Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion - A manic and darkly comic character study/political satire. Gian Maria Volonté was fantastic as the sociopathic police chief and my god that Morricone score, quirky greatness. Mi piace.

Under the Skin - Absolutely brilliant. It's really hard to describe, so I won't. Johansson was fantastic.
Yup, it was fantastic. You have to see it in a cinema if you can, it completely overwhelms you - genuinely felt like I was seeing the world through Alien eyes. Very Kubrick, the first hour is what you'd get if you mixed 2001 with The Shining... in Glasgow.
Yup, it was fantastic. You have to see it in a cinema if you can, it completely overwhelms you - genuinely felt like I was seeing the world through Alien eyes. Very Kubrick, the first hour is what you'd get if you mixed 2001 with The Shining... in Glasgow.
I downloaded it last night but might wait til it's at the cinema now. Sounds excellent.
Calvary Started out as a dark comedy about the Catholic Church in Ireland but forgot the comedy bit about 30 mins in and then after building towards an intriguing finish it made an arse of the last 20 minutes that leaves you feeling cheated. I was left unsure of what the point they were trying to make was and they plainly were trying to make a point. Shame. 6/10
Yup, it was fantastic. You have to see it in a cinema if you can, it completely overwhelms you - genuinely felt like I was seeing the world through Alien eyes. Very Kubrick, the first hour is what you'd get if you mixed 2001 with The Shining... in Glasgow.
I drank six beers and watched it at 2AM on the plasma screen on my back porch with only a portable radiator to keep me warm, a very great and unnerving experience all around.
Films I saw on my many World Cup plane journeys.

Mandela: Long Film To Freedom - Both too long (for a film) and too short (for it's subject matter) and unavoidably too reverent, it's still very powerful and Elba knocks it out of the park despite looking as little like Nelson Mandela as it's possible for an actor cast in the role to look. His voice is far too low and booming too, and in the more recent elderly statesman parts, where the frail, 70+ Morgan Freemany* Mandela is quite ridiculously depicted by a hulking great man in his late 30s with plasticine stuck to his face (the nature of prosthetics actually conspiring to make him look bigger) it should be hugely distracting, yet despite all this he pulls off a really impressive performance. In poncy language he "captures his spirit", in laymans terms, he nails the accent, the walk and the presumed passion.

Harris is also good, though Winnie suffers the most from trying to cram his extraordinary life into a film-sized narrative, coming off as too sickly sweet and lovestruck at the start, and too Lady McBeth by the end. Still enjoyable though. Nearly as good a standalone film as it's possible to make about the man, but not quite. Should've been a mini-series. You also can't help but feel 12 Years stole some of it's thunder. 7.5

* Conversely, Morgan Freeman's turn in Invictus, despite being physically the perfect choice, is pretty terrible. He essentially plays Morgan Freeman in a loud shirt having a half hearted stab at a New Zealand accent.

Rush - A great film about Niki Lauda that's slightly dampened by having to also be half a film about James Hunt (and it is half a film about James Hunt.) Bruhl steals it, and Hemsworth is decent, but his role as a co-lead necessitates a weird redemptive heroic ending that doesn't quite fly. Enjoyable and very well made though. 7.5

Grand Anderson Hotel - Wes Anderson turned up to 11. Fiennes is fantastic and it's beautiful in places, but the litany of eccentricities also grate in parts. Good fun once you're past the needlessly idiosyncratic framing device of Tom Wilkinson telling the story as Jude Law interviewing F Murray Abraham about Ralph Fiennes. Stop it Wes. 7

The Angriest Man in Brooklyn - Shocking. Just stop it. 2 - Because Peter Dinklage and Louis CK are in it.
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Williams can't play the irascible misanthrope at all. I mean AT ALL. At least not this one. You never buy anything he gets angry about you'd actually get angry about. It's one of those performances where you can see the acting. Which always means its bad acting.

And the device of having the characters voice over their motivations in the 3rd person, ironically, actually made me angry.
Transformers 4

Horrendous, Horrible film..
Plotless and pointless..
Came in the cinema with very low expectations, but it still disappoints greatly..
Can't figure out who is Bay targeting the movie for..
Takes way too long as well (gone to toilet twice)

22 Jump Street

An example of movie which I came with little expectation, and managed to enjoy it..
A bit too much bromancing, but still laughed at most of them
Transformers 4

Horrendous, Horrible film..
Plotless and pointless..
Came in the cinema with very low expectations, but it still disappoints greatly..
Can't figure out who is Bay targeting the movie for..
Takes way too long as well (gone to toilet twice)

I know it will not be good, but I am looking forward to seeing this, I am a sucker for films like this.
Evil Dead 2

Not seen this in a good few years, still every bit has good as I remembered it.
What is there not to like, Horror , comedy, blood gore, zombies, evil spirits, it even has a man with a chain saw for a hand and his own possessed hand trying to kill everybody.
Bruce Campbell in fantastic in it , plays the part just the way of should of been.
If you like your comedies, black and hilarious, and your horror, gory and sensational, then look no further.
Comic Horror does not come any better than this.

