Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Le Croque's colleague:

I don't know whether she'd look like that given I've only ever seen here in the professional context, but one's mind can wander.

She looks more like her with frizzy hair (cos said colleague has frizzy hair)


That's a nice swimming pool. I can understand why he wanted to make a film about it.
I'm not surprised.
Critics dubbed it "The hardest thing since Jason Statham"

Anyway, all in all some great film discussion going on here, I'm proud of us guys.
The girl with the dragon tattoo/who played with fire/who kicked the hornets nest. Really good drama. The third one was especially tense and made me physically angry. Excellent.
The Millennium trilogy films felt like tawdry, liberal-baiting, Scandi noir episodes of Columbo. A grubby stream of misogyny runs through the films and it's all shot with a pornographers eye.
How to Train your Dragon 2: About as entertaining and charming as the first with a well thought out plot that suffers only from a few childish concessions. Would have liked to see a slightly darker ending but still enjoyed it as will fans of the first. Good movie, recommended.

Just watched Edge of Tomorrow. One of the better summer blockbusters in the last few years. It's entertaining, smart, well made and doesn't pretend to be more than it is - a quality action flick, more than anything else. Really liked it.
Calvary - very good film with a great conceit, Brendan Gleeson is fantastic. Probably tried a bit too much at the end and there were too many characters. Aiden Gillen seems to actually have the stupid accent he uses in Game of Thrones, good to see Dylan Moran in something again. Really enjoyed, good companion to The Guard.
Calvary - very good film with a great conceit, Brendan Gleeson is fantastic. Probably tried a bit too much at the end and there were too many characters. Aiden Gillen seems to actually have the stupid accent he uses in Game of Thrones, good to see Dylan Moran in something again. Really enjoyed, good companion to The Guard.

That isn't his accent. He's just a complete weirdo when it comes to accents. He seemingly can't do an Irish accent despite being from Ireland and having an Irish accent. Did I mention accent?

Brendan Gleeson was brilliant in it. Great actor.
I watched Under the Skin and wow it's astonishing. Truly fresh and original cinema, a bold beguiling masterpiece. The casting is inspired, the acting is perfect and the direction flawless.

The first couple of minutes I was worried as the candid camera footage felt performed and unnatural, but this works to the films advantage and it made perfect sense - Johansson's character is performing the role of a human. The film beautifully sells it's alien perspective of humanity - something that we believe we intrinsically know. This outsider looking in aspect reminded me of the Qatsi films, and Under the Skin has a similarly unnerving, awe inspiring affect. The film presents one of the best deconstructions of the human and it's constituent parts I've come across. It surpasses AI and Blade Runner in this regard, going beyond intellectual waffle to observe the animalistic.

The seduction scenes are up there with some of the most startling imagery I've ever seen, rivaling the imagination of some of the great animators. And the beach scene... cripes.
looking for some ideas for movies guys, probably having a lazy movie day! No footy at all and it'll keep the other half happy too no doubt! :)

She's not seen Toy Story 3 so I think that has to be in there today...

all other ideas welcome :)
Two movies in, no sign of Jesus yet!


I'm really not sure how to describe this movie, the trailer is quite misleading. You'll get what I mean by the end of the movie, it depicts that a thoroughly gripping thriller awaits you, instead it is essentially a guy trying to repair one little mistake he made 6 months previous. Saying that, Tom Hardy (Ivan Locke) puts in a fantastic performance as the lead in the midst of a midlife crisis. On a side note, it's great to see a Hollywood actor master the Welsh accent too btw! :lol:

If your expecting a roller coaster of emotions and thrills your going to be disappointed folks. Hardy's great performance aside there really isn't much here to make it must see.



About as close as I got to jesus today Archie! :)

A fantastic line up of modern day Irish acting talent is all put together here for this little gem. Fr James Lavelle (Brendan Gleeson) is the down to earth, no nonsense priest who looks over a small village on the coast of Sligo. Fr Lavelle has his life threatened by a member of the community, the culprit gives Fr Lavelle one week to live. He continues about his duties to the locals, caring for his suicidal and grief stricken daughter, essentially being part detective, part social worker and part therapist to the towns array of quirky individuals.

