'll take so much land that he needs to keep all that functioning so the country can essentially prosper as an extension of Russia?
They're using inaccurate anti aircraft missiles on ground targets, as they don't have enough/ don't want to waste high-tech precision missiles, which cost lots of money and require parts which are sanctioned.

It sounds like a couple of power stations were hit yesterday by precision missiles, but I'm not sure the cost is worth the damage at scale, as other attacks on infrastructure in this war (including yesterday's) have been fixed relatively quickly.


Full Member
Feb 9, 2021
Hannover 96
Interesting footage of a Russian truck destroyed by a DM-22 mine:

Looks like the driver knows/fears that there are mines and drives backwards to increase his chances, yet the DM-22 simply isn't targeted directly at the front but at the presumed center of the tank that should trigger it - so in this case, it's just a full hit on the driver. The DM-22 isn't a traditional mine, but more like an automatically triggered Panzerfaust that you put next to a road and the trigger cable on the road, that's why you see that shot.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Interested to hear their response if any of them were conscripted
These shows appear set up to manipulate public opinion to align with Kremlin narratives. I would imagine most of the participants on the shows are playing to an audience of one.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Belarus is set to join the fray.
Lukashenka is stuck on this one. Don't do anything and risk estrangment from the mother ship. Do something (like allow Russians to attack from the north again) and face the wrath of western sanctions.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
Despite what we know about Russia, this still manages to actually shock you.

Belarus is set to join the fray.
In the medium-term that might not be a bad thing, because, unlike in Russia, we know the Belarusian people have some balls and could exploit a power vacuum by taking to the streets.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
"Captain. Klingon bird decloaking aft....."

"On screen...."

One of the famed far-right petty criminals who early on took roles in the DPR/LPR. He has Ukrainian citizenship, but is well known as a member of pro-Russian/pan-Slavic Neo Nazi groups.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
Lukashenka is stuck on this one. Don't do anything and risk estrangment from the mother ship. Do something (like allow Russians to attack from the north again) and face the wrath of western sanctions.
Genuinely his best option is turn on Putin, he's basically been stalling since Feb and it looks like he'll have to commit one way or the other soon.

Van Piorsing

Lost his light sabre
Feb 10, 2006
Considering how much they have been shafted by their nuclear disarment treaty, its almost like they are owed one. It would also stop Putin waving his atomic dick around.
Heart says definitely yes. It's time for Europe to stop fearing small dick energy psychopaths and someday even stop rellying that much on America to come with military help, everytime genocide is commited.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
Is there a difference between what Russian propagandists are doing (advocating for violence) and what Felicien Kabuga was responsible for in Rwanda?


Shining Star of Paektu Mountain
Apr 8, 2014
Is there a difference between what Russian propagandists are doing (advocating for violence) and what Felicien Kabuga was responsible for in Rwanda?
I think they've already done enough to justify a life sentence.


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
Interesting footage of a Russian truck destroyed by a DM-22 mine:

Looks like the driver knows/fears that there are mines and drives backwards to increase his chances, yet the DM-22 simply isn't targeted directly at the front but at the presumed center of the tank that should trigger it - so in this case, it's just a full hit on the driver. The DM-22 isn't a traditional mine, but more like an automatically triggered Panzerfaust that you put next to a road and the trigger cable on the road, that's why you see that shot.
It looks like a missile took it out, shot from the far side, over 100 m away at least.


Made of cheese
Jun 22, 2020
no-one in particular
It looks like a missile took it out, shot from the far side, over 100 m away at least.
That's what Stefan said: "The DM-22 isn't a traditional mine, but more like an automatically triggered Panzerfaust that you put next to a road and the trigger cable on the road, that's why you see that shot."


Full Member
Oct 25, 2010

Why isn't (unless I've just not seen it reported) Russia knocking out all the critical infrastructure in Ukraine at this point. Power plants, water treatment facilities, TV/Radio masts?

