Lukaku : Bulking up with muscle hurt me

red thru&thru

Full Member
Mar 2, 2004
Yeah I don't doubt his strength. But his bulking out has cost him what little balance he had to begin with. And now we see someone as stringy as Mane easily able to shove him 2 yards offside. Strength in football is all about centre of mass, poise and balance. Drobga was quite lean but had the poise. Whereas Rooney and Tevez obviously had better balance with their low centre of gravity. Not only does Lukaku lack all of the above he also has no anticipation to time his jumps to stand any chance at winning most aerial duels.

He'll scored you 20+ goals in a team set up in a certain way for sure. If you look at his highlight videos for Everton, the vast majority of his goals come from crosses or cut backs. Last season his goals for us were mostly the same vein.

Would he score similar numbers to his days at Everton if he played in a Klopp or a Pep team? I highly doubt it.
We’re neither a Pep or a Klopp team. We give him one more season minimum under the new manager. Then we take it from there.


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
We’re neither a Pep or a Klopp team. We give him one more season minimum under the new manager. Then we take it from there.
Depends what you mean by give him.

He hasn't earned anything other than the same chance as any other squad member to get in the team. If he can't perform better than Rashford, Martial, Lingard and/or Mata and Sanchez in this team then tough. And my bet is he won't.

red thru&thru

Full Member
Mar 2, 2004
Depends what you mean by give him.

He hasn't earned anything other than the same chance as any other squad member to get in the team. If he can't perform better than Rashford, Martial, Lingard and/or Mata and Sanchez in this team then tough. And my bet is he won't.
He scored how many goals last year? He deserves one season under the new manager.


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
He scored how many goals last year? He deserves one season under the new manager.
No he doesn't. A large part of the reason we're in the state we're in now is because mediocrity is accepted and rewarded. Phil Jones being the poster boy for this bullshit.

No more of this "One more year, he might come good" nonsense. Tell him piss off in the summer.
May 22, 2017
No he doesn't. A large part of the reason we're in the state we're in now is because mediocrity is accepted and rewarded. Phil Jones being the poster boy for this bullshit.

No more of this "One more year, he might come good" nonsense. Tell him piss off in the summer.
I agree. He's got 6 months under an attacking manager, if he can't prove to be Good enough for us in that time - then he needs to go. We can't have another season of crap from him. Let's remember he's the most expensive striker in PL history. We need to be getting g a lot more out of him, if not we cut our losses (will be quite a considerable loss) and get rid.

red thru&thru

Full Member
Mar 2, 2004
No he doesn't. A large part of the reason we're in the state we're in now is because mediocrity is accepted and rewarded. Phil Jones being the poster boy for this bullshit.

No more of this "One more year, he might come good" nonsense. Tell him piss off in the summer.
How can you compare him to Phil Jones? One scores goals and the other defends them. Lukaku scored 27 last year? He deserves to stay.


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
Did he bench press 200kg with his brain?
He probably tried and the bar fell on his head. :lol:
He now believes he is a wrestler who is grossly under-weight in comparison to his opponents.
How on Earth did our sports doctors/trainers/etc allow Lukaku to get to a stage where he was the heaviest player in the league?
Why on Earth did Lukaku believe that adding weight and becoming the heaviest EPL player, would in any way, improve his game?

I said this in another thread - the staff of our club, from top to bottom are under performing. Players, coaches, fitness trainers, (former) manager, scouts, physios....everybody.


Refuses to acknowledge existence of Ukraine
Jun 17, 2017
Yup, a player who had one goal in two games for both club and country should go, dispicable record.
The guy has scored goals everywhere he has played, yet he's not good enough for United,
I say he's had a poor season so far but let's see what he can do under a different manager, the. Judge him at the end of the season,


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
I didn't like his comments regarding Scholes.

Interviewer pointed out that Scholes' belief is that Lukaku doesn't work hard enough. Lukaku's response is, "Well, when I see Scholes in person he shakes my hand and doesn't say it to my face. But then, he's a pundit and is paid to say things."

That's passing the buck, isn't it? Deal with the criticism. Just because it comes from Scholes in a studio and not to your face, doesn't make it any less valid.
That is dealing with the criticism, he essentially voiced his opinion that the criticism is unfounded because Scholes is a different person to his face. Stating that either his criticism is insincere, or that Scholes is two faced. If it's your belief that Scholes isn't two faced, and that therefore the criticism is insincere and not legitimate, just part of being paid to say things then there's nothing valid to deal with or take on board.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2015
That is dealing with the criticism, he essentially voiced his opinion that the criticism is unfounded because Scholes is a different person to his face. Stating that either his criticism is insincere, or that Scholes is two faced. If it's your belief that Scholes isn't two faced, and that therefore the criticism is insincere and not legitimate, just part of being paid to say things then there's nothing valid to deal with or take on board.
That's dealing with criticism by attacking the person who put forth the criticism instead of replying to the criticism. Does not reflect well on Lukaku. Why shift focus to Paul Scholes legitimacy if the criticism is unfounded?