The towns quirky individuals are portrayed by a fantastic supporting cast, Chris O Dowd, Dylan Moran, Kelly Reilly & Domhnall Gleeson. If I could fault anything on the film it'd be Aiden Gillen's god awful performance and even worse accent (I think he seemed completely disinterested and thoughts back with his role as Petyr Baelish! That and the veeeeeeeery odd Brooklyn gigolo character, he didn't fit in at all to the story, very out of place.

I don't want to take away from a fantastic movie though, it has some great moments of Irish humor in it too, thankfully it has as it can be very morbid and bleak at times.

Definitely worth a watch though folks

Yep, KAT has both of them.

Good movies both, rounded it off with Toy Story 3. Seen it enough times at this stage I could do voice overs! :)

EDIT: The copy of Locke has Korean subs, but everything else about it is perfect.
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Lacombe, Lucien - Probably the greatest film I've seen about the banality of evil. A very perceptive and understated take on how people act during wartime, how a French farm boy and likely resistance fighter can end up working for the Nazis in the dying months of WWII and enjoy it. Sorely underrated film.
10th & Wolf
A gangster film starring James Marsden and Giovanni Ribisi. Quite enjoyable if you just kick back and watch it without any expectations. It ticks every genre cliche without fail and borrows from all the great gangster films but I didn't seem to mind as the acting was decent and it was paced decently 6/10

Ring of Curse

Japanese horror film about a bullied student who writes a curse that kills people if they read it. The film wasn't awful, the plot was fairly original and the ending was unpredicted but the problem was that the film was not really scary and quite boring. Could and should have been better, seemed like it's low budget held it back 5.5/10

The Lego Movie

I didn't really like this as much as I thought I would. The story was ok and the animation was nice but with LEGO, I expected something more... maybe something more original. Having said that, I laughed out loud various times, the comedy in this film was pretty brilliant 6/10
Transformers -Age of extinction 8/10
The acting was terrible and I knew it would be when Wahlberg was included in the cast. They action and story line is similar to the other Transformer movie but it's as always still enjoyable. The special effects are amazing and Bumblebee is still my favorite. Megatron had a face lift and he's new and improved abs ready to create havoc. There was definitely something missing and I think it was the lighthearted feel Shia usually adds to the mix.

Deliver us from Evil 8/10
Based on true events and extremely jumpy. It's an interesting story and also action packed. It's a hybrid of a police drama and your typical possession movie. Eric Bana is an amazing actor and bright life to the character. His Bronx accent was spot on you'd never guess he's Australian.
Transformers: Age of Extinction

This film is 2 hours and 45 minutes long... 2 hours and 45 fecking minutes! Jesus christ... why is this film so sodding long? Thats not an actual question, because there is no reasonable answer. It's so sodding long, it's ridiclous. This film could easily be half that length - and would be infinitely better for it. The hilarious thing is though, this film is that long, and yet we get DinoBots for about 10 minutes - who are introduced in the most half-arsed, lazy way, it makes their entire appearance feel tacked on and a bit pointless.

Anyway, on the actual film... Is Michael Bay parodying himself now? I mean, sure - at this point - with a Transformers film... you get what you expect, and what you expect is crap... but i'm not even sure the bloke is even trying any more.

I lost count of the number of cars that flip over. I'm fairly certain thats what action is to Bay now... cars flipping over. The action here is so undistinct and uninventive, I saw the film yesterday and can't really remember one impressive action beat or set-peice. I can however tell you all about the wing-suits or the giant robot pulling down a building from Transformers 3... because - whislt that film had many, many, flaws - at least Bay was trying to do his action thing... something which I think he really can't be arsed with here.

Nor can he be arsed with dialogue, or a coherant story (seriously - this plot is so unnecessarily convaluted, you'll probably give up trying to keep track of whats going on about an hour in) - but then when has he ever been bothered with these things when doing Transformers? Even the product placement in this film is so lazy, it's not even done with any modicum of subtelty - the the point where again, it must be a parody of how these films are - at this point - purely about money-making, as opposed to having an interesting story to tell or cool visuals/techniques/ideas to show the world.

Instead he focuses on visual masturbation for an 18 year old actress (who is meant to be 17 in the film) - but it's cool to masturbate over her, because of Romeo and Juliet... or something.

It's not all terrible, Stanley Tucci is easily the best thing about this film, he got rid of Shia (and Marky Mark is somewhat of an upgrade) and you can actually, finally, tell the difference between the robots!! He even attempts to give some of them personalities... shame that none of them are especially interesting, nor do they have anything interesting to do - but still, criticisms of the first films addressed... somewhat.

