Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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Resident moaner, hypocrite and moron
Jun 4, 2006
Lifetime vacation
So what’s the answer considering his point per game isn’t that bad over his full tenure?
You’re correct but the results in the last 15 games are trending south, but at this time nobody cares about the results, just progress. The sad part is that there is no progress, in fact the opposite.


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
He severely over estimated our squad especially attack. Martial or Rashford have never scored 20+ goals and having them as main unit is just asking for that which is stupidity. We're down to 17 Yr old as only striker left. It's full blown panic.
It's a group of players put together by a novice manager and a demonstrably incompetent recruitment team. The fact that the resultant squad is utterly useless was sadly rather predictable.

DoF should have been installed years ago to mitigate some of the current board's ineptitude.


New Member
May 28, 2017
The things that are happening, I could have told you would happen before the season started. The manager is naive and nowhere near good enough.


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
You’re correct but the results in the last 15 games are trending south, but at this time nobody cares about the results, just progress. The sad part is that there is no progress, in fact the opposite.
Well maybe some players need to step forward and show some of this millions of pounds a month the market values them at when playing the likes of wolves and palace.


Full Member
Aug 9, 2019
Midwest, USA
It was ONLY with Herrera next to Pogba and McTominay that we looked like a functional team. As soon as he was injured following the PSG games we tanked, and have continued to be crap since he left. We might as well have kept Lukaku if we're going to play slow-pokes like Mata and Matic, he's much more mobile than either of those two!

I still think Pereira is our best bet to play in midfield with Pogba and McTominay, he's capable of cutting a defense open occasionally, and has the legs to defend. Or Fred.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2012
This is pathetic tbf..

Legit horrific.

We need to get rid of Phelan for good as well too. Our football under SAF started to deteoriate once he took over from Quieroz.

I'm tired of the past. We need to MOVE ON. Not recreate SAF. THERE IS NO RECREATING SAF.

Carrick and McKenna can go as well. They were part of Jose's disastrous 3rd season.

The entire coaching staff(Ole included) should be sacked ASAP.

That's an abominable stat.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
This does appear to be what they said, espeicelly if you lipread what Ed Woodward say's in response to the comment. Also when the camera pans back to them Phil Jones is not sitting in view which gives more credianece to the claim I guess:

That can't be true ? If it's true it means it means the players don't have much respect for him. More importantly, it's coming from one of our worst players. :lol:


Full Member
Sep 4, 2013
It's a group of players put together by a novice manager and a demonstrably incompetent recruitment team. The fact that the resultant squad is utterly useless was sadly rather predictable.

DoF should have been installed years ago to mitigate some of the current board's ineptitude.
Yes the board is severely in-competent and we have no chance until that situation is resolved


Full Member
Jul 28, 2019
Add 0 away wins in 9 and relegation form which has been over 20 games and it gets worse. We lose to Arsenal next and I think he be gone sooner rather than later
The problem is an indecisive board, we should be looking to sack him if he loses against Arsenal at home. In fact I am of the opinion that once a manager proves that he isn't the right man and won't achieve the set objectives sacking him right there is the right decision, for example Van Gaal shouldn't have survived past Christmas same with Moyes and Mourinho should have been sacked much earlier. Gives the club a fair crack at salvaging the season.


Full Member
Oct 13, 2015
Paris Saint-Germain
That can't be true ? If it's true it means it means the players don't have much respect for him. More importantly, it's coming from one of our worst players. :lol:
I really doubt he would say something like that. For sure when you see the text written for you and look at the video, you can see how it could have been said, but I just can't believe either that he would say that.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
I really doubt he would say something like that. For sure when you see the text written for you and look at the video, you can see how it could have been said, but I just can't believe either that he would say that.
It'll never be confirmed for sure. Though it looks like Woodward was talking to him and not someone else.


New Member
Dec 26, 2015
Post-match on MOTD tonight:

“We could have won that game”

That is next level delusional sh**.

What was he watching?!? He looks dead behind the eyes and hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing.

The Ole supporters can make all the excuses they want, but when a manager overseeing and watching today’s game claims we could have won, then serious questions need to be asked.

The sooner he is gone, the better.


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
Post-match on MOTD tonight:

“We could have won that game”

That is next level delusional sh**.

What was he watching?!? He looks dead behind he eyes and hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing.

The Ole supporters can make all the excuses they want, but when a manager overseeing and watching today’s game claims we could have won, then serious questions need to be asked.

The sooner he is gone, the better.
It did come down to who scored first (sadly)

If Rashford hadn’t bodged his chance up when it was 0-0 we would have probably won, the downside to this argument is though we aren’t good enough to come back anymore which used to be uniteds strength and a physiological strength to win games before they had even started. That has gone years before Ole unfortunately.

