Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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Full Member
Sep 10, 2016
It depends with we see more of the likes of Cole Palmer who I’m sure Pep has bigged up in the past, can see Alvarez out wide fairly often as Jesus was. I didn’t realise how thin their current squad was looking to be honest.
I don't really buy the silva links because I can't understand why city would consider selling him. He is versatile and his work rate is second to none for such a technical player

Still wouldn't say their squad is thin given the number of extremely talented youngsters they have behind the senior players in forward positions


Full Member
Apr 21, 2015
Frenkie has a contract with Barça that they trying to weasel out of. On top of the deferred wages of 17 million they owe him a 15.88 million loyalty bonus.

He could demand a 34 million payout, sofar they have offered him 7.

If everyone had to fit in the new wage structure for financial reasons, they would not sign seven new players in one window.

Three of them cost more than 50 million €.
But the existing players are pressed into taking wage cuts. Bernardo will cost another 80 mill.

There is absolutely nothing legal Barça can do to force a wage cut on someone.

Fifpro is watching this one closely.


Full Member
Oct 13, 2020
Can't spell Mkhitaryan
That's a lie, a false narrative.
Every new player fits into the new wage system. No one, except those with old Barto contracts, is on monster wages anymore.
Frenkie with his current Barto contract earns nearly double of Lewandowski, the actual 2 times Fifa Player of the Year and all the other new signings for that matter.
All Laporta and his board ask of Frenkie is to fit into the new finance system, as every other player does so far, nothing more. If that means "bend over" for you all, well then I can't help it.
It can't be helped? How about your shit show of a club honours the contracts that it hands out? FDJ isn't an accountant for Barca, it's not his job to make sure the books balance.

Stop spending money and give the guy what he's owed! Disgusting behaviour from a disgusting club.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
All Barcelona ask is for a player who signed a completely legally binding contract is to give up what he should earn so that the club can take the money he is entirely within his rights to continue to earn so that the club continue to sign players in the short term, pissing on themselves to keep warm. And his refusal to do so has resulted in him completely losing his spot in the midfield and playing a rotational CB position.

Insane to me that anyone would take the behemoth footballing company’s side over an individual here, but Barcelona fans are different breeds. If Manchester United tried some shite like this to one of their players I’d 100% be on the players side.
To be fair they are not, Football fans tend to side with their clubs.

phelans shorts

Full Member
Jan 4, 2009
Gaz. Is a Mewling Quim.
I don't really buy the silva links because I can't understand why city would consider selling him. He is versatile and his work rate is second to none for such a technical player

Still wouldn't say their squad is thin given the number of extremely talented youngsters they have behind the senior players in forward positions
Bernardo did want out last summer too, so it’s not such a surprise. Can only hold onto a player who isn’t settled for so long.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
LVG's notebook
Apparently we upped our bid by €8.5 million to get the deal done, and Brokealoana are offering Frenkie €7 million of that :lol:

Ponziloaner will try every underhanded tactic to get him off their books.


Full Member
Aug 8, 2012
Barcelona isn't a democracy, it's not a country. Barcelona is a private entity. And countries have to respect existing contract agreements.
According to cules, Barca’s allowed to make up rules as it goes along. More than a club indeed.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
According to cules, Barca’s allowed to make up rules as it goes along. More than a club indeed.
Barca are the rules. They do what they want, when they want... or thats what you'd believe anyway!

If it's true they're offering him 7m of his wages, then it shows that negotations are underway and that all of what Laporta said pretty much is lies


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
To be fair they are not, Football fans tend to side with their clubs.
I agree with you. If theres something that people are very very passionate about it's their football club.
I've got friends who are so passionate about their club (City), they'd literally disown their own children if they supported United. Football is one of them sports where it can get quite OTT

2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
Barcelona have already spent 170-180 million and are still after Bernardo Silva, using money gained from selling future earnings on the assumption that they’ll get back to winning ways. Just writing that down it sounds mental.


