Television X Factor 2009

bit unfair there, on michelle mcmanus - she had a lovely voice

thank the lord mtv hadn't been invented before mama cass!

( why is everyone judged on looks these days? )

could the fat girl sing... honestly all i remember was she was fat

most of the time i see mtv it is in the gym... the sound isnt on unless you plug your earphones in so it is literally eye candy...

but if simon cowel was happy to dress as a dog and dance around to woof sounds on stage its hardly likley he actually cares too much that 2 kids who cant sing for jumping around on stage (who are making him millions in phonecalls at the same time)...
yes, she could!

i'll take your word for it... but still i remember her for being quite horribly fat

Was there a comment made about Cheryl's tits there? Everybody went crazy there and she looked embarassed.
They should call it the Karaoke Factor.

Simon has succumbed to the shitness of the show.
Cheryl is actually starting to annoy me.
Danni I'd kill.
Louis is annoying as ever.
The crowd are made up of wankers.
The singers are shit.
Why am I watching this???
Is she called Sophie or Stacy? Either way she's alright
She's got a good voice but this performance is so-so. And her nose appears to be longer than mine.
:lol: Lloyd is fecking awful. If he wasn't deemed to be attractive he would have been laughed out of the competition long ago.
All the kids from School of Rock with Jack Black are better than this lot.

Baby we was making straight A's,
But we were stuck in a dumb daze.