Anybody watched Blue Ruin? It's got very favourable reviews all around.
Yeah getting rave reviews in France as well, really fancy it.
Saw the
Lego movie over the weekend and quite enjoyed it. I thought it was visually stunning and the voice casting was excellent all around (Arnett as Batman was inspired, and loved the Jonah Hill/Channing Tatum duo amongst many others). I did have two problems with it though:
- too fast-paced, it was a non stop action frenzy and the rare moments of calm were very welcome; overall though, it would have benefitted of being a tad slower at times and not going full throttle so often;
- the ending: I actually really like the whole ending (those who have seen it will know what I'm speaking of) even though you see it coming quite early on, it's pretty cool; however, I felt it dragged on a bit and could've been resolved in 5 minutes less, probably.
Still very entertaining with a few laughs here and there.
I also saw
The two faces of January, an all-round nice film. Viggo is fantastic as always and Kirsten Dunst is charming, the settings are beautiful and the film is simply very elegant and enjoyable to watch. Nothing to rave about, but it's worth a watch if you enjoy those type of films.