Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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People here getting very harsh on mkhi. Very sad end to his utd career

Whilst I don't agree with them, I can understand. It's obvious his time here is done, he's got the opportunity to move to another club that would both a) more suit his style and b) come with better living conditions, whilst also allowing us to sign a World class player that would take us up a level.

It's completely reasonable he's allowed to choose where he works obviously, but if rumours are to be believed, it's because he thinks Arsenal is below him. He's hardly been pulling up any trees to be able to choose from a plethora of clubs right now.

He just looked like someone who didn't want to answer any Alexis related questions.

Only spoke about Micky because the reporter basically said you can at least talk about this one as he is your player.

Nothing more to that.

Just seen the second interview and that makes sense. Mourinho had the relaxed demeanor of a man who just closed on a deal.
you guys all want Mhki to make a significant career decision in a day or two. it's a huge call. he would have had a lot of ambition to do well here, he's giving that up by leaving. on the other hand, he knows that his time will be more restricted if Sanchez arrives. and Arsenal are still a big club, and London is a cool place to live. but it's far from an easy decision to make, when likely a week ago he didn't think he was going anywhere.

it's irrelevant anyway. the deal is not contingent on Mhki. we will sign Sanchez either way. but obviously it will help Arsenal if they know they have have a player coming in. it will just add a little more time to the deal. but the deal will happen - fear not.
Alexis is not signing for a club he doesn't want to play at, simple as that. On the other hand I also think he would have wanted to play for City so I don't think he rejected them for us or anything as dramatic as that. Before United entered the picture it was reported City had an agreement with Alexis but not yet with Arsenal.

I don't find it hard to believe that City might not want to make Alexis their highest earning player in the squad and I also don't find it hard to believe that they maybay view as more of a luxury signing that they aren't willing to go the extra mile for unlike United. Their loss, our gain. I also think the fact that United could include Mkhitaryan in the deal helped a great deal with getting this done because don't forget Arsenal will not sell to City if United offers a better deal and it seems like Sanchez prefers to make a move right now rather than wait for another 6 months.

Conclusion is that City really isn't some magical club that star footballers would want to join over any other team even if it means less money. To be clear United isn't either. But seems like City has been acting a bit like one in this transfer saga and it will cost them the Sanchez deal but given how good their team is right now and that are walking the league than maybay they don't care. I actually have a massive deja vu feeling of back when Fergie was walking the league and was close to signing Hazard and than last minute it got hijacked by Chelsea because we didn't want to further increase our offer. It kinda feels like that a bit but it seems this time we are on the side that gets the player instead of keeping it is unexsiting principles in tact.
Often the right explanation is the most obvious one, no need for the drama. Well said!
If we're the only realistic club in for Alexis at his wage demands, we should keep a cool head and wait until the end of January. Let Arsenal risk losing out on loads of money if he stays until summer. Save ourselves 15m or whatever.
Sounds good. Right until real madrid lose their next game, go into panic mode and decide to throw the kitchen sink at him. Then £350k a week is no longer good enough :D
Was thinking about value earlier.. I think he can go on for 3-4 seasons.
The total package would probably cost us ~100m..

Barcelona signed Coutinho for 140m + he is supposedly on 250k/week + signing on bonus + agent fees.
He will cost Barcelona well over 200m over the next 4 years.. and will get more money after his renewal.

He is 4 years younger, so will probably go on for 8 more years at the top. but the cost of the transfer for the Club/season will be higher than what Sanchez would cost us ... unless PSG buy him for crazy money.

Sanchez is good value at the current going rates.
I have no problem with the money we are paying him.
If you look at things sensibly, yeah, sure, but we can't be having that. Sky is falling, big bad Moneychester United desperately overpaying for an over the hill crock!
I think it's basically Pep vs Jose and the pundits just don't like the idea of Jose winning this one.
Yeah Carragher even said that if you're an attacking player you play for Pep and if you're a defender you'd rather choose Jose. That is just clear disrespect to United and what we are trying to achieve. Pep can spend 130 million on fullbacks and get praised for being ruthless but with United it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. These same journalists/ pundits are the same ones who will say we need to strengthen after a bad result. It's very childish and unprofessional.
As an aside, if Arsenal are getting Mkhi and are in for Auba, surely Malcom not going to them?
Mkhi should be enough. I really hope we aren't planning on giving them 20-25m on top.
He really, really isn't. We should be thankful they're willing to take him. He's stole a living off us for the last season and half and he continues to do so. His premium wages could be spent on Dave's new contract or reserved for literally any other player we're interested in. No point in continuing to wait for this guy to come good anymore.
Important to remember Hazard is Chelsea’s top earner at £200k a week. Sanchez wants nearly double that. Severely doubt he’s going Chelsea unless Abramovic signs off on a few contract renewals.
Oof, Sanchez and Valencia on the right hand side.

You’ll not find a more industrious, take-no-prisoners, I’m-south-American-and-will-feck-you-up-if-I-have-to duo than that.
I got a different vibe from his interview. To me it didn't look like he's confident at all that we are signing Sanchez. His comment that other clubs are also involved though does tilt the odds in our favor because we know that City ended their interest. Don't know what to make from his comments.
The quote I found interesting is him saying ""Is it possible he's (MKH) going to be involved in the deal?". the key being "the deal" part. There's a deal to be had it's just a matter of sorting whether MKH goes or not.
Sounds good. Right until real madrid lose their next game, go into panic mode and decide to throw the kitchen sink at him. Then £350k a week is no longer good enough :D
You really think RM would go in for him?
The journalists of this generation... I am losing respect for them every day that goes by. Some newspapers used to be good, now it's all about clicks, shares and likes - all about generating revenue from shitty companies. Where has the integrity gone? Five years ago you couldn't just make up stuff and sell a lie in plain sight, but now everyone is doing it. Getting that blue tick on your Twitter-profile also seems to be easy these days, I haven't heard of any of these so-called journalists. As the unoriginal quote often goes, Woodward and Bernstein would shake their heads massively to this generation of hacks. These guys should be monitored and ridiculed if they are wrong and/or just copying other completely obvious news - they do not deserve to make money out of people's interest in real news. We go into these sites anyway, we should be given some proper info.

Please sign Sanchez immediately, he would make us so much better!
Mkhi should be enough. I really hope we aren't planning on giving them 20-25m on top.

Why would you care about that ? Either we get Sanchez or we don't get him, how we get him should be off very little importance.

Also if we don't get him, we will have to buy a player like him in the summer that will cost much more than the 20-25m we might be giving on top of Mkhitaryan. So it is not like we save ourselves any money for not doing it. Alexis is a player worth more than 100m if we would give them 20m and Mkhitaryan we have paid like 40m for a 100m player. It is not as good as paying 20m for a 100m player but I sure prefer it over paying 100m or in case of United probably paying 150m for a 100m player...
I wouldn't understand his reasons for turning down a move. He already can't get in the team now and with another player coming in that plays in his position there's no chance he'll play a game between now and the end of the season. Try getting a move to a team you want to play for when you've been in the footballing wilderness for months and everyone knows you're a bottle job that couldn't force you way back into "United's worst team ever".

He'll be lucky to get a start anywhere outside of the likes of AC Milan or China, especially for the wages he'll demand. He doesn't have to stay at Arsenal, we should just loan him with the option to buy but be clear he will be sold in the summer if there's any doubt and the loan doesn't work out.
A loan would probably be more acceptable, yes. It's hard for him, I acknowledge all you've said makes sense but even so, it must be very difficult to get your head round being shunted off to a club you weren't even interested in (albeit a big club).
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