POLL ADDED: Would you want Jose Mourinho as the next Manchester United manager?

Would you want Jose Mourinho as manager of Manchester United?

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I..erm..love U2, baby?
Nov 28, 2013
With Pep confirmed to city I'm changing my no vote to a yes. He worries me and I'd have a lot of reservations, but he's the best option realistically. Hopefully there may be a long term option available when he falls out with everyone and leaves in a few years.


Full Member
Apr 23, 2013
We could all judge Mourinho on his record between August to December this season, or even for the whole of 2015 if being picky, but his record prior to that has to be looked at objectively and with respect. The man is a winner and has proved it time and again. He has the ability to behave like an absolute bell-end at times but then so have SAF and LVG in the past. I agree that Mourinho undoubtedly went off the rails at the end of his latest Chelsea reign and the whole doctor/physio thing was out of hand. I wonder how much his personal life (specifically his Dad's brain surgery and subsequent strokes) affected him in his tumultuous conclusion at Chelsea? Undoubtedly it must have played a large part rightly or wrongly.

I like many others truly believe (without any evidence) that Mourinho would have chosen United over the Chelsea return in 2013 and it seems to be generally accepted that he WANTS the job. So, we have a proven, top class Manager who appears to want the United job. One who appears to have an appetite for the task at hand at United and one who is actually available. Surely it's a no brainer in that respect.

I don't 100% buy this negative football argument either. Yes he has been negative in the past but he has always shown that his teams can play with an attacking creative threat and verve. Often when he has played negatively it is for a purpose, e.g. to get over the finish line after the spade work as already been done, or to contain a team when it would be naive to go toe to toe with a particularly attacking opponent. Let's not forget Chelsea at the start of last season were great to watch so he clearly doesn't only play negative football.

I do think his appointment could potentially be a disaster, but on the flip side he seems to be the clear stand out candidate for the job. When Fergie left we ended up with bloody Moyes - a mid table consolidator, then we ended up with LVG based mainly on past glories from the last millennium. This time we have to appoint someone who has not only achieved at the top but who has also done it in recent times. Who else out there has consistently won major trophies in recent times? Who else has already managed and succeeded in England and who else is definitely available?

How can we even begin to take a chance on Giggs when we do a straight up comparison between him and Mourinho? For all we know Giggs might be the second coming but there is no supporting evidence for that view point. However, there is a whole lot of evidence to suggest Mourinho would be the man to make United truly competitive again. Do we honestly all look at Giggs and think he has the aura to be our strong-headed United manager? Yes, he was a great player for us but there is nothing, absolutely nothing, to point to him being a successful manager.

If the club are going to look at Giggs, then we have to give the job to him now and then we'd be able to see what his actual coaching ability is in terms of turning this current squad around. Giving him the job in the summer ahead of someone like Mourinho would just be utterly unbelievable after proper consideration of all of the factors.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Mourinho is the only good option, I would be fine seeing some of the other potential candidates - Poch, Blanc, Allegri, Conte after the Euros, or even Joachim Low after the Euros could be a consideration over Giggs - but even then none of these come realistically close to Mourinho .


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Anyone who would say no to Mourinho now is in cloud cuckoo land, frankly.

Pochettino is the only other valid option, since Simeone doesn't speak a word of English.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Anyone who would say no to Mourinho now is in cloud cuckoo land, frankly.

Pochettino is the only other valid option, since Simeone doesn't speak a word of English.
I said no,will keep saying no to that cnut and dont think i am anywhere near that land.


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010
I said no,will keep saying no to that cnut and dont think i am anywhere near that land.
Jose Mourinho is the only manager to compete with Pep Guardiola for a league title and win. In fact, not only did his Madrid team of 2011/12 beat Pep's Barca to the title, Mou's Madrid out scored Pep's Barca by hitting the back of the net 121 times.

If United make a sentimental appointment in the face of this challenge from City, by time Pep leaves Wastelands we might be miles behind a club we've laughed at for most of our history.

Mourinho is a must now.


Full Member
Apr 12, 2013
RIP Mino
Trad Bricks
Anyone who would say no to Mourinho now is in cloud cuckoo land, frankly.

Pochettino is the only other valid option, since Simeone doesn't speak a word of English.
Even Pochetino hasn't done enough to say he's ready to compete against City and Guardiola for the title. Mourinho is the only option and people saying no because they think he's a cnut need to get over it


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
If we don't hire Mourinho, City are likely to win the title at least twice in the next 3 seasons, while we struggle and most likely fail to qualify for the Champions League in the same period. And they will monopolise the best players in the transfer market.

That is the reality.

