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I just went back and listened to a couple YouTube clips and I'm pretty sure its kinslayer

Mate he's never been the kinslayer are you pulling my plonker or what? If you're hearing kinslayer either you're hearing wrong or the actors haven't enunciated clear enough.
I honestly think you are misremembering something. He's famous throughout the 7 kingdoms as the kingslayer. I don't think there much of a thing about calling him kinslayer as well.
Mate he's never been the kinslayer are you pulling my plonker or what? If you're hearing kinslayer either you're hearing wrong or the actors haven't enunciated clear enough.

As I said previously, it's actually 'kinslayer. Eboue has it wrong too.
I just went back and listened to a couple YouTube clips and I'm pretty sure its kinslayer

No Tyrion jokes about him and Jaime being known as the Kinslayer and Kingslayer since Tyrion murders his father. I really don't recollect Jaime as kinslayer being a thing apart from catelyn mentioning it before she frees him because he just earlier murdered his cousin to create a diversion.
No Tyrion jokes about him and Jaime being known as the Kinslayer and Kingslayer since Tyrion murders his father. I really don't recollect Jaime as kinslayer being a thing apart from catelyn mentioning it before she frees him because he just earlier murdered his cousin to create a diversion.

I remember the scene but it was the other way around. Jaime was the kinslayer (not sure why), Tyrion was the kingslayer (for poisoning Joffrey).
Hes been the kinslayer since season 1. People even insult him like that in the pilot ffs.

No he's infamous for being kingslayer since he killed mad king aerys who he was sworn to protect as a kingsguard.. It's kind of his whole thing. He's revivled as a oathbreaker and scum, but he actually saved the city and ended the war by doing it.
As I said previously, it's actually 'kinslayer. Eboue has it wrong too.

It's actually kins layer as in he sleeps with his kin/s.

Anyway what the actual feck was that? I mean as a spectacle it was gratuitously enjoyable but what the actual feck was it? :lol:

I assume Gendry made plot armour for Drogon?

Some of the fight scenes were great, Qyburn, Varys and the Mountain brothers deaths were all satisfying and there some really nice shots (Arya and the horse) but everything else was complete guff. Danerys went to 11 far too quickly. Cersei and Jamie's death was weak. Euron, who cares. Jon looked annoyed. Arya ran around a lot.

They've really gone and fudged the ending imo.
No he's infamous for being kingslayer since he killed mad king aerys who he was sworn to protect as a kingsguard.. It's kind of his whole thing. He's revivled as a oathbreaker and scum, but he actually saved the city and ended the war by doing it.

Makes sense. So he's the 'kinkingslayer.

I have to admit, I only half listened to the audio books, so no wonder I missed the ' part.
It's actually kins layer as in he sleeps with his kin/s.

Anyway what the actual feck was that? I mean as a spectacle it was gratuitously enjoyable but what the actual feck was it? :lol:

I assume Gendry made plot armour for Drogon?

Some of the fight scenes were great, Qyburn, Varys and the Mountain brothers deaths were all satisfying and there some really nice shots (Arya and the horse) but everything else was complete guff. Danerys went to 11 far too quickly. Cersei and Jamie's death was weak. Euron, who cares. Jon looked annoyed. Arya ran around a lot.

They've really gone and fudged the ending imo.

Everyone was so sure Dany was 100% going to win the battle yet it kinda seemed to have a lot riding on Drogon being able to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge against a lot of odds.
Maybe last episode is Jon Snow taking a shower (medieval style, not power shower) shortly after he was resurrected by old tits and Sam walking in all surprised.

That work for anyone else?
I just remembered Poundland Jack Sparrow and his "I'm the man who killed Jamie Lannister" dying words :lol:

feck me he was the absolute worst
Can't believe it took this long to find someone pointing that out..

Ridiculous scene, just needed the black circle from Looney Tunes on his face and a banner saying "That's all folks" to make it complete. Ridiculous final scene, who the feck cleared that?
Can't believe it took this long to find someone pointing that out..

Ridiculous scene, just needed the black circle from Looney Tunes on his face and a banner saying "That's all folks" to make it complete. Ridiculous final scene, who the feck cleared that?

:lol: You clearly haven't been reading the mammoth thread since the moment that scene aired ;)
:lol: You clearly haven't been reading the mammoth thread since the moment that scene aired ;)
Oh, I accidentally clicked on the thread before watching the episode and backed out quickly, so then when I entered the thread it went past that page :lol: My bad.
Oh, I accidentally clicked on the thread before watching the episode and backed out quickly, so then when I entered the thread it went past that page :lol: My bad.

I'm only joking mate. I was sleep deprived and very drunk watching it, so I dread to think of everything I posted.

I'm right about that fecking horse though, I know it.
:lol: me and the missus both laughed our asses off at that

Must say I liked the episode a lot although I read the plot today earlier. Its definitely the best in this season, better than the last one and even on par with previous, lets say good seasons.

Once Drogon starts bombarding they really portrayed horrors of war well. Once they see the fire and carnage Unsullied and North soldiers go battshit crazy and kill civilians left right and centre. I guess many of them were killed in friendly fire cause I dont think Drogon and Danny watched who's friend and who's foe.
Cersei reminded me of Hitler in bunker. She's convinced to the last second she can still win the war and she has some troops somewhere although all is lost. We even see a human side of her when shee cries about her baby.

Jamie, what a trip he has had, from a most hated character to a character we're sorry for losing, at least I felt sorry.
Euron is the most pointless character in the show ever. Even his death incredibly stupid. He has Jamie on his knees, dying and he still gets killed.

As for scorpions they proved to be useless. Although if I must nitpick, how come Drogon was so good in avoiding being hit? He came from the sun blocking defense's view and as for the walls he came from a difficult angles? :)

As for carnage, I agree somewhat they should have give more time to Dany becoming crazy but it's just too many characters and to many sublots for that. If you pay attention you can conclude why she got to that point but like this it does seem she flipped suddenly.

And when all hell begins maybe Dany should have stopped it after a while but I guess she really enjoyed it. Maybe we should have seen her some more after she decided to burn the city although it would be all the same look she has from season 1. Never liked her much, she was boring so not a surprise she becomes a villain, so much that you can feel sorry for Cersei. For a second.

Poor Tyrion, he trusted her and then realized he bet on the wrong horse.

Arya seeing and getting that horse, does that have any meaning or it was just a horse who was lucky to survive just like Arya?

Also didnt like how Tyrion gave up Varys so easily but it was cause he decided to stick it out with his queen and not be killed.

Hound scenes were great and Arya calling him Sandor for the first time? That was so nice. :)
I like how Cersei leaves Hound and to Mountain to fight, like ok I'm done here, do it.

All in all a really good episode, liked it from start to finish.