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
He scored how many goals last year? He deserves one season under the new manager.
He deserves a chance to get into this team.

He doesn't deserve to magically walk in and get a free season of keeping Martial or Rashford out, unless he's actually playing better than they are. Clean slate means exactly that. If we don't give a feck about how shit he's been this season then I don't see why we should give a feck about how many cut backs he's scored for Jose's United or for Everton.


Creator of Player Performance threads
Nov 27, 2014
Player Performance Threads
It is and makes perfect sense. Athletes need their calories during seasons when they compete. Rosberg said something similar in an interview with Froome. The last thing you want to be doing when your competing is to be on a diet.
I’m arguing, you really think he’s going to be dropped until he loses weight ffs. He was scoring for fun for Belgium with this body type. Interestingly not for us under Jose.

This is the part where you fail to understand that people have different bodies and losing muscle in a short period of time is very difficult. A healthy weight loss is typically meant to be gradual


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
I’m arguing, you really think he’s going to be dropped until he loses weight ffs. He was scoring for fun for Belgium with this body type. Interestingly not for us under Jose.

I was only speculating. I don't think it's impossible. Even the player admits he came back unfit of sorts.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2017
I think Everton with their new money might have him back if his general performance does not improve before summer.
At 26 his touch is still mostly miss, that stands in the way of fluidity in attack.

red thru&thru

Full Member
Mar 2, 2004
He deserves a chance to get into this team.

He doesn't deserve to magically walk in and get a free season of keeping Martial or Rashford out, unless he's actually playing better than they are. Clean slate means exactly that. If we don't give a feck about how shit he's been this season then I don't see why we should give a feck about how many cut backs he's scored for Jose's United or for Everton.
I’m taking this attitude with all our players. They all deserve a clean slate. Lukaku will need to show more between now and end of the season. Just going off of his past, he should be amongst the goals again soon. His link up play isn’t what it should be, however, great option to come off the bench from.
May 22, 2017
I’m taking this attitude with all our players. They all deserve a clean slate. Lukaku will need to show more between now and end of the season. Just going off of his past, he should be amongst the goals again soon. His link up play isn’t what it should be, however, great option to come off the bench from.
I don't think anyone would disagree he's a good option from.the bench. However, you don't spend £75m, rising to £90m for a sub. If he can't get back in the first 11 on merit under OGS, then he needs to go in the summer.

red thru&thru

Full Member
Mar 2, 2004
I don't think anyone would disagree he's a good option from.the bench. However, you don't spend £75m, rising to £90m for a sub. If he can't get back in the first 11 on merit under OGS, then he needs to go in the summer.
Maybe. However, if the likes of Rashford and Martial are doing well, he’ll have to bide his time and snap up the chance when it comes along. Fans have been saying for a while we need more strikers to add to what we already have, would be foolish to let Rom go knowing what he can do. But let’s see how Greenwood also gets on? By all accounts, he’ll be playing against Reading and I guess so will Rom.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Maybe. However, if the likes of Rashford and Martial are doing well, he’ll have to bide his time and snap up the chance when it comes along. Fans have been saying for a while we need more strikers to add to what we already have, would be foolish to let Rom go knowing what he can do. But let’s see how Greenwood also gets on? By all accounts, he’ll be playing against Reading and I guess so will Rom.
If he didn't had that contract and if we didn't spent that much I would totally agree with you but in this reality if Lukaku isn't a starter, we need to sell him and replace him with a cheaper bench option or a starting quality option. This football club needs to allocate its resources in a more efficient way.


Aug 23, 2003
Disney Land
You need a manager to do what Rodgers did with Andy Carroll and cut your losses at the earliest opportunity despite the investment made on him. He may be a good player but he'll never be a good enough fit for the kind of football you want to play.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
That is dealing with the criticism, he essentially voiced his opinion that the criticism is unfounded because Scholes is a different person to his face. Stating that either his criticism is insincere, or that Scholes is two faced. If it's your belief that Scholes isn't two faced, and that therefore the criticism is insincere and not legitimate, just part of being paid to say things then there's nothing valid to deal with or take on board.
What Lukaku describes isn’t two faced. Unless he’s shaking his hand and telling him he works really hard.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2010
You need a manager to do what Rodgers did with Andy Carroll and cut your losses at the earliest opportunity despite the investment made on him. He may be a good player but he'll never be a good enough fit for the kind of football you want to play.
Absolutely this but I'd go one step further. Any manager who comes in and doesn't quickly (this Summer) cut their losses on Lukaku in my view isn't the right man for the job.

It's not even as if finding a replacement would be the problem. We already have Rashford, Martial and Sanchez who can all play the number 9 role to a far higher level.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
I wish I would accidently put on too much muscle. Waking up and saying a feck honey, I overdid it a bit on these killer abs and huge pecs, make me some waffles with cream and a stack of pancakes.