Even Pochetino hasn't done enough to say he's ready to compete against City and Guardiola for the title. Mourinho is the only option and people saying no because they think he's a cnut need to get over it
I'd argue Pochettino has done a hell of a lot more than Guardiola to demonstrate he can set up his teams to play attractive football and get results in the Premier League. But Mourinho is obviously the surest bet, because he would win the battles off the pitch as well.


I ♥ Adnan
Dec 9, 2013
planet telex
I changed my vote from a no to a yes, as I held out hope of getting Pep.

I see no other alternatives at this time.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
He's disruptive, negative, and a complete cnut. What excuses are you looking for?
As for who? Dunno, Hughes, Giggs, I'd take fecking allardyce over that prick.
I see you are one of these T0p Reds who want us to plummet. Well done.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2013
Every time people come out with "he's a cnut" and all that bollocks, just think - Fergie wasn't exactly loved by opposition fans. Mourinho is like Fergie Mk.2 really, he's very similar which is probably why they get on so well.


Full Member
Feb 8, 2013
He's disruptive, negative, and a complete cnut. What excuses are you looking for?
As for who? Dunno, Hughes, Giggs, I'd take fecking allardyce over that prick.
Is Hughes any less of a cnut than Mourinho? Giggs doesn't exactly have a spotless conscience either...


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010
Every time people come out with "he's a cnut" and all that bollocks, just think - Fergie wasn't exactly loved by opposition fans. Mourinho is like Fergie Mk.2 really, he's very similar which is probably why they get on so well.
Fergie hit Beckham in the face with a football boot. After which Becks made a massive song and dance of it, showing all the media his cut, and all his fangirls (United and non-United alike) cried at nasty, nasty Ferguson.

Mourinho's nastiness being used as a reason why he shouldn't get hired is ridiculous. He's a bad loser. So what? Do we want a good loser as manager? If that's the case why did we fire Moyes? We can go back to making it hard for Newcastle. Or lets stick with LVG and be pleased a league one side had no chances in a Cup tie.

Man Utd under Fergie has been built on desire, the desire to win. Mourinho, as you say, is cut from the same cloth. When we went to the Nou Camp in 2008 and gave Barcelona 72 per cent possession its because we wanted to win the tie, which we ultimately did playing on the counter in the home leg. Fergie went to City in 2011/12 and played for a draw. It was the most unambitious United performance ever, and we lost. Still, it showed that like Jose, Fergie was willing to be pragmatic in pursuit of glory. Its a lie to say Jose's teams don't attack, Diego Costa's goals from last season prove that. They're just ultra pragmatic in the big games. Its not like we've never seen that at Old Trafford. I mean just look at what Louis Van Gaal has been serving up for 18 months, at least Jose tends to get results when he resorts to strangling a game...

Mourinho IN.


Full Member
Jan 16, 2012
My vote was no when this thread was first made. I do acknowledge that Mourinho is one of the best managers around and his resume speaks for itself. I honestly don't know who the next manager should be, if we want to get back to that free flowing, attacking football that made us great for so long then from past experience Mourinho is not the manager for that. He will make us resolute, hard to break down and win football matches, but we will not be easy on the eye by any means.

Is there a manager out there that we can appoint who can bring that to us. I don't think there is. If we want to get back to being one of the top clubs then for me Mourinho is a no brainer now. We did not move for other managers at the appropriate time for whatever reasons and unless an outstanding candidate emerges in the next five months then our next manager will be either Mourinho or Giggs.


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010
My vote was no when this thread was first made. I do acknowledge that Mourinho is one of the best managers around and his resume speaks for itself. I honestly don't know who the next manager should be, if we want to get back to that free flowing, attacking football that made us great for so long then from past experience Mourinho is not the manager for that. He will make us resolute, hard to break down and win football matches, but we will not be easy on the eye by any means.

Is there a manager out there that we can appoint who can bring that to us. I don't think there is. If we want to get back to being one of the top clubs then for me Mourinho is a no brainer now. We did not move for other managers at the appropriate time for whatever reasons and unless an outstanding candidate emerges in the next five months then our next manager will be either Mourinho or Giggs.

Yeah, terrible to see your team score 121 league goals on the way to becoming the only club to beat a Pep side to a league title...


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Fergie hit Beckham in the face with a football boot. After which Becks made a massive song and dance of it, showing all the media his cut, and all his fangirls (United and non-United alike) cried at nasty, nasty Ferguson.

Mourinho's nastiness being used as a reason why he shouldn't get hired is ridiculous. He's a bad loser. So what? Do we want a good loser as manager? If that's the case why did we fire Moyes? We can go back to making it hard for Newcastle. Or lets stick with LVG and be pleased a league one side had no chances in a Cup tie.

