Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
I think so far LOTR, Star Wars and The Godfather are leading the way.
Tricolor trilogy was very good,s was the Mariachi, Evil dead, Vengeance, Bourne, but my favourite 2 are the Back to the Future and Indiana Jones.
I prefer the prequel Star Wars trilogy to the original, due to there before far more in the way of plot development.
I don't believe this shit
I wonder if anyone will ever remake Star Wars in the same way Star Trek got rebooted? Give it some character depth and proper dialogue but keep the effects - it would be interesting
Die Hard 1-3 and Indiana Jones 1-3 if you discount both the final installments.
Die Hard 4 > Die Hard 2Die Hard 1-3 and Indiana Jones 1-3 if you discount both the final installments.
I wonder if anyone will ever remake Star Wars in the same way Star Trek got rebooted? Give it some character depth and proper dialogue but keep the effects - it would be interesting
Hell no!I wonder if anyone will ever remake Star Wars in the same way Star Trek got rebooted? Give it some character depth and proper dialogue but keep the effects - it would be interesting
Maybe when Lucas is dead.
What's wrong with the Bourne Trilogy?? They are an extremely consistant batch of films.
So ordinary in fact that the Bond films used them as their inspiration for the reboot of the franchise.
So ordinary in fact that the Bond films used them as their inspiration for the reboot of the franchise.
So ordinary in fact that the Bond films used them as their inspiration for the reboot of the franchise.
Oceans series was awful. I'd probably have the damn Cube trilogy ahead of that piece of shit.
Not just the Bond films either... loads of films in the spy/thriller/action genre have borrowed from the Bourne films in one way or another.
I think they're an exceptional set of movies. Good acting, good locations, good directiong, good story, and... even though it's all completely fantastical, it's all still grounded in a sense of realism in the way the action is shot/takes place.
Remaking the Original Trilogy should be considered a crime against humanity.
[geek]They should make the Rogue Squadron books into EP's 7-11. [/geek]
Yeah, the second and third were just a travesty compared to the original.
DouLou, have you seen Primer?