Rhyme Animal

Thinks Di Zerbi is better than Pep.
Sep 3, 2015
Nonchalantly scoring the winner...
We have all has seen this before.

A couple of seasons ago Moyes was in a similar position and it was watching a train wreck in slow motion. The empty eyes. Inactivity. Post game pressers where the audience is left speak less and just shaking their heads.

I feel sorry for him. Questions he can’t answer. Things he don’t understand. Inexcusable performances. Players getting injured. Results out of control. The world is spinning and he’s in the middle of it.

Soon I think he will start to feel isolated and alone. Just wait until the players starts to voice their concerns. It will come. When Woodward and other executives starts to talk about him in third person then it’s all decided.

It’s just a matter of time.

I want him out. Not because I dislike him. I don’t want him to lose his dignity. A couple of more losses and this can get really ugly. I don’t want him to leave with the tail between his legs.

Ole Gunnar is a good person but being a elite manager isn’t his thing, I think we all know this by now,
Beautifully put - sums up my take on it totally.


Full Member
Jun 1, 2012
For me its interesting to hear Roy Keane talking about how horrible our players are, and Rio defending Ole. And I think Roy has a point in that it truly looks like our players dont really grasp what club they are playing for. Only a lad like Dan James or AWB are giving their all. The rest dont ever backtrack, dont put pressure, dont seem to care. And this was the same under Mourinho, and nobody can argue that Mourinho is not an elite manager. We fans need to stop hopping on the manager-out-train and start giving this players the stick they deserve. The least they could do is play like they care.


New Member
May 28, 2017
We haven’t scored more than 1 goal in a game since the first fecking match. This is getting ridiculous.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Be nice if the journos stopped pussy footing around questioning Ole. Can hear it already they want to set both barrels on him for his BS and for the pathetic, abject results, but are just holding back.

You claim to want to play attacking football with high energy and youth. Why are you continually playing Matic, Mata and Rashford up front, when they can't even do the basics? Could Garner play any worse than Matic? Is that even possible? Could Gomes actually be worse than Mata? Seems unlikely. And we already know Greenwood's footballing IQ is easily double Rashford's.

Would it hurt to make a substitution earlier than the 72nd fecking minute in a game we're chasing? Would it hurt to maybe look at a tactical setup that doesnt 100% rely on scoring on a counter? Why are you so inept at setting up a team to even look like they want to move the ball forward?


Full Member
Apr 20, 2018
Yeah. This season is a write off. Problem with playing youngsters is that the foundation of a team around them is not there. We all want to throw them in the deep sink or swin, or sack Ole for not doing so and for not getting more out of the trash he inherited. If people think sacking Ole means a thing it doesn't. They just want to see it done, then cry after asking why the club have no vision and can't keep a manager.

We currently do have a vision, but the manager is caught between his boss telling him he should be getting more out of less than the last manager had at his disposal, and Nicky Butt managing the youth-players development telling him to ease them in slowly. I want to see the youth, its the only thing that isn't depressing but I also do get why they haven't started the season playing every game.

I mean, I've been less than satisfied with the line ups and the manager does pick the line up but he can't magically make better alternatives appear... Pereira vs Lingard? I don't care, same shit. I'm not really surprised to see either of them starting when they are the only one competing. Then you eventually get to: "Do we miss Lukaku and Fellaini" These are panic-driven desperate questions I do not care about as they have nothing to do with our future. I expected to see shit, I see shit. Where we go from here is the important part, and I have no clue as to what is going to happen.

I have this feeling Ed is just fecking around with the fans, and will trick them into feeling pleased we're sacking Ole while he himself stays on.
Again i agree, we cant magically get more put of shit players who have failed several managers.

However, in relation to todays match, where you say pereira and lingard are both shit - yeah, probabaly. But why play pereira rw when he isnt a rw player? Ole couldnt make a better alternative appear you are right so we needed to play a different way today - perhaps a diamond or with a kind of 4321 pyramid. Something that mitigated the lack of wide options available. Sticking square pegs in round holes and hoping mata and matic and mctominay were going to be able to get forward to support the outballs to james and rashford was just plain stupid. And btw i’m a fan of Ole but just think he needs to learn to abandon the philosophy and try and get a result in games like today.


Anti Scottish and Preoccupied with Donkeys.
Aug 5, 2006
I'm not anti Scottish, I just wanted Moyes out.
The fact that we lost 3 first team regulars and didn't replace one in addition to needing reinforcements in defense and midfield. We didn't sign anywhere near the players we needed to compete.
And who's fault is that if not the managers? Enough with the excuses. He was named manager last February. He had a full summer transfer window and 6 months of planning. He chose who to sign who to sell and how to spend his available transfer money. The team he ended up with is not capable of top 4. And he is obviously not capable of managing a top 4 team.