Man Utd under Fergie has been built on desire, the desire to win. Mourinho, as you say, is cut from the same cloth. When we went to the Nou Camp in 2008 and gave Barcelona 72 per cent possession its because we wanted to win the tie, which we ultimately did playing on the counter in the home leg. Fergie went to City in 2011/12 and played for a draw. It was the most unambitious United performance ever, and we lost. Still, it showed that like Jose, Fergie was willing to be pragmatic in pursuit of glory. Its a lie to say Jose's teams don't attack, Diego Costa's goals from last season prove that. They're just ultra pragmatic in the big games. Its not like we've never seen that at Old Trafford. I mean just look at what Louis Van Gaal has been serving up for 18 months, at least Jose tends to get results when he resorts to strangling a game...

Mourinho IN.
Sir Alex kicked the boot at the wall, which rebounded and hit Beckham from all accounts, not at him, he also apologised to Becks after, as soon as they left the changingroom.
Lets be quite fair some of Mourinho's antics have gone far beyond anything Sir Alex ever did.
Sir Alex's history neednt even be considered, as Mourinho is his own man with his own positives and negatives, our board just need to decide quickly if they can stomach those negatives or not.


Another Muppet
Nov 14, 2012
I can't for the life of me understand why he's not our manager right now. He's literally gagging for the job ffs. Get it done Woody


Full Member
Feb 8, 2013
Fergie hit Beckham in the face with a football boot. After which Becks made a massive song and dance of it, showing all the media his cut, and all his fangirls (United and non-United alike) cried at nasty, nasty Ferguson.

Mourinho's nastiness being used as a reason why he shouldn't get hired is ridiculous. He's a bad loser. So what? Do we want a good loser as manager? If that's the case why did we fire Moyes? We can go back to making it hard for Newcastle. Or lets stick with LVG and be pleased a league one side had no chances in a Cup tie.

Man Utd under Fergie has been built on desire, the desire to win. Mourinho, as you say, is cut from the same cloth. When we went to the Nou Camp in 2008 and gave Barcelona 72 per cent possession its because we wanted to win the tie, which we ultimately did playing on the counter in the home leg. Fergie went to City in 2011/12 and played for a draw. It was the most unambitious United performance ever, and we lost. Still, it showed that like Jose, Fergie was willing to be pragmatic in pursuit of glory. Its a lie to say Jose's teams don't attack, Diego Costa's goals from last season prove that. They're just ultra pragmatic in the big games. Its not like we've never seen that at Old Trafford. I mean just look at what Louis Van Gaal has been serving up for 18 months, at least Jose tends to get results when he resorts to strangling a game...

Mourinho IN.
Well put


Lineup Prediction & Last Man Standing winner 2017
Mar 19, 2006
I've answered YES to this but the fact is there's absolutely no way he is coming to United. We've had the chance to bring him in but we've not moved. Those close to the club seem to know we don't want him.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
I've answered YES to this but the fact is there's absolutely no way he is coming to United. We've had the chance to bring him in but we've not moved. Those close to the club seem to know we don't want him.
Yep, if he was our choice then there'd be no real reason not to bring him in immediately. Worried.


Full Member
May 6, 2014
Will probably appoint Gordon Strachan instead, as he's had experience in Britain and is "cut from the same cloth as SAF" (Scottish)...


Lights on for Luke
Mar 10, 2010
Voted the best city in the world
He's disruptive, negative, and a complete cnut. What excuses are you looking for?
As for who? Dunno, Hughes, Giggs, I'd take fecking allardyce over that prick.
Apparently SAF was as a big a cnut! Didn't you know? :wenger: This from united fans as well.

I'm not a Mou fan at all, though at the moment I can see the sense in getting him - if just to keep us competing at the top before the rest opens up a gap too big & until more options are available in 2-3 years. So, I might swallow my "pride" and vote yes, because i simply believe it might be the best option for us short term. But those saying SAF did as despicable things as poking someone in the fecking eye is taking this Mou favoritism too far.

You can admit to Mou's flaws without trying to depict SAF in the same light in order to prove a point.


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
Unless there's some uncovered gem somewhere - not that I have confidence our management will ever find him - Mourinho is really our only option now outside of maybe Simeone. If we had more of a choice, I wouldn't have the least bit of interest in him but we could find ourselves in a position a few months from now that even Mourinho will have been signed by another club and our only 'options' are keeping LVG or making Giggs manager. I would love for LVG to turn it around but he's really at a point of never coming back. The idea of Giggs becoming our manager makes me want to gag.

The question that I'm really asking myself is, why hasn't Mourinho already been picked up by another club? My baseless guess is that he really wants the job with us and would rather wait until the season is over instead of taking over from LVG in midstream. But this is assuming that we've even talked to him and looked serious about getting him.


