Television X Factor 2009

Andy the binman was good, he did a good job of Me and Mrs Jones
And if you want to be the teacher's pet,
Well baby you just better forget it.
Rock got no reason. Rock got no rhyme.
You better get me to school on time.
Audience booing on mention of The Jedward

Audience must be chavs that read those 15p mags
They were better than the guy who sang I Kissed A Girl
Oh lord that was bad, they forgot the words, they were out of time, out of tune and started singing the chorus about five seconds too early. And Freddie won't be the only one turning, that was the version done by 5ive and even they wouldn't put their name to that shit.
They should invite Kanye to one episode so he can tell them the truth
Michael Jacksons version of Come Together is better, but that's obvious

Rachel will go tomorrow, Lloyd has too many teenage fans
I missed Danyl's performance earlier and just heard it now. He seemed really nervous, and i've got to agree with Simon. Every week prior he's come out and given a performance and they call him a cocky git, this time he stands there and sings (albeir poorly because of the knock he took) and they have a go for not performing. Double standards, it seems they can only compliment his performing ability once they've already knocked him onto his knees.
I missed Danyl's performance earlier and just heard it now. He seemed really nervous, and i've got to agree with Simon. Every week prior he's come out and given a performance and they call him a cocky git, this time he stands there and sings (albeir poorly because of the knock he took) and they have a go for not performing. Double standards, it seems they can only compliment his performing ability once they've already knocked him onto his knees.

i'm not sure what to make of all the danyl business - he can be a bit cocky but he's a great singer- but what he's done to deserve all the bad press i have no idea.

i still think he's the most talented though and the other judges know he's the one to beat
i'm not sure what to make of all the danyl business - he can be a bit cocky but he's a great singer- but what he's done to deserve all the bad press i have no idea.

i still think he's the most talented though and the other judges know he's the one to beat

if he cant stand people knocking him hes not going to last as a pop star is he...