Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

28 Days Later is one of the most over rated films on the planet. Dawn of the Dead remake was awful I thought, like properly terrible. So mentioning those two alone makes your opinion null and void. NULL AND VOID.
You're crazy dawg.
How most of the people in this thread review films:

Look at Rotten Tomatoes - above 85% = great film.

Below 85% or makes a lot of money at the box office = overrated shit, no skill, *insert obscure director, preferably not English/American* did it so much better back in 1896.
Yeah I'm sure that's a really accurate way of viewing this thread.
3 Days to Kill
It seems like Besson is trying to recreate Taken here but not managing it. It's a decent film with Costner trying his best to do a Neeson. Only problem is that the film is a little confused with where it wants to go. Taken is very direct but this film is half action thriller and half family drama. It is still a decent film, has some funny moments and Costner is actually quite decent if you put Neeson out of your mind. A little too long though. How does McG keep getting big budgets? 6/10

After The Dark

A film about philosophy students in Jakarta who are tested to see if they would survive in at atomic armageddon situation. The first two acts of this film are really good. Thought-provoking, creatively told and well acted. But the final act is so stupendously ridiculous, it really undoes the first two thirds of the film as it stumbles from one stupid point to another. It actually made me a little angry watching the end of this film. I would have given it a 7.5 for the first two acts but the ending drops it to a 3/10

An American Ghost Story
Decent low-budget horror film. It has some really good lighting and camera work which is no surprise as the Director was a DOP and this really helps elevate it above other low budget horrors and adds a lot of production value to the film. The films is really tense and builds up suspense really well. Of course there is some bad acting and characters that are not developed properly but as a simple ghost story, it does make you feel uneasy. The last 15 minutes turn a little stupid but I'd definitely recommend this film if you are looking for something to pass the time on a Sunday night and don't mind a low budget horror 7/10
High Plains Drifter

Been on a bit of a Western binge the past couple of days, this is as good as any I've watched. Clint Eastwood at his lock-jawed best, supernatural surreal imagery, theremin laden soundtrack. Right up my street. 8/10

Couldn't get into this at all. Didn't find any of the characters partricularly interesting and it was obvious who had threatened him from the start.
Too easy! I forget the names of the Romero ones, but the first two were brilliant in installing certain codes of the genre. Shaun of the Dead, Dead Snow, Zombieland, Pontypool (another very good one too often ignored imo), Planet Terror, Snyder's remake of Dawn of the Dead, 28 days later, Braindead, Rec are all better for me. Even Dance of the Dead was mildly entertaining the first time around.

Also, I have not seen 'Zombie strippers' but it sounds like it would be a masterpiece.
I'm sorry but only Planet Terror comes close, maybe 28 days later too.
Moon - I remember watching the first half of it around 5 years ago but then something happened and had to leave the movie unfinished, and then didn't turn back to it until yesterday evening. I liked it quite a lot, and all aspects of it, be it directing, script and acting were very good. One of the best indie movies I have ever seen. 8/10
How most of the people in this thread review films:

Look at Rotten Tomatoes - above 85% = great film.

Below 85% or makes a lot of money at the box office = overrated shit, no skill, *insert obscure director, preferably not English/American* did it so much better back in 1896.
How most of the people in this thread review films:

Look at Rotten Tomatoes - above 85% = great film.

Below 85% or makes a lot of money at the box office = overrated shit, no skill, *insert obscure director, preferably not English/American* did it so much better back in 1896.

Nah, I think most posters in this thread just have seen a lot of films and have good taste, and doesn't exhibit or bask in their ignorance of older, foreign and art house films.
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I'm only joshing guys. My favourite film is The Tree of Life - I can dig the weird and wonderful of film.

But not Blade Runner. Blade Runner sucks.
Thanks guys, basically going to a film you know you aren't going to like and helping with the fifth of the same getting made. Simply brilliant.

I know it will not be good, but I am looking forward to seeing this, I am a sucker for films like this.

Basically what Pauldy said.. Most of my friends' review was basically it's really bad. But it's just one of those blockbuster movie that I gotta watch..
3 Days to Kill
It seems like Besson is trying to recreate Taken here but not managing it. It's a decent film with Costner trying his best to do a Neeson. Only problem is that the film is a little confused with where it wants to go. Taken is very direct but this film is half action thriller and half family drama. It is still a decent film, has some funny moments and Costner is actually quite decent if you put Neeson out of your mind. A little too long though. How does McG keep getting big budgets? 6/10

Think you are being kind with the rating, Besson is hit and miss most of the time but I'm firmly putting this one on McG who is a complete hack. He's made one semi-decent movie that was carried by McConaughey's charisma and yet he keeps getting big budget stuff.

Tone was wrong, Amber Heard was miscast. I bet this looked like a decent movie on paper, McG firmly fecked it up.
Think you are being kind with the rating, Besson is hit and miss most of the time but I'm firmly putting this one on McG who is a complete hack. He's made one semi-decent movie that was carried by McConaughey's charisma and yet he keeps getting big budget stuff.

Tone was wrong, Amber Heard was miscast. I bet this looked like a decent movie on paper, McG firmly fecked it up.
I may be being a bit kind, maybe because I watched After The Dark right before it! You are right, Amber Heard being in the film was just baffling...

The Time That Remains
- Occasionally brutal, humorous story about a family from the occupation of Palestine in 1948 until the present day. Very well shot, beautiful film. Most of all though it's a great humanizer of the Palestinian people. Watch it.
Watched Jeune et jolie (Young and beautiful), by François Ozon (that some may know for Swimming Pool) last night. It's the story of Isabelle who loses her virginity to this German dude on a beach on her holiday when she's about to turn 17 but doesn't enjoy it at all. Once she gets back to her normal life in Paris, she starts working as a prostitute and progressively enjoys it more and more.

It was rather shit. While the subject itself might have been interesting, Ozon completely ignores any scenes where we might understand Isabelle's motivations or what she's trying to accomplish. There's a few elements here and there, but not developped in a clever fashion at all, so the film ends up looking like a succession of scenes where Isabelle leads her real life (last year at high school, scenes with her family) and sex scenes which are basically an excuse to get Marine Vacth to get her tits out. She doesn't quite have the level of charisma of Adèle Exarchopoulos, but there's something about her that manages to keep you intrigued throughout.


To be honest though, 20 minutes before the ending, I felt like switching it off cos I was very bored by it and only watched it til the end cos Ms. RiP wanted to see how it would finish.
Well Ludivine Sagnier spends half her time naked in it, so yeah I'd say it was good. Rampling was very good in it from memory.

One of my work colleagues looks exactly like Ludivine Sagnier. This doesn't really affect the quality of the film, but I felt it was important to share this information.
To be honest though, 20 minutes before the ending, I felt like switching it off cos I was very bored by it and only watched it til the end cos Ms. RiP wanted to see how it would finish.
It's complete rubbish (Ozon is very hit and miss) and carries the dank odour of prostitution as a 'life-style'' or 'cool' choice.
I didn't think Transendence or Godzilla were nearly as bad as they were made out to be, and enjoyed both. I also thought A Million Ways To Die In The West had some amusing moments.

This could be the start of some kind of episode.
tbf Transcendence got Transformers like feedback.....just not the money. Godzilla did well on all accounts, as well as you count expect I guess. I haven't seen either.
Well Ludivine Sagnier spends half her time naked in it, so yeah I'd say it was good. Rampling was very good in it from memory.

One of my work colleagues looks exactly like Ludivine Sagnier. This doesn't really affect the quality of the film, but I felt it was important to share this information.
She looked good in Mesrine.