So basically, if you're going to see this, it'll come in lower than your expectations (whatever they are) and take a cushion.
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Just watched Edge of Tomorrow. One of the better summer blockbusters in the last few years. It's entertaining, smart, well made and doesn't pretend to be more than it is - a quality action flick, more than anything else. Really liked it.
Agree with you. Really enjoyed it, the acting itself of the lead characters was pretty decent.

Transformers: Age of Extinction

This film is 2 hours and 45 minutes long... 2 hours and 45 fecking minutes! Jesus christ... why is this film so sodding long? Thats not an actual question, because there is no reasonable answer. It's so sodding long, it's ridiclous. This film could easily be half that length - and would be infinitely better for it. The hilarious thing is though, this film is that long, and yet we get DinoBots - who are introduced in the most half-arsed, lazy way, it makes their entire appearance feel tacked on and a bit pointless.

Anyway, on the actual film... Is Michael Bay parodying himself now? I mean, sure - at this point - with a Transformers film... you get what you expect, and what you expect is crap... but i'm not even sure the bloke is even trying any more.

I lost count of the number of cars that flip over. I'm fairly certain thats what action is to Bay now... cars flipping over. The action here is so undistinct and uninventive, I saw the film yesterday and can't really remember one impressive action beat or set-peice. I can however tell you all about the wing-suits or the giant robot pulling down a building from Transformers 3... because - whislt that film had many, many, flaws - at least Bay was trying to do his action thing... something which I think he really can't be arsed with here.

Nor can he be arsed with dialogue, or a coherant story (seriously - this plot is so unnecessarily convaluted, you'll probably give up trying to keep track of whats going on about an hour in) - but then when has he ever been bothered with these things when doing Transformers? Even the product placement in this film is so lazy, it's not even done with any modicum of subtelty - the the point where again, it must be a parody of how these films are - at this point - purely about money-making, as opposed to having an interesting story to tell or cool visuals/techniques/ideas to show the world.

Instead he focuses on visual masturbation for an 18 year old actress (who is meant to be 17 in the film) - but it's cool to masturbate over her, because of Romeo and Juliet... or something.

It's not all terrible, Stanley Tucci is easily the best thing about this film, he got rid of Shia (and Marky Mark is somewhat of an upgrade) and you can actually, finally, tell the difference between the robots!! He even attempts to give some of them personalities... shame that none of them are especially interesting, nor do they have anything interesting to do - but still, criticisms of the first films addressed... somewhat.

So basically, if you're going to see this, it'll come in lower than your expectations (whatever they are) and take a cushion.
:lol: Completely agreed with everything you said. Especially about Stanley Tucci and the robots finally having a (wee) bit of personality and screen time. Watchable but only if you are sure you dont have anything better to do for the ~3 hours.
Transformers: Age of Extinction

This film is 2 hours and 45 minutes long... 2 hours and 45 fecking minutes! Jesus christ... why is this film so sodding long? Thats not an actual question, because there is no reasonable answer. It's so sodding long, it's ridiclous. This film could easily be half that length - and would be infinitely better for it. The hilarious thing is though, this film is that long, and yet we get DinoBots for about 10 minutes - who are introduced in the most half-arsed, lazy way, it makes their entire appearance feel tacked on and a bit pointless.

You what? :wenger::wenger::eek::wenger::wenger:

That's fn diriculous!

Why on earth a film of this nature needs 2 hours and 45 mins to play out its story is beyond me! I've not seen it, but I think I can safely presume, everything and everyone (bar the hero)... Explodes!
I've got two films to pick between -

O Brother Where Art Thou (watched about a decade ago, remember nothing but liking it/ the soundtrack) and The Hunt. This is my first chance in ages to chill and watch a film, help me pick right.
I've got two films to pick between -

O Brother Where Art Thou (watched about a decade ago, remember nothing but liking it/ the soundtrack) and The Hunt. This is my first chance in ages to chill and watch a film, help me pick right.

Not seen either but If I we're to recommend another movie, I'd say End of Watch...
I've got two films to pick between -

O Brother Where Art Thou (watched about a decade ago, remember nothing but liking it/ the soundtrack) and The Hunt. This is my first chance in ages to chill and watch a film, help me pick right.

I find it almost impossible to go wrong with the Coens and O Brother isn't far off their best. Beautiful looking, very good acting, great soundtrack and very funny.