Is it a case Putin still thinks he'll take so much land that he needs to keep all that functioning so the country can essentially prosper as an extension of Russia?
They primarily did target this kind of infrastructure yesterday. Half were shot down and many just missed. In one of the clearer videoed strikes 2 missiles landed either side of a power plant. Others did land nowhere near any buildings of this sort, so obviously targeting civilians also.

The better question is why aren't they targeting military infrastructure. It suggests Putin is more concerned about waging a war of terror rather than a war of conquest at this point.


Full Member
Jan 23, 2013
So basically Elon was used as the Putin's latest useful idiot.
A while ago he said hes gonna fight Putin for Ukraine peace, now, hed probably bring his own lube.
I was surprised earlier though, to learn hes a bit of a republican nutter, and still supply ukrainians with Starlink, so I guess hes just falling in line now.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
The mobilization and nuclear threats, the senior administration official said, were “signs of two things: Putin does know how bad he’s doing. … That was a question mark before.”

“Two, it’s definitely a sign that he’s doubling down. That we’re not close to the end, and not close to negotiations. Those realities don’t give anyone any great comfort here,” the official said.

“We certainly understand that we are at a potential inflection point here in the war, on many levels,” the senior Biden administration official said. “That thinking is baked into [our] decision-making. … Ukraine has certainly done better and been more aggressive recently, and Putin is feeling the heat on the battlefield, at home, and overseas. There is no question that is a different set of conditions.”


Full Member
Oct 14, 2021
I'm having a hard time knowing exactly what is going on here. I'm far too much of a cynic to believe almost anything I read in the media. It is FAR too powerful. 3 Days ago, all you could read about in the U.K. Was how stupid that mini budget was and the ramifications on the economic outlook, then Russia launches an assault and that's all people are talking about now. The amount of people who have used what's going on in Ukraine for their own benefit must be staggering. And now we have one of the sides pushing trump as the man who can convince putin to end the war, and all I can think is that it was Putins plan all along. There's just far too much misinformation, corruption and disregard for average people for me to feel really confident that there are actually any "good guys" part of this whole thing.


Full Member
Aug 17, 2009
New York City
I'm having a hard time knowing exactly what is going on here. I'm far too much of a cynic to believe almost anything I read in the media. It is FAR too powerful. 3 Days ago, all you could read about in the U.K. Was how stupid that mini budget was and the ramifications on the economic outlook, then Russia launches an assault and that's all people are talking about now. The amount of people who have used what's going on in Ukraine for their own benefit must be staggering. And now we have one of the sides pushing trump as the man who can convince putin to end the war, and all I can think is that it was Putins plan all along. There's just far too much misinformation, corruption and disregard for average people for me to feel really confident that there are actually any "good guys" part of this whole thing.
Huh? I mean, the two things you mention are events that happened. The UK govt did release a mini budget with a tax cut and not spending cut, and financial markets did not take it well. And Russia did launch missile strikes across Ukraine yesterday and today.

The media are expected to report these things, but they don't exist in a vacuum, it's up to each person to keep up with the broader context and events that have come before. Not believing the media is pretty much what Putin wants from you/us.

We need an rvn

Full Member
Aug 13, 2015
Down south...somewhere
Congress wants Zelensky to be more polite?

Apparently you have to say thank you so much for your support and politely ask for more from now on, whilst any person with a brain knows we need to stop Putin here and topple it or it is wwiii as he won’t stop at Ukraine. No bs, if you’re not going to support us with troops at least give us the weapons.

But the thruth also is, without the support of the US (and uk, German helmets etc) Russia would have taken the south east and annexed it like crimea months ago. So maybe some careful words are needed in public but behind the scenes most know what needs to happen and that is to stop Putin from getting any part of Ukraine


More sheds (and tiles) than you, probably
Feb 12, 2014
Apparently you have to say thank you so much for your support and politely ask for more from now on, whilst any person with a brain knows we need to stop Putin here and topple it or it is wwiii as he won’t stop at Ukraine. No bs, if you’re not going to support us with troops at least give us the weapons.