New Member
Nov 16, 2011
Love the guy but not good enough for us and should be moved on asap.
Last edited by a moderator:
Feb 12, 2018
Absolutely this but I'd go one step further. Any manager who comes in and doesn't quickly (this Summer) cut their losses on Lukaku in my view isn't the right man for the job.

It's not even as if finding a replacement would be the problem. We already have Rashford, Martial and Sanchez who can all play the number 9 role to a far higher level.
I agree we need to sell and invest in a RW

Martial-------Rashford/Sanchez--------New RW


Full Member
Sep 23, 2014
Lukaku is now to Mourinho what Fellaini was to Moyes. He has become the poster boy for all that was wrong with Jose. The player that was holding back the young superstars Rashford and Martial.

He has been dreadful this season. While I agree he certainly has got too big, I think most of his issues are psychological. He has always been like this, where he goes through periods of form when he's not scoring that he looks utterly terrible. When confident, he can be a force of nature. Wayne Rooney (the club's all time record goal scorer) was similar. Even in his glory years, when he was out of form, he was really bad and his touch was also terrible.

What disappoints me is that when Rashford and Martial were low on confidence, it was all down to Jose. When Lukaku goes through a similar slump, he needs to be sold. He still has a far better scoring record than either Rashford or Martial and I really hope he can find his form. Top class number 9s are not cheap.


Born a freak always a freak.
May 8, 2004
Somewhere in your mind, touching a nerve
I agree we need to sell and invest in a RW

Martial-------Rashford/Sanchez--------New RW
------------------------------De Gea/Romero------------------------------------


Edit: Because I like doing the entire squad option.
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Feb 12, 2018
The way Ole plays, our front 3 is very much interchangeable and they come central to play in triangles. The full backs are the ones to provide the width. He'd be fine in that role from the right for me.
True but on the left we have Shaw and Martial linking up well. We don't have that on the right side because Lingard comes in central.


Full Member
Sep 23, 2014
Other fans too, chanting about his penis. He’s had some weird things to deal with.
The saddest thing about that is, after asking fans to stop the chant, he'd probably be delighted to have a song calling him a "Belgian scoring genius" round about now!


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
That interviewer absolutely goes for the jugular doesn’t she? I’m such a disarming way too... Amazing.

It’s funny seeing that interview now in light of Mourinho’s sacking - you get a very clear sense he’s one of Jose’s guys. Wonder what that did to the dressing room dynamic.

Can’t see him ever making it here tbh, but he’s still had a pretty decent career so far considering his age.


Full Member
Jun 20, 2011
Salzburg, Austria
Some people here are good throwing Players under the bus like Jose! Lukaku should get his chance, He is just another player, nothing bad, not Joses twin.....


Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
What disappoints me is that when Rashford and Martial were low on confidence, it was all down to Jose. When Lukaku goes through a similar slump, he needs to be sold. He still has a far better scoring record than either Rashford or Martial and I really hope he can find his form. Top class number 9s are not cheap.
Except he has worse gpm than either of those two. Martial is the one with most goals involved since he moved here.

What Lukaku did before Utd is irrelevant. Since he was here, he didn’t outperform his peers statistically, while going through terrible patches and having absolutely burdensome performances. And before you bring up his 27 goals last season, 16 league goals and 27 in all competitions playing as the lone CF for a top club is a below average return. Add in the fact he throughout his PL career barely score against the top teams, it’s even worse.


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
He seems to be the current scapegoat of the squad. Even more so than Fellaini, weirdly enough. The Caf is gonna Caf.

Seeing OGS isn't as reactionary, he'll be given a fair chance to work his way back and prove himself worthy of a spot in the squad/team going forward.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
He seems to be the current scapegoat of the squad. Even more so than Fellaini, weirdly enough. The Caf is gonna Caf.

Seeing OGS isn't as reactionary, he'll be given a fair chance to work his way back and prove himself worthy of a spot in the squad/team going forward.
That's an exaggeration, plenty of people have never rated Lukaku and didn't want to see the club sign him. He has demonstrated the flaws that people have issue with, now he is still a good goalscorer and a good player but people will question whether he is the answer to our long term strike force. It has nothing to do with scapegoating.


Full Member
Sep 23, 2014
Except he has worse gpm than either of those two. Martial is the one with most goals involved since he moved here.

What Lukaku did before Utd is irrelevant. Since he was here, he didn’t outperform his peers statistically, while going through terrible patches and having absolutely burdensome performances. And before you bring up his 27 goals last season, 16 league goals and 27 in all competitions playing as the lone CF for a top club is a below average return. Add in the fact he throughout his PL career barely score against the top teams, it’s even worse.
Does he really? Not doubting you because I don't know. That surprises me though. What are the stats (United only)?

Being a lone centre forward doesn't necessarily mean scoring all of the goals. Both Chelsea and Liverpool's set ups for example rely more on the wide players to score.


Full Member
Apr 24, 2013
He was awesome for Belgium at the world cup. I have a feeling that if he sheds some of the bulk then he can get back to the pacey and powerful nightmare of a striker that he was. Jose wanted him to be static forward who won headers but he is so much more than that