Don't think you'd want to chill out to The Hunt, it's supposed to be grim.
Maria Full of Grace (2004) - great little Colombian/American film about a 17 year old one day deciding to quit her job in a rose-stripping factory and becoming a drug mule, travelling to New Jersey with a load of heroin in her stomach and everything that comes with that. Very naturalistic and the lead actress - Catalina Moreno - is fantastic. Highly recommended.
The Hunt - More great stuff from the Dane's, an extremely powerful and at times sad film, but also brilliant. The little girl who plays Klara is superb. 9/10
Lacombe, Lucien - Probably the greatest film I've seen about the banality of evil. A very perceptive and understated take on how people act during wartime, how a French farm boy and likely resistance fighter can end up working for the Nazis in the dying months of WWII and enjoy it. Sorely underrated film.
Yep, great film - Malle seems to be neglected these days, possibly due to some late turkeys, eg Damage.
Maria Full of Grace (2004) - great little Colombian/American film about a 17 year old one day deciding to quit her job in a rose-stripping factory and becoming a drug mule, travelling to New Jersey with a load of heroin in her stomach and everything that comes with that. Very naturalistic and the lead actress - Catalina Moreno - is fantastic. Highly recommended.
That was a grim film. Great though.
Le feu follet is very good too, though I haven't seen it in years. Ascenseur pour l'échafaud I saw recently, plot creaks a bit but still worth a watch (and listen for the moody Miles Davis score).
Decent disaster thriller. A bunch of friends are in Chile and the aftershocks of a tsunami causes havoc around the country with the stakes being raised even higher with thugs and prisoners roaming the country. Starts very slowly then ramps up the action for the last 40 or so minutes. Had some really funny moments but the bad acting, awful character development and the worlds most pointless twist drag the film down. Still, mildly fun to watch if you have nothing else to do on a Sunday night 5/10
The Hunt - More great stuff from the Dane's, an extremely powerful and at times sad film, but also brilliant. The little girl who plays Klara is superb. 9/10

Mikkelsen's always been a favorite, more so since I started watching Hannibal. Never got around watching it so I think I'll do that asap.
Transformers: Age of Extinction

This film is 2 hours and 45 minutes long... 2 hours and 45 fecking minutes! Jesus christ... why is this film so sodding long? Thats not an actual question, because there is no reasonable answer. It's so sodding long, it's ridiclous. This film could easily be half that length - and would be infinitely better for it. The hilarious thing is though, this film is that long, and yet we get DinoBots for about 10 minutes - who are introduced in the most half-arsed, lazy way, it makes their entire appearance feel tacked on and a bit pointless.

Anyway, on the actual film... Is Michael Bay parodying himself now? I mean, sure - at this point - with a Transformers film... you get what you expect, and what you expect is crap... but i'm not even sure the bloke is even trying any more.

I lost count of the number of cars that flip over. I'm fairly certain thats what action is to Bay now... cars flipping over. The action here is so undistinct and uninventive, I saw the film yesterday and can't really remember one impressive action beat or set-peice. I can however tell you all about the wing-suits or the giant robot pulling down a building from Transformers 3... because - whislt that film had many, many, flaws - at least Bay was trying to do his action thing... something which I think he really can't be arsed with here.

Nor can he be arsed with dialogue, or a coherant story (seriously - this plot is so unnecessarily convaluted, you'll probably give up trying to keep track of whats going on about an hour in) - but then when has he ever been bothered with these things when doing Transformers? Even the product placement in this film is so lazy, it's not even done with any modicum of subtelty - the the point where again, it must be a parody of how these films are - at this point - purely about money-making, as opposed to having an interesting story to tell or cool visuals/techniques/ideas to show the world.

Instead he focuses on visual masturbation for an 18 year old actress (who is meant to be 17 in the film) - but it's cool to masturbate over her, because of Romeo and Juliet... or something.

It's not all terrible, Stanley Tucci is easily the best thing about this film, he got rid of Shia (and Marky Mark is somewhat of an upgrade) and you can actually, finally, tell the difference between the robots!! He even attempts to give some of them personalities... shame that none of them are especially interesting, nor do they have anything interesting to do - but still, criticisms of the first films addressed... somewhat.

So basically, if you're going to see this, it'll come in lower than your expectations (whatever they are) and take a cushion.

The thing is: Bay has said we may see some sequels after this one...God help us all!