World Of Warcaf.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
First of all, anyone who want's to slag us off and call us geeks, can you please do it here.


I'm just starting the guild up now, so while I get my 10 signatures, can anyone interested in joining the guild post your names below.

Realm: Silvermoon (PVE)
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: RedCafe

If you are starting a new Character on Silvermoon to join the guild, I will give you 50g to get started.

All I ask is that in order to make the guild work for leveling our characters, you put anything that is of no use to you, but could be to someone else, into the guild bank and make a little donation every now and again.

Your rewards will be something like:

White's: No reward, share and share alike...
Green's: 2g
Blues's: 10g
Purples: 50-100g

For starters it will be a purely social leveling guild where we'll all help each other and we can then look at setting up the odd event depending on what levels we all are....

Ok anyone interested pop your Character name(s) and Race/Class combination below and what you intend to do with your character, (PvE/PvP and Heal, Tank or DPS).
I've never played WoW in my life and object to having to pay £10 a month or whatever for a game, but seeing as how a few people would probably be into this, I'll clean this thread up from all the usual gimps posts for you.
Ta mate, appreciated :)
Classic Smashed modding.

He deletes posts, posts a reply but forgets to change the glaring spelling error in the title.


Now I've suitably humilated Brophs I'm getting the fork out of this thread before anyone I know sees me in here...

Thanks for your PM pogue, female night elf priest. Interesting choice. See you there :)
I'd have possibly signed up if you weren't a bunch of fecking Alliance queers. I refuse to play an Alliance character.


(I'm going to level a Dwarf mage in Cataclysm)


Saying that, I have played both Horde and Ally. Much prefer the whole look and feel of the Horde characters, Cities and quests. Dwarves are the only Ally race I like.
when more gimps are in, and actually in 'ill make a trial account and then probably just pay for a month if its enjoyable
Whats happened to your account?

Forgotten the password, and i think its banned but im working on it.

Can we do it on the Horde? I played it pretty seriously but never once did i play on the horde.
I have a bit of a dilema anyway, I used to have an account, I have all the clients DL'd to my PC so WOTLK fully functionable, however as I can't access my previous account anymore I require a new CD key to be able to create another account ... I'm not paying for it all over again... feck this shit.
I have a bit of a dilema anyway, I used to have an account, I have all the clients DL'd to my PC so WOTLK fully functionable, however as I can't access my previous account anymore I require a new CD key to be able to create another account ... I'm not paying for it all over again... feck this shit.

Why is your account banned...?!
if i can be arsed, i might move one of my horde chars over onto Silvermoon and join up
It wasn't banned, just deleted probably for being inactive for over 3 years.
It wasn't banned, just deleted probably for being inactive for over 3 years.

Pretty sure they dont delete inactive accounts, you should try and get it up again. You purchased the game, they can't delete your account.
I've not got this. I might get it if there's a lot of interest though.
Yeh right, as if i'd play this you bunch of fecking looooosers. lolercoaster.
Come on lads. I'm a gay dwarf with a beard. Surely it's worth the sign-up just to see this ?
Pretty sure they dont delete inactive accounts, you should try and get it up again. You purchased the game, they can't delete your account.

Im gonna try my hardest just now , bear with me.
Right, im back in my accounts up, so realm silvermoon, alliance or horde, what are your char names ?
See you in a second fella, what race / class are you

Have you created your account yet chutney? I forgot to say last night, if you hold back I'll send you an invite and we can get 300%xp bonus when leveling together.

@Xander, just updating some addons then your Invite is incoming.
At Newbies:

We've decided any Newbies are also welcome to join so drop me a message in game or PM me here if you are interested.
I was going to tell Chutney to roll horde and to attack you guys. :lol:

Have you created your account yet chutney? I forgot to say last night, if you hold back I'll send you an invite and we can get 300%xp bonus when leveling together.

@Xander, just updating some addons then your Invite is incoming.

I used my old account not a new one
I haven't played since the Arthas expansion.

Before that I had, 2 level 60 hunters, 2 level 70 hunters, 5 level 70 shamans, 1 level 60 shaman, 2 level 68 shamans, 2 level 60 druids, 2 level 60 rogues 1 level 70 rogue, 1 level 60 warrior, 1 level 70 priest, 1 level 70 Paladin (friend plays it now, it is one of the most famous in the game, has Arthas orange sword) and a level 80 dk.

My M.O was to power level, or eventually quad or 5 box a group to cap and then quit ;p
I haven't played since the Arthas expansion.

Before that I had, 2 level 60 hunters, 2 level 70 hunters, 5 level 70 shamans, 1 level 60 shaman, 2 level 68 shamans, 2 level 60 druids, 2 level 60 rogues 1 level 70 rogue, 1 level 60 warrior, 1 level 70 priest, 1 level 70 Paladin (friend plays it now, it is one of the most famous in the game, has Arthas orange sword) and a level 80 dk.

My M.O was to power level, or eventually quad or 5 box a group to cap and then quit ;p
wanna power level my char ? ;)
Gonna start a char on there now, Priest I reckons. :)

/w Thoraximus

EDIT - Disc healing main spec - but I'll level to 80 as Shadow.