Wojciech Szczęsny

Wenger's a very bad loser - I don't think he knows what he was incandescent about.
Feckin' pisses me right off... you are a professional footballer, for your job you are paid to be in top physical condition... and you are paid very well at that... and it's only for 15-20 years of your life. DON'T FECKING SMOKE.

It's really not that difficult.
What an idiot, smoking in the shower. I think think footballers shouldn't smoke anyway, but it's obviously going to get you in trouble doing it right after a game. Must have no sense to try and get away with it in the dressing room. Very unprofessional, and is smoking indoors in a public place illegal in the UK anyway?
What an idiot, smoking in the shower. I think think footballers shouldn't smoke anyway, but it's obviously going to get you in trouble doing it right after a game. Must have no sense to try and get away with it in the dressing room. Very unprofessional, and is smoking indoors in a public place illegal in the UK anyway?
I'm pretty sure the away team dressing room of Southampton's stadium is not a public place.
I'm pretty sure the away team dressing room of Southampton's stadium is not a public place.
But it is technically a place of work, which is outlawed. It's not a private place where it doesn't affect others like his home.
Arsenal should cash in on him, if that's even possible. Average keeper. Why haven't Arsenal signed a good keeper since Lehmann left? They've toyed about with keepers who are clearly woefully inadequate for years. Ospina has surely got to be given a proper chance now.
Arsenal should cash in on him, if that's even possible. Average keeper. Why haven't Arsenal signed a good keeper since Lehmann left? They've toyed about with keepers who are clearly woefully inadequate for years. Ospina has surely got to be given a proper chance now.
Ospina is a good keeper to be fair, don't know if he's still injured but he should start in goal when fit.
Arsenal should cash in on him, if that's even possible

I don't think it is - you would struggle to get more than 3 or 4 million for him imo - so its not really cashing in. A couple of years ago it looked like he might really kick on and become a world class keeper, but he acts like Charlie Big Potatoes and seems to think he has made it already. With a better attitude I think he has the physical attributes to be great, but needs to work at it.
Begovic was flavour of the month about 3 years ago, no-one thinks he's anything other than a midtable keeper now.
Arsenal should cash in on him, if that's even possible. Average keeper. Why haven't Arsenal signed a good keeper since Lehmann left? They've toyed about with keepers who are clearly woefully inadequate for years. Ospina has surely got to be given a proper chance now.
He's not pushed on in the same way a few others of that generation of keepers have. Looks a bit flaky at the moment - false bravado rather than the proper stuff that Seaman was made of.
'Prone to brainfarts' would be my assessment of young Woj. He's got everything to become a very good keeper, just irritating that the moment he finds a bit of consistency, he goes and does something like in the Soton game. Having a defence he can barely recognise every other game also doesn't help, of course. A stable back line last season led to 16 clean sheets.
Plenty of people need a smoke after getting fcuked. Especially for 90 minutes.
I thought it was only Phil Thompson that could smoke in the shower
Still laughing over the way he straight away picked up that water bottle and drank from it. Someone needs to gif it and replace it with a big spliff, smoke rings n all. :lol:
Two, maybe three years ago there was some interesting rivalry between him and De Gea on who's more talented. Spaniard progressed into almost unreachable levels while 'Wojtuś' despite huge potential stopped and didn't erased error magnet that apparently is attached to his brain and prevents him from learning something new.

Still great talent but needs bigger mentality. Perhaps when he'll be closer his thirties the experience and knowledge will come naturally... and on the other side of the coin Arsenal's defense is a bit shit.
Wasn't there a story that Barthez used to sneak off at half time and grab a cigarette from someone in the laundry room?

I reckon a lot of players smoke but aren't stupid enough to be seen doing so publicly (Wilshere, Rooney).
He appears to be a little too high maintenance for what he is worth in terms of football. Likely suffering from the same disease that has afflicted Bendtner. His dad appears to have called out Wenger and Mertesacker.

"He [Wojciech] made a mistake for the first [Southampton] goal, coming too far from the goal, but please look at the Arsenal defence - how these guys are playing is a disaster, but for some reason, nobody pays any attention to it.

"Laurent Koscielny should immediately have run [back] to protect Wojciech, and Per Mertesacker should have stood in the goal.

"Unfortunately they did not do that and gave him zero support, and in that situation Mertesacker showed the agility of a rhinoceros.

"Someone should support him, but the coaching staff at Arsenal are not doing that, meanwhile the entire defence this season is an embarrassment."

The last goal was his fault as well, what was he doing kicking it across the pitch like that? Hilarious from the defender as well obviously