Protests following the killing of George Floyd

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
I have a lot of respect for the members of the black community who are actively trying to influence and change the lives of those living in these deprived and crime ridden areas, but the problems they're facing cannot be resolved just by their efforts alone. When I said people need to start with themselves, I meant just that. And the idea that families staying together has a huge effect on people growing up isn't delusional, as you put it, I tell it from my personal experience and it doesn't just apply to black people, it's the same thing everywhere, no matter your race, nationality or background. I should be responsible for my own life, for my children, for my family, nobody else. It's great that there are active members of the community who offer help and assistance but unless I teach my kids by my own example and take responsibility for myself and my family, I can't expect any real positive changes. It's quite popular in America to blame schools for failing kids, especially from poor neighbourhoods but for my money, the problem starts at home. There's a reason kids who go to the same school end up in a different situations afterwards, and more often than not, it's their situation at home that either leads them to becoming a valued member of society or makes them stray onto a wrong path. There are exceptions, of course, but they only prove the rule.

Secondly, I never said that gang culture, poverty, drug dealing and violence is a ‘black thing’, like it only exists in black neighborhoods. That's what I hate the most, it's when people misquote others just so they could make their point more emphatically. Nice try, though.

Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks lived in a very different time in a very different country. They could only dream of the opportunities black people have now, despite all the racism, whether systemic or individual, it's incomparable to what it was like 50-60 years ago. It's fine to criticize modern America for everything that's wrong with it, including racial issues, but you can't honestly tell me there wasn't a huge progress made in the last few decades. People may feel it's nowhere near enough, and rightly so but that's a different argument.

My initial post was made to bring attention to the fact that due to the outrage aimed at police for killing another black man people en masse jump on the 'blame the system' wagon and it's easy to follow the well-beaten path either through fear of otherwise being called a racist or due to simply wanting to blend in and look 'liberal and progressive'. All the issues you've mentioned, including criminalization, mortgage and employment discrimination etc, are real and it should be rectified, no one argues that. But I stand by my opinion that the real change starts at home, and that applies to every nation or race.
You should read the twitter thread in post #3993, which gets into the idea that black people should try to get their own house in order before complaining about external forces (tl;dr they already are)

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
I have a lot of respect for the members of the black community who are actively trying to influence and change the lives of those living in these deprived and crime ridden areas, but the problems they're facing cannot be resolved just by their efforts alone. When I said people need to start with themselves, I meant just that. And the idea that families staying together has a huge effect on people growing up isn't delusional, as you put it, I tell it from my personal experience and it doesn't just apply to black people, it's the same thing everywhere, no matter your race, nationality or background. I should be responsible for my own life, for my children, for my family, nobody else. It's great that there are active members of the community who offer help and assistance but unless I teach my kids by my own example and take responsibility for myself and my family, I can't expect any real positive changes. It's quite popular in America to blame schools for failing kids, especially from poor neighbourhoods but for my money, the problem starts at home. There's a reason kids who go to the same school end up in a different situations afterwards, and more often than not, it's their situation at home that either leads them to becoming a valued member of society or makes them stray onto a wrong path. There are exceptions, of course, but they only prove the rule.

Secondly, I never said that gang culture, poverty, drug dealing and violence is a ‘black thing’, like it only exists in black neighborhoods. That's what I hate the most, it's when people misquote others just so they could make their point more emphatically. Nice try, though.

Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks lived in a very different time in a very different country. They could only dream of the opportunities black people have now, despite all the racism, whether systemic or individual, it's incomparable to what it was like 50-60 years ago. It's fine to criticize modern America for everything that's wrong with it, including racial issues, but you can't honestly tell me there wasn't a huge progress made in the last few decades. People may feel it's nowhere near enough, and rightly so but that's a different argument.

My initial post was made to bring attention to the fact that due to the outrage aimed at police for killing another black man people en masse jump on the 'blame the system' wagon and it's easy to follow the well-beaten path either through fear of otherwise being called a racist or due to simply wanting to blend in and look 'liberal and progressive'. All the issues you've mentioned, including criminalization, mortgage and employment discrimination etc, are real and it should be rectified, no one argues that. But I stand by my opinion that the real change starts at home, and that applies to every nation or race.
If you’re trying to claim you’re not racist, it may behoove you to not make the basis of your argument the notion that black families don’t stick together. Which if you follow to its logical conclusion is the same as the stereotype that black men don’t make good fathers.

If that’s an American thing and you weren’t aware of that racist stereotype then I’ll give you a pass on that one.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
If you’re trying to claim you’re not racist, it may behoove you to not make the basis of your argument that black families don’t stick together. Which if you follow to its logical conclusion is the same as the stereotype that black men don’t make good fathers.

If that’s an American thing and you weren’t aware of that racist stereotype then I’ll give you a pass on that one.
Of course he's aware. He's using the same old, tired arguments that have always been used, dog-whistles and all.