OMG socks and sandals lol!
Nov 24, 2013
He's disruptive, negative, and a complete cnut. What excuses are you looking for?
As for who? Dunno, Hughes, Giggs, I'd take fecking allardyce over that prick.

So I take it you want us to become mediocre then mourinho is the only man that can restore us back to where we belong

Keeps It tidy

Hates Messi
Jun 6, 2013
New York
He might be our best option but, definitely not a sure success. You can not completely downplay the fact that a title winning side completely torpedoed under him. There is no reasonable excuse for a side as talented as Chelsea to be in the situation they are in. For all the underachieving we have done no where near as poor as Chelsea have been. Also, recently Mourinho has been sort of meh in the CL. Recently we have seen him go out to the likes of Dortmund, Atletico and PSG even though in each matchup he probably had the more talented side. And I am not looking forward to Manchester derbies turning into us kicking them for 90 minutes. I would definitely prefer Pochettino but, we are sadly in a position where leaving Tottenham for us might be a step down.


Jan 17, 2012
I can't for the life of me understand why he's not our manager right now. He's literally gagging for the job ffs. Get it done Woody
Me neither.

Worst case scenario, he gets to review the squad for half a season which we're going to waste on Van Gaal anyway.

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
It's amazing to see some people trashing Mourinho but in the same breath suggesting Hughes who is the whiniest manager out there and who has had nothing good to say about United in a decade and who also managed City, or Giggs, a man who's life actions are those of a scumbag.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2014
I was on no up to a couple of weeks ago.
Theres still alternatives i'd rather at this point (Sampaoli or Pochettino) but they might not be realistic.
Unless they have someone lined up fairly imminently, then i'd go with mourinho.

Member 5225

All you drama queens about how he 'doesn't have the Man United dignified personality' etc, pls see exhibit A (from previous post in this thread):


Member 5225

And finally just some myth debunking, mainly from Wiki:
  1. He won a fecking treble with an unfancied FC Porto team (incl a CL!).
  2. Under Mourinho, Chelsea secured their first top-flight domestic title in 50 years, setting a string of English football records in the process, including the most points ever achieved in the Premier League (95), and the fewest goals conceded (15).
  3. On 28 July 2009, Mourinho was reported to have shown interest in taking over at Manchester United when Alex Ferguson retired. He was quoted as saying, "I would consider going to Manchester United but United have to consider if they want me to succeed Sir Alex Ferguson. If they do, then of course."
  4. Another treble at unfancied Inter. This brought Inter back into a European Cup final 38 years after their last.
  5. Prior to Mourinho's arrival, Real Madrid had underperformed despite paying record transfer fees for Galácticos such as Kaká and Cristiano Ronaldo.
  6. On 20 April 2011, Mourinho won his first trophy in Spanish football as Real Madrid defeated arch-rivals Barcelona 1–0 in the Copa del Rey final held at the Mestalla Stadium in Valencia, ending Real Madrid's eighteen-year-long Copa del Rey drought.
  7. On 13 May 2012, Real Madrid defeated Mallorca 4–1, in their last league match of the season which set records for most games won in a La Liga season (32), most away wins (16), most points obtained in any of the top European leagues (100), improving the most goals scored record they already had set earlier (121), and finishing the season with the highest goal difference (+89).
  8. Mourinho's fraught relationships with Sergio Ramos and club captain Iker Casillas (a popular player whom Mourinho sidelined in 2013) caused divisions between fans in the "Mourinhistas" and "Madridistas" (the more traditional Real Madrid fans) camps. His relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo became difficult because, according to Mourinho, the player "maybe thinks that he knows everything and that the coach cannot improve him anymore", so was unwilling to accept constructive criticism. (i.e. crazy player power).
  9. He consistently played down Chelsea's title chances throughout the season and referred to it as a transitional season, slowly moulding his squad and most significantly dropping (and eventually selling) Chelsea's player of the year of the two previous seasons, Juan Mata. (i.e. big decisions).
  10. On 3 May 2015, Chelsea were crowned Premier League champions after beating Crystal Palace with three games to spare. Mourinho was subsequently named as Premier League Manager of the Season, with Chelsea losing just three matches all season.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
I can't for the life of me understand why he's not our manager right now. He's literally gagging for the job ffs. Get it done Woody
It's pretty obvious if you think about it. It's Because he was shite last season and took a title winning team to the other end of the table.

Member 5225

I was on no up to a couple of weeks ago.
Theres still alternatives i'd rather at this point (Sampaoli or Pochettino) but they might not be realistic.
Unless they have someone lined up fairly imminently, then i'd go with mourinho.
Having a laugh?!
Has he even managed in Europe, let alone England?!!