Full Member
Nov 9, 2014
Tbf the only club who get to make up rules more than barca are Real. Let’s be honest even if this bs play doesn’t work there is always the chance they could just sell the nou camp to the government and rent it back at a nominal rent, or sell their training ground for some extortionate over valuation to the city. The pretty much know that the city, la liga, etc, will vail them out in any worst case scenario


Full Member
Nov 9, 2014
I agree with you. If theres something that people are very very passionate about it's their football club.
I've got friends who are so passionate about their club (City), they'd literally disown their own children if they supported United. Football is one of them sports where it can get quite OTT
people in general do not discuss football rationally, family and friends who are city fans post some of the most insane shit on social media, that I know they would never say to me. Things if they put any thought into it they just wouldn’t even think of saying. Try discussing with a city fan their owners and the cognitive dissonance becomes a wild ride tbh

2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
I genuinely want to see what happens if we walk away, but I’ve got a bad feeling it will involve them pushing him on Chelsea anyway for a few million less. We’ve been taken for a ride in a big way by these cnuts.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
Tbf the only club who get to make up rules more than barca are Real. Let’s be honest even if this bs play doesn’t work there is always the chance they could just sell the nou camp to the government and rent it back at a nominal rent, or sell their training ground for some extortionate over valuation to the city. The pretty much know that the city, la liga, etc, will vail them out in any worst case scenario
Real are just a whole different breed... they literally do what they want, when they want.


Full Member
May 7, 2008
Barcelona are missing a trick here …. Their new wage structure should be everyone plays for Barcelona for free and the love of the club… they should require all their players to change to this new system… think of all the money they could free up then to buy new players.
I’m sure all the fans would vote for a president that suggested that. Democracy at work.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Barcelona have already spent 170-180 million and are still after Bernardo Silva, using money gained from selling future earnings on the assumption that they’ll get back to winning ways. Just writing that down it sounds mental.
Wouldn't it be funny if they sign all these players then find out their manager is not that good.

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
So I’m guessing this ends in some sort of compromise where Barca give him a certain amount of his deferred ages, we give a signing on fee and bigger wage that overall equates to him earning more than if he stayed and didn’t take a pay cut?

Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
The boys from Catalonia have pretty much made all their signings now bar Bernardo Silva, and so begins the endgame of this stupid saga in my opinion.

I personally believe the leak to the press back in June has caused this sequence of events. The specific amounts back then probably made them panic and try to desperately backtrack on everything.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
How does the fan ownership thing work in relation to transfers? Do they vote to spend money on each target? If so, the fans are to blame just as much

2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
So we're signing Lewandowski on loan from Barca while they pay his wages? Is that what you're saying?
He can still play in the champions league, but you can have him every Saturday. Knowing Barca they’ll find a way to make it legal.

Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
Weird. Graham Hunter laughed at any suggestion Barcelona weren’t paying the money in full and belittled any journalist saying otherwise. Almost like he’s a total shill.
Hes been on Talksport many times over the years and everything that Barcelona do is a gift from the gods according to him. They could launch a nuclear warhead at Madrid and he‘d say that’s down to the brilliance of Messi and how we should bow down in awe…so I wouldnt be surprised if he’s a total shill.


Can never have too many Eevees
Jul 14, 2008
AKA: Slapanut Goat Smuggla
That's a lie, a false narrative.
Every new player fits into the new wage system. No one, except those with old Barto contracts, is on monster wages anymore.
Frenkie with his current Barto contract earns nearly double of Lewandowski, the actual 2 times Fifa Player of the Year and all the other new signings for that matter.
All Laporta and his board ask of Frenkie is to fit into the new finance system, as every other player does so far, nothing more. If that means "bend over" for you all, well then I can't help it.
I've seen it all now.

He restructured his contract out of goodwill for the club and now you're blaming his big contract for being a problem. :lol:

His wages wouldn't be that big if he just told them to feck off and paid it at his previous rate. Your team just pushed the problem to a later date and are just conveniently forgetting it for the new shiny signings you all want.
Jul 31, 2015
Somewhere out there
He wants his payment in full before leaving, wheras Barca, apparently, want to pay it over time.
A few tried arguing with me the other day but I’m convinced they are offering a low ball amount, to be paid, at best, over the remaining 4 years he would’ve been at the club under his deal.

So at best with this 7m figure, 1.75m gross annually, around 850k /year after tax. A frankly fecking disgusting offer.

It’s why Barca are now bluffing that they are prepared to keep him, even on his current wage and have him feck up his entire career wasting away on bench as 4th choice CB.

It’s why De Jong’s camp is holding firm, as another poster put it, the “owed” wages alone are 17m, but then there are 2 loyalty bonuses for 2022 and 2023 that amount to almost 13 million.

