Angel Di Maria | £59.7M fee agreed I Maybe tomorrow...or the day after...

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Fergie's Man

Suffers Snails fetish
Dec 18, 2006
No, I haven't forgotten either him or Hererra. But think of the proven top quality players you could have bought by now for CM and defence given the spending figures I've cited.
He's just sour that he has to settle for Lamela.

Nah, he is a proper WUM and ought to be ignored.

The trouble with Glaston is that whenever I meet a Spurs supporter, I just assume their are all obnoxious WUMs.


City >>> United. Moaning twat
Aug 2, 2005
It is £210m (if Di Maria costs £60m) on additions to the title winning squad. You've left out Zaha, omitted the £5m for Nani's wages that you'll still be paying despite losing him as a squad option (making Rojo's fee effectively £21m) and left out bits and pieces concerning Varela and others.
Not sure why you keep trying to compare Man United's transfer policy with a club like spurs. Completely different animals.

It's hardly out of the norm for a club of the size of United to spend heavily. We went through a period of relative austerity but are now throwing our weight around like other clubs of our size do.


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
Nah, he is a proper WUM and ought to be ignored.

The trouble with Glaston is that whenever I meet a Spurs supporter, I just assume their are all obnoxious WUMs.
He's a Spud and he has the nerve to criticize our spending lol?


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
No, I haven't forgotten either him or Hererra. But think of the proven top quality players you could have bought by now for CM and defence given the spending figures I've cited.
I agree with this. Our priority should always have been to improve our midfield/defence. Apart from De Gea we have no World Class players in those areas of the pitch. It's still a glaring weakness in our squad.

Having said all that, Di Maria is a world class player and when those come on the market, you buy them.

Fergie's Man

Suffers Snails fetish
Dec 18, 2006
Glaston's right about our transfers though. They have been awful for years. I think Di Maria will be very good but a quality CM is more urgent.
I have no issues with this season except the lack of numbers. I couldn't care less about money spent, it is a long time coming and sponsors are paying for the privilege.

Fellaini was wrong, last season was wrong, but I don't know when Spurs fans that would have the audacity to talk about our recent transfers, after that abomination last season from AVB.


New Member
Aug 7, 2013
In Smalling's pocket (as every other person)
I agree with this. Our priority should always have been to improve our midfield/defence. Apart from De Gea we have no World Class players in those areas of the pitch. It's still a glaring weakness in our squad.

Having said all that, Di Maria is a world class player and when those come on the market, you buy them.
Oh and it isnt improved by signing Herrera, Shaw, Rojo, our defence is half as bad as most people think. Last season we had a similair amount of goals against as Arsenal, and look how often we changed our back , and how often they were misused and injured..


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
I think everyone is aware and has stated that opinion. It's not like Glaston was challenging a poster that stated that, he just dropped a pointless post out of nowhere and is getting the reaction he wants.
Just because an opinion is contrary to the views of the red-tinted spectacles of the herd doesn't make it an attempted wind-up. My post wasn't pointless: it contained a clear point regardless of whether you agree with it. I made a similar point when Mata was signed and thus far it hasn't been proven wrong.

I can understand the excitement of signing a player who is obviously top quality, but I think this excitement is obscuring - in a similar way to Mata's signing - the harder truth that I've outlined.

Anyhow, it's best I leave this thread and let you all get on with the celebrations.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
Oh and it isnt improved by signing Herrera, Shaw, Rojo, our defence is half as bad as most people think. Last season we had a similair amount of goals against as Arsenal, and look how often we changed our back , and how often they were misused and injured..
They'll turn out to be good buys in the long run hopefully. But we needed a world class midfielder and defender, which we've so far failed to do. Our central midfield is a shambles even with Herrera added.


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
From the trend I can see on here and other forums and Twatter etc, most opposition fans are slating the price or saying United don't need Di Maria or having a go at their spending. Also, many are ignoring Shaw, Rojo and Herrera and the fact many have said there will be TWO more additional signings next week.

Basically they are all shitting themselves at the thought of it all. Liverpool, Tottenham, Everton and Arsenal fans especially will all be thinking it ALMOST rules out the possibility of United finishing beneath them again this season, therefore putting at risk their chance of scraping in to the Champions League places or even the Europa League. A signing of this magnitude and the possibility of more to come, I should think it will unnerve most fans of most clubs. I should think only Chelsea and City fans will be less affected.

Steven Seagull

Full Member
Aug 31, 2010
The Clockwork Orange tulip technician.
Just because an opinion is contrary to the views of the red-tinted spectacles of the herd doesn't make it an attempted wind-up. My post wasn't pointless: it contained a clear point regardless of whether you agree with it. I made a similar point when Mata was signed and thus far it hasn't been proven wrong.