Full Member
Dec 26, 2017
Not creative. No plan B. Tactically naive. Nostalgia should not cover the gaping holes in his ability to manage a top team.

Leif GW

New Member
Jan 2, 2016
He looks very old and hagridden for a 46-year old man who was known for his babyface.


New Member
Mar 10, 2014
And who's fault is that if not the managers? Enough with the excuses. He was named manager last February. He had a full summer transfer window and 6 months of planning. He chose who to sign who to sell and how to spend his available transfer money. The team he ended up with is not capable of top 4. And he is obviously not capable of managing a top 4 team.
It's the manager and scouting team's responsibility to identify the targets, but it's ultimately Woodward's duty to actually sign them.

It took us all summer to sign Maguire. Mourinho wanted Maguire last year (and at a cheaper reported price) and Woodward failed to deliver. That's ultimately incompetence from the board, and I sincerely doubt Ole was satisfied with the team he had at the end of the transfer window, knowing how vulnerable it was to even one injury as well as its lack of depth. I'm not so certain Ole is the manager to get us to the highest level, but sacking him without a clear vision for the team, and the will to implement it, will just leave us in the vicious cycle we've been in for the past six years.


Éire Abú
Mar 22, 2014
No need to be worried, I have heard that United are looking for a DOF ( search is on for 4 years) . Once we get that everything should be fine


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Terminal D
These next 3 league matches will be vital for him. Anything less than 4 points and he's probably getting the sack. I wanted him to succeed, but sometimes it doesn't work out.


Turns player names into a crappy conversation
Apr 12, 2011
I got so much sh*t for insisting if we replaced Jose, it needed to be a high profile manager who could attract world class players.
I get the disgruntled feeling towards Jose but he was trying to pressure upper management into signing defenders.
I like Ole as a man but I don't understand how he was going to do better than a proven football genius.
Maybe Tuchel is an answer, but we never should have gotten rid of Jose.
Agreed but... Jose with the Glazers and DeadWoody ... was ultimately going nowhere.


Turns player names into a crappy conversation
Apr 12, 2011
Jose should have never been sacked.

The club needs someone like Klopp (who the club missed out on) someone who brings enthusiasm, experience and gets what he asks for, the sad thing is a club like liverpool have gone from mediocrity to a champions league and basically a league title this year, their structure was nowhere near as good as Uniteds.

The sooner the board realises that, the better, hire a world class manager, give them what they want, listen to them. What Woodward did not backing Jose was ridiculous.

Sadly now there's no managers left in world football, some clubs are lucky, like Barca Valverde is awful but they have Messi & Co to keep them afloat (not looking good right now) but they have the players.

Missed out on Guardiola and Klopp, and thats pathetic from a club like Uniteds perspective, Barcelona and Real Madrid will be in the market for a new manager soon.

Really isnt looking good, anytime in the last 6 years you ask any pundit its been "they need 3 years and 5-6 players to fix this mess", still the same.
Who would come here that’s worth a shit, with the current setup?


Full Member
Jan 7, 2015
These next 3 league matches will be vital for him. Anything less than 4 points and he's probably getting the sack. I wanted him to succeed, but sometimes it doesn't work out.
He could drop all 9 points next 3 league matches and he won't get sacked.Earliest he gets sacked is after January.


Oct 21, 2007
More than anything, Ole fecked up by thinking he can get away with letting so many players go without proper replacement. People can talk all they want about money spent and clearing dead wood, but what purpose does it serve if you end up with a weaker squad?

Ole might think he'll be given time to build the squad but he won't. The current players will get him sacked by Christmas max, and it's his fault.


Turns player names into a crappy conversation
Apr 12, 2011
I'm all for the idea of moving Ole into the DoF role, as I genuinely believe he knows what it takes to build a successful football team. But his clear lack of tactical nouse and suspect in-game management are leaving him exposed right now.

He looked utterly clueless sat on the bench this afternoon, no idea how to remedy the problems on the pitch. The same dumbstruck face that Jose wore throughout his final year at the club, and LVG before him.We've reached the stage now where no one looks capable of getting this squad of players to perform to an acceptable standard.