I don’t see Frenkie giving up for 7 million in instalments when he is bargaining with 30 million on his side of the table.

Frenkie will continue to play hardball, even as 5th choice CB until that figure rises by at least 10m, and the up front figure rises considerably.

Barca will continue to chat bollocks in the press daily.

Going on all through August this, Barca will try calling his bluff that a few weeks in August in La Liga with little or no playing minutes, (and out of position) will force his hand.
He’ll think the club will shit their pants the closer to the window closing this gets.

Been obvious for a while that whatever Hunter says, player and club are miles apart on severance package.

And finally, no player as good as this one would decide to be such an idiot and stay at a club that clearly don’t want him, that simply doesn’t happen, dreams or not, players feck off to some place they are welcome. Just as massive United fan Becks did, no-one truly loves a club that much, as even true blue Rooney proved to us.


Full Member
Jan 5, 2019
The Arena of the Unwell
No I did not. That was Bartomeu. A new president means a new leadership and that means new politics. We see it in democratic countries all the time, when the new government tries to improve mistakes made by the old one. Maybe you forgot how democracy works having an owner for the rest of your lives.
Nothing wrong in asking a player to fit into the new system. I don't know how often Laporta and barca have to repeat that they will respect Frenkie's contract if he decides to stay on it, no matter what. That's funny how most of you just repress that fact when it comes to that.
Nope, nothing at all. :wenger:


More sheds (and tiles) than you, probably
Feb 12, 2014
This (sort of) happened to me in work years ago - I used to get parking paid for me, which in a major city centre wasn’t an insubstantial benefit. They wanted to phase this out as only certain grades got it so those that didn’t were resentful over it. They offered me (and others) two choices:

1. Sign a new employment contract without the free parking and receive a lump sum to buy out the benefit (but only equivalent to a couple of years of the cost of it)

2. Not sign a new contract and my employment would be terminated

Its life I’m afraid.
The situations are not remotely comparable. You were not on a fixed term deal, you were a permanent employee.

Moreover, even with the pathetic employment laws in Britain I think you might have been entitled to sue them for constructive dismissal in that situation.

And finally, I hope you took the payout and then handed in your notice? If not, have some self-recocking-spect man.


Full Member
Jan 5, 2019
The Arena of the Unwell
This (sort of) happened to me in work years ago - I used to get parking paid for me, which in a major city centre wasn’t an insubstantial benefit. They wanted to phase this out as only certain grades got it so those that didn’t were resentful over it. They offered me (and others) two choices:

1. Sign a new employment contract without the free parking and receive a lump sum to buy out the benefit (but only equivalent to a couple of years of the cost of it)

2. Not sign a new contract and my employment would be terminated

Its life I’m afraid.
And that was legal? :eek:

They'd have to have paid you redundancy for option 2, surely?

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
Nothing wrong in asking a player to fit into the new system. I don't know how often Laporta and barca have to repeat that they will respect Frenkie's contract if he decides to stay on it, no matter what.
If Barcelona can respect De Jong's current contract then they should not be asking him to change to a different, worse contract. This is pretty simple professional etiquette.


New Member
May 19, 2012
Weird. Graham Hunter laughed at any suggestion Barcelona weren’t paying the money in full and belittled any journalist saying otherwise. Almost like he’s a total shill.
Graham Hunter came across as a total idiot and tried to belittle sam matterface and Alex crocks in a recent interview on talk sport recently, the guy is a tool
Jul 31, 2015
Somewhere out there
So I’m guessing this ends in some sort of compromise where Barca give him a certain amount of his deferred ages, we give a signing on fee and bigger wage that overall equates to him earning more than if he stayed and didn’t take a pay cut?
I think it ends late in August.
It’s a World Cup year and Barcelona will be convinced that starting the season on the bench, only considered as a fourth choice centre back will shit him up enough to drop his demands to something like 10 million.

The player will be pretty certain that with 30 million on his side of the negotiating table (in owed wages and loyalty bonuses), that the club simply will not be prepared to lose out on the 80m transfer fee and have to pay those 30 million to him over the next 15 or so months.

Who blinks first? I was convinced it’d be Barca but I don’t know, they are playing it disgustingly well to make him feel like he has to leave that place for the good of his career. But, they simply will pay much more if he can wait it out.

I hope at this point people realise that it has nothing to do with the player wanting to stay at all costs, that became obvious bollocks a few weeks back.
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