POLL ADDED: Would you want Jose Mourinho as the next Manchester United manager?

Would you want Jose Mourinho as manager of Manchester United?

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Member 5225

It's pretty obvious if you think about it. It's Because he was shite last season and took a title winning team to the other end of the table.
So half of one season sums him up as manager vs his entire record in football management? odd.


Full Member
Jan 4, 2013

Yeah, terrible to see your team score 121 league goals on the way to becoming the only club to beat a Pep side to a league title...
TBF you have Ronaldo, Benzema & Higuain being set up be Ozil & Di Maria you will score goals for fun, @ Man utd we have nobody scoring and nobody setting anyone up

Van Piorsing

Lost his light sabre
Feb 10, 2006
All you drama queens about how he 'doesn't have the Man United dignified personality' etc, pls see exhibit A (from previous post in this thread):

If United were never interested in Mourinho will you still be posting pictures that take half of the screen and call other drama queens ?

Here's something for you since the discussion is somehow about pics from the internets.



can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
It's pretty obvious if you think about it. It's Because he was shite last season and took a title winning team to the other end of the table.
He was shite but won the league?

Member 5225

If United were never interested in Mourinho will you still be posting pictures that take half of the screen and call other drama queens ?

Here's something for you since the discussion is somehow about pics from the internets.
errr no, this is to point our the hypocrisy and frankly rose-tintedness of some that want some diplomat in charge, but forget the 'bad boys' (and even the boss) we have had in the past.


Might have a bedwetting fetish.
Jan 11, 2015
It used to be great having a manager all rivals hated rather than a complete laughing stock.


Bites pillows thinking of John Terry
Sep 22, 2007
Just saw Jose walking around Sloane Street :lol:

Think he had just come out of the gym, looked pretty pissed off for some reason.

Member 5225

Dude, I get it. You love Jose. It's pretty fecking clear. Get over yourself!
:lol: you are so tedious! Who do you want again?
And you do realise other people can have another opinion (frankly based on facts at that!) right?

Maybe we want what's best for the club rather than being obsessed with our personal views based on non-footballing thoughts.


Full Member
Jul 3, 2015
He is the best option I think, it had to be between him and pep and thinking about it, he is just as talented as pep but also knows our league. I like how (if rumours are to be believed) he is eager to manage us too.

Our fans will take to him if were winning matches and trophy's.

Member 5225

Simeone first choice and someone mentioned Conte in alternatives thread... this could be a not a bad choice.

Too early for Giggs imo but knowing our board he's the real favorite.
So let's get this straight, you think a non-English speaking, single country experienced Simeone > Mourinho?
and Conte - what's he done again? ps. are we talking about the same guy with the 'match fixing scandal' over him?

Van Piorsing

Lost his light sabre
Feb 10, 2006
So let's get this straight, you think a non-English speaking, single country experienced Simeone > Mourinho?
and Conte - what's he done again? ps. are we talking about the same guy with the 'match fixing scandal' over him?
Mourinho - Chelsea manager twice. Not gonna happen, a bit similar story to Ancelotti.

If Mourinho will become our manager I'll be okay with that except the fact that he had terrible season not only from a football perspective.


'Liverpool are a proper club'
Mar 26, 2015
Don't want him, can't stand him but don't have any choice now because we are backed into a corner. He's a better manager than pep tho for what it's worth, I just prefer peps style of play hugely.

For those people saying "why is he not in now"... Maybe because he's not a fecking idiot who takes over this team mid season. I don't care how much he wants the job no way he would take it mid season becuase he would immediately be settup for failure.

The way I see it is that LVG is only staying till the summer and the board want to maintain a view that Manchester Utd are not a sacking club, and I admire that stance in the modern game. (Admiration is different to agreeing tho). I firmly believe that Utd knew pep was going to city as its been a poorly keep secret if we are honest and so I think they will have been contact with a number of managers, Mourinho being one of them.

Can we just try and keep the meltdown to a minimum, city have proved feck all yet and people are already praising the land they walk on. Probably the same people that said that that Chelsea team of last year was one of the greatest teams ever! Success comes and goes in cycles and we will return to the top sooner rather than later I'm sure so chill, have a beer and enjoy the ride.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Suggest you stay in touch with reality. The last I checked he was sacked for being utter shite.
He's had a shite season, but that doesn't automatically make him a shite manager. I'm very, very wary about the prospect of bringing him in, but he's probably still the best option available currently.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
LVG's notebook
I've had time to let the Pep appointment sink in, and here's the conclusion I've come to. You may not agree:

I want to see us back as the most hated club in the country. Where referees get pressurised when they make mistakes, time wasting is pointed out, players are defended, press conferences take place with the manager asserting an air of authority - not with journalists saying what they want and essentially heckling the manager. I want the manager out of his seat, living every ball kicked on the sideline. I want the opposition to know that the manager is aware of their strengths and weaknesses, where games are tailored to the weaknesses - not the same dreary bullshit every week. I want mind games with the opposition manager, with them second guessing what our manager will do.

Mourinho will offer us all of the above, and more. He's been there, done it and worn the T-shirt. He can be Pep's Kryptonite.

He wants the job and has coveted it since he won the CL with Porto. Come on Woody, what are you waiting for?

Member 5225

Mourinho - Chelsea manager twice. Not gonna happen, a bit similar story to Ancelotti.

If Mourinho will become our manager I'll be okay with that except the fact that he had terrible season not only from a football perspective.
Apologies I don't understand that bit.

Van Piorsing

Lost his light sabre
Feb 10, 2006
Apologies I don't understand that bit.
We would appoint him earlier if we would be seriously interested. I have reasons to believe he's not our choice list, that being said I may be surprised if we'll lose few matches more and somebody will do something about things in United so far looks like somebody in our club is sticking to LvG or simply doesn't trust Mourinho.

Member 5225

We would appoint him earlier if we would be seriously interested. I have reasons to believe he's not our choice list, that being said I may be surprised if we'll lose few matches more and somebody will do something about things in United so far looks like somebody in our club is sticking to LvG or simply doesn't trust Mourinho.
Ah right, just huge assumptions and opinions. Cool got it!


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
He's had a shite season, but that doesn't automatically make him a shite manager. I'm very, very wary about the prospect of bringing him in, but he's probably still the best option available currently.
I understand your perspective and I share the same concern for not wanting to go with Jose. He is a bigger risk than a safe bet especially after last season. I am tired of us spending way too much money and hiring new manager every few years. I just can't get behind that as a business model.

Van Piorsing

Lost his light sabre
Feb 10, 2006
Ah right, just huge assumptions and opinions. Cool got it!
Still better than posting plethora of pictures from SAF era and calling people drama queens.

So far nothing on Mourinho being our future manager. That must be a real drama here.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
I understand your perspective and I share the same concern for not wanting to go with Jose. He is a bigger risk than a safe bet especially after last season. I am tired of us spending way too much money and hiring new manager every few years. I just can't get behind that as a business model.
That's ultimately how football clubs operate. We were lucky with Fergie; we're probably not going to consistently find long-term, successful managers. And despite the risks Jose brings, he's probably a lot less risky than many other options.