We can sack Ole, sure, but then we're faced with the all too familiar problem of replacing him with a suitable candidate. As to who that might be, I haven't the feintest idea. I genuinely believe you could bring Saint Pep in tomorrow and he couldn't get this squad of primmadonnas performing well.
You could bring Pep in and have him shafted by the Glazer Gang. Same outcome


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
Not going to mince my words and just come out and say Ole should have never got the job on a permanent basis, is he really any better than other interim premier league managers like Di Matteo, Shakespeare or Sherwood. He has also definitely gone more defensive since getting the job on a permanent basis and that is just disastrous

Can anyone name any decent games we have had since Ole got appointed permanently because I am really struggling to think of any, yes we got the result against Chelsea but we could easily have gone behind in that game had Abraham not hit the post

I also get the impression that the players are walking all over him and because his CV is pretty poor there is very little respect for him. I am not saying they should be scared to death like they were with Jose but he seems to really lack authority by the looks of it.

We really need to appoint a more forward thinking manager who is also tactically astute in both winning and losing situations, look I am not saying that is easy to find but we need to find one before we drift completely off the face of the earth.
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Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
We have all has seen this before.

A couple of seasons ago Moyes was in a similar position and it was watching a train wreck in slow motion. The empty eyes. Inactivity. Post game pressers where the audience is left speak less and just shaking their heads.

I feel sorry for him. Questions he can’t answer. Things he don’t understand. Inexcusable performances. Players getting injured. Results out of control. The world is spinning and he’s in the middle of it.

Soon I think he will start to feel isolated and alone. Just wait until the players starts to voice their concerns. It will come. When Woodward and other executives starts to talk about him in third person then it’s all decided.

It’s just a matter of time.

I want him out. Not because I dislike him. I don’t want him to lose his dignity. A couple of more losses and this can get really ugly. I don’t want him to leave with the tail between his legs.

Ole Gunnar is a good person but being a elite manager isn’t his thing, I think we all know this by now,
How else would they speak about him? In the first person? Other than that, very good post.


Full Member
Aug 30, 2013
Again i agree, we cant magically get more put of shit players who have failed several managers.

However, in relation to todays match, where you say pereira and lingard are both shit - yeah, probabaly. But why play pereira rw when he isnt a rw player? Ole couldnt make a better alternative appear you are right so we needed to play a different way today - perhaps a diamond or with a kind of 4321 pyramid. Something that mitigated the lack of wide options available. Sticking square pegs in round holes and hoping mata and matic and mctominay were going to be able to get forward to support the outballs to james and rashford was just plain stupid. And btw i’m a fan of Ole but just think he needs to learn to abandon the philosophy and try and get a result in games like today.
Let's get it right, we came 2nd in Jose's last full season,it may an inconvenient truth for your Ole defence, but it still the truth.


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
Jose should have never been sacked.

The club needs someone like Klopp (who the club missed out on) someone who brings enthusiasm, experience and gets what he asks for, the sad thing is a club like liverpool have gone from mediocrity to a champions league and basically a league title this year, their structure was nowhere near as good as Uniteds.

The sooner the board realises that, the better, hire a world class manager, give them what they want, listen to them. What Woodward did not backing Jose was ridiculous.

Sadly now there's no managers left in world football, some clubs are lucky, like Barca Valverde is awful but they have Messi & Co to keep them afloat (not looking good right now) but they have the players.

Missed out on Guardiola and Klopp, and thats pathetic from a club like Uniteds perspective, Barcelona and Real Madrid will be in the market for a new manager soon.

Really isnt looking good, anytime in the last 6 years you ask any pundit its been "they need 3 years and 5-6 players to fix this mess", still the same.
We didn't get Klopp because that joker Woody from Toy Story sold the club as an adult version of Disneyland, he just basically laughed in our faces and don't blame him one bit for doing that because after all we are a Mickey Mouse organisation.

Pep unfortunately did not understand what Fergie was trying to ask him in that infamous dinner meeting in New York way back in 2012 and then that let City in to get the Barca backroom boys into City and get their feet under the table in preparation for Pep to be eventually appointed as manager.


Turns player names into a crappy conversation
Apr 12, 2011
That is the thing. We haven't even played anybody yet.
Just listening to 5live. The only thing worse than United today is the arch idiot Robbie Savage saying that Ole is the right man for Man utd.
As soon as I heard him say that I switched off immediately.
Sky has Jose Mourinho and Roy Keane and the BBC has that half wit.
I would have loved to have heard the verdict of Jose and Roy


Turns player names into a crappy conversation
Apr 12, 2011
Ole, Phelan, Carrick, and Woodward all need to go. I was never really excited about Phelan returning as I felt the team started playing noticeably worse when he took over from Quieroz. Carrick has never proven anything as a coach and has to take some responsibility for the team's dire state during Mourinho's last season (which is when he became the coach) and now with Ole as the manager. Speaking of Ole, no PL top 10 clubs would've let him keep his job with the form we've been in since his appointment as the permanent manager.

Woodward is among the worst DOF's in the history of football but unfortunately the only people who can fire him don't give a sh*t and he won't let go of his power unless he just gets very bored.
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