How can I give it anything but,

Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) - A lovely slow-paced, perfectly scored and stylish film that left me wishing I was a Vampire. 8/10
Transformers 4

Horrendous, Horrible film..
Plotless and pointless..
Came in the cinema with very low expectations, but it still disappoints greatly..
Can't figure out who is Bay targeting the movie for..
Takes way too long as well (gone to toilet twice)

22 Jump Street

An example of movie which I came with little expectation, and managed to enjoy it..
A bit too much bromancing, but still laughed at most of them

Whilst I didn't think Transformers was that crap I admit I had to deliberately ignore the issues I order to fully enjoy the movie.

Having said I have no doubt in my mind that this movie was only made simply because someone got really blazed and realised the only way you can make Optimus any cooler is have him ride a giant robot T-Rex
Thanks guys, basically going to a film you know you aren't going to like and helping with the fifth of the same getting made. Simply brilliant.

I haven't even seen 2 or 3, yet alone 4. You couldn't buy a ticket for me to see it.
I enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow when I saw it yesterday. I'm not a huge fan of Cruise, but I thought he was very good in this and played the coward quite well. The chemistry with Emily Blunt was pretty good as well. I thought overall it was an enjoyable summer blockbuster with impressive visuals and a not too stupid story which kept me entertained for the running time (which, enjoyable, didn't go on forever). I also liked that it was set on the 'old continent' and not in American cities as this is often the case, I liked the Normandy beaches scenes and regretted we didn't see more of London or ravaged Paris (which could've given some beautiful scenes).
Under the Skin is the biggest pile of shite I've seen in a long time.

And I had a bad horror movie binge last night.

It was bad. Nothing meaningful to infer from it at all. Just a lame attempt at being weird and strange.
Under the Skin is the biggest pile of shite I've seen in a long time.

And I had a bad horror movie binge last night.

It was bad. Nothing meaningful to infer from it at all. Just a lame attempt at being weird and strange.
No wonder Nilsson liked it, he probably thought it was a film about his life.
Under the Skin is the biggest pile of shite I've seen in a long time.

And I had a bad horror movie binge last night.

It was bad. Nothing meaningful to infer from it at all. Just a lame attempt at being weird and strange.
Yeah, but you think Blade Runner is shit, so your sensibility is clearly all over the place.
Edge Of Tomorrow suffered from a predictably unimaginative ending. Emily Blunt is a mega babe though.
Oh I didn't talk of that but I agree the ending was a bit shit.

They should've just let both characters be dead and shown the aftermath of how they'd succeeded, it didn't need a 'happy ending reset'. I'm annoyed when they're reluctant to kill main characters like this, does anyone really care whether they lived or survived once the film is finished? Plus it's not like it's the kind of film that would need a sequel.
World War Z
I'm never listening to you muppets ever again
. Thought it was an excellent Zombie film, one of, it not the best zombie films. Considering I'm used to the terrible Walking Dead Series, this was light years ahead. Glad I finally got round to watching it. Brad Pitt was very good. 7/10.
World War Z Can't believe I almost gave this great film a miss having read some reviews in here. I can only conclude that this place is full of hard to please critics who love moaning at minor flaws.

If like me you were thinking of giving it a miss having read the reviews, don't, it's really worth a watch. 7.5/10

Same. I had this film for a while and couldn't be bothered to watch it due to some of the reviews here. I only watched it in the end because my girlfriend loves zombie flicks. I was glad I did.

I was the same, but it was an OK film, my only real moan was Pitt he was the only cast member that was any good, anybody but him in the star role and the film would of been just another Zombie flick.
I hope this taught us to never listen to these evil snobby film buffs again.
Name me better!
Too easy! I forget the names of the Romero ones, but the first two were brilliant in installing certain codes of the genre. Shaun of the Dead, Dead Snow, Zombieland, Pontypool (another very good one too often ignored imo), Planet Terror, Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead, 28 days later, Braindead, Rec are all better for me. Even Dance of the Dead was mildly entertaining the first time around.

Also, I have not seen 'Zombie strippers' but it sounds like it would be a masterpiece.
All I remember from World War Z was - "There was a memo... it had the word "Zombie" on it"

Also, for a film with 'World' in the title, they only really went to Israel... other then that, it was generic airfield, generic city and generic hospital/research centre.
All I remember from World War Z was - "There was a memo... it had the word "Zombie" on it"

Also, for a film with 'World' in the title, they only really went to Israel... other then that, it was generic airfield, generic city and generic hospital/research centre.
They also use bikes in Korea. I think.
Too easy! I forget the names of the Romero ones, but the first two were brilliant in installing certain codes of the genre. Shaun of the Dead, Dead Snow, Zombieland, Pontypool (another very good one too often ignored imo), Planet Terror, Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead, 28 days later, Braindead, Rec are all better for me. Even Dance of the Dead was mildly entertaining the first time around.

Also, I have not seen 'Zombie strippers' but it sounds like it would be a masterpiece.

28 Days Later is one of the most over rated films on the planet. Dawn of the Dead remake was awful I thought, like properly terrible. So mentioning those two alone makes your opinion null and void. NULL AND VOID.
How most of the people in this thread review films:

Look at Rotten Tomatoes - above 85% = great film.

Below 85% or makes a lot of money at the box office = overrated shit, no skill, *insert obscure director, preferably not English/American* did it so much better back in 1896.