Protests following the killing of George Floyd


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
This deserves it's own thread. Riots in Minneapolis, St.Paul and other American cities following the killing of George Floyd.

Currently unfolding:

Really hope this calms down without deaths.
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You could change it to the George Floyd riots as a catch-all, because it has been kicking off in LA and New York for starters. Not quite to this extent though.
You could change it to the George Floyd riots as a catch-all, because it has been kicking off in LA and New York for starters. Not quite to this extent though.

Before anyone paints this scenario as some sort of Malcolm X type of riot, is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of white people involved in the rioting.

Fireworks was a nice touch
Before anyone paints this scenario as some sort of Malcolm X type of riot, is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of white people involved in the rioting.
White people can be disgusted as well?

I mean, to have the most high-profile, blatant racist in a while lecturing others about dishonouring the memory of a black person killed by police brutality and then going on to threaten more violence on people, words fail me.
Now Donald is in charge of his very own shithole country. Wonder how many black people will be shot today?

Been ID’d as a cop by his ex-fiancé.

His police department have already carried out an investigation and determined it wasn’t him which is incredibly efficient.

Been ID’d as a cop by his ex-fiancé.

His police department have already carried out an investigation and determined it wasn’t him which is incredibly efficient.

The same police department that have every officer out on the street?

There needs to be an independent panel set up in america to investigate cops.

IAB mustnt be up to scratch.
White people can be disgusted as well?
So riot and give black people more of a bad name is the way to show your disgust at black people being killed?
Wouldnt it be joining in with their disgust and standing side by side?

Not really, only one community will bare the consequences.
By the way, I don't condone the rioting either way, from white or black or whoever
You can join their disgust without rioting (something which will come back on those who you are joining side by side)

Been ID’d as a cop by his ex-fiancé.

His police department have already carried out an investigation and determined it wasn’t him which is incredibly efficient.

"You wanna go, that's what's up? Somebody hold my blunt"

What an absolute legend!
Obviously don’t condone rioting etc, but basically America is reaping what it has sowed.
This has the potential to become Trump's Reichstag fire.
So riot and give black people more of a bad name is the way to show your disgust at black people being killed?
So this is just a black riot? Lets say youre correct. Wouldn't 99 percent of these rioters bring black give them this bad name rather than the few white people caught up in it all?
When the looters show up .That is when you lose the narrative.
to be honest this is a reach. a thug is a violent person, so I don't know what word better describes rioters and looters.

There is a lot of historical connotation with the use of the word Thug and African Americans. It was a clear dog whistle with this taken into account and someone like Trump would definitely play into that.
Twitter flagged Trumps tweet about looting and shooting for glorifying violence. Looks like Twitter is doubling down against Trump.
to be honest this is a reach. a thug is a violent person, so I don't know what word better describes rioters and looters.
This is not a reach , Thug is the polite way of using the N word.