But the thruth also is, without the support of the US (and uk, German helmets etc) Russia would have taken the south east and annexed it like crimea months ago. So maybe some careful words are needed in public but behind the scenes most know what needs to happen and that is to stop Putin from getting any part of Ukraine
Don't forget it's quite likely that soon they'll be reliant on the support of some rather thick Republicans who will be only too pleased to take offence at any perceived slight so they can posture to their cultists.


Full Member
Feb 23, 2012
Don't forget it's quite likely that soon they'll be reliant on the support of some rather thick Republicans who will be only too pleased to take offence at any perceived slight so they can posture to their cultists.
Ya and this really is what it comes down to, these people won't listen to Biden if they come into power.


Full Member
Aug 9, 2019
Midwest, USA
Lukashenka is stuck on this one. Don't do anything and risk estrangment from the mother ship. Do something (like allow Russians to attack from the north again) and face the wrath of western sanctions.
He’s done an impressive job not getting involved. Russia needs allies desperately, I feel like that gives Lukashenko a lot of leeway. Claiming he needs to guard the Polish border is pretty clever.


Full Member
Aug 14, 2009
I'm having a hard time knowing exactly what is going on here. I'm far too much of a cynic to believe almost anything I read in the media. It is FAR too powerful. 3 Days ago, all you could read about in the U.K. Was how stupid that mini budget was and the ramifications on the economic outlook, then Russia launches an assault and that's all people are talking about now. The amount of people who have used what's going on in Ukraine for their own benefit must be staggering. And now we have one of the sides pushing trump as the man who can convince putin to end the war, and all I can think is that it was Putins plan all along. There's just far too much misinformation, corruption and disregard for average people for me to feel really confident that there are actually any "good guys" part of this whole thing.
I’m not exactly sure how you’re tying the UK budget fiasco in with the war, but I will say that I completely agree re the propaganda. I’m not really posting in this thread but a lot of the stuff on here about how Russia is getting its ass kicked an Ukraine is dominating etc. is simply not true, unfortunately. Ukrainian soldiers are getting injured and dying in huge numbers and if you dig you can find video evidence of convoys of ambulances transporting people from the front. It’s slaughter. The western media won’t show any of this of course.

Russia has now for the first time carried out severe infrastructure strikes that have killed power, internet, water, etc. in large parts of Ukraine. Where this goes from here god knows but it’s really not looking good.


Full Member
Aug 9, 2019
Midwest, USA
I’m not exactly sure how you’re tying the UK budget fiasco in with the war, but I will say that I completely agree re the propaganda. I’m not really posting in this thread but a lot of the stuff on here about how Russia is getting its ass kicked an Ukraine is dominating etc. is simply not true, unfortunately. Ukrainian soldiers are getting injured and dying in huge numbers and if you dig you can find video evidence of convoys of ambulances transporting people from the front. It’s slaughter. The western media won’t show any of this of course.

Russia has now for the first time carried out severe infrastructure strikes that have killed power, internet, water, etc. in large parts of Ukraine. Where this goes from here god knows but it’s really not looking good.
Zeihan has contended that Russia will win up until this big push, where he moved into the “who knows” category, as it’s likely much too early to say if Ukraine can sustain those pushes.

i haven’t heard any numbers on Ukraine losses, but you’re certainly right that information is being highly controlled.


Full Member
Oct 14, 2006
It is clear that Putin is ready to end the life on this planet as we know it to get what he wants.

Does the west want to the same?

The situation seems bleak as no side will want to give in and I'm not sure what is a compromise both sides are ready to sign now. Seems nice compromise would have prevented this hell but no side wanted to give in. Neutral Ukraine was not something attractive it seems to neither side.

It's all so effed up.

West wanted Ukraine with them which means Ukraine is then against Russia. Ukraine has been used at least two times as a gate to invade Russia. In democracy each country can choose to whom they want to align with. Right ? Well Cuba didn't have that right.

Ukraine isn't a country like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. A lot of Russians did live there. A lot of population is truly pro Russian - not sure what percentage but that is a fact.

Was that professor actually right and both sides needed to work hard to keep Ukraine neutral and not cause this?

I'm extremely anxious. I live in east coast USA and nuclear shelter talks have started.