I can understand the excitement of signing a player who is obviously top quality, but I think this excitement is obscuring - in a similar way to Mata's signing - the harder truth that I've outlined.

Anyhow, it's best I leave this forum and vow to never return
Rejoice people!


Full Member
May 13, 2013
What an absolute joyous moment to come back from the pub and notice the thread title changed and 35 wonderful pages of muppetry to sift through.

Amazing signing if we can pull this off.

A lot of people are alluding to the fact that it doesn't solve all our problems, which is true, but the lack of a quality wide-man and lack of pace in our attack were glaring deficiencies in the squad that Di Maria would help resolve. He's fast, has great technique, can score and assist, can carry the ball under pressure, can press from the front, he works his bollocks off and can play in a number of positions. Absolutely perfect signing for us.


New Member
Aug 7, 2013
In Smalling's pocket (as every other person)
They'll turn out to be good buys in the long run hopefully. But we needed a world class midfielder and defender, which we've so far failed to do. Our central midfield is a shambles even with Herrera added.
I wouldnt say that already, about a world class defender. Defence is also pretty much about understanding eachother, having a good connection with eachother, people dont slate Chelsea's/Arsenal's defence because they have a good pairing, but Kos/Per/Terry/Cahill are all not world class at the moment. We should give our defenders time, imo. We need a world class midfielder but I think we need a world class winger even more, even if we signed one, our attack would still be so predictable, slow, lacking creativity, and dont forget, the market is still open.


Full Member
Jan 13, 2012
All clubs can spend whatever they can in whatever way they see fit. Spurs finished a single place above United last year, having spent god knows how much on AVBs pay-off and a heap of players who failed to live up to any of the valuations (e.g. Lamela). Some shocking transfers, but all within their means. United, also, bought Fellaini for which there is no answer to opposition fans ridicule, other than to say "yep, shit transfer, shit player". The onus is on the players being ineffective, the fee being secondary.

However, City and Chelsea have clearly doped and it's only in this context that I think it fair for other fans to raise eyebrows and discuss the ridiculous nature whereby an owner can come in and spend a ton of money that the club itself has failed to earn. They are the Lance Armstrongs of the football world.

United is a massive club. They can spend 60 mil on Di Maria. Woodward and co. can even get pissed and spend 100mil on Akinfenwa, still wouldn't matter (financially...). We care about winning, something that we haven't been that good at lately. This is a positive step. Long may it continue.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
What an absolute joyous moment to come back from the pub and notice the thread title changed and 35 wonderful pages of muppetry to sift through.

Amazing signing if we can pull this off.

A lot of people are alluding to the fact that it doesn't solve all our problems, which is true, but the lack of a quality wide-man and lack of pace in our attack were glaring deficiencies in the squad that Di Maria would help resolve. He's fast, has great technique, can score and assist, can carry the ball under pressure, can press from the front, he works his bollocks off and can play in a number of positions. Absolutely perfect signing for us.
I don't think anyone is denying he won't be an excellent addition to our squad. He obviously will! But it doesn't solve our midfield problems which has been horrendous for seasons now. I think that's ultimately the point some people are making (which I think is valid).

Lets just hope that the other 2 signings mentioned happen, 1 of which will be a CM and the other probably a CB. If that happens, jobs well done.


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
Now, isn't Instagram the most reliable outlet for transfers?

Rojo liked RVP and Rooney in instagram first. Everybody sweeped it under the carpet. He the signed for Man utd a week later.

Di Maria's wife like around 10-15 photoshoped instagram pictures about Di maria/Man utd. Yesterday, she went on a like frenzy, the next day- Di Maria chose to go to Man utd .



Full Member
Mar 25, 2008
It just hit me that if/when we sign him. We will only need maybe one or two max additions next summer to have a serious champions league chasing squad. Im assuming we will be in off course.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
No. United have plenty of money. Di Maria makes us a much better team. End of.
I've always been in the 'we have loads of money' school of thought, but £180M+ (assuming £50M for Di Maria) in the last twelve months is huge even for us. And we're not done yet.

If only Fergie/Gill had pursued a sensible transfer policy in their last years, we could have gradually acquired top players at reasonable prices and maintained the quality of the squad. Now we have to rectify that neglect under the gun with less choice and less bargaining power. Imagine losing Hazard for the sake of a few million quid and never even bidding for Silva (£26M) and Toure (£24M). What ill-judged penny-pinching that seems now.