Sep 12, 2004
Chelsea FC
If you’re trying to claim you’re not racist, it may behoove you to not make the basis of your argument that black families don’t stick together. Which if you follow to its logical conclusion is the same as the stereotype that black men don’t make good fathers.

If that’s an American thing and you weren’t aware of that racist stereotype then I’ll give you a pass on that one.
I'm not trying to do anything except voicing my own opinion. If someone thinks me a racist, I can't control that nor do I give a shit.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
I'm not trying to do anything except voicing my own opinion. If someone thinks me a racist, I can't control that nor do I give a shit.
I was trying to help you there by giving you an out, but...okay then.

Back to the protests, we are over 10k protesters arrested per the AP.


Jan 27, 2004
I'm a bit thick, I don't understand how this constant rioting/protesting is going to help anything?

I understand protesting but it appears to be going much further, nobody is actually trying to break it down into talks are they?

Obviously you get the dipshits who just use a protest to be dicks anyway.

But the speeches, the gatherings, the group mentality can't be good? It's turning into group a Vs group b. Alot of the police will be good people, but they're being made to stop looting and riots because of something one asshole and his mates done? (I know there is more but this is the incident that kicked it all off). Also they'll be getting a lot of shit just for being police.

Surely the point has now been made and it's time to take it somewhere in a more peaceful manner? I just don't see the "end game" here for anyone at the moment.

Also, I understand America going all tits up, why is every other country following? Are the police everywhere really as bad as over there? Can anyone point me to an example of UK police brutality against a minority? I don't remember any in the news, but then again that could get glossed over tbh.

So really my question is, where does this go from here?
It helped by putting pressure on getting a second degree murder and convicting the other three police.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Anywhere you want it
I'm a bit thick, I don't understand how this constant rioting/protesting is going to help anything?

I understand protesting but it appears to be going much further, nobody is actually trying to break it down into talks are they?

Obviously you get the dipshits who just use a protest to be dicks anyway.

But the speeches, the gatherings, the group mentality can't be good? It's turning into group a Vs group b. Alot of the police will be good people, but they're being made to stop looting and riots because of something one asshole and his mates done? (I know there is more but this is the incident that kicked it all off). Also they'll be getting a lot of shit just for being police.

Surely the point has now been made and it's time to take it somewhere in a more peaceful manner? I just don't see the "end game" here for anyone at the moment.

Also, I understand America going all tits up, why is every other country following? Are the police everywhere really as bad as over there? Can anyone point me to an example of UK police brutality against a minority? I don't remember any in the news, but then again that could get glossed over tbh.

So really my question is, where does this go from here?
So, historically, people riot when they feel more constructive alternatives, such as talks, have not been and will not be effective to induce the change they are seeking.

The threat from rioting is that it will continue, to the detriment of the state, until the issue that caused the rioting is resolved, be that bread prices or systemic racism.

Many other countries are following the USAs lead because racism is endemic in our society.
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Full Member
Oct 25, 2013
I'm a bit thick, I don't understand how this constant rioting/protesting is going to help anything?

I understand protesting but it appears to be going much further, nobody is actually trying to break it down into talks are they?

Obviously you get the dipshits who just use a protest to be dicks anyway.

But the speeches, the gatherings, the group mentality can't be good? It's turning into group a Vs group b. Alot of the police will be good people, but they're being made to stop looting and riots because of something one asshole and his mates done? (I know there is more but this is the incident that kicked it all off). Also they'll be getting a lot of shit just for being police.

Surely the point has now been made and it's time to take it somewhere in a more peaceful manner? I just don't see the "end game" here for anyone at the moment.

Also, I understand America going all tits up, why is every other country following? Are the police everywhere really as bad as over there? Can anyone point me to an example of UK police brutality against a minority? I don't remember any in the news, but then again that could get glossed over tbh.

So really my question is, where does this go from here?
its escalated into madness because the police have gone heavy handed x10. Its up to the people in power to diffuse situations, not incite them. in these recent clips iver seen young girls have their mask pulled off to get maced, young boys have their eye shot out and a pregnant women in a car being raided with bullets. its batshit crazy and brought to the surface what an ingrained mess the country is

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
Is it still on? I can't find live update on protest from here
Very much so, all across the country. A mixed bag though: we had some radical right boogaloos arrested in Vegas, some serious injuries to protesters, other cops dancing and marching with the protesters instead of shooting them with rubber bullets and tear gas.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Very much so, all across the country. A mixed bag though: we had some radical right boogaloos arrested in Vegas, some serious injuries to protesters, other cops dancing and marching with the protesters instead of shooting them with rubber bullets and tear gas.
Thank you, most of the top search on google are lamestream medias and youtube offers streamers looking for donations rehashing old footage.

You stay safe there

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
Not counting the other things, just the countless videos and pictures highlighting how the police behave and how much of a widespread issue it is is a positive outcome of these protests, IMO.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
Why the hell are they firing rubber bullets like that at peoples heads? They are quite clearly lethal or prone to do serious damage ffs.