Full Member
May 3, 2014
If only Fergie/Gill had pursued a sensible transfer policy in their last years, we could have gradually acquired top players at reasonable prices and maintained the quality of the squad. Now we have to rectify that neglect under the gun with less choice and less bargaining power. Imagine losing Hazard for the sake of a few million quid and never even bidding for Silva (£26M) and Toure (£24M). What ill-judged penny-pinching that seems now.
They left a title winning squad which should have reached the CL final and it had many improving players though some declining. It could have been pretty simply rectified last 3 windows with this expenditure whatever imbalance there was.

Fergie's Man

Suffers Snails fetish
Dec 18, 2006
Just because an opinion is contrary to the views of the red-tinted spectacles of the herd doesn't make it an attempted wind-up. My post wasn't pointless: it contained a clear point regardless of whether you agree with it. I made a similar point when Mata was signed and thus far it hasn't been proven wrong.

I can understand the excitement of signing a player who is obviously top quality, but I think this excitement is obscuring - in a similar way to Mata's signing - the harder truth that I've outlined.

Anyhow, it's best I leave this thread and let you all get on with the celebrations.
For a second, I thought you were leaving the Caf.

I must admit to being very pleased at the thought.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2009
It just hit me that if/when we sign him. We will only need maybe one or two max additions next summer to have a serious champions league chasing squad. Im assuming we will be in off course.
Sign Di Maria, a quality CM/CDM, a top quality CB, a RB (If Rafael can't stay fit all season) and we will be challenging on all fronts.


Feb 1, 2012
It just hit me that if/when we sign him. We will only need maybe one or two max additions next summer to have a serious champions league chasing squad. Im assuming we will be in off course.
I don't know. A lot of our starting 11 seem to be just names right now, without the actual performances to back it up. RVP has been riddled with injury since his fantastic debut season, Rooney doesn't look the player he was a few years ago, Mata hasn't set the world alight here yet and Carrick is yet to prove he can get himself back on track after an awful season. De Gea is our only world class player that's worthy of that title at the moment IMO.

There's still a lot of work ahead of LVG regardless of this signing and even if he does sign another CM.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
I think next summer will be centred around Strootman and Hummels. Assuming we finish top four and Dortmund continue to struggle I think both will be pretty nailed on deals.


Full Member
Mar 25, 2008
I don't know. A lot of our starting 11 seem to be just names right now, without the actual performances to back it up. RVP has been riddled with injury since his fantastic debut season, Rooney doesn't look the player he was a few years ago, Mata hasn't set the world alight here yet and Carrick is yet to prove he can get himself back on track after an awful season. De Gea is our only word class player that's worthy of that title at the moment IMO.
Lets see how the season goes I guess.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
So, i go out all day and good thing happens ?


likes playing with swords after fantasies
Apr 29, 2014
Now, isn't Instagram the most reliable outlet for transfers?

Rojo liked RVP and Rooney in instagram first. Everybody sweeped it under the carpet. He the signed for Man utd a week later.

Di Maria's wife like around 10-15 photoshoped instagram pictures about Di maria/Man utd. Yesterday, she went on a like frenzy, the next day- Di Maria chose to go to Man utd .

We should have an "Instagram Discussion" thread.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
They left a title winning squad which should have reached the CL final and it had many improving players though some declining. It could have been pretty simply rectified last 3 windows with this expenditure whatever imbalance there was.
All those improving players don't seem to have improved quite enough.

I think we can now recognize that the squad Fergie left behind him was on its last legs. I agree that if he had chosen his successor wisely and the club had been in more capable hands following his departure, there was nothing insoluble about our problems. The purchase of Thiago, Strootman and Garay would have kept the wolf from the door last summer.

But, instead of resolving our difficulties himself, Fergie left things to his successor, with directions in the form of recommended signings. He picked the wrong man, Moyes disregarded the advice, and the rest is history.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
I don't think anyone is denying he won't be an excellent addition to our squad. He obviously will! But it doesn't solve our midfield problems which has been horrendous for seasons now. I think that's ultimately the point some people are making (which I think is valid).

Lets just hope that the other 2 signings mentioned happen, 1 of which will be a CM and the other probably a CB. If that happens, jobs well done.
Yeahp I completely agree. We still need 2 signings. A CB and a CM and this would have turned out to be a very fine summer. I'm not sure who we could get for those positions at this point though. Benetia and Vidal are the class of player we need and that would be very tough to pull off.

Deleted member 78215

He's just sour that he has to settle for Lamela.
Lamela - unproven youngster, 30m = good business.

Di Maria - one of the world's best players, not even at his peak, 50m = bad business.

Not to mention Spurs pissed away 28m on Soldado. Any Spurs fan preaching financial responsibility and prudence should not be taken seriously.
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