They just seem completely mad, almost like if they scare the protesters enough they might just give up and go home

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
Thank you, most of the top search on google are lamestream medias and youtube offers streamers looking for donations rehashing old footage.

You stay safe there
Thanks, will do. If we have another large one downtown I’ll try to grab some pics and be the Caf reporter on the ground.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Anywhere you want it
Why the hell are they firing rubber bullets like that at peoples heads? They are quite clearly lethal or prone to do serious damage ffs.

They just seem completely mad, almost like if they scare the protesters enough they might just give up and go home
One of the core rules of firearm safety is to be sure of your target and beyond. The police are operating in target rich environments with constant movement. It's a perfect storm for something like this to happen. As such, I doubt they are shooting at people's heads but rather the people getting tonked like that are unfortunately walking into the path of a projectile meant for someone else or fired indiscriminately. A combination of bad luck and reckless use of anti-riot projectile launchers.


nipple flasher and door destroyer
May 8, 2013
Have you watched the videos that I quoted ? Looking back you had quoted a different tweet so apologies for that.
The video you quoted are just scrotes looking to beat up a copper. The protests outside parliament are what we need. We have to expect more from our government and just because we have a special relationship (bend over and get fecked) with America doesn’t mean we have to stand by everything they do.

If anyone can try and change America that isn’t directly involved with their fecked up internal politics it’s the UK. A strong viewpoint from us condemning what Trump’s been saying and doing could change so much over there. Kier Starmer should at least be applying constant pressure on the tories to do it.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
4500 National Guard now in DC, up from 1200. This does not include 1600 active duty troops waiting in the wings just outside the District via @CBSNews David Martin.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
One of the core rules of firearm safety is to be sure of your target and beyond. The police are operating in target rich environments with constant movement. It's a perfect storm for something like this to happen. As such, I doubt they are shooting at people's heads but rather the people getting tonked like that are unfortunately walking into the path of a projectile meant for someone else or fired indiscriminately. A combination of bad luck and reckless use of anti-riot projectile launchers.
I also think there’s a significant issue with the categorisation of rubber bullets as “less lethal” which seems to translate into cops minds as “less than lethal” i.e. they take far less care than with proper bullets because they think they’re almost ‘safe’.

When they don’t take enough care with proper ones to start with, lowering those standards even further leads to a “spray and pray” approach which we’ve seen plenty of reports of.


New Member
Jun 20, 2019
Did you read what he posted? Let me tell you this, if you are a black footballer where are you more likely to have a banana thrown at you or subjected to a barrage of monkey chants. If you are homosexual where are you more likely to get the shit beaten out of you. Get the feck away with your stupid comment. You Russian?
You can feck off with your tone and your arrogant behaviour.
People judge entire nations all the time. Just look at the views about the US in the CE forum. Its a fairly normal thing around here.
Sorry, I didn't know xenophobia based on ignorance and looking down upon people was deemed acceptable here, I'll make a note for the future.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
Surely people there are never going to trust the police again. You also worry that instead of going to the police when they need to they will serve up their own justice. That will just be anarchy.


Ten Years a Cafite
Mar 6, 2012
I think that anyone in a position of true power could act similarly, all communities are susceptible to be prejudiced, it's an human flaw. The point of all of this isn't to attack one ethnicity's nature but to make people realize that the society that they built for themselves and its mechanism are totally unjust when you are not part of the ethnic majority.
This is true. This will be a very long process, as long as human is still in charge. In Asia, the widespread police brutality is common, with prejudice on different ethnicity or religious trait.

More regulations or policies on how to police is just a short term fix, and won't cure the root problem. Although this incident is an obvious police brutality, though. No common sense is used. I don't know if this use of execive force on small fish criminal is within their policy, or just his idiocy, or else.
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can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I actually asked russians and serbians about racism in Russia and Serbia, they all told me that because there isn't a lot of foreigners and in particular blacks people have a lot of preconceived opinions that they will express without problem. They also all told me that animosity will be rare, you will most likely have snide remarks aimed at you, you will stared at in the streets or ignored in social contexts. It's anectodal but that's what they told me.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2010
In her own way, she made a valid criticism.

300+ years of systemic abuse, lynching, rape. ... this time the cat is out of the bag and US police will have to suck this outpouring of rage foras long as it takes to get out.
She's also not wrong that police rape sex workers because of the nature of the business.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
American police are finally reaching the standards of Indian police. Change the uniform and this is a very very typical Indian video


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
Im glad antihenry has continued to show exactly why I didn't bother to reply to them.

In between shooting up some other blacks and fathering lots of kids, Malcom Jenkins has this incredibly powerful response to Brees' stupid comments.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
You can feck off with your tone and your arrogant behaviour.

Sorry, I didn't know xenophobia based on ignorance and looking down upon people was deemed acceptable here, I'll make a note for the future.
Haha write it down pal and come back with your big boy pants on.